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Blue Ivy’s lavish lifestyle

At just a year old, little Blue Ivy enjoys the lavish lifestyle of the rich and famous. The tiny tot has a wardrobe full of designer clothes, a collection of unique designer shoes and a $21,000 crib. Now she can add her own $1 million-a-year private nursery to the list.

Her parents Beyonce Knowles and Jay Z, who are among the biggest earning couples in Hollywood, have rented Blue her own nursery at the Barclays Centre in New York, so the next time the pair take in a basketball game or Jay Z performs there, Blue will be well looked after.

The nursery, is “filled with toys” to keep the toddler entertained US Weekly reports, as well as a TV screen so she can also watch Dad perform.

Baby blue Ivy cuddles up to her mum Beyonce.

Baby Blue poses with her dad while holidaying on the couple’s super yacht.

Designer Ruthie Davis especially designed these shoes for the tiny tot.

Blue was given a custom made t-shirt from her dad’s recent tour.

Blue has a collection of designer clothes including a $290 Jean Paul Gaultier silk dress.

At five days old Blue received a $21,000 ‘fantasy crib’ made of solid cedar and birch.

The couple enjoy a basketball game while Blue stays in her $1 million nursery.

Beyonce has taken Blue to numerous places around the world.

Baby Blue was given a $4,700 Swarovski crystal-studded baby bath.

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Quit smoking Hollywood style

Quit smoking Hollywood style

Can’t butt out? Here’s how the stars gave up smoking.

“In Asian studies, the quit rates are as high as 40 per cent for serious first-time quitters who go cold turkey,” says Professor Matthew Peters from the Australian Lung Foundation.

“However, if you continue to keep smoking after that, you need to try other strategies like the patch, or Varenicline (Champix). The bottom line is to keep trying.”

So, how can you make it work for you?

  • Put a photo of someone you love on your desk and think about how they’d cope if you weren’t here.

  • Particularly in the first few weeks, avoid places and situations where you’re likely to smoke. Plan meetings with friends at smoke-free venues like the movies.

  • Be committed. Set a date and tell at least three people. Call 137 848 for your free Quit pack or to speak to a counsellor, who will call you around your quit date.


  • Imagine yourself breathing in nasty fumes as they poison your body, making your hair smell awful and your fingers yellow.

  • Take a tip from Ellen’s hypnotist, Paul McKenna, who told her to imagine cigarettes tasted like “spicy liquorice coated with hair from a barber shop floor.”

  • Now imagine breathing in pure air – how much more kissable you’ll be and how much better you’ll look and feel.

“If hypnosis makes somebody start thinking about quitting, that’s a good thing. It doesn’t work for everybody, but doing something is better than doing nothing,” says Professor Peters.

“Although you light them and breathe out what looks like smoke, it is actually water vapour and supposedly much less harmful than normal ciggies,” Katherine says. E-cigarettes are not sold in Australia, but can be bought online.

So how can they work for you?

While millions may swear by them, experts urge caution.

“On balance of early evidence,it’s likely e-cigarettes are safer than smoking [real ones],” says Professor Peters from the Australian Lung Foundation. “But they’re probably not safer than not smoking. One alsoexploded in a man’s face recently, taking out his teeth.”

A US Food and Drug Administration lab analysis of e-cigarettes found one brand contained a chemical toxic to humans.

Need help? Visit www.quitnow.gov.au or call the quit line: 13 78 48

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I drove away my only friend

I drove away my only friend

My daughter Olivia was due to start school and I attended the parents information session to find out how best to prepare my baby girl for big school.

I walked into a full room of mother’s looking me up and down and I immediately knew what they were thinking. I had my daughter when I was 16 and was now only 21 so I did stick out like a sore thumb in a sea of middle-aged faces.

It was quite a formidable school with an excellent academic reputation and I knew that in an area like this having a baby in your teens was not the norm. I prided myself on having got my life together — since having my baby I’d met a wonderful older man, Steve who took on Olivia as his own, and provided me with life’s luxuries including a beautiful house and a nice car.

I’d gone back to college and enjoyed working part-time as a dental nurse, in fact the only thing I didn’t have was my own family and friends as they had turned their backs on me when I fell pregnant. Steve’s parents had passed and he had no siblings so it was pretty much just the three of us which was lonely and isolated at times.

When Olivia started school I volunteered in the canteen and joined the P&C and found parents beginning to slowly open up to me, it was then I met Joanne. Joanne was in her early thirties and was just so bubbly and easy going, she seemed to understand what I had been through and included me in working bees and encouraged me to help on class trips.

We became firm friends and conveniently lived close-by so saw each other a lot, she was my only friend and I was determined to keep her in my life. I suggested we should walk to get fit and walk the girls home from school together every afternoon which she too thought was a great idea. I also started cooking extra at dinner and dropping it around to her house on my way past.

I planned shopping trips and family outings together and was thrilled to have found a soul mate. I often rang Joanne in the evening to have a chat before I went to sleep and it was during one of our regular chats that Joanne dropped a bomb. Joanne said I was smothering her and she needed more family time but that she would still see me at school, I said I understood but I was deeply hurt and had no idea where this was coming from. I had thought everything was great.

I started to feel isolated again as Joanne withdrew further, so I began to follow her from school so we could run into each other shopping and changed my volunteer day in the canteen to the same as hers. I even took my daughter and enrolled her at the same dance school as Joanne’s child so that we could hang out during lessons, but Joanne wasn’t the same around me — the comfortable closeness we had shared had gone.

My hurt turned to irrational thinking and I felt sure some other mother had been jealous and tried to break up our friendship. It rapidly got to the stage where Joanne would see me and walk the other way. I drove to her house to find out why she turned her back on me and saw Sarah who was another mother from our school at her house. I was furious being convinced Sarah had been filling Joanne’s head with lies about me as she had always turned up her nose at me. I got out of the car and seeing red slapped Sarah across the face. Sarah had a complete look of shock on her face.

I wanted the driveway to swallow me up when I heard Sarah had gone to Joanne’s house to bring her daughter’s school bag back after Sarah’s daughter had picked it up by mistake. I left in a hurry embarrassed at what I had become, I was using Joanne to fill a void in my life. I arranged to see a therapist and would apologise to Joanne and Sarah on Monday.

Monday came and there was no sign of Joanne. I found out she had taken her daughter out of the school. I was completely distraught at what I had done. Everyone soon found out due to Sarah’s big mouth.

I needed a fresh start so have moved Olivia to a new school two suburbs away and have started to make new friends but have learnt a lot of important lessons, not the least about boundaries.

Your say: Have you had a similar experience? Share your stories and thoughts below.

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Pregnant Kim Kardashian keeps up the workouts

Pregnant Kim Kardashian keeps up the workouts

Kim Kardashian confirmed her pregnancy this week, but that hasn’t stopped the reality star from keeping up her fitness routine.

Following the happy announcement by baby daddy Kanye West during his concert in Atlantic City on Sunday night, Kim revealed she is keen to keep as healthy as possible throughout her pregnancy, and appears to be staying true to her word.

The 32-year-old was spotted heading to the gym on Wednesday looking trim and radiant in an all-black ensemble, despite her admission that she’s suffering from “growing pains” and finding the early stages of pregnancy hard.

“I wouldn’t say that pregnancy has been easy but there’s been no morning sickness,” Kim said in an interview with E! News earlier this week. “When people say pregnancy is fun and they love it, I would disagree. I think from this stage on it does become easier and funner, but it’s just adjusting.

“Even my sister has made it look so easy and it’s not as easy as people think. It’s a little painful, there’s a lot of growing pains.

“But I’ve heard it’s all worth it so I’m looking forward to that.”

Despite the workouts, Kim says she is getting plenty of rest.

“I take lots of naps,” she reveals. “Actually I feel really good. This New Year is just about being happy and healthy, and that’s what I plan on doing.”

TheKeeping Up With The Kardashiansstar – who is still legally married to basketball star Kris Humphries despite them splitting up more than a year ago – also claimed to be longing for seafood, which is not recommended for pregnant women.

“I’m craving sushi, but I know I can’t really have it, so I’m eating a lot of carrots and celery with lots of ranch [dressing],” she told E! News.

Kim and Kanye, who began dating in April 2012, are reportedly keen to find out the sex of their first child as soon as they can.

As to whether she would like a boy or a girl, Kim says, “No preference. I just want a healthy baby.”

Related video: Kim Kardashian pregnant to Kanye West.

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All your summer beauty questions, answered!

Model shows how she conquered acne

Want summer silky strands, smooth skin and a flawless glow? The Woman’s Day beauty team have got you covered!

Firstly, it’s all in the preparation, exfoliation is a must before hair removal. Secondly, choose your method wisely, during the warmer months we suggest…

Epilating: It pulls out hair from the root leaving you smooth for up to a month. We tried the Epilady Legend 4, ($69.95), and it was almost pain-free, surprisingly.

Waxing: New wiz bang applicators means this process is now a synch! Veet Easy Wax Electrical Roll-On Kit, ($39.99) is self-heating and automatically rolls on thin, cleans layers of wax.

Strange but true:

If it’s that time of the month try to reframe from waxing or epilating – especially if you’re concerned about pain. Hormonal shifts and extra blood flow means more ouch! Mid-cycle is the best time to banish the fuzz.

Besides a healthy diet and exercise, you can try a firming lotion to help fight the wobbly bits and orange peel. Look for formulas that contain caffeine – it constricts blood vessels and helps to temporarily shrink fat cells (love!). Apply Clarins High Definition Body Lift, ($75), morning and night right after showers for best results.

An important thing to remember is the skin on your decolletage is very sensitive. You need to keep it shield from UVA and UVB rays at all times! To revive this area, look for nourishing ingredients like larch extract, yellow algae and pomegranate. This Works Perfect Cleavage Firming Lotion ($95), plumps skin and has tiny flecks of shimmer that reflects light for a youthful glow.

You need to keep your tresses treated on a weekly basis! We love argan oil at the moment – it leaves your locks feeling silky not greasy, plus it’s great for protecting the hair from heat styling and UV damage. Try Organix Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil ($24.99).

Strange but true:

Fighting frizz can be as cheap and easy as rinsing clean hair with apple cider vinegar, sounds weird but it works wonders on smoothing strands.

The heat amplifies fragrance so even if you’re wearing the same perfume all year around you must wear less of it when the temp rises. For those who want to indulge in a new scent – try fresh, light notes of berries, grapefruit with a smooth base of vetiver and cedarwood. Mist on Jo Malone Blackberry & Bay Cologne, 100ml, ($170).

It’s simple, hunt for oil-free and fragrance-free sunscreens. They don’t leave a greasy film on the skin, blocking pores and causing adult acne. I love Dermalogica Oil Free Matte SPF30 ($68.50).

Strange but true:

Warmed soaked chamomile tea bags work wonders on irritated spots on the face, it calms redness and reduces swelling.

Your tooties need a good drink! Treat them to a hydrating foot mask like O.P.I Manicure Pedicure Chamomile Mint Mask ($29.95). But first, after a good foot soaking buff off dead skin cells with a file in firm circular motions. Next comes the good part – apply a thin layer of mask all over your feet and up your ankles, leave to dry and wash off with warm water.

A light coat of wash-off shimmering tan is just what you need! Blend well all over your body and avoid missing any spots by applying it in front of a full length mirror. For a natural bronzed complexion mix a tiny bit of tan with your foundation. Sugar Baby Bronze Radiance ($19.95) works perfectly.

Strange but true:

Got super oily skin? Paint a thin layer of egg whites over a freshly washed face to help fight shine.

Not at all! You just have to choose the right products. Instead of a thick, sticky foundation (that sand sticks to) try a light tinted moisturiser and set with a light dust of translucent powder. For lips opt for glosses in natural shades with an SPF and keep eyes bare with just a coat of water-proof mascara on lashes.

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The CrossFit Challenge: Week 4

Week Four of Karen's CrossFit Challenge

Woman’s Day‘s Karen Birkemoe has taken on a 12-week CrossFit workout challenge to shed some unwanted kilos. Find out what happened in her festive fourth week…

Holiday Spirit

I should have known something was up when Dani busted out the Christmas music on our December 1st workout. It just got bigger from there to the point where I showed up last Saturday for my workout and everyone was wearing Christmas costumes for their morning workout.

From a full foam Christmas Tree, Santa outfit, reindeer, little elves… the list goes on. They went for it and we’re talking super sweaty Christmas Spirit. I was relieved to just have my regular training session (with a Christmas T-shirt of course).

Old dog… new tricks

There are a few pieces of equipment at CrossFit Athletic that I had never seen before and I wasn’t sure exactly what they were for. First came the GHD (Glute Ham Raise/Developer) which looks like a Middle Ages torture device. It’s full on, you wedge your feet into one end and hang your torso off the other. Then you use all the strength you can muster in your glutes and hamstrings to lift yourself to be parallel to the floor. Half the battle is getting over your fear of falling out of the thing and flat on your face.

The Torsonator is another personal favourite. Really it’s just a barbell attached to the ground that pivots and rotates but I tell you if that thing doesn’t give me abs of steel I don’t think anything will.

The last little machine looks like a simple stationary bicycle but there is nothing innocent about it. Especially because of the way it’s used. I’m never on it for very long but even 20 seconds pushing for the maximum calories I can get feels like an eternity. Legs and arms pumping away every second feels like an eternity.

The Word from on high

Well just when I thought it couldn’t get any harder… Paul Walton stopped us on the way out to let us know we’d be moving into the “conditioning” phase of our workout. Pete was going to let us wait another couple of weeks but apparently we’re looking strong enough. I’m not exactly sure what that “conditioning” means but I have a feeling it has very little to do with having silky smooth hair. When I pressed Pete for what it would mean he said with a laugh that it meant we’d sweat…. Oh dear!

See www.crossfitathletic.com.au for more.

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Lisa Curry: Why I support Grant

Lisa Curry: Why I support Grant

The revelation that Fifi Box is having Grant Kenny’s baby came as a shock to Lisa Curry, but now the former golden couple are closer than ever.

Lisa Curry has always been a fighter with a huge heart. Now she’s proving to be an inspiration once again, rising above the pain and shock of reading about Grant’s love child with radio host Fifi Box in a media report, to forgive her estranged husband.

Lisa has met and likes Fifi, say close friends. She feels for the radio host with the spotlight on her pregnancy, as Lisa has played out much of her life with Grant under intense public scrutiny. And it was Lisa who insisted the family, including their three “embarrassed” children, Jaimi, Morgan and Jett, still get together for to Christmas and help Grant come to terms with becoming a dad again at 50.

“At first Lisa was speechless and refused to believe it was true,” reveals one of her neighbours. “Then she rushed to check it with Grant and was floored – it was a hard conversation for them both. “She can’t believe he didn’t tell her long before, and is hurt. Although she understands better than anyone how he shuts down when he’s under pressure – and she wants to be there for him still.”

What hurt Lisa most was that Grant had known about the love child – the result of a six-month secret fling with Fifi – for months but couldn’t bring himself to tell her. “The baby news rocked Lisa,” confirms one surf club confidant, who says locals in Mooloolaba, Queensland, were stopping Lisa in the street to show their support. Grant was reportedly furious when the paternity of Fifi’s baby was revealed in the media – despite his insistence on privacy.

Read more about Grant and Lisa in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday December 31, 2012.

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Russell begs Hugh: Help me save my marriage

Russell begs Hugh: Help me save my marriage

The Gladiator star has been getting some hard-hitting advice from his mate.

They’ve filmed summer’s biggest blockbuster Les Miserables together – but miserable is the last thing Hugh Jackman wants his friend Russell Crowe to feel. Woman’s Day’s sources have revealed that Hugh has made it his mission to not only cheer up his longtime mate in the wake of Russ’s split from Danielle Spencer, but to help him get his marriage back on track.

“I know both men well and Russell is deeply depressed,” says our close insider. “Hugh called him the day the news broke about Russell’s divorce.” And it seems that Hugh – who with wife Deborra-lee Furness is an advertisement for marriages surviving Hollywood pressure – has been counselling Russell ever since.

“Right now, Danielle does not want to see him during the two-week hiatus Russell has in his shooting schedule. She will let him see his boys but she wants no face time with him,” our source says. “Russell is so heart-sick that he’s stopped eating and can’t for the life of him get a full night’s sleep. This breaks Hugh’s heart.”

Hugh paid Russell a visit on the set of Winter’s Tale in New York recently to check on his progress. And it seems Russ is willing to do whatever it takes to win Danielle and their two children back.Hugh – who refuses to be away from Deb and his children for more than two weeks at a time – is the perfect person to offer advice.

Read more about Hugh’s advice for Russell in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday December 31, 2012.

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How we kept our Summer Bay bodies!

How we kept our Summer Bay bodies!

Home And Away icons Nicolle Dickson, Rebekah Elmaloglou and Debra Lawrance left Summer Bay many years ago but, incredibly, they all look even better today.

It is like time has almost stood still for former Home And Away stars Nicolle Dickson, Rebekah Elmaloglou and Debra Lawrance since they shot to stardom both here and around the world in the iconic Aussie soap 23 years ago.

“It really does feel like not a day has gone by,” laughs Nicolle, who played Bobby Simpson, perhaps one of the best loved of the long list of characters who have made Summer Bay part of the Aussie TV landscape for the past 25 years. Despite having had children and experiencing the highs and lows of life in the two decades since they left the show, this sparkling trio look just as good as they did back then. And Summer Bay still lingers in their lives.

“I still watch Home And Away every night,” confesses Nicolle, before revealing that she couldn’t ever bear to watch her own performance. “I’d be cringing if I saw myself on the TV,” she admits. Nicolle still gets recognised and asked for autographs. “Last weekend I went to see Legally Blonde [the musical] and a middle-aged lady approached me and said, ‘I told my husband it was you – can we have a photo?’”

But Debra can claim the ultimate fan experience. When she met the Princess of Wales at the Victor Chang Ball during Diana’s last Australian visit in 1996, the princess recognised Debra as Summer Bay’s Pippa and confided that she watched Home And Away. It left Debra speechless.

Read more about their body secrets in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday December 31, 2012.

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Six steps to a stronger relationship

Six steps to a stronger relationship

Image: Thinkstock, posed by model

When it comes to having a happy and healthy relationship that can last the distance, there’s no secret, in fact the key is to keep it simple.

The latest divorce and marriage statistics from the Australian Bauera of Statistics show that divorce in Australia increased by 1.6 percent between 2009 and 2010. But while the divorce rate continues to climb, relationship experts say that there is no secret to a lasting marriage. Although they may take a lot of work, relationships all come down to simple team work.

Director of operations at Relationships Australia, Lyn Fletcher says divorce is usually brought on by breakdown in communication, changes in goals and direction in life, disputes over children, property or in-laws, or sexual infidelity.

Although some of these factors may be ‘deal breakers’, Lyn suggests that before you ride-off a relationship review where you may be going wrong.

“There will always be differences between two people in a relationship and therefore there will be a point where you rub up against one another,” she said.

So when it comes to maintaining a healthy, strong and lasting relationship here are Lyn’s golden rules:

Communication is vital

Lyn says communicating is the first and most vital step to a healthy relationship. She suggests setting aside specified time to just talk without interruption from other people, including children, or distractions like TV, phones or the computer.

“It is absolutely essential to communicate and that means not making assumptions and assuming that you know what the other person thinks and feels, but actually talking about it,” Lyn said.

“And being reasonably honest, now I’m not talking about being brutally honest, I am talking about being reasonably honest and the honesty really isn’t about the other person it is about you.

“For example if you are angry with your partner and you are sitting there with gritted teeth saying ‘no I’m not angry’ but you have clenched your jaw and you’re red in the face, I’m sorry but your actions and your body language speak a lot louder than your words. You’re much better to be reasonably honest about how you feel.”

Be kind to each other

It really is the little things that count. It can be as simple as remembering an important date, but it is important to be mindful of the little things.

Lyn says that for some this can be a challenge if they have not been treated fairly in past relationships.

“It takes a while if we have been hurt in the past as it’s hard to put something like that aside and genuinely take this person with a good heart and good intentions,” she said.

“If we cull that problem acknowledging that there is that good intention and good intent and good will it can make a whole lot of difference to how you hear things and how you do things.”

Let go of false expectations

Don’t expect your relationship to look a certain way. Lyn says that some of us set expectations too high and base them on fictional expectations from movies and the media that don’t relate to reality.

“The reality is that good partnerships need a lot of work, there is constant negotiation and there is constant compromise,” Lyn says.

Her advice is to let go of expectations that love must look a certain way and instead, acknowledge and appreciate the good things your partner does, however they may present themselves.

Approach conflict peacefully

You are bound to have disagreements throughout your relationship, it is all a matter of how best to deal with it. Lyn suggests having a plan in place between you and your partner where you work through conflict together.

“This means being willing to be wrong and to give in as well as having an agreement in place about how to ‘do conflict’,” Lyn says.

Remember, it’s not your job to change your partner

Accepting that it is not your responsibility to change your partner will help ease the strain on both within the partnership.

Lyn says that any attempts to change your partner will fuel resentment on both sides and will generally fail. Resign yourself to your differences and give your partner space.

“Make allowances for the other person in the relationship,” Lyn says.

“They are a human being in the same way as you are and, hopefully, we are able to forgive them for their mistakes the same way that we would want to be forgiven.”

Negotiation, compromise and teamwork

Lasting partnerships are built from these three actions. They not only strengthen the relationship but each individual as a person as well.

If you are still feeling unhappy in your relationship and feel that you have tried everything you can, Lyn suggests couples counselling as a good next step to take.

For more advice on couples counselling contact Relationships Australia.

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