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She’s here! Ellen arrives in Sydney!

US talk show host Ellen DeGeneres has arrived in Sydney to a crowd of adoring fans!

Joined by her wife Aussie actress Portia De Rossi and her mother Betty, Ellen danced with the “Ellen choir” before making her way through Sydney airport.

The pair then checked into the penthouse suite of the Intercontinental Hotel and immediately admired the view of Sydney Harbour from their hotel window.

Ellen urged fans via Twitter to come along and catch a glimpse of her at the Sydney Opera House, on March 23.

Send us your Ellen pics! If you spot Ellen out and about, email them to us at: [email protected]

Ellen and Portia start taking in the sites and posting their pics to instagram.

Ellen meets a koala.

Ellen arrives to a huge crowd of Aussie fans.

Ellen holds tight to her Aussie wife Portia.

Portia sips champagne on the trip over.

Ellen cuddles up to her very own kangaroo.

Ellen shows off her famous dance moves…

…and couldn’t get enough of her very own “Ellen Choir”.

Ellen and Portia admire the view from their penthouse suite.

The Pair take in Sydney harbour.

Ellen dances on stage as she films for her TV show.

Jessica Mauboy stops by to sing!

Portia and Ellen cuddle up by a tree.

Ellen and Portia arrive in Melbourne.

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Miranda Kerr steps down as David Jones ambassador

Miranda Kerr steps down as David Jones ambassador

Miranda Kerr on her final walk for David Jones, and Jessica Gomes who takes her place

Miranda Kerr has stepped down as David Jones’ fashion ambassador after five years with the company, passing the reins to Australian model Jessica Gomes.

David Jones has been negotiating the star model’s contract since the start of the year but the retail giant is expected to announce the end of that relationship this morning The Daily Telegraph reports.

As negotiations over the million dollar contract reportedly still carried on yesterday, David Jones CEO Paul Zahra said the company would “forever consider Miranda part of the David Jones family.”

“We have loved being on this journey with Miranda and feel privileged to not only have been a part of it but to watch Miranda’s remarkable success and growth,” he said.

“We with Miranda every success for what will undoubtedly be a very successful future and would like to thank her wholeheartedly for her wonderful contribution to our brand.”

The move makes way for rising star Jessica Gomes who takes over Miranda’s post as the face of the department store.

The 27-year-old Perth native is already highly regarded in the global fashion world having worked with top brands Clinique and Adidas and featured in every Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition since 2008.

Gomes will join David Jones stable of brand models including Megan Gale and Samantha Harris.

Miranda Kerr will not appear in David Jones catalogues or shows unlike her predecessor Megan, but we look forward to seeing her continue as ambassador for Qantas and continue to rise in the fashion world.

Click through for stunning pictures of Miranda Kerr on her final walk of the David Jones catwalk

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Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi arrive in Australia

Ellen has landed in true Degeneres style. The talk show host greeted fans this morning with a groove, dancing through the international terminal of Sydney’s Kingsford Smith Airport.
Ellen DeGeneres Portia De Rossi

Ellen has landed in true Degeneres style. The talk show host greeted fans this morning with a groove, dancing through the international terminal of Sydney’s Kingsford Smith Airport.

The well-awaited arrival of the 55 year-old TV star caused a commotion at 9 20am to say the least as she waded through hundreds of screaming fans with her wife, Portia and mother, Betty.

Some fans sang, many screamed, others cried and one fainted but the crowd didn’t seem to bother the talk-show host as she stopped to speak to the Australian public and reporters.

“I would kiss the ground but I have bronchitis and I don’t want to give Australia Bronchitis”, Ellen told Mornings reporter Chris Urquhart.

Ellen’s illness has delayed her arrival this week but it she’s down under now and tweeting about it.

The talk-show host has already upside-downly tweeted “I made it to Australia!”

Ellen and her team have reportedly checked in to the penthouse of the Sydney Intercontinental Hotel.

In a print exclusive with The Weekly in February, Ellen told us how much she was looking forward to visiting Australia.

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Rebel and Channing cuddle up

It looks like Rebel Wilson is already enjoying her role as host of the 2013 MTV Movie Awards!

The Aussie funny girl spent some time cuddling up to her co-host Channing Tatum during a promo shoot for the awards.

During the scene the pair simulate having sex in the front seat of a car and Rebel gets stuck on top of Channing‘s lap.

Secretly, we’re sure she enjoyed being in that position with the sexiest man alive!

The MTV Movie Awards will air on April 14.

Rebel Wilson and Channing Tatum hang out on set.

The pair pose together behind the scenes.

Acting up: Channing proves he can be just as fun as Rebel.

The duo share a laugh following the shoot.

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Baby on board: Kate cracks up on Tube trip

Royals and public transport haven’t always gone hand in hand, but the Duchess of Cambridge, accompanied by the Queen and Prince Philip were all smiles as they visited Baker Street station for the Underground’s 150th anniversary.

She’s not likely to be taking the Tube at almost six months pregnant, or at any time in the rest of her royal life for the that matter, but just in case Kate was given a Baby On Board badge.

Kate cracked up laughing when she was given the badge. She turned to the Queen and said “I’ll wear it at home”.

Kate took a ride for the Tube’s 150th birthday.

The Queen and Prince Philip also attended the event.

Kate laughed when given a ‘Baby on Board’ badge.

She probably won’t be wearing it on the Tube though.

The Queen looked pale after returning to public appearances after being ill.

The Queen and Prince Philip are fond of public transport. On the way to Manchester in 1961.

Queen Elizabeth II hops off a train in Mexico in 1975.

On board with her corgis in 1968.

In the drivers seat in 1969.

Commuting to the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Malaysia.

On the Victoria Line in 1969.

Taking Prince Edward for a ride in 1964.

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Forced adoption: One man’s story

Julia Gillard apologises for forced adoption

The Prime Minister's apology to those affected by forced adoption is a significant step for people like Phil Evans.

Phil Evans came into his mother’s life on November 14, 1950. The circumstances of his birth in Sydney’s Crown St Women’s Hospital were nothing remarkable. From what he’s been told the place was “a baby factory” at the time. But rather than going home in his 16-year-old mother’s arms when she left, he stayed alone in the hospital for ten days.

The next time they would meet would be 57 years later: mum suffering the early stages of dementia and the baby boy she never knew already a grandfather and teacher. Phil had been successful in life, but not without having overcome a history of alcoholism, violence towards his peers and parents and petty crime brought on by a constant feeling of abandonment.

Phil doesn’t blame his mother for abandoning him: “It wasn’t her choice,” he says. But what happened does make him angry. She was one of an estimated 150,000 Australian women who had their children forcibly removed from them between the 1950s and 1970s and adopted under a practiced sanctioned by governments, churches, hospitals, charities and bureaucrats.

Today Prime Minister Julia Gillard will offer an apology to these women and their children in the Great Hall of Parliament House, while both the House of Representatives and the Senate will move motions of apology. It’s a significant event for the victims of forced adoption.

Phil never knew he was adopted. He is what they call in adoption circles a “late-discoverer”. He grew up in a loving family and cannot praise his adoptive parents enough for the upbringing they gave him. But he always had the feeling that something “wasn’t quite right”.

When, as he was nearing his sixties and had begun to piece it all together, he called his mother (the woman who raised him) to ask outright if he was adopted, her exact words were: “Darling, if I was there looking you in the eye, I would have to say ‘yes, you are’”.

The constant crying as a young boy, the playing up in school which eventually saw him expelled, the early spiral into alcoholism, petty crime, and violence and the toll it took on his health and relationships all began to fall into place.

“I kept sabotaging any good thing that ever happened to me,” he says.

“I used to live and play very hard and there was so much emotion going on constantly that I didn’t understand.”

With the knowledge of what he feels he should have always known on some level, Phil could start to heal, and start to forgive himself and his birth mother.

“She was a young girl and she had no choice but to give me up,” he says.

“She was told by family, she was told by the church [to give me up] and I was taken away from her. I had to stay in the hospital until my adoptive parents came to pick me up.”

Phil did suffer but he’s never felt like a “victim” of forced adoption. His mother, he says, like thousands of other women in that same era, definitely was.

“She had to give up her child and she was devastated.”

In the six months after finding out, Phil reunited with his birth mother and her family (she had gone on to marry and have children) but she was elderly and ill and they didn’t have much time to reconnect before she passed. He was grateful to spend some time with her, but he realised how much she had suffered.

“Even when she started to lose herself to dementia, her face would light up every time I walked into the room. She knew exactly who I was, I was her son,” he says.

“I’ve worked through the anger, the disappointment, I’ve worked through a lot of things and I can now accept that everything is the way it is, but she had lived with it since she gave me up. All those years of not knowing.”

“The apology [to victims of forced adoption today] would be extremely significant to her.”

Up to a thousand people are expected to gather in Canberra today to hear the Prime Minister deliver a national apology to Australian victims of forced adoptions, something groups like Origins Australia have been rallying for for decades.

Julia Gillard says the apology is a sign of the country’s willingness to right an old wrong and face a hard truth. She will announce a five million dollar injection to improve access to special support, records tracing and mental health care for those affected by forced adoption. And Phil Evans says this couldn’t be needed more.

Now a counsellor and life coach, Phil is determined to help others heal who have similarly suffered because of forced adoptions.

“This is going to take ongoing support,” he says.

“It’s taken a long time for me to heal, but I’ve healed more than most. People, particularly mothers [of forced adoption] are going through major emotional stuff. I want them to know that there is incredible support available, because I know what it’s like to feel completely alone.”

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Prime Minister Gillard’s Forced adoption apology: ‘We say sorry’

Tears were shed in the Great Hall at Parliament House today as the Prime Minister delivered a long awaited national apology to Australians affected by forced adoption.
Julia Gillard apologises for forced adoption

The Prime Minister's apology to those affected by forced adoption is a significant step for people like Phil Evans.

Julia Gillard decried the “shameful mistakes of the past” as she delivered a national apology to tens of thousands of families devastated by forced adoptions between the 1950s and 1970s.

“For the loss, the grief, the disempowerment, the stigmatisation and the guilt, we say sorry,” she said.

“To each of you who were adopted or removed, who were led to believe your mother had rejected you and who were denied the opportunity to grow up with your family and community of origin and to connect with your culture, we say sorry.”

The full apology will be moved in the Senate and the House of Representatives:

Today, this Parliament, on behalf of the Australian people, takes responsibility and apologises for the policies and practices that forced the separation of mothers from their babies, which created a lifelong legacy of pain and suffering.

We acknowledge the profound effects of these policies and practices on fathers.

And we recognise the hurt these actions caused to brothers and sisters, grandparents, partners and extended family members.

We deplore the shameful practices that denied you, the mothers, your fundamental rights and responsibilities to love and care for your children. You were not legally or socially acknowledged as their mothers. And you were yourselves deprived of care and support.

To you, the mothers who were betrayed by a system that gave you no choice and subjected you to manipulation, mistreatment and malpractice, we apologise.

We say sorry to you, the mothers who were denied knowledge of your rights, which meant you could not provide informed consent. You were given false assurances. You were forced to endure the coercion and brutality of practices that were unethical, dishonest and in many cases illegal.

We know you have suffered enduring effects from these practices forced upon you by others. For the loss, the grief, the disempowerment, the stigmatisation and the guilt, we say sorry.

To each of you who were adopted or removed, who were led to believe your mother had rejected you and who were denied the opportunity to grow up with your family and community of origin and to connect with your culture, we say sorry.

We apologise to the sons and daughters who grew up not knowing how much you were wanted and loved.

We acknowledge that many of you still experience a constant struggle with identity, uncertainty and loss, and feel a persistent tension between loyalty to one family and yearning for another.

To you, the fathers, who were excluded from the lives of your children and deprived of the dignity of recognition on your children’s birth records, we say sorry. We acknowledge your loss and grief.

We recognise that the consequences of forced adoption practices continue to resonate through many, many lives. To you, the siblings, grandparents, partners and other family members who have shared in the pain and suffering of your loved ones or who were unable to share their lives, we say sorry.

Many are still grieving. Some families will be lost to one another forever. To those of you who face the difficulties of reconnecting with family and establishing on-going relationships, we say sorry.

We offer this apology in the hope that it will assist your healing and in order to shine a light on a dark period of our nation’s history.

To those who have fought for the truth to be heard, we hear you now. We acknowledge that many of you have suffered in silence for far too long.

We are saddened that many others are no longer here to share this moment. In particular, we remember those affected by these practices who took their own lives. Our profound sympathies go to their families.

To redress the shameful mistakes of the past, we are committed to ensuring that all those affected get the help they need, including access to specialist counselling services and support, the ability to find the truth in freely available records and assistance in reconnecting with lost family.

We resolve, as a nation, to do all in our power to make sure these practices are never repeated. In facing future challenges, we will remember the lessons of family separation. Our focus will be on protecting the fundamental rights of children and on the importance of the child’s right to know and be cared for by his or her parents.

With profound sadness and remorse, we offer you all our unreserved apology.

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On again, off again: Star ‘boomerang’ couples

These famous couples have been on and off more times than we can keep track of! Check out the ‘boomerang’ lovers of Hollywood who just can’t seem to make up their minds…

Katy Perry & John Mayer

John Mayer and Katy Perry are back on! After breaking up (again!) in March the pair are giving their relationship another go, for the third time!

The pair have spent a lot of time together of late and were spotted out on an intimate date on June 1, 2013.

“They are just hanging out. They are not putting a label on it,” a source said.

Pink & Carey Hart

These famous couples have been on and off more times than we can keep track of! Check out the ‘boomerang’ lovers of Hollywood who just can’t seem to make up their minds…

Pink and professional motocross racer Carey met at the 2001 X Games in Philadelphia and it’s been drama ever since. They broke up briefly in 2003, got married, broke up briefly again, and are now happily back together with a new baby daughter, Willow Sage Hart.

Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick

Up-and-down couple Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick have had two children together since hooking up in 2006, but are well known for their relationship wobbles.

Rihanna & Chris Brown

‘How could she take him back… again?’ was the question on everyone’s lips as Rihanna and bad boy rapper Chris Brown showed the world their love was well and truly back on at this year’s Grammy’s.

Hayden Christensen & Rachel Bilson

Hart of Dixie star Rachel Bilson and boyfriend Hayden Christensen were engaged up until 2010, when it all went a bit awry. They broke up but were soon back in each other’s arms, having spent just a few months apart.

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth

First there was the separate Oscars partying, then there was Liam’s rumoured flirting with January Jones. Many thought these young lovers were calling time, but apparently, they were just calling our bluff.

Denise Richards & Charlie Sheen

The ultimate ‘boomerang’ couple of Tinseltown, Denise Richards and ex-husband Charlie Sheen are either at each other’s throats or blissfully loved-up. They’ve been spotted hanging out as a family in LA – and seemingly getting along! Is it about to be ‘on’ again for this tumultuous Hollywood pair?

Sean Penn & Robin Wright Penn

Robin Wright Penn has filed for divorce from her actor husband on three separate occasions. Only this third time did they follow through, with the couple finally reaching a private agreement on child and spousal support, division of assets, and custody over their underage son.

Megan Fox & Brian Austin Green

These long-time lovers were engaged, separated, then engaged again. They’re now married, with Megan giving birth to a son Noah Shannon Green in September 2012.

Prince Harry & Chelsy Davy

Romance between this royal couple has been on and off pretty much since the get-go – in fact, there never has been a steady patch for Harry and Chelsy. After the wedding of William and Kate, Chelsy stated she would not marry Prince Harry because “It’s not a life for me”.

Jude Law & Sienna Miller

Jude and Sienna were one of Britain’s hottest hook-ups, until Jude made a pass at his children’s nanny. The couple tried to make a go of it post-affair, but it was clear the relationship was beyond repair.

Bradley Cooper & Zoe Saldana

It’s break-up time again for Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper. The couple started dating back in December 2011, but their romance dwindled just three months on. Then later in 2012 they reconciled, only to have now called it quits once again. Confused? Yep, so are we.

Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt

To say there’s been a lot of hyped-up drama in this couple’s relationship is putting it mildly. These two sure know how to play the publicity game – and only time will tell how genuine this love proves to be.

Denise Richards & Richie Sambora

While Denise isn’t making and breaking up with ex-husband, Charlie Sheen, she’s in and out of the arms of her other ex, Richie Sambora.

Cameron Diaz & Alex Rodriguez

These two were clearly hot for each other – but in recent months their affair has cooled. Could it be they wanted different things? Actress Cameron Diaz and her American baseball player ex, Alex Rodriguez are reported to still be close, so a reunion of sorts could still be on the cards.

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Princess Diana’s iconic gowns fetch $1.2m at auction

Ten of Princess Diana’s most iconic dresses have gone under the hammer fetching more than $1.2 million.

The most famous frock — the ‘Saturday Night Diva’ gown the Princess wore when she dance with John Travolta at the White House in 1985 — sold for $351,000 to an anonymous bidder who said he wanted to surprise his wife.

The ten gowns were among 79 outfits sold by Diana shortly before her death.

The auction at Christie’s in New York raised more than $3 million for charity, and was the brainchild of Diana’s oldest son Prince William, then 15. The 10 gowns were sold by Kerry Taylor Auctions.

Diana in her famous Victor Edelstein gown in 1985. © Kerry Taylor Auctions.

The Princess wore this Catherine Walker design to the *Back to the Future* premiere.

The Princess wore this Catherine Walker design to the Back to the Future premiere.

A Zandra Rhodes cocktail frock from May 1987.

A Catherine Walker gown worn to a state dinner in Brazil in 1991.

Diana wore this Catherine Walker gown in Austria in 1989.

Diana wore this Catherine Walker number in her famous *Vanity Fair* shoot with Mario Testino.

Diana wore this Catherine Walker number in her famous Vanity Fair shoot with Mario Testino.

A Catherine Walker gown worn to the premiere of *Steel Magnolias* in 1990.

A Catherine Walker gown worn to the premiere of Steel Magnolias in 1990.

Diana in Bruce Oldfield in London in 1985.

Diana’s most lavish gown is expected to sell for more than $180,000. © KTA.

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I do… again: Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban to renew vows

One of Australia's favourite married couples, 'our' Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are preparing to say "I do" all over again.
Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman

One of Australia’s favourite married couples, ‘our’ Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are preparing to say “I do” all over again.

The Nashville-based couple are nearing their seventh wedding anniversary and are reportedly determined to mark the occasion by returning to Australia to renew their vows.

The pair first wed in a chapel at St Patrick’s Estate in Sydney’s Manly in 2006, andIn Touchmagazine reports they are planning to replicate the ceremony seven years on.

“It will take place in Australia at the site of their first wedding,” a source told the magazine.

“He wants to make Nicole feel like she’s still at the centre of his universe.”

Nicole Kidman the bride at her 2006 wedding to Keith Urban.

Their first wedding was a lavish, candlelit, celebrity-studded affair with guests including friends Naomi Watts, Hugh Jackman and Deborrah-Lee Furness, reception performances by legendary musicians like Crowded House’s Neil Finn.

The bridal party including Kidman’s daughter Isabella as bridesmaid and sister Antonia as maid of honour.

A second ceremony is expected to involve their two daughters, four-year-old Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret, two.

Though reconfirming their nuptials will be a more low-key affair than when they first said “I do”, the couple are said to be as in love as ever before.

In a recent interview withThe WeeklyUrban said that from the time they first met, he had no doubt Nicole was “the one”.

“I honestly feel like I have spent my whole life looking for her,” he said.

“When you meet that person, as I did with Nic, there’s this chemistry and synergy and sympatico. She’s my spiritual other half.”

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