In the world of the fashion media, girls who are sized anywhere above the national average of 16 can often be overlooked as there is a severe lack of guidance and fashion inspiration available out there for women of these sizes who want to dress well.
There’s one group of women though who are seeking to change this and who refuse to be invisible just because they are larger size. These ladies are known as ‘Fatshion’ bloggers and they’re taking the online fashion world by storm.
Last weekend in Sydney, a group of these bloggers came together for an event known as Plus-Size Fashion Weekend Australia.
Here, some of the girls met in person for the first time and spent the weekend swapping fashion tips, getting make-overs, attending a designer showcase and participating in a plus-size clothing swap event.
Where the mainstream fashion media often fails to leave the plus-sized reader informed and inspired, the Fatshion bloggers prove themselves to be an invaluable resource on how to work the latest trends in larger sizes.
They do this by posting photos of themselves in their plus-size purchases and providing tips for all the hot brands out there that cater to their sizes. In the process they often prove that a lot of the staid old rules about plus-size dressing are no longer valid.
So who better to ask then for a few fashion tips then? We thought it was the perfect opportunity to gather some insights in how to dress for all shapes and sizes. Click through on the links below to visit the girls blogs for some inspiration too:
Olivia from Wait Until the Sunset: Don’t be afraid of non-plus-size shops, you can find fashion gems right for you pretty much anywhere!
Jeanie from Inspired Wish: An affordable and easy way to update your look is to change your accessories.
Amanda from Amanda’s musings: Don’t be afraid to wear colour. If you love it, wear it!
Messy Carla from Messy Carla: The street is your catwalk – don’t wait for a special occasion to work it!
Melissa from Suger-Coat-It: Wear clothes that fit the body you have now, always, no exceptions. Badly fitting clothes never work.
Nicola from 2manyCupcakes: Fashion is meant to be fun. Let it make you smile and enjoy it.
Fashion Hayley from Fashion Hayley: Break the rules as rules are made to be broken.
Ashley-Rose from This is Ashley Rose: Dress for yourself and no one else and if all else fails, a sharp blazer dresses up almost any outfit!
Caitlin from Closet Confessions: Layering may be your friend in winter, but it’s also your friend in summer. Experiment with texture and sheer, light fabrics. It’s your body and you should dress in what makes you feel best!
Miss Evie from Work it, Own it, Use it!: Don’t cling to the rule-book. You might think you’re doing yourself a service, but you’re really just ruling out a whole world of fun!
Gisela Ramirez from Gisela Ramirez designs: Don’t listen to fashion advice; The most fascinating style icons are always the ones who break every rule at once.
Images supplied by event organiser Danimezza.
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