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Royal jester in the court! Prince Harry’s sweet birthday present to the Queen

In celebration of her landmark 90th birthday, Prince Harry treated his beloved granny to a comedic performance.
Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth

Prince Harry showed off his theatrical talents by performing a short cabaret with ventriloquist Nina Conti as present to Queen Elizabeth for her 90th.

And according to Hello, the 31-year-old had everyone in stitches!

According to royal insiders, Harry happily stepped in as Nina’s dummy and managed to nail his performance. The comedian is famous for her mannequins, including the irreverent Monkey.

Watch her perform in the video player. Post continues below

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“It was genuinely brilliant. He must have been practising it because he had to do the actions in time with her speaking. It was intensely funny because he was so good,” a royal pal quipped.

The Queen celebrated her 90th birthday on Thursday.

Her eldest, Prince Charles organised the intimate soiree inviting her 71 closest friends and family members for a black-tie dinner in the grand Waterloo Chamber of Windsor Castle.

Royals in attendance included her eldest granddaughter Zara Tindall, her lady-in-waiting Lady Susan Hussey and late Princess Margaret’s children Viscount Linley and Lady Sarah Chatto.

Guests tucked into a delicious three course meal of poached filled of salmon trout, beef in a port-wine sauce and a passion fruit and mango gateau for dessert.

“Prince Charles had arranged some nice entertainment after dinner,” the Queen’s cousin Margaret Rhodes told Hello.

“We had a three-course dinner at little round tables which sat about eight people at each. The Queen looked very marvellous and very happy. And it was lovely to see her there surrounded by all her family.”

Harry always makes the Queen laugh!

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Paris Hilton calls it quits with Thomas gross

Hollywood ‘it’ girl Paris Hilton and her boyfriend, Thomas Gross, have split after one year.
Paris Hilton Thomas Gross

According to sources close to the couple, the heiress and her Austrian boyfriend have split up after one year together.

“They are both friends and remain close but with their busy work schedules and the long distance it just got too difficult,” an insider told Life & Style.

Paris, 35, and the handsome millionaire first met at the Cannes Film Festival in May of 2015, where the immediately hit it off.

It wasn’t long after that the former reality star gushed about her new love, calling him her “soulmate” in July via an Instagram post.

Paris pictured on a yacht in Formentera, Spain with her millionaire beau.

“Thomas is my soulmate. I’ve never been happier. He doesn’t like fame, he just wants me. With previous boyfriends I felt there was always an intention, but with him I know it’s all about love,” the blonde beauty reiterated to Closer Magazine.

“He’s very private so he’d never want cameras following us around,” she went on to the British publication.

“I’m so busy with my work that when I do get time at home, I don’t have time to watch reality TV. I like to cook for my boyfriend and watch movies.

In the midst of her breakup, the starlet attended Coachella over the weekend.

But Paris, despite the tough nature of breakups, has a thick skin from her time in the Hollywood lights, and will no doubt go on to find a partner she can start a family with – which is something the star recently admitted was her next goal.

“One day I’d love to get married and have kids,” she quipped. “I see how happy Nicky is. That’s the true meaning of life: to find the love of your life and start a family.”

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7 reasons you’re always hungry

We’ve identified the many reasons your stomach feels like a bottomless pit.

It’s been approximately 1.5 hours since you ate lunch and you’re starving. Sound familiar?

We’ve rounded up the main culprits to why that feeling of devouring an entire pizza is eating away at you – and they don’t all relate to food.


We’re all guilty of eating a meal (or an entire packet of Tim Tams) without even realising we’ve actually done it because our mind is off in other places – just like when you’re digging into your salad while typing a reply email to your boss, or inhaling dinner as you’re trying to put your child to sleep. Always take time out to focus on what you’re eating; your brain will catch up and you’ll notice you’ve actually satisfied your hunger levels.

Boredom or procrastination

All of us have done this at one stage (or many). We look through the fridge for a snack just because we don’t want to be doing the task at hand – whether that be the ironing or work reports.

If you feel like you’re hungry in this situation, you’re probably not. So get moving with that particular job you need to do, there’s no point putting it off! Once you do that, you might even forget you’re hungry at all.

Refined foods

Cookies, white bread and chocolate are all amazing for a 3pm fix, but they’re not exactly the best option. The refined sugar found in these processed foods can spike your blood sugar levels, but then crash which ends up making you hungrier than you were in the first place. Such a vicious cycle! It’s these types of foods that have been scientifically proven to have an impact on mood-regulating chemicals in the brain which can lead to overeating. Sticking to the good foods should help ease the faux hunger pangs.


A lot of people don’t drink enough water during the day, and as a result, they often mistake hunger for thirst. Keep hydrated and you’ll find you need to snack less.

Time of the month

We’re all familiar with the comfort-food binges we tend to go on during our periods; it’s inevitable. But this has actually been proven as a scientific fact – our appetites are increased particularly during the second half of the cycle. Eat foods that are rich in iron (like red meat, fish and leafy greens) to replenish the iron levels lost during your period. If you’re hungry not long after a meal, wait 20 minutes or so. If you’re still ravenous, make yourself a healthy snack!


For a lot of people, stress and sadness can affect hunger – appetite can either drop or soar sky-high. Stress can often make people turn to fatty or sugary foods which can be so comforting and delicious at the time, but can also leave an empty feeling. Try to identify the triggers that are making you feel this way. Consider taking a yoga class or listening to some soothing tunes – whatever makes you feel calm.


We’re creatures of habit who love regularity, so when it hits 7pm AKA ‘dinner time’, our stomachs seem to switch to raging hunger mode. Try to determine how hungry you really are by listening to your body, and if you’re not, make yourself a smaller portion or put off the meal for an hour.

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Stylist linked to Jay Z cancels appearance

Rachel Roy, the stylist that was rumoured to be affiliated with Jay Z, has cancelled an event amid speculation that she is the woman referenced in Beyonce’s new album.
Beyonce Jay Z Rachel Roy

More drama in the Beyhive…

On Monday, fashion designer, Rachel Roy cancelled a scheduled public appearance in New York City amid speculation that she was the infamous “Becky with the good hair” – a representation of infidelity in Beyonce’s new song, Sorry.

The stylist was signed on to present a talk at the Mastering Your Metier seminar on Monday evening, but she decided to back out despite the short notice.

“Due to a personal emergency, Rachel Roy has had to cancel this evening’s event. Our apologies for any inconvenience,” read the email sent to the guests.

See a sneak peak of Beyonce’s Lemonade in the video player below! Post continues…

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The news of her abrupt cancellation comes just days after Beyonce released her new album, Lemonade.

A song on the record entitled Sorry explores the themes of marital infidelity with the lyrics, “He only want me when I’m not there / He better call Becky with the good hair”.

Fans quickly assumed that Queen Bey was alluding that her husband, Jay Z, had cheated with a mystery woman with the code name ‘Becky’.

It wasn’t long after the track dropped that Rachel became the centre of speculation, encouraging fans to believe that the evocative lyrics referred to her.

Is this the “Becky” the world can’t stop talking about?

Further adding fuel to the already-fierce fire, Rachel took to Instagram to share a now-deleted photo along with a suggestive caption.

“Good hair don’t care, but we will take good lighting, for selfies, or self truths, always. Live in the light #nodramaqueens,” Rachel penned alongside a selfie on her account, which has now been changed to private.

Despite changing her account preferences to private, her post didn’t go unnoticed as she later took to Twitter to defend herself against the social media storm that resulted from the pic.

“I respect love, marriages, families and strength. What shouldn’t be tolerated by anyone, no matter what, is bullying, of any kind,” Rachel, who was previously married to Jay Z’s business partner Damon Dash, penned.

Rachel was linked to the 99 Problems hitmaker in 2014 after Beyonce’s sister Solange was famously caught punching and kicking Jay Z in an elevator at a Met Gala after-party at the Standard Hotel in New York.

At the time, a source alleged to E! News that “Rachel was being flirtatious” at the event.

“Rachel is a little too close to Jay Z,” a source said to The Daily News. “Solange doesn’t like it, and Beyoncé doesn’t like it.”

Beyonce and Jay Z married in 2008.

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My baby saved my life

A 38-hour labour resulted in a seizure for a new mother, which then helped doctors to discover a deadly tumour the size of a golf ball.

A mother from Staffordshire, England, has thanked her baby daughter for saving her life.

Catherine Dell, 39, was enduring a 38-hour labour when doctors had to perform an emergency caesarean to bring little Jessica to the world.

But just hours after the police detective welcomed her baby girl in February 2014, she suffered a violent seizure.

When doctors ran a CT scan to find the root of the cause, they discovered Catherine had a tumour on her brain that was 4cm long – the size of a golf ball.

“I had no symptoms whatsoever, no headaches or eyesight problems. I would never have known,” she said.

Medics believe that the long labour had deteriorated her body’s natural defences of the tumour, then resulting in the seizure.

Two months after it was discovered, she had an operation to remove it. It was a benign Ganglioglioma Grade One tumour that is usually only found in one per cent of children affected by brain tumours.

Speaking about how terrified she was of the operation, she said: “My mortality was thrown into stark focus and I struggled to bond with my daughter in the fear that I was going to die and never be there for her.”

Catherine’s recovery has been a long road. She was suffering seizures for a little while as an after-effect of the surgery, and her hair took a long time to grow back over the scar across her scalp.

She’s now using her story to raise awareness and funds for The Brain Tumour Charity.

“I regained my confidence and fitness and crucially I’ve caught up on the time I lost with my daughter,” she said.

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Dad kills toddler for interrupting video game

Two-year-old Ellie Sanders was bitten and smothered to death by her own father after she interrupted his video game.
Dad kills toddler for interrupting video game

Anthony Michael Sanders is charged with murdering his two-year-old daughter Ellie.

A man murdered his own two-year-old daughter in a “fit of rage” after she interrupted his video game at a crucial moment, police have claimed.

Ellie Sanders, two, had been home alone with her five-year-old brother and her father Anthony Michael Sanders on December 12 last year while her mother attended an art show in their Texan home town.

When her mother returned home at around 8.30pm, she asked where Ellie was and was told she was asleep in bed.

Half an hour later, her brother raised the alarm when he went in to check on her and found her unresponsive.

Paramedics were called but Ellie was pronounced dead in hospital at 10.10pm. Doctors found bruising around her eyes, blood behind one ear and adult-sized bite marks.

Her official cause of death was asphyxiation, allegedly when her father clamped his hand over her mouth and nose until she stopped breathing.

When questioned, Sanders said he had no idea what had caused Ellie’s injuries. He claimed she had been fine when he changed her nappy shortly before his wife’s return.

He was arrested on April 15, the day after the medical examiner ruled Ellie’s death a homicide.

Police claim he attacked his daughter after she distracted him from his video game, which he was an avid fan of.

“Just a fit of rage-type deal, anger,” Sergeant Jason Babcock told the Star-Telegram. “He’s very involved in computer gaming. That’s something he did constantly. She may have interrupted him somehow. His day may have been interrupted.”

Sanders has been charged with murder and remanded in custody awaiting his trial.

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Facebook photo costs Sydney couple $80k

A couple are facing bankruptcy because of one photo they posted on Facebook.

Matthew and Annette Palmer are facing bankruptcy over a Facebook photo.

Sydney couple Matthew and Annette Palmer are facing bankruptcy after being slapped with close to $80,000 in legal fees relating to a picture they posted on Facebook.

The Palmer’s saga began when a series of posters were placed around the small enclave of Scotland Island, just north of Sydney, in 2014.

The poster, headlined “Attention Island Residents”, described local resident Nader Mohareb as “a highly volatile individual, prone to manic outbursts … often abusive and threatening, particularly towards women and children” and “known to police”.

It also reportedly accused him of failing to control his “agitated and highly excitable” dogs in public.

Palmer posted a photo of the poster on the Scotland Island Community Facebook page but it was taken down by the page’s moderator because “mob justice and vigilantism” had no place on a page designed for “respectful conversation”.

The Palmers denied creating or posting the notice around the island but admitted posting it on Facebook.

Mohareb sued them for defamation, alleging the posts implied he was mentally unstable, contemptuous of accepted social conventions and decorum, has a history of violence and should be avoided by the local community.

After at least seven court appearances, Mohareb agreed to drop charges and pay some of the Palmer’s court fees if they published an apology on the Facebook page.

They did so, but a moderator of the page deleted the apology, unaware of the legal agreement between the two parties.

This move caused Mohareb to launch a new set of legal actions which have left the Palmers owing close to $80,000 in court fees and facing bankruptcy with no end to their legal troubles in sight.

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One way to spot a child molester

Knowing this could help save a child's life.
One way to spot a child molester

An international child crime conference taking place on the Gold Coast has heard from the Texas Rangers who are training Queensland police to recognise warning signs of child molesters and abductors during routine traffic stops.

In Texas alone, 18 children have been rescued in January and February as a result of troopers detecting suspicious activity during routine traffic stops, Courier Mail reports.

Texas Ranger Sergeant Cody Mitchell revealed the “indicators” to look out for in drivers like them having dyed hair to possibly disguise their identity.

“Everywhere you go the (child exploitation) problems are exactly the same,” Sgt Mitchell said.

“There are cultural differences (between countries) but the base of all evil seems to be the same everywhere you go.”

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Japan’s latest crazy fashion trend

This new craze out of Japan is toe-tally bizarre but also kinda genius.

Don’t have enough time to paint your toenails or just can’t be bothered? Hey, we’ve all been there.

But it seems Japan (where else?) has cured all our woes with this toe-tally wacky new trend – pre-painted toenail stockings.

Belle Maison invented this genius-but-also-weird concept, with the options of colours and designs being seemingly endless.

So whatever mood you’re in or event you have to go to, there’s a different pair you can throw on!

One thing’s for sure, you’ll definitely be the talking point.

Pic via Belle Maison

Pic via Belle Maison

Pic via G Market

Pic via Belle Maison

Pic via Hosinabi

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Liam Hemsworth is a domestic god!

Just when you thought the Hemsworth clan couldn’t be any more perfect than they already are, Liam reveals his deep love for gardening!
Liam Hemsworth

Miley Cyrus really has a catch on her hands. And when you look at his down-to-earth qualities, you can hardly blame her for whacking that engagement ring back on, when they reconciled earlier this year.

In a new interview with news.com.au, Liam Hemsworth, has spoken about his laid-back life in Malibu.

“I’m pretty domestic,” the 26-year-old, who is currently promoting his latest flick Independence Day: Resurgence, explained to the website.

Liam, pictured with his rescue dog Dora, is a huge animal lover like his girlfriend Miley.

“I planted my first group of vegetable plants last week – tomato, spinach, parsley and cilantro. And I cook a lot too. I’ve become vegan in the last year so I make a lot of beans, rice and salads,” he revealed of his diet.

Funnily enough, his girlfriend Miley is also an avid fan of the vegan diet.

Speaking about her veganism last year on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Miley explained: “The reason that I started this was because I had a fish that was highly intelligent. He really knew who I was, he really got excited when I was home.”

“One day I went to a sushi restaurant with a few of my friends and they were serving blowfish. And I thought, this is an intelligent animal.”

Watch Miley talk about becoming a vegan in the player below. Post continues after the video!

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As for why Liam converted? He originally did it for the film but found the benefits instant.

“I went vegan for the Independence Day shoot and I felt really good so I continued. I have more energy, my sleeping is better, and I have more endurance in my workouts,” Liam explained to the website.

“Also, I did some research about cruelty to animals. Ethically, I didn’t feel good about supporting those industries. It’s not good for the environment, it’s not good for people and certainly not for animals,” he added.

Like we said, a complete and utter catch!

Miley hasn’t looked back since converting to the diet.

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