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Tough new vaccination laws introduced

Tough new vaccination laws introduced

Children who have not been vaccinated will be banned from child care in NSW following the introduction of tough new laws this week.

And centres will be fined up to $4000 if a child in their care does not have a record of immunisation.

State Health Minister Jillian Skinner amended the Public Health Act on Tuesday to accommodate the changes. Child care centres must now register each child’s records and will have the power to turn away those who aren’t up to date with their vaccinations.

Parents who object to the vaccinations for philosophical, religious or medical reasons must provide evidence for their reasons in order to be exempted.

“If there is any child with their forms missing, they will immediately be excluded and the child care operator could be fined up to $4000,” Ms Skinner told Parliament.

“This is not optional. A child care centre may not enrol a child unless they are vaccinated or have an exemption form.”

The new laws come after a report found that tens of thousands of children were not vaccinated or were behind in their vaccinations, with concerns for a potentially deadly disease outbreak that could even affect immunised children.

While some parents choose not to immunise their children, the majority simply forget to follow up.

Parents who chose not to immunise their child will have to provide a certificate from their GP or an immunisation nurse after undergoing compulsory counselling.

On Sunday, Federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek launched a new booklet for parents, GPs and other health providers detailing the latest research on vaccination and dispelling many of the myths.

Have your say on the new vaccination laws below.

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Beyonce slapped on the bottom by fan

Beyonce slapped on the bottom by fan

Beyonce certainly has some cheeky fans in Denmark!

During her most recent stage show, in Copenhagen, one fan slapped her on the bottom as she performed her hit Irreplaceable.

Queen Bee was strutting across the stage of The Forum and stopped to interact with fans in the front row.

She bent down and offered the microphone to a man who was singing along, but when she turned to walk away, he gave her derriere an appreciative slap.

A shocked Beyonce stopped in her tracks, saying, “I will have you escorted out of here now … all right?” before continuing her performance.

The man was apparently allowed to remain for the rest of the show.

The video, which was put on YouTube under the title “The stupid guy that slapped Beyonce” has since become viral.

The Copenhagen concert was part of Beyonce’s European tour.

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Princess Mary reaches out to refugees in Kuala Lumpur

Princess Mary reaches out to refugees in Kuala Lumpur


On a hot sticky day in Kuala Lumpur Crown Princess Mary has her United Nations ambassador hat on as she spends the morning meeting some of the refugees who wait in line at the UN High Commission for Refugees.

There are 103,000 refugees and asylum seekers registered in Malaysia and between 600 and 1000 come here each day; some registered refugees seeking advice, financial aid or international resettlement help and some new asylum seekers registering as refugees.

The vast majority are from Myanmar and here today there are many children, babies and some pregnant women among the ordered crowds wilting in the heat, patiently waiting for help.

Being a refugee in Malaysia is not easy, and as the beautifully dressed, elegant Princess Mary walks among these disadvantaged souls, the vastness of the gap between her life in Denmark and life fleeing persecution and war couldn’t be more acute.

On her tour of the facility the Princess can’t help but make a few unscheduled stops to meet some of the refugees in person. Mr Duhlianthan is the very proud father of one month old baby girl, Ram Tha Din. He and his wife fled Myanmar eight years ago he tells the Princess and they now live on the edge of society in Malaysia as refugees.

Nevertheless he is all smiles as he shakes hands with Mary and eager to show off his new daughter.

While they are allowed to live here, this family has no status. Mr Duhlianthan cannot work legally nor can his children access formal education. They can use the public healthcare system but only by paying for it. It is these families the UN are working to help.

But the UN isn’t the only body supporting refugees here and later in the morning Mary gets to meet some thriving children at the charity-funded Malaysian Karen Organisaton School, actually a small room on the second floor of a very rundown building in an insalubrious part of town where 70 Myanmar refugee kids between the ages of 7 and 17 receive much-needed education.

These children are adorable — bright-eyed, laughing and seemingly loving their lessons -— and Mary is in her element.

She crouches down to talk to 7-year-old Zephyr Po Ban who tells the “pretty lady” in english that she’s been learning mathematics. Mary tests her with a few easy sums which Zephyr knocks out of the ball park delivering her answers with a beaming grin. She’s a smart girl.

In advance of the visit the Danish Embassy had sent a special gift to the school, the perfect Danish export — Lego! And for their part the kids are proud to give Mary their own export, a Kachin, the traditional Burmese dress.

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Princess Mary brings fight for women’s rights to Malaysia

Princess Mary brings fight for women's rights to Malaysia

Princess Mary at the Women Deliver Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

She arrived in a modest motorcade with only a couple of officials and stepped out onto a carefully laid red carpet to a bank of photographers. Even in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Crown Princess Mary draws a crowd.

Looking every inch a modern princess, Mary was elegant in a cream dress and a sand-coloured tailored jacket nipped in at the waist with a snakeskin print belt and nude patent stilettos.

Mary is one of a clutch of high profile women — including former US presidential daughters Chelsea Clinton and Barbara Bush, Melinda (wife of Bill) Gates and Norway’s Crown Princess Mette-Marit — adding a dash of pizazz and star power to the extraordinary and impressively organised Women Deliver Conference.

Like a rather fabulous United Nations of women, KL’s slick conference centre in the heart of the bustling, largely Muslim, city is overflowing with more than 3000 bright-eyed, passionate women, from all creeds and cultures with one common goal: empowering women and girls.

This is the third of these global conferences which take place every three years and it’s bigger and better than ever with a list of speakers bulging with luminaries.

The aim is to bring together voices from around the world to call for action to improve the health and wellbeing of girls and women and in particular champion sexual and reproductive rights.

It’s a heady ideal and the air is electric with intelligent plans to make contraception more accessible in the developing world, fight domestic violence, reduce dangerous back street abortions, and invest in girls and women.

It’s an area Princess Mary is heavily involved in, both at home in Denmark and on the world stage with the World Health Organisation and as part of the UN’s 24-person international population and development High-Level Task Force panel.

For Princess Mary, as for many of the speakers here, women’s rights — especially in the developing world — are intrinsically linked to family.

“I am the mother of four beautiful, healthy children,” she said when she took on the United Nations role.

“I know that I was fortunate to give birth in a developed country with good maternal care. I hope for a day where maternal health is equally distributed and women no longer risk life, to give life.”

Trailed by photographers, the Crown Princess sits in the front row in the conference’s main hall and proceedings begin with a surprise video from Hillary Rodham Clinton to rapturous applause. These women mean action.

Princess Mary will be taking part in some of the discussions here in KL in the next couple of days and aww.com.au will also be following her as she takes the opportunity to make some personal visits to schools and hospitals.

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In labour? Reach for the sex toys, new book says

Did your little prince or princess come on time?

What’s the first thing every woman should reach for when they go into labour? A vibrator, according to new book Glow Mama. An incredulous Zoe Arnold examines the concept of orgasmic birth.

For most women, birthing a child is a chore. A really big chore, to get to the main event: a little person, a baby, your child. Let’s not mince words: it hurts like hell.

A quick survey of my friends who have birthed without painkillers featured terms like “ring of fire” and “splitting in two” heavily.

One friend described her labour as a battle: it was my friend against the world, particularly her husband. When he came near her she screamed at him, shouting abuse loudly, blaming him for her current state. This is a friend who normally loathes conflict, and rarely swears.

Labour is a parallel universe, where you seem disconnected from reality, both enamoured and terrified of your body’s capabilities.

I’m yet to meet someone who has likened childbirth to an orgasm, but apparently that’s what we should be aiming for.

Self-labelled “glow-pilot” Latham Thomas, the beauty and brains behind Glow Mama — a self-help book that claims to be “a hip guide to your fabulous, abundant pregnancy”, believes women can guide themselves to experience ecstasy in labour.


There’s a lot of good in Ms Thomas’ book: she emphasises eating healthy, plant-based food and credits yoga for giving her an easy labour.

But then she seems to lose the plot.

Enter “glow time”. Yep, we should all be having more glow time. This includes having beauty treatments, massages, and long baths. Oh, and while glowing in glow time, we need to eat glow-foods like goji berries and maca root.

Oh, and we should chant ohms while staring at our naked reflection with love. I don’t know about you, but with 25 extra kilos on board, I was avoiding mirrors wherever possible when pregnant.

It gets better.

Do you remember that moment when you realised you were in labour? That those pains weren’t just Braxton Hicks? This is the moment your Glow Pilot believes you should start kissing your partner. Intimately and frequently.

Following on from the kissing, she recommends sex toys. This is not six weeks after your bundle of joy enters the universe, but while you’re trying to push said bundle out.

I’m all for natural pain relief — but this seems more than a little absurd: “Honey, have you packed the nappies? The onesies? Oh, and my vibrator?”

Of course, so-called orgasmic birth is not new. The theory behind it is that we release the same hormones in lovemaking and labour, therefore extreme pleasure is possible.

But can anyone aim for this? Only if they have extremely low expectations.

Labour is just that: labour. Bloody hard work that no amount of goji berries or yoga will prepare you for. It seems in the modern world we’re obsessed with removing pain, even when said pain is essentially natural.

Hate to break it to you, but childbirth hurts, ladies. Even when you’ve got your glow on.

Your say: Did you experience anything close to ecstasy in labour? Do you believe it’s possible?

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Adele’s stylist reveals her Spanx secrets

Adele’s stylist reveals her Spanx secrets

Adele in her Burberry Oscars dress and her custom Giorgio Armani gown at the 2012 Grammy Awards.

She has gone from an everyday woman to a stylish superstar singer in less than five years. Now Adele’s stylist, Gaelle Paul, is spilling her secrets.

Gaelle reveals the size 16 star’s number one style rule is to always hit the red carpet in the right undies.

“She always wears Spanx on the red carpet,” says Gaelle. “Good underwear is really important, it smoothes you out.”

Adele herself has admitted to wearing numerous pairs of Spanx at the same time. “I had three or four pairs of Spanx on that night,” Adele said of the 2012 Grammy Awards.

“I actually had another dress made for the Grammys and I ended up passing out in it. I had a corset on, so I was like, ‘I can’t wear that’. So I ended up wearing [this dress] on short notice”

Although she wore multiple pairs of Spanx under her stunning custom Giorgio Armani gown, Adele says she always takes off a couple of pairs to sing.

She also loves a bargain, despite being the world’s sixth richest star. Before she was famous, she used to rummage through op shop bargain bins for a vintage find – now, Gaelle does it for her.

“I get clothes for her from Camden Lock. There’s one store owner there who goes to car boot sales and picks out stuff that’s right for her,” Gaelle says.

While many think Adele always opts for black clothing because it’s the “safe” option, Gaelle reveals it’s really linked to her idol Johnny Cash.

“Adele always wants to wear black because she loves Johnny Cash and he wore black,” she explains.

“She also loves June Carter Cash because she and Johnny were so much in love and they had this wonderful marriage. Sometimes she’ll look at herself in the mirror and say, ‘Oh, I look like her, Gaelle!’”

While Gaelle’s job seems fun, she certainly has some difficult moments, especially when top fashion houses come calling to create one-off gowns for a big event.

“One designer wanted Adele in this tight mesh mermaid dress, tight to the ankles with a little slit,” said Gaelle. “I was horrified.”

Instead, Gaelle picks the outfits she thinks Adele, 25, will like and gets them made to order before the star picks her favourite.

While most women envy Adele’s endless dress offers, they don’t always go to plan.

Her Burberry crystal-encrusted Oscars dress weighed an incredible 14kg and she needed two security personnel to guard it.

“That dress was pretty scary,” Gaelle said. “But once she’d chosen it, she had to wear it.”

While many may think it would be easier to style slimmer celebs, Gaelle says none of them have the same confidence as Adele.

“Adele is really OK with how she looks. I don’t think she ever lacked confidence,” Gaelle says.

“She doesn’t have that insecurity that a lot of other people I dress have.”

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Princess Mary ‘a dream come true’ for Denmark

Princess Mary 'a dream come true' for Denmark

Princess Mary greets doctors and nurses at Malaysia's Putrajaya Hospital.

“She’s a dream come true,” one of the Danish journalists whispers to me as Crown Princess Mary bends down to greet the day-old baby son of Madam Lee, a Malaysian mother with gestational diabetes on day one of Mary’s three-day visit to Malaysia.

In Denmark, the Princess is the most popular female public figure and if today is anything to go by, she’s certainly making seemingly easy work of the royal daily toll of meeting, greeting and looking poised and serene. She also seems to be relishing the role.

It has been an afternoon of perfect photo opportunities with Crown Princess Mary heading out of central Kuala Lumpur to visit Putrajaya Hospital, a large public hospital where she toured a maternity ward and caused a small commotion when she held up the schedule to shake hands with the nurses and doctors.

Princess Mary talking to Madam Lee and her baby.

The visit gave royal support to a world-first initiative, a partnership between Danish drug company Novo Nordisk — who manufacture insulin for much of the world — and the Malaysian government’s Health Ministry, to implement a project to fight obesity and potential diabetes in newlywed young women.

The Princess is in Malaysia to take part in the global Women Deliver conference, but she’s also fitting in some field work to inform her work in the areas of maternal, sexual and reproductive health and supporting Danish business.

“The Crown Princess’s support is huge for us” says Charlotte Ersboll, Novo Nordisk’s Corporate Vice President.

En route to a ceremonial signing of the diabetes project agreement, Mary meets an adorable flower girl, three-year-old Amelie in her best party dress, who has a posy of roses to give the Princess and who I’m sure has been practising her curtsey, but with the photographers’ shutters clattering forgets herself, a tiny child dazzled by a real life fairy tale princess.

It’s a gem of a moment as Amelie holds her skirt, points her toe, but doesn’t bob. Another great photo op in the bag.

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Katie Holmes’ romance from reel to real life!

Katie Holmes' romance from reel to real life!

Her public romance scenes have led to private rendezvous with her handsome co-star.

As Katie Holmes cavorts under a New York fountain with handsome actor Luke Kirby, the film crew exchange knowing looks that translate to, “We know what they’re doing between takes!” She might be getting paid to act this smitten, but according to our sources, the look of love written across her face is more than just a performance for the cameras.

A source on the set of Mania Days, in which Luke and Katie play manic depressives who meet in a psychiatric hospital, explains the two have been getting very cosy when filming stops. “They even lunch together in Katie’s private trailer,” our spy reveals. “I’m pretty sure they weren’t just running lines. They walked out of the trailer all smiles and, at one point, he took Katie’s hand and kissed it.”

The 34-year-old Canadian, who’s had smaller roles in TV dramas such as Law & Order, can hardly believe his luck that he’s caught the gorgeous actress’s eye, with set insiders expecting to hear whispers of date nights any day.

“Luke’s staying at a hotel within blocks of Katie’s penthouse. Her driver gave him a lift home last Monday, before dropping off Katie,” our source says. “They sat super close to each other in the backseat of her Lincoln Town Car, and they were touching. There is definitely chemistry there!”

Read more about Katie and Luke’s chemistry in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 27, 2013.

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What’s happened to Clooney?

By George! First it was Brad Pitt…and now George Clooney, the world’s most eligible bachelor, seems to have lost his hot!

Stepping out in the UK, the 52-year-old wasn’t looking his usual self as he left Locanda Locatelli restaurant in London.

The star has let his hair grow longer than usual, and has grown a grey moustache for his latest movie role, in The Monuments Men.

George’s girlfriend, Stacy Keibler, has also been spotted travelling around Europe with her boyfriend, despite rumours of a break-up.

George Clooney steps out in London.

Now and then: George Clooney steps out with a grey moustache.

George makes his way through the streets of London wearing some interesting glasses.

On set: George is smiles on the set of his new movie *The Monument Men*.

On set: George is smiles on the set of his new movie The Monument Men.

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Kylie Minogue as youthful as ever!

Kylie Minogue has stepped out showing off her youthful good looks.

The 44-year-old Aussie singer hit the red carpet in Cannes at the annual amfAR Cinema Against AIDS benefit in Cap d’Antibes.

Wearing a low-cut cream Roberto Cavalli gown, Kylie smiled her way down the red carpet on the arm of her 35-year-old boyfriend Andres Velencoso.

The pair, who are rarely seen in public together, made a perfectly glamorous couple as they posed for photographers.

Kylie looked stunning on the red carpet.

Kylie’s gown was perfect for the occasion.

Andres has been dating Kylie for five years.

The singer posted a series of photos to her instagram account before the event.

The duo certianly know how to have a good time!

Kylie’s twirls in her Roberto Cavalli gown.

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