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MasterChef’s Trent Harvey is getting married!

They say love comes when you least expect it and that was certainly the case for MasterChef contestant Trent Harvey.
Trent Harvey

Single, and with his heart set on travelling the world, the 29-year-old admits he wasn’t ready for a relationship eight years ago. But then he met Kristen.

“We met at a party and the rest is history,” a loved-up Trent, who popped the question in July last year with a rough diamond ring he designed himself, told Woman’s Day.

Now, the countdown is on until the hunky electrician marries the woman of his dreams.

At the Farmhouse, where he popped the question.

Trent with his future Mrs, Kristen.

“I can’t wait to get married,” he says, adding the couple plan to tie the knot in December on his family’s apple orchard in Batlow, NSW.

“We are going to have it there with a big dance floor and food truck and a drinks van.”

“It will be very casual like a festival wedding. It’s going to be awesome!”

But first things first for the charming country lad, who has his eyes firmly on taking out the MasterChef crown.

“I definitely think I have what it takes to win and I’m going to give it the best I can,” he says.

And the dream?

“To own a self-sufficient bistro that sources produce from within 100km, with a regularly changing menu.”

The top 24!

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I had an orgasm while giving birth

A small percentage of women experience pleasure during labour, but apparently with knowledge anyone can experience an orgasmic birth.
orgasmic birth

When talking about childbirth the most common words used to describe the sensations are excruciating, exhausting, and intense. A word less commonly associated with the most primal activity a woman will ever experience is “orgasmic”.

Although actual numbers are imperfect due to many women never talking about it, a 2013 study by French psychologist Thierry Postel revealed that about 0.3 per cent of births are orgasmic, also known as ecstatic births.

It may seem like an oxymoron, however Shamanic birthkeeper, Avalon Darnesh, believes birth is the ultimate sexual experience therefore it is natural that our sexual organs can experience it as pleasurable.

Avalon not only guides women on how they can experience ecstatic birth, but has also experienced it herself.

“There are ways that you can prepare yourself for an orgasmic birth, because it’s all about energy flow and sexual energy,” she says. “Our culture removes sexuality from birth, but birth is sexuality.”

Being wired up to monitors, bright lights and clinical surroundings in a labour ward is not especially conducive to free-flowing oxytocin (the love hormone) so surroundings can play a large part.

“Being somewhere safe and comfortable, being with people you are comfortable with. Just being safe and warm, similar to an environment where you would enjoy to make love,” says Avalon.

The name orgasmic birth inspires images of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally, however it’s usually not quite the “O” we know.

“It’s a whole broader sense of the word orgasm. Often people think of an orgasm as a peak experience, but from a more tantric perspective orgasm is a state that you can get into which is very ecstatic and blissful. It may or may not include that peak orgasm,” tells Avalon.

Just as the female orgasm is different for every woman, so too is the orgasmic birth. Some plan for it, and never peak, others have never heard of it, and get the surprise of their lives when they come.

Such as it was for Emily Tait during her first labour.

“I had been in the bath and then they got me out so that they could see how I was progressing, then when I was on the table I felt the urge to push,” she recalls.

“Midwifes were really laid back and said ‘so push’ and my daughter, Gael*, was crowning almost immediately. I was definitely in pain with an intense burning sensation, but then as I kept pushing I realised that I was having an orgasm – not like ones I usually have – but definite clitoral action.”

“Gael came out with her hand by her face, which caused a quite severe labial tear. The midwife said that I was lucky that it wasn’t more serious because it went all the way to my clitoris. I expect that’s what triggered the orgasm.”

Although Emily knew what happened physically, she had never heard of such a thing and had what is unfortunately a typical response to a very natural bodily reaction.

“Being British I was really embarrassed and hoped that it hadn’t been obvious to the midwives. I didn’t even tell my husband until months after the birth.”

From an anatomical point of view the contractions experienced during labour are similar to the contractions experienced during an orgasm. The birth canal, cervix, vagina and clitoris are all being activated during the birthing process and if you can release the fear of pain, you may be able to experience something else altogether.

“Physiologically, birth and sex operate almost identically,” says doula from Birthing Brave, Chelle Luke. “If you look at hormones at play, oxytocin, endorphins, adrenalin, the anatomy involved, brain activity and nerve receptors that are firing… it’s all there ready for women to drop into and surrender to.”

Sexual stimulation is widely accepted as part of the induction process to bring your baby on. This includes sex, masturbation, passionate kissing, light sensual massage and nipple stimulation.

“All of these things also work beautifully while in labour to manage sensations, to intensify surges if they have slowed down, to connect a woman back to her body and her process if she has been interrupted,” explains Chelle.

“In our society we have been conditioned to think that labour is something women have to endure; it’s painful, frightening, in a foreign environment, with strangers coming in and out of your room, talking loudly, interrupting your flow and yelling at you to push when your baby is about to be born.”

How can we prepare ourselves to experience this more sensual, and less fearful labour? By honouring your body.

“The top few things I recommend to all of my clients are; prenatal yoga or pilates, intuitive massage therapy, breathwork, meditation, reading and watching positive birth stories, making lots of love to their partner and even masturbation.”

“Anything that will bring the woman into her body, connecting her to her breath and the sensations in her body, and enabling her to comfortably let go and surrender even more,” says Chelle.

“If you are in a relationship, I believe the connection with your partner is crucial. Spend time falling in love all over again, exploring your intimacy more deeply, breathe together, explore your body together, what really feels good for you? Use your voice, speak your needs, fall into them, allow yourself to be held,” suggests Chelle.

A strong, solid loving connection, and a hot sex life are not essential when it comes to an orgasmic birth. That said, if you are in a loving relationship, and can entertain the possibility that labour needn’t simply be endured, you may as well try to utilise it as you embark on the greatest miracle of all.

Danielle Colley

*Danielle Colley is a writer, blogger, mum and ice cream afficionado. She is a regular contributor to The Weekly and other online and print publications.

You can see more of Danielle on her blog, Keeping Up With The Holsbys, or her Facebook page facebook.com/keepingupwiththeholsbys.*

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Are Lara and Sam Worthington expecting baby No. 2?

New reports suggest the model is pregnant and she's apparently already five months along!
Lara Worthington, Sam Worthington, Rocket Worthington

Just days after saying she would “love to have more children” with husband Sam Worthington, Lara Worthington has reportedly revealed she is pregnant with her second child.

According to The Daily Telegraph, the Australian model recently revealed the happy news to a select group of family and friends, spilling the news that she was already five months along.

The pair have made no secret of wanting a larger brood following the birth of their 13-month-old son Rocket Zot, and will no doubt be thrilled for their little one to have a sibling to play with.

Friends are claiming the 28-year-old is in Sydney to tell her family she’s having a baby in person, in between her promotional duties for the high-end brand.

But don’t expect to hear the star to confirm the news any time soon. The paper also reports the media have been banned from asking Lara about her pregnancy during her current press tour.

Lara was recently spotted back in Sydney with a new haircut.

The famously private pair didn’t confirm when they were expecting their first child, son Rocket, the first time around either.

The couple wed in secret in December 2014, in front of only a handful of friends and family, not confirming the marriage until many months later. Lara was six months pregnant at the time.

Little Rocket looks so much like his glamourous parents

However, in a rare moment of openness, the TV personality last week confirmed to Today Extra that she plans to expand her brood with her husband.

“I would love to have more children, definitely,” Lara said to the hosts, when asked about her plans for more babies in the future.

She also spoke candidly about her son, whom she says is very advanced for his age.

Check out Lara gushing over having a second baby here. Post continues below.

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“He walked at 10 months, he’s almost running now!” she bragged.

“He’s an Aries baby,” she continued. “He’s quite strong, so when he doesn’t want to eat something, he doesn’t want to eat it.”

And Lara’s latest bub won’t be the last of them either. The founder of The Base makeup and skincare line has previously revealed to Kyle and Jackie O that she wouldn’t mind having four kids, and she wanted to have them “sooner rather than later”.

“The more the merrier!” she said to the radio duo. “I have one brother and Sam has one sister so I think I want, like, a bigger family!

“Sam’s sister has three kids, which I just love and it’s just like a big family, you’re like a big team. It’s awesome!” Lara gushed.

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Lara Bingle pregnant with second child

It was Mother’s Day yesterday and Lara Bingle had an extra reason to celebrate!

Lara Bingle has reportedly told friends she is five months pregnant with her second child.

The Aussie model, who welcomed her first bub Rocket Zot just over a year ago, is said to be thrilled to be expanding her family with husband Sam Worthington.

Lara, 28, and Sam, 39, currently live in New York but she has been in Sydney this week as part of a promotional deal and used the trip home to catch up with friends and tell them the good news, reports The Daily Telegraph .

Lara never confirmed her previous pregnancy and is expected to remain similarly tight-lipped about this one.

RELATED VIDEO: Lara Worthington is excited to have another child

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Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne split after 34 years

Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne are divorcing after 34 years of marriage.

The shock news comes after reports surfaced accusing Ozzy of having an affair with celebrity hair stylist Michelle Pugh.

A furious Sharon discovered evidence that the aging rocker was cheating on her last week, and confronted him.

“Sharon went ballistic,” a source said. “She said she had suspected something had been going on for some time and now had proof. People are wondering whether Sharon went through Ozzy’s phone before accusing him,” the insider continued. “She’s done that before but in the past she was checking if he’d been using drugs.”

Unfortunately for the sake of their marriage, Ozzy couldn’t deny the affair, admitting that he and Michelle, 45, had been close.

Following the distressing confrontation the 63-year-old wife and mother kicked Ozzy out of the $13.5 million Beverly Hills Mansion they share together.

The Prince of Darkness is said to have gone missing following the split, which some feared meant he had spiralled back into his drug and alcohol addiction. He has since gotten in contact with his children to assure them he is safe and well, and is holed up in a Los Angeles hotel.

In a desperate attempt to win Sharon back, the 67-year-old send a card and flowers to his wife apologising for his behaviour.

But it seems the struggles the pair have faced through their long, difficult marriage have finally taken their toll and Sharon has finally had enough.

The shock split comes after Ozzy denied rumours their relationship was on the rocks back in April 2013.

At the time he took to Facebook to assure fans the pair were “not divorcing” and but that the couple were on shaky ground following his slip back into drugs and booze.

He said he had since sobered up. Sharon also addressed the rumours at the time saying, “We are not getting divorced. Am I happy? No. Am I upset? Yes I am. I’m devastated right now. We’re dealing with it.”

It’s not the first time Ozzy has been caught cheating on Sharon but it may be the last straw for the distressed wife.

Previously Sharon has spoken out on her heartbreak when she caught Ozzy in bed with not one, but two of the nannies the couple used to take care of their children Jack, Kelly and Aimee.

She took him back after that indiscretion but it doesn’t look likely this time.

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day.

RELATED VIDEO: Sharon Osbourne opens up on Ozzy cheating with two nannies

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Waleed Aly’s dirty little secret

It’s a secret he’s kept for years, but now the cat is out of the bag.

Lots of people thought there were more deserving Gold Logie recipients than Waleed Aly – himself included.

Standing to accept Australian TV’s highest honour, Waleed expressed his regret that it wasn’t being awarded to his beloved wife, Susan Carland.


“The reality is – a dirty little secret I’ve carried around for a long time – if she had my job, she’d be better at it than me,” he said. “She is sharper, she is wittier, she is funnier, she is infinitely more charming and likeable.

“She has bigger and more important things to do. Everyone who knows her knows she changes you, she makes you better. They don’t give statuettes to people like that, sadly. But one day, if life’s fair, they might just give her a statue.”

Waleed received a torrent of negative comments when his Gold Logie nomination was announced, with people questioning everything from his professional credentials to his skin colour and religion.

Waleed responded to this criticism in the first part of his speech last night, saying: “Do not adjust your sets. There’s nothing wrong with the picture. If you are in the room I’m sure there’s an Instagram filter to return things to normal. It will be fine. This is happening.”

Happily, the prevailing sentiments on social media last night were happy, with dozens of celebrities and ordinary Australians congratulating The Project host on his big win.

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Noni Hazlehurst’s scathing Logies speech

Aussie actress Noni Hazlehurst used her TV Week Logies speech to make a powerful point about the current inequalities in the entertainment industries.
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At last night’s 2016 TV Week Logie Awards, Noni Hazlehurst was ushered into the Hall of Fame, but she made sure to acknowledge that she is only the second woman (the first was Ruth Cracknell) in 32 years to have been given the honour.

Her stinging speech rung true with the audience as she spoke about unity and empathy, but also in the current climate, a lack thereof. Noni said: “I fear that our hearts are growing cold.”

“The fact that I’m only the second woman to be given this honour is merely a reflection of the prevailing guard. As the suggestion has been made in some quarters the eligibility of esteemed colleagues Waleed Aly and Lee Lin Chin going for Gold is questionable.”

This could have been a pointed stab at Kitty Flanagan’s rip on Lee Lin Chin earlier in the night, saying that she was a “wack job”.

“Things are changing. They’re changing slowly,” Noni continued.

“The great thing about glaciers if you’re not on them you go under. I’ve been riding that glacier for 40 years. And I’m staying on top of it. Graham Blundell once wrote about me said no-one does ordinary and vulnerable like Noni Hazlehurst.”

“But then I thought it’s OK. Because in fact we’re all vulnerable and we’re all ordinary. Although, a lot of our energy is spent trying to prove the opposite.”

The long-time actress and host has been a focal point in the Australian entertainment industry and spoke of her fond memories.

Among movies and TV work, she hosted both Play School and Better Homes and Gardens for many years.

“Forty-three years is a long time and yet it seems like an instant,” she said. “So much so that this is something of a shock. I’m very honoured and very humbled and I thank you.”

Bravo for making a lasting impression in our minds with your powerful words last night, Noni! Let’s hope we see change.

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Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne split amid cheating scandal

And she's apparently already kicked him out of the mansion!
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne

Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne are said to be divorcing after 34 years of marriage, according to multiple reports from the US.

The shock announcement comes after reports surfaced accusing Ozzy of having an affair with celebrity hair stylist Michelle Pugh, 45.

According to The Sun, a furious Sharon discovered evidence that the rocker was cheating on her last week, and confronted him.

“Sharon went ballistic,” a source alleged to the publication.

“She said she had suspected something had been going on for some time and now had proof. People are wondering whether Sharon went through Ozzy’s phone before accusing him,” the insider continued. “She’s done that before but in the past she was checking if he’d been using drugs.”

According to The Sun, Sharon was livid when she discovered Ozzy was having an affair with Michelle Pugh.

Following the distressing confrontation the 63-year-old wife and mother reportedly kicked Ozzy out of their $13.5 million Beverly Hills Mansion they share together.

The Prince of Darkness is said to have gone missing following the split, which some feared meant he had spiralled back into his drug and alcohol addiction. He has since gotten in contact with his children to assure them he is safe and well, and is holed up in a Los Angeles hotel.

Ozzy is said to be lost following the split.

According to the reports, in a desperate attempt to win Sharon back, the 67-year-old sent a card and flowers to his wife apologising.

But it seems the struggles the pair have faced through their long, difficult marriage have finally taken their toll and Sharon has finally had enough.

Sharon can’t believe Ozzy would cheat on her after all this time.

The shock split comes after Ozzy denied rumours their relationship was on the rocks back in April 2013.

At the time he took to Facebook to assure fans the pair were “not divorcing” however they were on shaky ground following his slip back into drugs and booze.

He said he had since sobered up. Sharon also addressed the rumours at the time saying, “We are not getting divorced. Am I happy? No. Am I upset? Yes I am. I’m devastated right now. We’re dealing with it.”

See Sharon open up about Ozzy cheating. Post continues below.

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It’s not the first time Ozzy has been caught cheating on Sharon but it may be the last straw for the distressed wife.

Previously Sharon has spoken out on her heartbreak when she caught Ozzy in bed with not one, but two of the nannies the couple used to take care of their children Jack, Kelly and Aimee.

She took him back after that indiscretion but it doesn’t look likely this time.

The couple are yet to address these latest claims.

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Julia Morris is her own hero at the Logies

The funny-woman outdoes herself... and it is hilarious!

Last year, Julia failed to announce the nominees for the most outstanding entertainment program award.

“Did I forget to talk about the nominees?” she asked the star-studded crowd.

“It’s live, don’t tell anyone, we can cut it out later!”

This year… She tripped, she flashed, she sang. And it was glorious!

Watch the hilarious skit in the video player below

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Before sharing with the world that she’s got an inner songstress, the 48-year-old fell head over heels on stage before presenting Best Presenter to The Project’s Waleed Aly.

Dropping several curse words as she comically fell over, the TV personality had the whole room in stitches…

And only raised her game to perform her rendition of Bonnie Tyler’s classic, I Need A Hero.

You’re the real Logies hero, Julia!

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Waleed Aly wins the Gold Logie

Talented The Project host Waleed Aly has been crowned the 2016 Gold Logie winner!
Waleed Aly

On Sunday evening, the 37-year-old received a standing ovation from the audience following the huge announcement at the 58th TV Week Logie Awards in Melbourne.

Waleed delivered a stirring speech and dedicated his gong to “everyone with an unpronounceable name.”

“It matters to them for a particular reason. That reason was brought home, not so long ago actually when someone who is in this room, and I’m not going to use the name they use in the industry, came up to me, introduced themselves and said to me, ‘I really hope you win. My name is Mustafa. But I can’t use that name because I won’t get a job,'” Waleed poignantly added.

“There’s nothing wrong with the picture. If you are in the room I’m sure there’s an Instagram filter to return things to normal. It will be fine. This is happening,” he remarked, in reference to the fevered debate about the lack of diversity on national television.

Watch the star’s amazing speech in the player below. Post continues after the video…

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In a beautiful touch, the former lawyer also thanked his wife Susan Carland.

“If she had my job she’d be much better at it than me,” the father-of-two joked.

“She’s sharper, wittier, funnier and infinitely more charming and likeable and I’m really glad she doesn’t have my job because otherwise I’d definitely wouldn’t have it.”

The presenter admitted he was humbled by the big win.

“I think it’s fair to say I never anticipated I would win a Logie, not in a ‘I thought I would fall short’ kind of way but I couldn’t conceive this happening.”

Waleed gave a special mention to his beloved wife, Susan Carland, during his acceptance speech.

“I was more likely to win an AFL grand final in my mind than to win a Logie and I’m still hoping for that. So that means I’m a little bit gobsmacked but I’m hugely appreciative that the audience has decided to throw me a bouquet in this way on this night.”

Earlier in the evening, the star also scooped up the Silver Logie for Best Presenter.

He took the opportunity to again thank his wife. “It’s a privilege to be able to share my life with you,” he said.

Congratulations Waleed on your incredible win!

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