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Smelly feet

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Placing a block of camphor under the mattress sometimes helps prevent night cramps. Make a massage oil by combining six drops each of clove and rosemary oil with 30ml plain vegetable oil, shake well...
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The next time you need an antibacterial ointment for a cut or wound, apply unprocessed (unheated and unaltered) honey. It contains a natural antibiotic that has proved effective against organisms...
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Cut up one onion and three cloves of garlic. Place in a bowl and cover with honey, then leave for three hours. Strain. Sip a teaspoonful of the resulting syrup throughout the...
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Add one bunch of parsley to 500ml of water. Bring water to the boil in a covered pan, turn off heat, and cool. Parsley is a natural diuretic and helps to flush out the micro-organisms that cause the...

Add one bunch of parsley to 500ml of water. Bring water to the boil in a covered pan, turn off heat, and cool. Parsley is a natural diuretic and helps to flush out the micro-organisms that cause the infection. After every visit to the toilet, soak a clear cottonwool pad in water to which you’ve added a few drops of lavender oil and hold it against your vagina. This will temporarily relieve the burning sensation.

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Combine one tablespoon each of dried nettles and dried rosemary with two cups of apple cider vinegar. Bring to the boil, remove from heat, cover, and let it sit overnight. Strain. After shampooing...
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Peel and grate an apple into a bowl. Wait until it goes brown - approximately 15 minutes - then eat...