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Schapelle Corby pictured with wedding ring

Image of a woman believed to be Corby, taken by a fellow inmate, wearing a ring on her wedding finger.

Schapelle Corby wearing a ring on her wedding finger in prison. © The Australian Women's Weekly.

A prison source told The Weekly that Australia’s most famous drug smuggler wed her boyfriend, Indonesian national and former Kerobokan inmate, Ben Panangian in a private ceremony inside the jail, presided over by a marriage celebrant, at which only Mercedes Corby and a close friend of the groom were present.

In a candid photo of a woman believed to be Schapelle obtained exclusively for The Weekly and taken in Kerobokan Prison in July last year, a gold band can clearly be seen on her wedding finger.

Ben Panangian, Schapelle’s rumoured “husband”. 

Ben Panangian, Schapelle’s rumoured “husband”. 

Ben Panangian, Schapelle’s rumoured “husband”. 

Schapelle took pains to keep her ring finger hidden from the media yesterday. 

Schapelle took pains to keep her ring finger hidden from the media yesterday. 

Schapelle took pains to keep her ring finger hidden from the media yesterday. 

However other inmates who shared Cell Block W with Schapelle in the notorious Bali prison said they had no knowledge of their fellow inmate being married.

Related: Koch blasts Seven for Corby payment

Related: Inside Schapelle Corby’s luxury villa

Related: Ten things Schapelle Corby knows nothing about

Related: Seven ‘pays $3m’ for Corby exclusive

Related: Schapelle’s new career as a swimwear designer 

The 36-year old former Gold Coast beautician spent her first night of freedom last night holed up in an exclusive five-star resort in Seminyak, where she had been whisked by the Channel 7 TV program that has reportedly paid her $2 million for her first interview.

The news of Schapelle’s secret wedding came on the same day unconfirmed reports out of Bali suggested sister Mercedes had split from her own Indonesian husband, Wayan Widyartha.

Schapelle met Ben behind bars in 2006 when he was serving time for drug offences.

The Corby family were unable to be reached for comment yesterday, having been tied up in an exclusive deal with the Seven Network’s Sunday Night program and its veteran broadcaster, Mike Willesee.

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Five Aussie Olympians you need to know

Australia has sent 60 athletes to Sochi for the Winter Games, making it our largest Winter Team in history, not to mention the first time an Australian Olympic Team has had more women (31) than men (29).

We may not be known for our snowy winters or skiing culture, but there are some stars in our team who are as normal as they are talented.

Torah Bright

The effervescent snowboarder, whose favoured events are snowboard slopestyle, halfpipe and snowboard cross, won our hearts at the Vancouver Olympics after she courageously recovered from a crash and serious concussion to go on and win gold. Her manner (unaffected and straight-talking) as well as her looks (blonde and beautiful) made her an instant national favourite and even though she is a defending champion she says has nothing to prove, declaring that she is relaxed and “having fun”.

Alex ‘Chumpy’ Pullin

Our Opening Ceremony flag-bearer is a medal contender for the snowboard cross, having dominated his sport for the last three years, winning two World Championships and being the event’s current world leader. Pullin grew up in the house above his parents’ rental store, Pullins Ski Hire, in the small Victorian town of Mansfield, below Mt Buller ski resort, and he is now apparently a globe-trotting videographer, musician, nature enthusiast and adventure-seeker. Oh, and a Cleo Bachelor of the Year.

Lydia Lassila

Sochi will be the reigning Olympic gold medallist and aerial skiing champion’s fourth Olympic Games. Following her performance in Vancouver, where she won gold in the freestyle aerial, she was inducted into the Australian Sporting Hall of Fame, awarded the prestigious The Don award which recognised her ‘ability to inspire’ as well as her achievements during 2010. Since then she has taken time out from her sport to have a baby boy, Kai, with her husband and former Finnish moguls skier Lauri Lassila. She is said to be hungry for back-to-back gold but keeping a level head, saying “I don’t have anything to prove other than I just want to achieve my own personal goals”.

Russ Henshaw

Our slopestyle skiing medal hopeful started competitive skiing at the age of five and won a silver medal at the 2011 Winter X Games XV in Aspen, Colorado. Slopestyle involves competitors performing tricks off jumps, rails and boxes in a purpose-built terrain park. The 23-year-old has already had a number of serious knee injuries and is one of only a small number of athletes from around the world, from any sport, competing at the highest level without an attached cruciate ligament.

Scotty James

This 19-year-old, who is competing in the snowboard halfpipe and snowboard slopestyle, has been dubbed the ‘Bieber of Sochi’ for his hair and rebellious attitude. He competed at the Vancouver Games at just 15 years old, making his highlight at the time eating at McDonald’s as much as he could. Now James has grown some 20cm and in January he secured the prized crystal globe as the best performer on the World Cup circuit in snowboard half-pipe.

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David Beckham planning posh 40th birthday party for Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham will turn 40 on April 17 and while her big day is still more than two months away, party plans are already in full flow.
David and Victoria Beckham.

Victoria’s husband David has reportedly invited 100 of her closest friends – including Gordon Ramsay, Eva Longoria and Kate Beckinsale – to an exclusive soiree to celebrate her milestone birthday.

No expense will be spared and the budget for the party – which will take place in a trendy venue in the heart of Hollywood – is said to exceed $180,000, a large amount of which will be spent on pink champagne fountains.

While the Spice Girl turned fashion designer has said she planned to spend her big day with family at home, David has other plans, and is determined to ensure his wife celebrates in style.

“Victoria wants to celebrate in LA at Easter time with her family,” a source told Hello! magazine. “She’s not a big party girl but David has different ideas. It’s a big milestone so he thinks it should be celebrated properly.”

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Want more romance? Send yourself a Valentine’s Day ‘jealousy card’

A gift website hoping to cash in on Valentine's Day angst is encouraging women to send themselves 'jealousy cards' before February 14.
George Valentine

A gift website hoping to cash in on Valentine’s Day angst is encouraging women to send themselves ‘jealousy cards’ before February 14.

Gift It Now says that it will post romantic Valentine’s Day cards from a fictional man on February 12, “just in time to remind boyfriends and husbands of the annual celebration of love two days later”.

The mystery man’s name, ‘George Valentine’, is as improbable as his photograph (think all-American-boy meets Zoolander), making us wonder how many hapless significant others are supposed to fall for this (and if they did, surely they would be so endearingly guileless that it would neutralise their forgetfulness?).

The company even says that this bizarre attention-seeking act is about gently reminding lazy boyfriends and husbands to “appreciate” their girlfriends and wives.

“It’s also a not-so-subtle reminder for blokes to appreciate their girlfriends or wives. When your girlfriend is getting attention from another man, it tends to make you go the extra mile to impress,” says Josh Armstrong in a press release.

Is this really what Valentine’s Day has come to?

St Valentine’s Day, which began as a Christian celebration of Saint Valentinus and became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages, long ago evolved from an opportunity for lovers to express their emotions through handwritten notes into a commercial juggernaut.

As if mass-produced greeting cards weren’t bad enough, men and women are now being told that appreciative partners should be surprising them with scenic helicopter flights or a getaway to the Great Barrier Reef (just two of the Valentine’s Day gift suggestions on the Gift It Now site).

The company claims that 14 per cent of women in Australia already send themselves a card, flowers or chocolate on Valentine’s Day, “presumably to either reward themselves or make their partners jealous”.

Even if this unlikely statistic has any merit, “jealousy cards” are like an arrow through the heart of St Valentine, turning an innocent opportunity to be romantic into a breeding ground of insecurity and manipulation.

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Will Schapelle get to keep her millions?

Schapelle TV interview could end parole

The 4.1kg of high-grade marijuana carefully packed into Schapelle Corby’s boogie board bag was worth about $AU80,000.

Now, she looks set to earn more than 25 times that amount from just one exclusive media interview.

The 36-year-old former beauty school student from the Gold Coast is understood to have signed a deal with Channel Seven worth more than $AU3 million, or $AU200,000 for every year she spent in Kerobokan jail.

And many legal experts suggest that, despite Australia having proceeds of crime legislation, she’ll be able to keep every penny as long as she keeps the cash in Indonesia and in someone else’s name.

There is growing public disquiet about Seven’s deal with the convicted drug mule. Even one of the network’s biggest stars, Sunrise host David Koch, has voiced his outrage, calling for his bosses to boycott the Corbys.

“I reckon we should have nothing to do with her as a network,” he said on air this morning.

“I totally disagree with paying a convicted drug smuggler $3 million. I know Indonesia is corrupt and all that sort of stuff, but she is convicted.”

Network stablemate sports presenter Jim Wilson also weighed in on Twitter, suggesting Corby should have ditched the “ridiculous” scarf over her face and made a statement before giving any interview.

Upon her release Corby was escorted by private security guards, hired by Seven, to a five-star resort along with current affairs veteran Mike Willesee and his crew.

While some experts are suggesting Corby will find it difficult to keep all the money from the deal, which some say could be worth up to $3 million, others say Australia’s current diplomatic woes with Indonesia will work in Schapelle’s favour.

That’s because Australian authorities can seize money and assets brought or transferred into Australia and can freeze bank accounts held in Australia, but would need Indonesia’s help getting access to Indonesian accounts.

Given the diplomatic tensions between the two countries, Jakarta may be reluctant to assist with any request from Australian authorities.

As part of her parole conditions, Corby must remain in Indonesia until 2017.

Senior law enforcement lecturer at Charles Sturt University, Hugh McDermott, told that, “If Corby’s smart… she won’t profit directly from this money’’.

“The money will go to her family or a separate trust.

“There’s millions of dollars to be made here and I imagine they’ll structure it in a way to keep it out of the hands of law enforcers.”

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Simon Gittany jailed for 18 years

Simon Gittany

Simon Gittany

Justice Lucy McCallum said Gittany’s crime was not “premeditated” and sentenced him to 26 years with a non-parole period of 18 years. He will be eligible for release in 2031.

As the sentence was read out there were calls of “Over the balcony you go” from the public gallery, while Gittany’s sister shouted: “In the name of Jesus Christ, he won’t be doing any of that time!”

Gittany stared straight ahead throughout his appearance in the court, with his head dropping as he heard his sentence. He did not look at or speak to his family as he was led out of the courtroom.

Outside the court, Gittany’s lawyers announced they would be appealing against the sentence.

Gittany’s girlfriend Rachelle Louise was conspicuously absent from the sentencing hearing. She had supported her boyfriend throughout the trial, but was nowhere to be seen today.

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Miranda Kerr awaits family exposé alone

Miranda Kerr awaits family exposé alone

Miranda Kerr cuts a lonely figure as she waits for her family’s tell-all interview to air on ABC1 tonight.

The Aussie supermodel’s family has opened up on Family Confidential, revealing intimate details about Miranda’s life before and after she become one of the world’s most famous women.

In the insightful documentary, her mother Therese, father John, nanna Ann and brother Matthew plead for more time with distant Miranda after not seeing her, or her three-year-old son Flynn, in over a year.

Woman’s Day reported in December last year all was not well within the Kerr camp after Miranda, 30, snubbed Christmas with her family after a falling out with her mother.

The Gunnedah girl decided to remove her mother from Kora Organics, the skincare company Therese helped her establish, which tore a hole in their once-seamless relationship.

Miranda remains tight-lipped in New York City ahead of the premiere, even with trickles leaking out of the intimate details her family has shared about her private life.

While it seems Miranda will have to watch with the rest of us, we’re told her family has been quite candid about the supermodel cutting them out of her life, including dad John disclosing his disappointment with his daughter that her actor ex Orlando Bloom told the Kerr family about their marriage separation, instead of her.

“After what I know now, I would rather she did just marry a nobody,” he said of Miranda’s relationship with the Hollywood star.

But it’s Miranda’s mother’s teary comments about missing their daily phone calls, letting go of her daughter and yet trying to be there for her still that will perhaps hit the model hardest.

“What I have had to do is let go and allow her to be assertive and lead her own life… and I guess for any mum that’s a little bit challenging sometimes,” Therese said.

“We have been best friends for most of our life. We used to talk just about every day.

“Miranda’s life is so different now – she’s surrounded by ‘yes’ people all the time. It’s so important for me to be real, to be true, to be who she needs me to be.”

Family Confidential: The Kerrs airs tonight at 8pm on ABC1

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Domestic violence Barbie goes on display

Barbie has been many things in her 55 years on earth, but a victim of domestic violence is not one of them – until now.

Barbie has been many things in her 55 years on earth, but a victim of domestic violence is not one of them – until now.

Samantha Humphreys, a student artist from Essex in the UK, has made over the iconic doll for a new exhibition at the University of Leicester entitled Speaking Out.

Her project, which has the tagline “We shouldn’t be taught that life is perfect”, shows Barbie with a black eye and bloodied lips.

Samantha, 41, says she created the shocking dolls to show people that anyone – even those whose lives seem perfect – can fall victim to domestic abuse.

“Barbie can be the first instruction to young children about how adults live their lives,” Samantha told the Essex Chronicle.

“We need to demonstrate that life is not as perfect as we are led to believe.”

Readers seeking support and information about domestic violence prevention can contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit

Artist Samantha Humphreys wanted to speak out against the hidden nature of domestic violence.

The artist blackened the doll’s eyes and bloodied her lips to create the images. © Samantha Humphreys.

This confronting image was one of several created by Samantha. © Samantha Humphreys.

The artist wanted to capture the fact that life isn’t always perfect. © Samantha Humphreys.

Samantha created 10 dolls in total but only three will go on display in the Speaking Out exhibition. © Samantha Humphreys.

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Heidi Klum spotted with Demi Moore’s toyboy ex

Heidi Klum spotted with Demi Moore's toyboy ex

American supermodel Heidi Klum has been spotted leaving a nightclub with a new man – Demi Moore’s ex toy boy Vito Schnabel.

According to nightclub insiders, Heidi, 40, spent her Saturday night locking lips with Demi’s 26-year-old ex-boyfriend at David Arquette’s nightclub Bootsy Bellows in West Hollywood.

American actress Demi Moore, 51, was dating the much younger art dealer in 2012 before he reportedly ended their brief affair at an Art Basel event in Miami.

But don’t fret, leggy supermodel Heidi hasn’t broken any women codes.

Demi has moved on from Vito to another young suitor, 27-year-old Dead Sara drummer, Sean Friday.

Meanwhile, supermodel Heidi has only recently moved on from her ex, [having broken up with her bodyguard boyfriend Martin Kirsten in January.]

“Martin was there for her during a challenging time in her life and it was something she will always be grateful for,” Heidi’s friend told People Magazine.

Heidi was spotted the day after her nightclub shenanigans taking her three children to gymnastics and there was no sign of Vito.

We are sure there will be no love lost between the two ageless Hollywood beauties that seem to share a young palate and a similar taste in men.

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Victoria Beckham launches new collection

Five years into her career as a designer and Victoria Beckham is finally being welcomed into the high fashion fold.

Victoria on the runway after her Autumn/Winter 14 collection was exhibited on Sunday at Café Rouge in NYC.

Five years into her career as a designer and Victoria Beckham is finally being welcomed into the high fashion fold.

The former pop star showed her fall 2014 collection at Café Rouge this week with David Beckham and all four Beckham children sitting in the front row.

The flawless range featured tailored separates and flattering shapes and further cemented Victoria’s status as a bona-fide fashion force. The designer, 39, famed for her fitted shifts and pencil skirts, says her new collection is “paparazzi-proof” and is aimed to flatter from every angle.

“This is a real evolution for me, something I’m very excited about. It feels very new, very fresh, very me,” Beckham said backstage. “I love the element of surprise: When you turn around and the coat has the pleats. I really feel like I’ve evolved. I love the pleated skirts.”

The mother-of-four was complimented backstage not only for her collection but the behaviour of her children, Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper, who sat quietly while supporting their mum.

“They’re just excited to be here. The boys had never been to a show. I thought it was time that they saw what mummy did. Mummy works and daddy works,” she said.

Victoria, who is set to open her first flagship store in England, says this collection was her most progressive yet.

“I want to do more and more. We’re just pushing it each season,” she said.

Victoria Beckham is finally being embraced by the fashion world after showing another one of her immaculately chic collections.

The models marched down the runway in minimalist looks with their hair pulled back.

This red ensemble was almost the only hint of colour in the otherwise black and cream collection.

The designer said she spent a lot of time making sure the leg-lengthening trousers were “cut correctly, to really get as long and lean a leg as physically possible”.

This long sweeping tailored coat was a stand-out garment in the flawless collection.

The collection nailed coordinated separates which complimented and enhanced the minimalist range as a whole.

The designer teased with this divine touch of tweed which added some extra oomph to the austere attire.

The entire collection’s fabric selection was impeccably tasteful and chic.

Despite being minimal Victoria avoided being boring by injecting some eye-catching prints.

Fellow Brit Kate Winslet is one of many celebs who has donned one of Victoria’s figure hugging frocks for a red carpet event.

Victoria Beckham and son Romeo were snapped walking into the designer’s show.

David Beckham cradles daughter, Harper, as he arrives at New York Fashion Week to support his wife.

David and his brood, Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper, made a stylist five-some at the show.

Harper was the perfect cheerleader as she sat only metres away from US Vogue’s Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour.

Cameron Diaz was a tangerine dream in this VB gown as she attended a Vanity Fair party in LA.

Eva Longoria is a friend of the designer and often sports items from her pal’s collection for events.

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