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Nigella’s aides say she took drugs every three days

Nigella’s aides say she took drugs every three days

Personal assistants to Nigella Lawson have given evidence at their fraud trial, saying the celebrity chef took cocaine “regularly”.

Elisabetta Grillo told the court she saw regular evidence of drug use in the celebrity chef’s home and found a packet of white powder in her toilet.

Along with her sister Francesca Grillo, Elisabetta is being sued by Nigella’s ex-husband Charles Saatchi for unlawfully using his company credit cards, spending more than $530,000.

She also told the court that Nigella smoked cannabis in front of her children, and hid cocaine in a hollowed-out book in her office.

The court heard there were several signs of Nigella’s drug use, including a packet of white powder found in a toilet, rolled-up banknotes and credit cards with white powder on them at the homes she shared with her late husband John Diamond.

Elisabetta also told the court she found similar evidence in the house Nigella shared with her ex-husband Charles.

“I was cleaning the house and I noticed a little packet on top of the loo, toilet,” she said.

“I opened it because it was kind of a little funny envelope and I saw white powder.”

Nigella, who has already spoken at the trial, strongly denies claims she takes drugs regularly. She told the court she had only taken cocaine at two stages in her life – when her then-husband John Diamond was dying from cancer and in 2010 when her marriage to Charles Saatchi began to fall apart.

But Elisabetta challenged Nigella’s claims, saying she saw drug use about “once every three days” when she worked for her.

Elisabetta told the court she didn’t discuss the topic with Nigella because she didn’t want to cause her any embarrassment.

“At the time I thought it was an embarrassing topic to talk to someone about it, especially when you’re part of the family. I didn’t want to embarrass myself or her,” she said.

Elisabetta also told the court that Nigella would smoke cannabis in front of her children to help her get to sleep.

“They [the children] said Nigella was smoking cannabis with them,” Elisabetta said.

“They would say that was helping Mama.”

She also said the children would take advantage of Nigella being high to ask for presents.

The trial continues.

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Four stars take over from Kyle and Jackie O

Four stars take over from Kyle and Jackie O

In a surprise twist, there will be four stars taking over from Kyle and Jackie O next year.

Mel B, Sophie Monk, Merrick Watts and Jules Lund were announced to host Southern Cross Austereo’s 2Day FM breakfast show in 2014.

Mel B, the former Spice Girl, who is currently in Los Angeles, joined her co-hosts via video link on the Today Show this morning.

The foursome will take over from the popular Kyle and Jackie O show, which has switched to station KIIS 1065.

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Prince Harry ‘can’t wait’ to finish gruelling Polar trek

Prince Harry arrived in Antarctica last month to complete a charity race to the South Pole with a team of injured servicemen and women but a decision was made five days into the trek to suspend the competitive element.

The 29-year-old royal revealed in an audio blog posted online from his base camp that the team had “mixed emotions”.

The 29-year-old royal praised the practical decision in an audio blog posted online from his base camp, but also said the team had “mixed emotions”.

“We are three and a half days from the South Pole. I think it is going to come all pretty quickly to us. We’ve been out here now for about three and a half weeks,” he said.

“It is nice to see everybody intermingling with each other, not only every night because we camp together, but also during the day.”

Though he said everyone was in “high spirits”, he said there were some who found the gruelling trek less challenging.

“Everyone just can’t wait to get to the end. I think mixed emotions probably. I think some people, for instance Duncan, double amputee, simply doesn’t find walking to the South Pole a big enough challenge, which is why he really enjoyed the race,” he said.

“I think everyone back home will appreciate the fact that just being able to walk 100km in these conditions with no legs is a pretty amazing feat in itself.”

Harry and the teams are on the last leg to the South Pole and are expected to be standing on the South Pole on Friday or Saturday.

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Kim Kardashian shows off amazing bikini body

Kim Kardashian shows off amazing bikini body

Kim Kardashian has hit back at her critics in a big way! The reality TV star has posed for the first time in a bikini since she shed her baby weight… and she looks amazing!

After shedding 22kg following the birth of her daughter North West just six months ago, she’s strutting her stuff on the cover of US Weekly in a white bikini.

The 32-year-old says it’s all down to a lot of hard work, including 100 squats every morning, and the Atkins Diet.

The star, who copped a lot of criticism for her weight gain during her pregnancy, says her slimdown was the “hardest challenge” of her life. She took to Twitter recently to voice her frustration over comments her weight loss was due to surgery.

“I am very frustrated today seeing reports I got surgery to lose my baby weight! This is FALSE. I worked so hard to train myself to eat right & healthy, I worked out so hard & this was such a challenge for me but I did it!!!

“I’m so proud of my accomplishment & NO ONE will take this away from me with fake reports! Say what u want about me but I work hard & am the most disciplined person u will ever meet!”

A friend of the star recently told Hollywood Life Kim was committed to transforming her body.

“She wakes up and does more than 100 squats every single morning. Even now, when she can wear the things she did before her pregnancy, she still wants to tone her body.”

Kim, who is currently touring with her fiance Kanye West on his Yeesus tour, has a personal trainer and a chef on hand to ensure she doesn’t slip – and she eats only carb-free meals.

Despite her incredible new figure, we hear Kim wants keen to shed even more baby weight and get down to a size smaller than her pre-pregnancy shape.

“She’s hit her goal weight but wants to drop to a size 0. She also wakes up for daily 5am workouts and often does another hour in the afternoon.”

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Stan Walker’s very merry Christmas!

Stan Walker’s very merry Christmas

After an action packed year that saw him open for music legend Beyoncé and star in his first feature film, Stan walker has earned himself a well-deserved break this Christmas.

But before he heads back to his native New Zealand to spend the festive season with his extended family, he’s about to take on one of his proudest moments.

“I’m really excited about the carols this year and it’s a big honour to be an ambassador for the Salvation Army,” Stan says.

“When you see the work they do first hand it touches you. They’re the real deal; they’re ruthless when it comes to saving people’s lives. Some of my most inspiring moments have been with the Salvo’s, I’m blown away by their work.”

The singer, who won Australian Idol in 2009, will be in good company at the event, rubbing shoulders with Johnny Ruffo and Samantha Jade.

“I’m looking forward to hanging out with Sami Jade, she’s a beast, she’s incredible,” Stan smiles. “It’s so much more fun doing these things with your mates.”

Even though Stan’s got several Carols in the Domain appearances under his belt, surprisingly he’s not too familiar with the Christmas tunes.

“I’m singing a song I’ve never sung before, The First Noel,” Stan says.

“I don’t know any other Christmas carols to be honest, we only sung Christmas songs at church and even then it was only the chorus. We weren’t brought up singing them. I only know one whole Christmas carol which is O Holy Night, it’s my favourite but someone stole that from me this year,” he laughs.

But there is one musical Christmas tradition the Walker family will always have blasting from their speakers.

“We always listen to Mariah Carey, ‘All I want for Christmas’,” Stan says. “So every year I’ll be pumping her album but this time I’ll be saying, ‘Guys I don’t just know O Holy Night anymore. Noel will be coming out.’.”

Don’t miss Salvation Army Ambassador Stan Walker rock the stage at Woolworths Carols in the Domain at 8:30pm, Saturday 21st of December on Channel 7.

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Prince Harry’s ‘needy’ ex-girlfriend ‘drove him nuts’

The claims were read out from emails written by the now defunct paper’s former royal editor, Clive Goodman, telling his editor of concerns he believed were held by the royal family that Chelsy was distracting him from his studies.

In an email titled “Harry and Chelsy” story, Goodman reported his “progress so far” after having an “independent look” at Davy’s phone activity.

“Good off-the-record chat with [redacted] last night. Chelsy is driving Harry nuts, won’t leave Harry alone. He’s not allowed to use his mobile at Sandhurst until he’s off duty but she’s blitzing him with dozens of calls and texts when he should be concentrating on his training.

“Family likes her well enough but they’re worried that she’s incredibly needy just at the time when Harry needs to be concentrating on himself.

“We’ve been having a very quiet look at this independently and it works in just over one month she’s put in nearly 60 calls to his mobile. That’s on top of texts, Harry can only field these after he’s finished his training duties sometimes after 10pm.”

The email was written in 2005 while Harry and Chelsy were dating. The couple were together on and off for six years since 2004.

The court has heard claims that the tabloid used phone hacking to get stories on the royals. The trial continues.

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The miracle drug that has changed my life

Faye Upston before and after she was given access to Kalydeco.

Faye Upston before and after she was given access to Kalydeco.

I was 13 years old when I realised the words cystic fibrosis meant I was going to die young.

They were two little words I’d heard a few times since I was diagnosed at six months old, but somehow I had never really joined the dots until that day.

I was sick at the time, struggling with a chronic cough that I just couldn’t shake.

For the first time, I asked my mother what cystic fibrosis actually meant and I knew instantly that it was bad. She tried to evade my questioning but I was determined to know.

“Am I going to die young?” I asked her. What she said next left me shattered: “There is no cure. The average lifespan is 21.”

In that moment, a piece of me died. I will never forget how my heart beat like a drum as I realised I had just eight years to live. No child should have to face such a reality.

I decided to fight and for a long time, I was winning. In 2009 I was on top of the world – I was married to the love of my life and we had three (soon to be four) beautiful children.

Then one tiny accident changed everything. I was unpacking groceries from the boot of my car when the tailgate fell on my back, fracturing a rib.

To anyone without cystic fibrosis, this would be a fairly insignificant event but for me, it was life threatening.

Unable to do regular physiotherapy to keep my lungs clears, I rapidly developed pneumonia. Soon I was hospitalised and fighting for my life.

Then my doctors delivered a bombshell – if I didn’t receive a double lung transplant, I would be dead in two years. It was devastating news.

Several months later, I happened upon a documentary on genetic illnesses. It mentioned a new era of cystic fibrosis medications that could revolutionise the lives of sufferers.

What? I started Googling like a crazy lady and found its name – Kalydeco, the wonder drug that was changing the lives of patients around the world.

Kalydeco is gene specific. It treats people with the G551D gene, which around 4 per cent of the cystic fibrosis population have.

I went to have my genes tested immediately. The two weeks waiting for those results were some of the longest in my life.

Finally, my doctor called me on a Friday night with life-changing news: I carried the G551D gene. I cried with relief.

But the battle was not won yet – I then endured an urgent six-month battle to gain special compassionate access to Kalydeco.

After endless phone calls, letters, forms and tests I was granted access to Kalydeco in May 2012.

Within hours of taking my first tablet, my body started improving. I felt like The Incredible Hulk, morphing into this super-strong being.

Within days my appetite returned. Within a week I had gained weight and after a month my lung function started dramatically increasing.

Now, after nearly 18 months, my weight has gone from a scrawny 41kg to a healthy 56kg and my lung function has gone from 40 per cent to 66 per cent. I no longer need a transplant and my life expectancy has increased by 19 years at least.

After 32 years getting worse every day, I feel like I have been granted a death row pardon. My wildest dreams have literally come true.

I can sleep, eat, laugh, run and play. My old friends don’t recognise me. I never thought I would live to see this day.

Faye with her four boys.

Faye with her four boys.

Faye with her four boys.

But unfortunately, hundreds of other cystic fibrosis sufferers are not so lucky. In Australia, Kalydeco is not listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. This means it costs a massive $300,000 per year to access, putting it out of reach for almost all of the 200 Aussie families who need it.

Only people like me, who received compassionate access when they were literally on death’s door, can benefit from its miracles.

In August, the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee deferred a decision on Kalydeco indefinitely due to its hefty price tag. If they ultimately reject it, my special access will be discontinued.

I will go back to being mere months from death while the people living in hope of being granted access will never know what it is like to truly live.

Our lives are literally in the government’s hands.

Help save my life and over 200 others. Please, please say #YesToKalydeco Australia!

For more information about Faye’s fight for Kalydeco, visit her blog CF Mudda.

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Denise Richards cleared of abuse claims

Denise Richards cleared of abuse claims

Denise Richards has been cleared of allegations of child abuse levelled at her by Charlie Sheen’s ex-wife Brooke Mueller.

Mueller had claimed Richards abused and neglected her twin sons Max and Bob, 4, while they were in her care, along with Denise’s own children with Charlie, Sam, 9, Lola, 8, and her adopted daughter Eloise, 2.

The Los Angeles Department of Children And Family Services launched an investigation into the allegations last week but have since closed the case.

“Child welfare officers quickly established that there was no merit to Brooke’s claims and found that no follow-up investigation would be necessary,” a source revealed to Radar.

“The department, under California law, had to officially look into the claims. Denise was cooperative and had been scheduled to meet with DCFS for a follow-up meeting, but officials decided it simply wasn’t necessary. It now won’t be taking place. The case is closed.”

Up until recently the 42-year-old actress was taking care of Brooke and Charlie’s twins while Brooke was in rehab for the 22nd time due to drug abuse.

“In reality, social workers had heaped praise on Denise during many home visits when she had custody of the twins because she was doing such a great job with them,” the source said.

“Denise was often told that the world could benefit from more people like her because of her selfless act of taking Bob and Max as their temporary guardian. It was evident to everyone involved in this sad case that Denise is a fantastic mother and would do anything for the children.”

Denise recently gave up custody of Charlie and Brooke’s twins after the boys acted violently towards her girls.

Brooke’s brother Scott is now the court-appointed temporary guardian for the children.

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Kate recycles favourite frock again

She's known as the royal recycler and Kate lived up to her name yesterday, wearing her favourite black lace frock for the third time.
Kate in January 2012, November 2012 and last night.

She’s known as the royal recycler and Kate lived up to her name yesterday, wearing her favourite black lace frock for the third time.

The Duchess of Cambridge donned the figure-hugging Temperley gown to attend a screening of a new David Attenborough documentary.

It was the third time she’s worn the dress, first stepping out in it to walk the red carpet at a film premiere in January 2012. She wore it again in November of the same year to a fundraising night at her former university.

Kate has never been afraid of wearing her favourite clothes multiple times – here are some of her most-worn outfits.

Kate wore this Temperley dress in January 2012, November 2012, and last night.

Kate in October 2013 and February 2012.

Kate first wore this coat in 2009, and again in 2011.

Kate wore this spotty number twice in one month earlier this year.

Kate at St Patrick’s Day celebrations in 2012 and 2013.

Kate at an engagement in 2011 and in an official portrait for her Canada tour.

Kate at Laura Parker Bowles’ wedding in 2006 and at Zara Phillips’ wedding in 2011.

Kate at an event in Los Angeles in 2011, and at Zara’s pre-wedding celebration.

Kate at the Olympics in 2012 and last month.

Kate recycled her cream engagement dress in Canada in 2011.

The Queen in May 2012, earlier this month, and June 2012.

The Queen wearing her favourite pink outfit in December 2011.

Prince William wore the same outfit two days in a row at the Calgary Stampede in 2011.

Camilla recycled her royal wedding outfit to wear to Ascot weeks later.

Princess Anne at Charles and Diana’s 1981 wedding, and at another wedding in 2008.

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High Court overturns ACT’s Marriage Equality act

High Court overturns ACT’s Marriage Equality act

The High Court has unanimously ruled that the ACT’s Marriage Equality (Same Sex) Act 2013 can not operate concurrently with the Federal Marriage Act 1961.

The judgement read: The Court held that the Federal Parliament has power under the Australian Constitution to legislate with respect to same-sex marriage, and that under the Constitution and Federal law as it now stands, whether same-sex marriage should be provided for by law is a matter for the Federal Parliament.

The ruling means that the 30 same-sex weddings that took place in the ACT over the weekend will not be valid.

Fifteen couples wed in the ACT on Saturday, the first day the Act took effect.

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