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The top 10 worst travel situations and how to deal with them

Travelling is fraught with unforeseen incidents that threaten to dent even the most carefully arranged holiday. Here's your guide to surviving them.
adult and child at airport with suitcases

Travelling is fraught with unforeseen incidents that threaten to dent the most carefully arranged holiday. Mike Dolan lists 10 events best avoided and asks what would you do in each situation.

Would you mind changing your seat?

You’re comfortably ensconced in the window seat you reserved months ago on a long-haul flight to Europe, when just before take-off the flight attendant asks whether you‘d mind giving up your seat so a couple can be together. DO YOU:

  1. Say it would be a pleasure if the customer service director upgrades you.

  2. Ask innocently if it’s so important to the couple to sit together, why didn’t they pre-book their seats like you did?

  3. Say you’d be delighted if the flight attendant can find you another window seat.

We advise three, or one, if you’re feeling it’s your lucky day.

Where’s the end of the queue?

You arrive at a busy international airport, only to discover the immigration hall is packed with hundreds of people queuing with only two officials processing the arrivals. DO YOU:

  1. Wave to a complete stranger at the front of the queue, smiling broadly, and say, “Thank god, I’ve found you … I’ve been looking for you ever since we deplaned.” Then talk non-stop about your passport photograph until it’s your turn.

  2. Go to front of queue and tell the official you have a heart murmur.

  3. Ensure you’re in the right queue for your passport status and grin and bear it.

We advise three, and maybe one, if you’re feeling outrageously confident.

We’ve upgraded you, sir.

You arrive at an airport car rental desk to pick up a small run-about that’s cheap on petrol and easy to park, when you hear the dreaded words: “We’ve upgraded you, sir.” The upgrade is a gas-guzzling salon, the size of tank that’ll be impossible to park. DO YOU:

  1. Say if they insist on upgrading you, you’d prefer a convertible sports coupe, preferably red with a quadraphonic sound system.

  2. Insist on the original model.

  3. Walk to the next car rental counter.

We advise one and, if this fails, two. Finally, try three, saying you need 10 minutes to think about it, while discreetly checking availability at other rental counters, before cancelling your original booking.

“I love a good chat on a long flight!”

It often starts after boarding with a fellow passenger asking whether the seat next to yours is really 55C. Just as you’re about to put on your headphones, you hear the dreaded words, “Oh, I do love a good chat on these long flights. I’m sure we’re going to get on just fine. Now, you won’t believe it, but the taxi driver …” DO YOU:

  1. Smile sweetly and get stuck into a 12-hour dialogue.

  2. Confess to having a migraine and smartly slip on your headphones.

  3. Pick up the inflight magazine, ensuring it’s upside-down and begin reading out loud, slowly tracing your finger along each line letting out bursts of manic laughter as you prod the page repeatedly with gusto.

We advise two and, maybe three, if after excusing yourself with a migraine your fellow passenger offers you some Reiki healing.

The key to my cabin doesn’t work

You’ve boarded the cruise ship of your dreams, which the brochure boasts is three football fields long, and dragged your luggage a kilometre along featureless corridors to your cabin, only to find the key-card doesn’t work. You trek back to the customer relations desk, where there’s a long queue. Half an hour later, you arrive at your cabin again with your reprogrammed key only to find it still doesn’t work. DO YOU:

  1. Drown your sorrows at one of the ship’s bars in the hope that the queue disappears later.

  2. Approach your deck steward with an obvious limp, saying you’d be obliged if they would fetch a replacement key as your pacemaker is playing up.

  3. Abandon ship.

We advise two.

Your bag is too big

You’ve taken days to pack a little carry-on when, at the boarding gate, an officious airline employee says it is too big and will have to go into the hold. You point to the previous passenger’s bag that’s the size of the removal truck, but they are adamant. DO YOU:

  1. Politely suggest you could remove a few items and transfer them to your handbag or the bag of your travelling companion.

  2. Ask whether they have a travel bag cage so you can show them IT IS the right size.

  3. Insist on speaking with a supervisor.

We advise either 2 or 3, if your bag meets carry-on specifications, and 1, with a big smile, if it doesn’t.

We have no record of your booking

You arrive at your chosen resort for a blissful five-day break with a copy of your online reservation that specifies an ocean-view room, when check-in says they have no record of your booking … “it must have fallen through the system” … and an ocean-view room is only available for the last two days of your stay. In the meantime, your room overlooks the car park. DO YOU:

  1. Ask firmly and politely how they are planning to make up for their mistake.

  2. Tell them you expect to be upgraded to a suite for the first three nights at no extra cost.

  3. Insist on financial compensation, such as a monetary discount and several free meals.

We advise two, then one, and finally three.

Excuse me, your headrest is in my lap.

You’re on a long-haul flight and it’s meal time, but the passenger in front is asleep with their seat fully reclined making it difficult for you to move, let alone eat. DO YOU:

  1. Wake the passenger and ask them to put their seat forward.

  2. Start gently rocking the offending seat back and fore like a cot.

  3. Ask the flight attendant to deal with the situation.

We advise three. Why not one or two? Because if you get a rude response a situation may ensue. Leave it to the professionals.

The inflight entertainment doesn’t seem to work

You’re 40 minutes into a 12-hour flight when you discover your seat’s inflight entertainment unit doesn’t work. There’s only one other seat left in economy: in the creche aisle next to a querulous toddler. DO YOU:

  1. Take up their offer of the new seat on the understanding you want a business class amenities pack with ear plugs.

  2. Say thanks, but no thanks.

  3. Ask what other compensation, such a duty-free products, they are prepared to offer a loyal frequent flier like yourself.

We advise three. They won’t upgrade you unless you’re platinum, so don’t waste your breath.

You’ve exceeded your credit card limit

At the end of a holiday, your last credit card transaction is declined. And yet, you’ve kept a precise record of everything spent. On your return, your new statement is covered in fees – a 3 per cent charge on every foreign transaction, quaintly called Overseas Transaction Fees by the bank. On $10,000 of overseas transactions, this amounts to $300. Each transaction takes a micro-second of computer time and no matter what you’re told it costs the bank virtually nothing to process them. To cap this, you’ve also been charged an Overlimit Fee. DO YOU:

  1. Reconcile to carry foreign currency on all future trips and use your credit/debit card only in emergencies.

  2. Write a stiff letter to the bank, enclosing a copy to your MP.

  3. In future, take holidays in Australia.

You decide.

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Gwyneth Paltrow reveals miscarriage that ‘nearly killed her’

Gwyneth Paltrow has opened up for the first time about her anguish at losing her third child in a tragic miscarriage that 'nearly killed her'.
Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow has opened up for the first time about her anguish at losing her third child in a tragic miscarriage that ‘nearly killed her’.

The Oscar-winning actress described the devastating miscarriage as a ‘really bad experience’ and confided that she misses the baby who would be a sibling to her daughter Apple, eight, and son Moses, six.

“My children ask me to have a baby all the time,” she told The Mail on Sunday.

“And you never know, I could squeeze one more in. I am missing my third. I’m thinking about it.”

During the unusually candid interview, the 40-year-old mother praised her husband Chris Martin for being a great father, but revealed losing her child may have put the couple off having more kids.

“I had a really bad experience when I was pregnant with my third. It didn’t work out and I nearly died. So I am like, “Are we good here or should we go back and try again?” she says.

“Regardless of what happens in our marriage, I chose the best father.

“[Chris] is so good to the children and to know that you had kids with such a good man is a real weight off you.”

Paltrow gave no indication of when she suffered the miscarriage, but she has previously spoken of her desire to have more children, revealing in an interview last August she feared she may have “missed the window”.

“I think maybe when Moses was three I would have done it… but now he’s six and such a guy I feel like I’m out of the baby phase. If it happens, it happens,” she told The Daily Mail.

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Kate suffers wardrobe malfunction

The Duchess of Cambridge was as graceful as ever after suffering a slight wardrobe malfunction during a visit to Mons Barracks in Aldershot, Hampshire, for a St Patrick’s Day parade.

The duchess, who is five months pregnant, got one of her heels stuck in a grate and gracefully leant down to pull her foot free.

Prince William was, of course, on hand to help his wife out of trouble, holding on to her as she retrieved her foot.

During the event the Duchess revealed that while she is hoping she gives birth to a little boy, Prince William is hoping that the pair welcome a daughter.

“She said “I’d like to have a boy and William would like a girl”. That’s always the way. I asked her if she had any names yet and she said no,” Guardsman Lee Wheeler, 29 told the UK’s Daily Mail.

Kate VS the grate.

Kate stops to retreive her foot followng a slight wardrobe malfunction.

Although her heels caused a slight wardrobe malfunction getting stuck in the pavement…

…Kate was as graceful as ever as she slowly retrieved her heel holding on to her husband.

Kate wants a little prince, but Wills is eager for a baby princess.

Kate was all smiles as she proudly showed off her bump.

After the parade Kate chatted to soldiers from the 1st Battalion Irish Guards.

Kate wore a green coat to mark St Patrick’s Day, topped with an elegant black hat.

William sipped sherry while wearing ceremonial dress of the Irish Guards.

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Katie and Suri: What we are hiding from Tom

Katie and Suri: What we are hiding from Tom

t’s the last thing Tom expected, and it’s what will hurt him the most. HENRY MELLER reveals Katie’s latest move against her ex.

You could quite fairly assume that after her leaving and subsequent slaying of her ex-hubby in the divorce court, Katie Holmes would have nothing left in her arsenal to shock Tom Cruise. But you’d be wrong. Woman’s Day can reveal that Katie has one last trick up her sleeve, and it’s sure to spark their fiercest battle yet.

There’s nothing more important to Tom than his beloved religion, Scientology – except perhaps his youngest daughter, Suri, 6. And that’s exactly where Katie’s taking aim. She’s determined their child will not follow her father into the controversial sci-fi sect – and our sources say she’s even going as far as having Suri baptised in the Catholic Church.

While the decision seems out of the blue, and perhaps a direct move to hurt Tom, 50, those close to 34-year-old Katie explain that she’s dreamed of raising her daughter as a Christian all along. “Katie is from a very tight-knit Catholic family and she and her brothers and sisters and all their kids have been baptised – this is something Katie desperately wants,” a close friend, who’s known the actress for 14 years, tells Woman’s Day.

“It will also mean everything to her parents, Martin and Kathy, who did so much to help her find the courage to leave Tom and to get through the storm that followed.”

Read more about what Katie and Suri are hiding in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday March 18, 2013.

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Jen’s battle of the bridesmaids

Jen's battle of the bridesmaids

With her two leading ladies at each other’s throats, it’s going to be an interesting big day…

In times of pre-wedding stress – think monsters-in-law, cake chaos and dress dramas – your bridesmaids should be your staunchest allies. But for bride-to-be Jennifer Aniston, that’s not the case. With her wedding to Justin Theroux believed to be just around the corner, exclusive sources tell Woman’s Day that the fur is flying between two of her three attendants, Courteney Cox and Chelsea Handler, who are clashing over everything from the hen’s night to the bridesmaids’ dresses.

For Jen, naming her best three girlfriends to help her up the aisle in her second marriage was a no-brainer – it had to be her best mate and Friends co-star Courteney, new buddy Chelsea and longtime friend, actress Laura Dern. But she’s learned the hard way that Chelsea and Courteney can’t stand to be within earshot of each other.

“Chelsea is very loud and brash and encourages Jen to drink more and embrace her wild side – and Jen credits this for helping her land Justin,” a friend, who knows all three women, tells Woman’s Day. “Jen has said a number of times in front of Chelsea that Justin wouldn’t have been interested in her before Chelsea helped her learn to let her hair down. She credits Chelsea with making her ‘cool’ again. But this feels like a bit of a slap in the face to Courteney.”

And it doesn’t help that while it’s all cocktails and giggles for talk-show host Chelsea and Jen, Courteney is feeling left out. “Jen is too busy partying with her hip new best friend. I can see Courteney’s side of things. Chelsea is very different from all Jen’s other friends,” says our source.

Read more about Jen’s bridesmaid war in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday March 18, 2013.

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Kate reveals hopes for a little prince while William ‘wants a girl’

Kate 'wants a boy', William 'wants a girl'

The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William at a St Patrick's Day event on Sunday.

Earlier this month the Duchess of Cambridge had royal watchers convinced she had ‘let slip’ she was having a girl, but if the latest rumours are anything to go by that might have just been William wishing out loud.

Kate, who is five months pregnant, reportedly revealed hopes for a son to a soldier during a St Patrick’s Day parade on the weekend.

At the event where she was accompanied by her husband Prince William, the Duchess said she didn’t know the sex of the baby, but had her fingers crossed for a little princess, the Daily Mail reports.

Guardsman Lee Wheeler had a chat with Kate about the baby during the parade.

“I asked her ‘do you know if it’s a girl or boy’, and she said ‘not yet’,” the 29-year-old soldier said.

“She said ‘I’d like to have a boy and William would like a girl’.”

Prince William has in the past revealed he would like to have two children, a boy and a girl, while Kate has remained tight-lipped about any future princes or princesses.

Two weeks ago reports from a crowd at another event attended by the royal couple had the gossip mill working in over drive when Kate hinted she was having a daughter — a conclusion that was excitedly leapt to after the Duchess thanked a crowd member for a teddy bear and said “I’ll take that for my d…” before cutting herself off.

Maybe she was talking about her dog, Lupo, after all.

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Are kids growing up too quickly?

Are kids growing up too quickly?

Kids are starting to worry about adult issues

Parents are concerned that kids are growing up too quickly with influences like constant engagement with technology, social media, and pressure to be “macho” or “sexy” cutting childhood short.

A UK survey found that 90 per cent of parents think modern children are growing up faster than ever, and body image is their biggest concern.

The survey conducted by British parenting website Netmums found that 45 per cent of parents of girls were concerned their daughters were under pressure to be thin, and parents of boys were concerned their sons were pressured to be more macho.

Kids were found to be very self-conscious about they way they were perceived on social media with half of the survey’s correspondents saying their children ranked Facebook popularity as a top concern.

Retailers were blamed for the early sexualisation of children with fifty-four per cent of parents angry over sexual, provocative clothing being marketed to young girls.

Parents said celebrity culture was also to blame for pushing young people to worry about their looks, as was the technology that exposes them to it.

The survey results are consistent with Australia’s biggest annual poll of young people which highlighted body image as a leading concern.

The 2012 Mission Australia national youth survey found 43 per cent of young Australian females considered body image their greatest personal concern.

Adolescent psychologist Dr Michael Car-Gregg was not surprised by the findings of the Netmums survey.

He told The Daily Telegraph kids are growing up quicker these days and feeling teen pressures at a younger age, saying his 10-year-old patients often present with the same concerns that used to only worry 14-year-olds when he started practising 28 years ago.

“I really think this early adultification of young people is associated with a lot of the psychological problems that we see in young people,” he said.

Your say: Do you think kids are growing up too fast?

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My name is Zoe, and I am a Wiggles groupie

My name is Zoe, and I am a Wiggles groupie

The (new) Wiggles

I think I have a crush on the Wiggles.

Seriously – they are freaking awesome.

I’m actually not sure who enjoys their concerts more, my two toddlers or me.

Quite by accident, I have become a Wiggles groupie. I went to my first Wiggles concert about 15 years ago, when I took my baby brother along to a show in the Bondi Pavilion.

We have a fuzzy VHS of theirs back then: Anthony, Greg, Murray and Jeff all wearing their ubiquitous skivvies while belting out what would become their hits: Hot Potato, Yummy Yummy, Rock-a-bye your Bear.

Fast forward two decades and they are still doing the same, albeit with a few key changes. Greg, Murray and Jeff have now become Emma, Simon and Lachy.

Anthony’s still there, and still freakishly talented: despite being the oldest Wiggle (he celebrates the big 5-0 this year), he can walk on his hands, do the splits, lift people in the air…all while singing and dancing…oh, and he directs every single Wiggles show.

The Wiggles are slicker than they once were; their DVDs now showing a suite professional dancers and musicians, not just their friends who they could they could get to stand in as extras on the day.

They’re a multi-million dollar empire: famous beyond our shores, their perpetually grinning faces can be found on everything from baked beans, to nappies, to luggage to yoghurt.

They look smarter: their slightly daggy get ups have been replaced with high-tech gear, including those weird looking ‘frog’ running shoes for one of them. The first woman Wiggle, Emma, looks some kind of fabulous 50s icon: shiny red hair, big red lips and patent leather shoes with a swinging black and yellow skirt.

No doubt the money and the fame has been a considerable driver of the Wiggles longevity. But they also seem to genuinely enjoy what they do.

I was an audience member last year during the ‘Farewell Tour’ for the three retiring members, and was again in the audience last week as the fab four began their introductory tour of the country. And there was little difference.

The big smiles were there. The high energy. The in-jokes on stage as they ad-libbed through a sketch. It felt the same.

The three new Wiggles have a lot to live up to. Their predecessors redefined preschool music for millions of toddlers, driving their parents crazy with their catchy tunes in the process.

So ingrained is Wiggles music in my life that I often find myself humming their tunes to myself – with or without my kids present.

I was a little nervous to see the new fab four: would they be as adored by my children as much as the originals? Would it work, this reinvention?

I shouldn’t have worried.

From the moment the lights lit up the stage, the new Wiggles seemed like old friends.

My eldest daughter beamed as she scored a hug from Dorothy after presenting her with some roses. My youngest squealed as Wags danced into view.

Looking around the room, all you could see were smiles. For 45 minutes, hundreds of busy little people jiggled and jived as The Wiggles entertained.

And when they asked us to join in singing, I knew all the words.

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Pregnant Kate a picture of health at charity visit

The Duchess of Cambridge was full of energy as and Prince William visited a children’s charity on Tuesday.

Past the half-way mark in her first pregnancy at around five and a half months, Kate showed off her growing baby bump beneath an off-white wool coat.

The couple were showered with congratulations, cards, and teddy bears from well-wishers outside the offices of Child Bereavement UK run by one of William’s late mother’s closest friends.

There was no talk of the baby’s sex as there has been on recent outings but William complained his wife was getting all the attention.

“I never get flowers any more, I just get cold hands!”

Kate meets well-wishers outside Child Bereavement UK.

The pregnant Duchess was gifted with teddy bears and flowers.

A roomy wool coat covered Kate’s growing bump.

She was showing her five-month bump.

Kate looked broody playing with children at the centre.

The children’s charity important to William.

It was set up by a close friend of his mother, Princess Diana.

At Kate’s last public appearance she reportedly told a guard she ‘wanted a boy’.

The sex of the baby hasn’t been revealed.

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