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Five signs you’re sleep deprived

You may be surviving on the sleep you get, but that doesn't mean you are getting enough.
Five signs you're sleep deprived

I may not be springing out of bed with unbridled enthusiasm, but I’m not hiding under the doona either.

So while I wouldn’t say no to a lie in now and then, on the whole I think I get enough sleep.

And, according to Lana Hall, psychologist and author of the book How to stop worrying and start sleeping most of us feel the same way.

However, Hall believes that while most of us think we can survive on the amount of sleep we’re getting, we might not be getting nearly enough.

And while you may think that you are getting by just fine, sleep deprivation comes at a cost. In fact, chronic sleep deprivation has been tied to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and depression.

It’s not just the big consequences that we need to worry about. Hall says that regular sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on your day to day life.

“Lack of sleep takes who you are and brings you down a few notches in every way: you’re less energetic, more emotional, have less willpower, are more indecisive, less clear headed, and more likely to think negatively” she explains.

So other than feeling tired, how can you tell that you’re not getting enough sleep?

Hall suggests looking for the following signs:

  1. You find it hard to make decisions

  2. You have big reactions to little events; you’re more likely to burst in to tears or become cranky.

  3. You find it hard to concentrate and make silly mistakes

  4. You are always getting sick

  5. You are always hungry

If, like me, you are nodding along to this list then it might be time to make sleep a higher priority.

So what can we do to improve our chances of getting a good night’s sleep?

Hall says that exercise will burn up some of the stress hormones that our bodies produce during the course of the day.

If you want to get a good nights sleep then avoid screen time before bed.

“Stress hormones make it difficult to go to sleep if there’s too many of them left in our system come bedtime. This is because our bodies respond to stress is by keeping alert and ready for action,” she explains.

Hall also says that it is important to avoid screens for at least an hour before bed. This means no phones, tablets, tv or computer time for at least an hour before bed.

“This gives your mind a chance to disconnect from strong feelings and consuming problems, so you have a chance to relax before you try to go to sleep,” she explains.

Hall also notes that the light from these devices can influence your brain, causing you to feel less sleepy (although new technology has lessened the impact of this).

“Spend the time reading, listening to music or doing some yoga/relaxation type exercises,” she suggests.

Finally, Hall says that learning a simple relaxation strategy such as calming breathing will help you to clear your mind and relax you physically, emotionally and mentally before sleep.

“You can do this as soon as you get into bed and it will help you to fall asleep easily, before your mind has a chance to start chattering away,” she says.

Hall notes that the simplest relaxation strategy is to breathe in for four counts, and then out for four counts.

“Focus only on the feeling of breathing in and out, and counting the numbers silently to yourself – 1, 2, 3, 4 as you breathe in and 4, 3, 2, 1, as you breathe back out,” she explains.

It’s worth the extra effort.

“Sleep gives us the chance to repair our physical body, to process emotions and feelings that were generated in the daytime, and replenishes our mental energy.

“A good night’s sleep results in better energy levels, a greater ability to stay calm and rational, more focused and clear thinking and better abilities to rationally process information – leading to easier decision making,” Hall explains.

“Sleep is really important.”

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Britney Spears is really, really sad about cheese

It’s the video that has fans divided!
Britney Spears

Britney Spears has shared an intimate video of herself crying on Instagram and many can’t decide if it’s simply a joke, or cause for concern.

In the footage, the 34-year-old is joined by her two sons, Sean Preston, ten, and Jayden, nine, as she sobs over cheese.

Watch the video below and decide for yourself. Post continues after…

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“I’m so sad! [The dog] ate all the cheese. The dog ate my cheese. It’s not fair,” the singer cries before panning the camera a guilty-looking terrier licking his lips.

Fans soon inundated the comment section with divided opinions.

“I’m somewhere between fascination and concern,” one user said.

“I hope this isn’t a sign that 2007 is about to happen all over again,” another noted in reference to the Toxic hitmaker’s infamous 2007 breakdown, which ultimately landed her in hospital and saw her father James become her conservator.

However in recent years, Brit has turned a corner and embarked on a positive chapter.

In March, the veteran popstar told V Magazine she has a thick skin.

“I’ve been doing this for 20 years. I kind of don’t pay attention to it. I have my relationship with God and myself and that’s what matters to me. I really don’t care what most people think.”

Brit didn’t hold back during her ode to cheese.

Meanwhile, many other fans defended the video pointing out she was just like any other mum goofing around with her kids.

“It’s bizarre how most of you can’t tell that she is only pretending. Lol,” one person commented.

“Nothing has ever been more relatable,” another mused.

Whatever your opinion, we can’t help but side with Brit because nothing sucks more than running out of cheese!

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The Queen and Catherine’s matching looks

In celebration of The Queen's 90th birthday, we take a look back at all the times the Duchess of Cambridge has paid homage to the monarch, by the means of fashion.
Duchess Catherine and Queen Elizabeth II

As The Queen marks her 90th birthday, we’re taking a look back on her incredibly eventful life as the longest-reigning monarch.

And with a new royal outing from day-to-day, Her Majesty has gone through thousands of different outfits! Her daughter-in-law, Sophie the Countess of Wessex, recently explained why The Queen wears such eye-catching looks.

“When she turns up somewhere, the crowds are two, three, four, ten, 15 deep, and someone wants to be able to say they saw a bit of the Queen’s hat as she went past. She needs to stand out for people to be able to say ‘I saw the Queen,'” Sophie explained during an interview for Our Queen At 90.

Along with her calming presence, signature wave and adorable corgis, the monarch is also known for her impeccable sense of style – much like her granddaughter in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge.

From bright green and pastel yellow, to polka-dots and checks! There is nothing this royal pair can’t pull off.

So in celebration of Her Majesty’s milestone, we take a look back at all the times Duchess Catherine has paid homage to Queen Elizabeth II, by the means of fashion.

Click through the gallery to check out more uncanny looks!

In 1954, a young Queen Elizabeth II was pictured donning a stunning green, silk dress from balcony of Government House in Melbourne, Australia. 60 years later in 2014, Duchess Catherine was pictured in a near identical gown in New York City.

In 1998, the monarch attended an Easter service at St George’s Chapel in Windsor, opting for a deep green coat with black accessories. And in 2012, Catherine re-worked the look with this gorgeous green coat, paired with, yep, you guessed it – black accessories for St Patrick’s Day!

Checkered and cheerful! Queen Elizabeth was pictured in this flowing dress in 1977 on a visit to Tonga, and on Catherine’s visit to Australia in 2014, she too whipped out the pattern!

Her Majesty was pictured at the the 1979 Royal Windsor Horse Show in this smart suit, and in 2014, Kate channeled that very look.

Red dress? Check! Red hat? Check! Now THIS is the epitome of twin style!

Kate and The Queen were quite clearly peachy keen to step out in these bright coats. A pregnant Catherine chose this look in 2013, and one year on, it seems her royal highness raided her closet.

When Queen Elizabeth visited Oman in 1979, she stunned in this relatively casual, yellow frock. And when Kate visited Canada in 2011, she too stepped out in a yellow sundress with an almost identical collar.

Both Kate and Her Majesty looked minty fresh in these gorgeous pastel green coats, paired with neutral accessories.

Last year, the mother-of-two and her grandmother-in-law were pretty pink.

Clearly, the monarch can pull off any colour, even bright green! She wore this all-green-everything look 15 years ago on the grounds of Buckingham Palace, and 13 years later, Kate channeled the bold ensemble.

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Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth II, celebrates her 90th Birthday

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Jennifer Aniston crowned People’s Most Beautiful Woman

12 years after she first won the title, Jennifer Aniston has been named the Most Beautiful Woman of 2016 by People magazine.
Jennifer Aniston

Are we even surprised?!

The seemingly-ageless actress admitted that she was “very, very flattered” to take out the title for the second time, revealing to the US publication that she even had a “sort of very excited, teenage-y kind of moment” when she discovered that she was the winner.

The We’re the Millers star was named People’s most beautiful woman 12 years ago in 2004, when the then-35-year-old’s hit TV series Friends was in its final season.

And it seems as if the now 47-year-old has only become more stunning with age!

The beauty, who married her second husband and fellow actor Justin Theroux last year, credits her youthful glow to a drastic change in her eating habits.

“It’s funny, it’s a really quick transition from not a care and now all of a sudden, we’ve got to really be mindful of what we put inside our bodies,” she mused to People.

“And how we sleep and take care of ourselves. You can get away with a lot in your ’20s.”

Jen pictured looking stunning as always in 2004 – the same year she first won the title.

Earlier in her career, the star faced some harsh words from an agent, who told her that she was “too chubby” to get a part.

“I was like, ‘What?!’ But my diet was terrible,” she said before revealing her then-diet. “Milk shakes and French fries with gravy. It was a good thing to start paying attention.”

Nowadays, Jen enjoys working out regularly and eating well (with the exception of a few treats, of course!).

Jennifer works hard to maintain her toned physique.

“I do 20-30 minutes of cardio and then an hour with barre method. I’ve been in constant pain for three weeks straight. The kind where you’re not sure you’ll walk again,” she told Elle magazine last year.

And the actress’ day on a plate looks very different to that in her ’20s.

“I usually have warm water with lemon first thing in the morning if I can remember. Otherwise I’ll have a cup of coffee, then a shake, eggs and a little avocado and a little coconut oil on Ezekiel whole wheat toast,” she explained to the glossy.

The actress’ second husband Justin Theroux lights up her eyes and her life.

As for what puts that dazzling smile on Jen’s face? Well, we can thank her husband for that!

“I’m lucky because Justin is the funniest person I’ve met, and we make each other laugh,” she quipped to Harper’s Bazaar back in March.

“Laughter is one of the great keys to staying youthful.”

See Justin Theroux spill the beans on his wedding to Jennifer Aniston in the video player below!

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The best baby names that lead your kids to success

Jacqueline, Robert and Kate are all among the top.

A Swiss baby company called Erfolgswelle charges huge amounts of money to carefully create the perfect name for your child so it can be on the path to success.

The company charges $40,379 (£22,000) to pick the name and uses a team of 14 name experts, four historians and 12 translators to do so.

Sounds crazy, right?

The list of the most successful (and unsuccessful) baby names is based on how names are judged by public perception.

Check out the list below – is yours on it?

Most successful girl names











Most successful boy names











And the least successful names? Well, it seems they aren’t the most common ones.

Most unsuccessful girl names











Most unsuccessful boy names











Trending video: It’s the Queen’s 90th birthday!

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Boy… It’s a Backstreet Baby! Nick Carter and Lauren Kitt Carter welcome their son

Everybody... Nick Carter's a dad, alright!
Nick Carter and Lauren Kitt Carter

The Backstreet Boys singer and his wife Lauren Kitt Carter welcomed Odin Reign Carter into the world on Tuesday.

Their darling son had a rather dramatic entry into the world, arriving after 30 hours of labor during a water birth at home.

See their beautiful bub in an E!News clip below. Post continues below

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“She had a very difficult labor,” and insider close to the pair to E! News.

“It was hard on her. Of course, there was a happy ending!”

Nick, who competed alongside Bindi Irwin on Dancing With the Stars, announced the pregnancy on the show back in November.

During a pretaped video, Lauren revealed that they had suffered a tragic miscarriage.

“We were pregnant before and we lost the baby,” the 32-year-old expectant mum revealed.

“It was really hard on Nick and just watching him get so excited about something and then to just see him so hurt, that was hard.”

Meanwhile, the 36-year-old singer told People that he was purely focused on pampering his wife during her pregnancy.

Ready to pop!

“I’m taking a couple of well-needed months off to be with my wife and really cater to her in this time,” he admitted.

Nick will no doubt be loving his family time, as it will be soon time for him to head to Las Vegas for a possible residency with the entire band.

“We just signed a nine-show deal to do a test run in Vegas with a residency, so that’s definitely going to happen, but we’re going to do a trial run first,” he revealed during a red carpet appearance.

Congratulations to the new parents!

The couple celebrated their second wedding anniversary on April 14.

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Iman reveals the secret to her marriage with David Bowie

Iman has revealed the secret to her lasting 24-year marriage with the late David Bowie in an interview filmed before the singer’s death.
David Bowie and Iman

The supermodel and the Let’s Dance singer were married for 24 years and had one daughter, Alexandria Zahra Jones, in 2000.

However, he sadly passed away from cancer on January 10 of this year.

Prior to his death, Iman took part in OWN’s Oprah: Where Are They Now? series and said the secret to a lasting marriage was timing.

“You have to be at the right time in your life that you’re ready for an everlasting relationship, that it becomes first, a priority in life.”

Watch Iman share her pearls of wisdom on long-lasting love in the player below. Post continues after the video…

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“If your career is important to you, don’t get married and have children, because something will give.”

She added, “’I know as women we want to be able to have it all, but we can’t have it all at the same time.

“So make your priority of what you want at that time. And sometimes you don’t even have to get married. Why do you have to get married?”

She also joked, “People say, ‘But do you give him fashion tips?’ What are you, crazy? We’re talking about David Bowie. He is fashion.”

This story originally appeared on The Australian Women’s Weekly

David, pictured with his beloved wife, tragically passed away from cancer in January.

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How to ripen an avocado in just 10 minutes

This is life changing.

If you’ve been guilty of squeezing avocados in the fruit aisle on multiple occasions in the pursuit of ‘optimum ripeness’, you’re not alone.

Alas, these two hacks for ripening avocados in record time via Refinery 29 will save you time and your reputation at the supermarket!

Bag it

Time to ripen: 1-2 days

What you need: an unripe avocado, a banana or apple and a paper bag.

Instructions: Simply pop your unripe avocado in the paper bag with the apple or banana. Check for ripeness after a day. If it’s still too hard, put it back into the bag for a second day.

Why does it work? Avocados, apples and bananas all emit a gas called ‘ethylene’, responsible for ripening fruit. By trapping the ethylene in a paper bag, the fruit ripen faster than normal.

Nuke it

Time to ripen: 10-60 mins

What you need: an unripe avocado, aluminium foil and baking paper

Instructions: Wrap your rock-like avocado in aluminium foil, place on a tray of baking paper and whack in the oven at 95°C for 10 mins. Depending on how unripe the avocado is, you may need to keep it in the oven for up to an hour. When done, put it in the fridge until cool.

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Girl nearly dies after being misdiagnosed

A mother knew something was seriously wrong with her daughter despite doctors telling her it was just chicken pox.

A mum is warning other parents to get their kids immunised after her child nearly died from meningitis when doctors allegedly diagnosed it as chicken pox.

Bethany Brunton from South Shields, England, took her daughter Izabelle to the hospital and was told she had chicken pox, but Bethany knew there was something more to it.

The next day, Bethany, 17, took her child back the hospital and after a lumber puncture and blood tests, Izabelle was diagnosed with the deadly meningitis B, plus septicaemia.

The little tot was transferred to another hospital where she spent more than a week getting treated. She was discharged on Sunday (her first birthday) and is on the mend.

“She’s still not her normal self just yet, she’s got an upset tummy at the moment and is being sick a lot, but she’s getting there,” Bethany said.

An investigation has now been launched into the initial diagnosis and the circumstances surrounding it.

Bethany has used the horrible incident as a reminder for parents to get their children immunised, as little Izabelle missed out on hers by 13 days.

“We’re so grateful she’s back home with us,” Bethany said.

“Izabelle missed out on the vaccination by a matter of days, due to her being born just before the cut-off point.”

“If she’d had that injection then we probably wouldn’t have had to go through all of this.”

She continued: “So I would urge other parents to get their babies vaccinated, it’s just horrible.”

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Mother dies two days after giving birth

Senior doctors say that Lisa Parkinson was killed by sudden adult death syndrome.

A British mother who died in hospital two days after giving birth was killed by sudden adult death syndrome (SADS), an inquest has heard.

Senior doctors said nothing could have prevented Lisa Parkinson’s death, which happened at the Royal Oldham Hospital in June 2014.

However Parkinson’s family say they still have questions about her care in the hours before she was discovered unresponsive in her hospital bed.

Lisa Parkinson gave birth to a baby boy, Zac, following a Caesarean section.

The following day, her family expected to collect her from the hospital and bring her home with baby Zac. But instead they received a devastating call from the hospital.

Speaking to the preliminary inquest hearing yesterday, Mr Parkinson said when he arrived at the hospital a crash team were performing CPR on his daughter, the Daily Mail reports.

“I walked into the room and there were about eight people all around on her.”

“One of them was giving her CPR. I’ve seen it on the telly before, but it was nothing like this.”

‘”I had never seen anything like that in my life. I could not watch it any more. I couldn’t watch them do that to my little girl.”

‘”My other daughter met me in the corridor and I said to her, ‘she’s gone’.”

Parkinson’s family said they have questions about the length of time Lisa had been left in bed without observations.

The hospital records show that she had been given painkillers at 4.05am after complaining of rib and shoulder pain.

A midwife checked on her at 6.25am and found her “sleeping and breathing”. But two hours later another medic found her unresponsive.

“Should more have been done at that time?” Val Wroe, Parkinson’s Auntie asked.

“That’s the question that torments us.”

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