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How the stars spent their holidays

From Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon through to Chris Brown and Rihanna, all the celebrities were out and about during Christmas!

While most chose to head to warmer climates like Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux, others including Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, were happy to hibernate in the chilly weather with those close to them.

See all the stars celebrating Christmas here!

Check out how the stars spent their time leading up to the big day here!

Mariah Carey is the queen of Christmas. She spent the day with her family.

But she still made sure she marked with day with a pre-recored performance with santa.

Ricki-Lee Coulter spent her Christmas day cooking up a festive feast!

Tori Spelling got all her tiny tots together for a happy snap wtih santa.

Fergie and her husband Josh Duhamel sent this card out to friends.

Christina Aguilera cuddled up to her soen Max in the snow.

Chris Brown and Rihanna spent Christmas day together watching an LA Lakers game.

Hilary Duff cuddled up to son Luca in the countdown to his first Christmas.

Star stylist Rachel Zoe took her crew to St Barts.

Neil Patrick Harris’ son Gideon shunned his toys from Santa to play with the broom!

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell geared up for a cold Christmas in Aspen, Colo on Friday.

Katy Perry spent the day with John Mayer and proved it by posting this pic of him on twitter.

Beyonce and husband Jay-Z did some last minute shopping on Christmas Eve.

Channing Tatum wished everyone a happy Christmas as he cradled his wife’s baby bump!

Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson spent the day holidaying in Hawaii.

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Kate Winslet marries in secret ceremony

Kate Winslet marries in secret ceremony

Kate Winslet has added herself to the list of celebrities who wed in 2012! The actress married her boyfriend Ned Rocknroll in a secret ceremony in New York in early December.

The super-secret nuptials, which even Kate’s parents didn’t know about, saw her Titanic co-star Leonardo DiCaprio walk her down the aisle.

“I can confirm that Kate Winslet married Ned Rocknroll in New York earlier this month in a private ceremony attended by her two children and a very few friends and family. The couple had been engaged since the summer,” a spokesperson confirmed to the UK’s Daily Mail.

While the parents of both 37-year-old Kate and 34-year-old Ned were unaware of the wedding, Ned’s father says, “Nothing would surprise me with those two”.

The couple reportedly met when both were houseguests of Richard Branson – Ned’s uncle – on exclusive Necker Island in the Caribbean in August 2011. When a fire broke out, forcing the villa’s occupants to evacuate, Ned accompanied the actress and her children back to England, although she had arrived with on-off boyfriend model Louis Dowler.

The ultra-private actress has married in secret before, tying the knot with her second husband Sam Mendes in 2003 on an island in the Caribbean with just her daughter Mia and three friends.

Ned, who works for the space-travel branch of the Virgin empire and changed his name by deed poll from Abel Smith, has also been married before.

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Jessica Simpson:Yes,I’m pregnant!

When reports of her second pregnancy began circling, Jessica Simpson remained quiet.

But now she wants the whole world to know she is pregnant! She announced her happy news on Christmas day via Twitter, alongside an image of her daughter Maxwell Drew with the words “big sis” written next to her.

The following day, Jessica gushed over her happy news in her new Weight Watchers commercial.

“This year is all about new beginnings for me,” she says in the ad. “I lost over 50 pounds on Weight Watchers and did not have to be perfect to do it. Being healthy has become a part of who I am — which is great timing, because I’m having another baby.”

This will be Jessica and her fiancé Eric Johnson’s second child together.

Jessica Simpson with her fiance Eric Johnson and daughter Maxwell.

Jessica announced her pregnancy on Twitter with this image.

She also posted this image of the pair holidaying in Hawaii.

Jessica shows off her weight loss in new Weight Watchers ad.

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Liz Hurley and Shane Warne: Our kids are longing for us to marry

Elizabeth Hurley and Shane Warne: Our kids are longing for us to marry

Elizabeth Hurley and Shane Warne.

When Shane Warne and Elizabeth Hurley were photographed kissing in 2010, their relationship was dismissed as a flash in the pan. But two years later the couple are engaged, renovating a new house and eagerly planning their wedding — which can’t come soon enough for their children.

The model and the cricketer have four children between them — Liz has son Damian, 10, with billionaire Steve Bing and Shane has Brooke, 15, Jackson, 13, and Sumer, 11, with ex-wife Simone Callahan — and they’re all desperate for a big white wedding, but Elizabeth says the nuptials won’t take place any time soon.

In pictures: Shrinking Shane Warne’s shocking weight loss

“I think all the children are longing for us to get a move on,” Elizabeth tells the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. “But it has to be the right time for all of us. We have a plan in mind, but it’s still early days, sorry.

“We are loving our long engagement and had always planned it this way. We have a great deal of organising to do, mostly because Shane is now based in England while his children are based in Australia, along with much of his work.

“We needed this time to plan out how all our lives can work. We have committed to share our lives and are trying as hard as we can to make it fabulous for everyone involved, and we’ve had a lot of fun doing it.”

When the wedding does happen, Elizabeth says all four kids will have starring roles.

“We couldn’t contemplate doing anything without all four of our children being involved, so they will be prominent,” she says.

Unlike some stepmothers, who have endless problems bonding with their stepchildren, Elizabeth says she can’t get enough of Brooke and Summer.

In pictures: The changing face of Shane Warne

She says the girls love her, and she in turn finds them “enchanting”.

“I am blessed to have three future stepchildren and love spending as much time as possible with them,” Elizabeth says. “It’s heavenly to have some girls and Brooke and Summer are enchanting, and we have lots of fun and cuddles.”

Read more of this story in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Epidural victim Grace Wang: I’m terrified my husband will leave me

Epidural victim Grace Wang: I'm terrified my husband will leave me

Grace Wang and her son Alex.

Two and a half years after a doctor injected her spine with antiseptic instead of anaesthetic during the birth of her first child, Grace Wang is yet to come to terms with a medical disaster that has torn away her hope for the future and replaced it with fear and uncertainty.

Grace Wang is a frightened woman. It’s all-pervasive, a fear that lives in the lines etched on her face. It breathes in the longing that washes over her when she sees her two-year-old son, Alex.

Yet perhaps most of all, it is vivid in the despair that sometimes grips her when she gazes into the eyes of her husband, Jason.

Related: My epidural hell

“I love Jason and Alex: I cherish them,” Grace, now 33, tells the January issue of The Weekly. “They are the most important people in my life. But my greatest fear is that one day this life we are leading will become too much for Jason and he might leave me.

“It’s not that I don’t have faith in him. I do. But every day is a struggle. Not just for me, but also for him. It’s difficult to keep hope alive when even life’s smallest joys have been taken from you.”

The grim truth is that Grace Wang has every reason to be frightened. Not because Jason will leave her — he is as devoted to his wife as any husband could be — but because she is a woman caught in a catastrophe.

Two and a half years ago, during what should have been a routine epidural procedure at St George Hospital in southern Sydney, an anaesthetist injected antiseptic, Chlorhexidine, instead of anaesthetic into her spine during the birth of her first child, Alex.

The toxic chemical ravaged Grace’s nervous system, bringing on searing pain and stripping away her ability to move, first, her legs, then her arms and, finally, robbing her of feeling in most of her body.

Today, she is virtually a quadriplegic, consigned to a wheelchair and unable to perform even life’s most basic functions. She remains unable to hold her son, something that haunts Grace’s every waking moment.

After more than a year in St George Hospital, where specialists tried to assess and stabilise her condition, Grace and her family now live in rented accommodation close by. They moved there in June 2011, the day before Alex’s first birthday.

“We were very glad and excited to move into the house,” says Grace. “We had a little champagne to celebrate.”

Yet she couldn’t raise the glass herself. Jason had to help her sip. Even so, it was like a small taste of independence.

That feeling didn’t last long, however. Grace needs round-the-clock care, with four nurses on split shifts to tend to her, as well as a nanny to care for her son.

Until just a few weeks ago, Grace could not move any of her limbs. Now, she is able to raise her right arm a few centimetres to almost shoulder height. It’s a triumph of sorts, but a small one. She is too weak to grip even a tissue.

In other circumstances, even such a small advance might be cause for rejoicing. Yet for Grace and Jason, it has only added to the relentless uncertainty that swirls and eddies around them.

Related: Meeting epidural victim Grace Wang

“We try to get our normal life back as much as we can,” says Jason. “But with people here all the time and Grace’s physical condition, we have lost the emotion and spontaneity and the passion that most married couples share.

“We want to have our life back as a normal couple. A stupid mistake permanently deprived us of all our rights as a normal husband and wife, as normal parents to enjoy our life with our son.

“My son will never know the feeling like the other kids when his mother cuddles him. I miss the feeling we shared when we held each other and the passionate hugs we had before. I am afraid that I might lose that feeling forever. I wish God would give us our other life back.”

Read more of this story in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Michelle Bridges: My top tips for getting fit fast

Michelle Bridges: My top tips for getting fit fast

Michelle Bridges. Photography by Steven Chee. Styling by Mattie Cronan.

Australia’s favourite fitness freak Michelle Bridges shares her top five tips for slimming down and getting fit for good.

1. Lay down a realistic game plan that fits with your lifestyle and schedule, and execute it with military precision. Mark your exercise sessions in your diary, just like you would a business meeting, because time isn’t going to fall into your lap.

2. Commit to six days a week of training — four high-cardio sessions and two strength sessions with high repetitions to keep your heart rate up and to strengthen ligaments, tendons and muscles.

3. Find a running track or plan a course near your home and use two of the four cardio sessions to complete a powerwalk, jog or run. Depending on your fitness level, try a one minute walk, followed by a one minute jog and repeat to complete the course, aiming to build to a run. Increase the distance of the course every week by roughly 10 percent, or try and finish the course in a shorter amount of time.

4. On the days you do strength, incorporate multiple muscle groups into your exercises. Instead of just doing a lunge, try it with a bicep curl or shoulder press. You don’t have to use proper weights. Use a backpack filled with shoes to complete a squat with a shoulder press, lifting the bag above your head. You’re working your upper and lower body simultaneously — this is where you get really fast results.

5. Try an exercise DVD if it’s more convenient for you to work-out at home. You need full-on cardio and strength training, and ones that don’t need any equipment are ideal. You don’t need a lot of room to get a great workout.

Read more of this story in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Helen Mirren: You don’t need sex in marriage

Helen Mirren: You don't need sex in marriage

Let’s about sex, shall we? Not how much of it we’re all supposed to be having, but about whether it’s possible to be married and to be in love, and yet not be having any sex at all.

Helen Mirren — the British-born actress who also happens, at the age of 67, to be a total fox — thinks it must be.

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“I don’t know why people have this idea that all marriages have to have sex because really, they don’t,” she says, over a civilised cup of tea at the Dorchester Hotel in London’s Mayfair, one foggy afternoon.

“There are other types of glue that hold people together.”

To be clear, Helen is speaking not of her own 15-year marriage to the American director Taylor Hackford (among other films, he made An Officer and a Gentleman), but of the 54-year union between the so-called “master of suspense” Alfred Hitchcock and his wife, Alma.

Helen plays Alma in the upcoming film, Hitchcock. It’s set in 1959, the year that Alfred made Psycho and although this isn’t the main point of the movie, there are signs that the couple are no longer intimate (they sleep side-by-side, but in single beds, for example.)

This shouldn’t be taken to mean that the relationship is dead; on the contrary, Hitchcock celebrates what might be called real love — the kind that endures over decades.

Yet there are signs that Alma, who is getting on for 60 years of age in the film, still wants Alfred to desire her, as much as to admire her.

That is something that Helen completely understands. “Of course, she’s his wife, she wants him to think, or to say, ‘Oh, look at you, you look so chic!’,” she says.

“It’s not, ‘get your knickers down, darling’, but all women — or many women — want to be told they look nice.”

Just for the record, hardly anyone ever says that Helen Mirren looks “nice”. No, to her great amusement, they’re more likely to describe her as “red-hot” or as a “sex-pot”, or to quote some of the headlines that have been used in recent years, she’s “Still Sexy — and over Sixty!”

She’s only got herself to blame, of course. Just three years ago, at the age of 64, Helen startled paparazzi by emerging from the Italian sea wearing nothing but a red bikini. Two years ago, she posed naked but for a strand of pearls for New York magazine. She also stripped for Esquire in the lead-up to the London Olympics, draped only in the Union Jack.

In pictures: Meryl Streep – Sexy at 60

She’s tickled by the idea that she’s somehow doing something remarkable by being an object of sexual fascination well into her seventh decade, saying, “I do feel insecure sometimes, just like everybody else. But, honestly, it’s ridiculous … we’re all worrying about [how we look] and it really is a bloody waste of time”.

Read more of this story in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Symantha Perkins: My split from Kieren

Symantha Perkins: My split from Kieren

Symantha Perkins. Photography by Juli Balla. Styling by Mattie Cronan.

Eight months after her split from Olympic champion Kieren (who has revealed the new woman in his life), Symantha Perkins tells Bryce Corbett what it was really like to be married to swimming’s golden boy.

It’s a scene that is part of the nation’s sporting history. After cruising coolly to victory in the 1500 metres freestyle final at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, a jubilant Kieren Perkins leaps from the pool, clambers into the bleachers and kisses his girlfriend, Symantha Liu.

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It was a romantic gesture befitting the carefully cultivated image of a man who remains to this day Australian swimming’s “golden boy”.

It was, many of us believed — or wanted to believe — the beginning of a fairytale for the young couple, who would soon thereafter go on to marry and have three children.

Yet, as Symantha Perkins tells it now, sitting in a Brisbane hotel lobby bar and quietly reflecting on the recent demise of her 15-year marriage to the Olympic champion, the reality of being the wife of Kieren Perkins fell way short of whatever fantasy we may have imagined.

“Fairytales are hard to live up to,” she tells the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. “That’s the thing about them. They are, by definition, a fiction.”

Eight months ago, the Perkins marriage came to an end when Kieren decided he wanted out. In a statement to the media at the time, the former swimmer turned bank executive accounted for the break-up, saying, “It’s an awful thing, but you have got to take yourself out of it and recognise that our three children are all that matters, and make them as comfortable as possible and make sure we get through this as quickly as we can.”

At the time, it was a sad case of yet another marriage foundering — a tale familiar to many Australian families.

In this instance, the main players were Kieren, Symantha and their three children, Georgia, 15, Harry, 13, and Charlotte, six.

Yet, six months later, at a sports award ceremony in Melbourne, Kieren introduced a sixth character into the narrative when he posed for photos with a new love-interest on his arm — Karen Davis, a colleague with whom he works at the National Australia Bank in Brisbane.

As Symantha puts it now (and in what will be the understatement of our interview), “It’s been a pretty horrible eight months.”

Symantha remembers well those first, confusing weeks in April after Kieren announced his intention to quit their marriage.

“It was like being caught in a dumper wave,” the 41-year-old says now. “My whole world had been turned upside-down and I felt like I was battling to come up for air. It was a dark time and I have been through a lot of tissue boxes.

“The hardest thing for me, at first, was the sense of failure. And that was a hurdle that took a while to get over. And I am still not over it. It’s something I deal with every day. I spent two decades with the same person and that’s not something you get over in a few days or a few months.”

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So does she feel any resentment?

“No, I don’t see it that way because of my kids. I mean, I worked so hard to have those kids — I literally nearly died having them — I just can’t see it that way. He still gave me the greatest gift that I will ever have in those children and I will always be grateful for that.

“No matter what has happened, together we created three of the most beautiful creatures on earth and we’ll always have that bond.”

Read more of this story in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Archaeologists discover ‘world’s oldest bra’

Archaeologists discover world's oldest bra

The world's old bra.

Before push-up bras, camisoles and corsets there were “breastbags” but until recently not one of the medieval garments have even been recovered.

This month, archaeologists have found what they believe to be the world’s oldest bra hidden under the floorboards Austria’s Lengberg Castle.

Radiocarbon analysis shows the undergarment — made of linen decorated with lace — is around 600 years old, making it 500 years older than the previous earliest recorded brassiere.

Medieval literature contains numerous references to the aptly-named “breastbags” but archaeologists had previously been unable to find remains of the actual garment.

Seventeen linen shirts, a complete pair of men’s underwear and three other lacy bras were also discovered under the floorboards.

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Is Suri Cruise getting a house for Christmas?

Is Suri Cruise getting a house for Christmas?

It looks like it’s going to be a happy Christmas for little Suri Cruise.

While her mum Katie Holmes has reportedly splashed out more than $50,000 on presents for the six-year-old, including a $24,000 playhouse complete with running water and electricity, her dad Tom Cruise is setting the stakes even higher.

Tom is said to have bought his little princess a real house – and not just any house either. Dlisted reports that he has splashed out $13.5 million on a mansion in upstate New York, so Suri has a place to see him when he visits her. Suri currently lives in New York with Katie, while Tom is living in London due to filming commitments.

The house will also be used to stable the pony she is reportedly also getting for Christmas and all of her toys, including the $35,600 miniature race car that she got last Christmas.

This will be Suri’s first Christmas without both her parents, who separated in June.

Tom, who will have Suri over Christmas, has gone all out to make this the best holiday season ever for his daughter, telling People magazine that his older children, Bella, 20, and Connor, 17, will also be joining them in London.

“We have got lots of very special things planned [for the holidays],” he said.

“We are all going to be together. I am looking forward to it.”

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