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Baby brings new joy for family who lost children in MH17 disaster

Maz and Rin Maslin who lost three children in the MH17 disaster have announced they’ve given birth to a baby girl.
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Maz and Rin Maslin — the parents of children Evie, 10, Otis, 8, and Milo, 12, who perished in the MH17 disaster have announced they’ve given birth to a baby girl, Violet.

“Violet May Maslin came in to the world on Tuesday 10 May, bringing with her love and light, hope and joy.

“Our family was torn apart when MH17 was blown out of the sky by the violent anger of a nationalist missile, on July 17, 2014. Our three innocent, beautiful and inspiring children were killed, alongside their grandfather, Nick Norris.

“We believe that Mo, whose 14th birthday was Saturday, Evie, 12 next week, Otis, 10 next month, and Grandad Nick have sent us an amazing gift. Violet’s birth is a testament to our belief that love is stronger than hate.”

Baby Violet

Their three children were on the MH17 flight travelling home from a holiday in Amsterdam with their grandfather, Nick – Mrs Maslin’s father.

The plane was shot out of the sky, with all those on board perishing.

It was by a twist of fate that Maz and Rin weren’t on the same flight – they had decided to stay back in Amsterdam for a few extra days.

The Perth parents flew home after hearing the horrific news that they’d never see their three children again. After attending a memorial service for their children and said in a statement at the time:

“Our children were taken from us by a war in which we, and our country had no part.”

“It is impossible to understand the reason they were blown out of the sky.”

“Our love and respect for our children remains unlimited and unconditional. It will never weaken – our children have been our entire world.”

“We have been two of the luckiest and happiest people on the planet. What remains for us now is to honour our children.”

“Our lives are an ongoing hell. The pain we are enduring is unfathomable, and we grieve alongside families in the Ukraine, the Netherlands, Russia, Malaysia, Australia and elsewhere.”

“Please respect our children’s memory, and stop this pointless war.”

“Love, only love, it is all we have left.”

The Malaysian Airlines plane was destroyed above eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing 298 people, including 38 Australians.

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Prince William reveals Prince George’s favourite bedtime story

It turns out our favourite little Prince has excellent taste in literature!
Prince William Prince George

Papa Prince William has just revealed perhaps the most important piece of royal information yet – his son’s favourite story time book.

During a visit to Pegasus Primary School in Oxford, Oxfordshire, the father of George, two, and one-year-old Charlotte let slip the little fun fact whilst chatting to pupils about their favourite books.

Speaking to eight-year-old schoolgirl, Xiomara, the 33-year-old daddy explained that his little ones like to read a Julia Donaldson classic before nodding off.

“His favourite book was The Gruffalo,” said the girl to reporters.

The beloved children’s book is written by Julia Donaldson.

The students presented the Duke of Cambridge with a drawing of a toucan.

The beloved story, first published in 1999, tells the story of a cunning mouse who manages to make it through the deep dark forest unharmed by boasting to predators about a fictional monster called a gruffalo that will scare off any animal that tries to eat it.

It’s a rather uplifting tale about a clever mouse overcoming his enemies with his wit alone, so it’s no wonder that the pint-size Prince and Princess adore it.

Cheeky George and his darling little sister have been seen occasionally grasping onto books in past family portraits.

Most recently, Charlotte held the classic Wheels On The Bus for her first birthday snaps taken by the Duchess herself in their Norfolk home.

These little royals love to read!

Earlier in the day, the father-of-two continued his duties in Oxford by unveiling a plaque as a way to mark the opening of Longwall Library at Oxford University’s Magdelen College, where the Prince of Wales – who later became Edward VIII was a student.

“Do you actually use the library? This isn’t just for show then?” the Duke joked with the students present.

“I hope you all get firsts [first class honours degrees],” he added before admitting that at their age he wasn’t quite as hard working. “I can’t say I was a regular attender of libraries.”

Watch Wills and Kate talk about their uni days in the video player below!

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Appeal to reinstate Baden-Clay’s murder charge granted

The High Court is the last avenue for appeal for both defence and prosecution, meaning this will be the final ruling.

This morning, the High Court granted the Queensland Director of Public Prosecutions leave to argue that Gerard Baden-Clay’s murder conviction should be reinstated.

The final ruling will made by a bench of up to seven judges in Australia’s highest court.

45-year-old Baden-Clay was convicted of the April 2012 murder of his wife, 43-year-old Allison, following a Supreme Court trial in 2014. However, following an appeal, the charge was downgraded to manslaughter.

The downgraded conviction came after Baden-Clay’s legal team successfully argued that while there was enough evidence to prove he killed his wife, there was insufficient evidence to prove he did so with intent.

The successful appeal led to widespread public outcry which culminated in a public rally demanding justice for Allison in King George Square in late 2015.

After the rally, Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath announced the state’s chief lawyer, Director of Public Prosecutions Michael Byrne, QC, would seek leave to appeal the decision in the High Court of Australia.

The hearing is expected to take place sometime in the next three months. It will be the fourth criminal jurisdiction the Baden-Clay case has been argued in since he was charged with his wife’s murder in June, 2012.

Allison Baden-Clay’s body was found on the banks of the Kholo Creek, 14kms from the home she shared with her husband and their three daughters in Brookfield, in Brisbane’s west, on April 30, 2012.

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How to fold your shirt in just two seconds

Think of all the time you're going to save!

Willing yourself to fold the washing can seem like an impossible task at times, and there are those times you just don’t want to do it neatly because it’s insanely time-consuming.

Well, this leads to a life-changing household hack that is going to save you so much time to actually enjoy your weekends.

A YouTube video has been doing the rounds recently from Howcast.com that is claiming to show how to fold your shirts neatly in two seconds.

And it works!

It essentially involves pinching the fabric at two specific points, then whipping the shirt around.

In the video, he pinches a spot just near the centre between his thumb and forefinger, then lines it up with a spot near the collar above where the other hand is. While pinching both of those spots, he pulls the top corner to meet the bottom left-hand spot. Then it all comes together perfectly neat!

It probably won’t make a lot of sense to you just reading it so you’ll have to watch the video a few times to get the hang of it.

Imagine all the things you can do now with your extra time!

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Experts say this behaviour is the no.1 predictor of divorce

Are you guilty of it?

Have you have ever found yourself rolling your eyes at your partner? It might not seem like a big deal, particularly in the heat of the moment. But experts are warning that contemptuous behaviour such as sarcasm, name calling and eye-rolling could be a sign that your relationship is in big trouble.

In fact, according to University of Washington psychology professor John Gottman, contempt is the number one predictor of divorce.

Following 40 years of research in which he studied couples interactions, Gottman has identified four key signs (which he names the four horsemen of the apocalypse) that divorce may be looming.

Contempt is top of the list, followed by criticism, defensiveness and stonewalling (emotionally withdrawing from your partner).

The Weekly Online spoke to Sydney based Imago Relationship Therapist Annie Gurton to find out more about the role contempt plays in relationships.

“John Gottman is spot on,” she says.

“If you find your partner being critical or contemptuous, the chances are that they have lost respect and love, and it is a long hard road back from that to a connected, strong relationship.

It’s not impossible, but it’s really hard.”

Annie says that there is no contempt in healthy relationships. “When we are in love we feel love and adoration, we want to care for them not denigrate them or pull them down,” she says.

If a relationship is in a good place then a couple will cherish and care for each other. “Anything less demonstrates that the feelings of love and respect have gone, maybe temporarily, perhaps permanently,” explains Annie.

Annie also notes that our romantic partners are the perfect people to help us heal and grow. “If you have any deep feelings of anxiety or fear, it is your romantic partner who can help you to recover,” she explains.

“You need to think of your partner as your therapist, and the better they know you the more help they can be to taking you into being the best you that’s possible.”

And while you might think that rolling your eyes or criticising your partner is just part of married life, it is actually a highly corrosive type of behaviour.

“Contempt is simply not conducive to a healing, nurturing relationship. In a good relationship we feel safe, and we can’t feel safe when we are with someone we feel is attacking us,” says Annie.

Contempt in a relationship also undermines effective communication. “We need to spend time looking into each other’s eyes, touching, connecting, and talking. If your partner is contemptuous or critical we cannot trust them with our deepest thoughts, and the relationship struggles to survive,” Annie explains.

So what can you do if contempt has started to creep into your relationship? Annie suggests that seeking some relationship counselling might be a good start.

“In a safe environment you can express your feelings that you are being criticised, and your partner can express their frustrations that underlie the contempt,” she says.

Annie’s advice is to act quickly:

“Contempt and criticism aren’t necessarily the end of the relationship,” she says.

“But the writing is definitely on the wall.”

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Couple who lost their three children on MH17 welcome daughter

In a heartbreakingly beautiful turn of events, Perth couple Anthony Maslin and Marite Norris have welcomed a daughter Violet.
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It’s been nearly two years since the world was left in shock following the MH17 disaster, which saw Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 shot by a missile and crash in Ukraine killing all 283 crew and passengers on board.

Perth couple Anthony and Marite suffered the unimaginable loss of their three children Mo, Evie and Otis as well as their grandfather Nick.

Today, the couple have revealed they recently welcomed their fourth child into the world.

Their precious three kids.

Introducing baby Violet (image/DFAT)

In a statement released to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, they said: “Violet May Maslin came in to the world on Tuesday 10 May, bringing with her love and light, hope and joy.”

“Our family was torn apart when MH17 was blown out of the sky by the violent anger of a nationalist missile, on July 17, 2014. Our three innocent, beautiful and inspiring children were killed, alongside their grandfather, Nick Norris.”

“We believe that Mo, whose 14th birthday was Saturday, Evie, 12 next week, Otis, 10 next month, and Grandad Nick have sent us an amazing gift. Violet’s birth is a testament to our belief that love is stronger than hate.”

Anthony and Marite with their three angels before the tragedy unfolded.

“We still live with pain, but Violet, and the knowledge that all four kids are with us always, brings light to our darkness. As Martin Luther King said, ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.'”

“We will continue to love all four of our children equally. Violet brings some hope and joy for us. We hope she brings hope and joy for you too.”

“Finally, we would like to thank the media for respecting our privacy. Anthony Maslin & Marite Norris.”

A warm congratulations to the brave parents.

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Sheryl Sandberg apologises to single mums – and so she should

Kerri Sackville on why "leaning in" does not apply to single mothers.

Almost every single evening, when I collapse into bed at around 11pm, I chastise myself for all I didn’t do.

I didn’t open the mail. I didn’t change the sheets. I didn’t invoice for the last column I wrote. I didn’t organise a play date for my daughter.

Didn’t. Didn’t. Didn’t. Didn’t.

I rarely congratulate myself on all I did do. I did singlehandedly keep three children fed, clean, emotionally healthy, and up to date with their homework for another day. I did bring in an income. I did put on some laundry. I did catch up with a friend for coffee.

Did. Did. Did. Did.

I do so much. Every day, I do so much. As a single mother, my life is an endless series of doing. And that’s why, when Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In was released in March 2013, I didn’t feel there was much in it for me. My marriage had just ended. I was desperately trying to establish a new normalcy for my three kids. I was trying to keep my career going. And I was dealing with the emotional burden of being almost entirely responsible for the physical and emotional wellbeing of three other people.

Sheryl wrote about seeking challenges, pursuing goals, working hard, leaning in. And she wrote about men stepping up and helping women with the family duties so that the women could push through. But I was already leaning in so hard I was almost toppling over, and I didn’t have a partner to support me. It took all the energy I had just to keep my kids and I stable. I couldn’t even contemplate trying to break through the glass ceiling.

Now, more than three years down the track, it still takes most of my energy just to do what I do. I write and I parent and I manage the household and I take tiny steps towards broadening my career. I also take some time for myself, because if I’m not okay, my kids won’t be either.

But combining work with single parenthood is incredibly time consuming, and there still are only 24 hours in one day. I have to sleep. I have to exercise occasionally. I have to cook, and clean, and shop, and do the banking, and support and nurture my children, and that just doesn’t leave much time to conquer the world.

And even if it did, I am too bloody tired.

Sheryl and late husband David

And so it was with interest that I read Sandberg’s Mother’s Day post, in which she admitted to not having understood the plight of the single mother until she became one last year, after the tragic death of her husband, David Goldberg.

Some people felt that I did not spend enough time writing about the difficulties women face when they have an unsupportive partner or no partner at all. They were right.

Finally, this hugely influential woman was recognizing and acknowledging what we have long known, that:

Each and every day (single mothers) make sacrifices, push through barriers, and nurture beautiful families despite the demands on their time and energy.

We single mothers lean in, every day. Some of us go on to achieve great things outside child rearing, some of us focus our energies on our kids. But we all deserve acknowledgement for everything we do, and not be made to feel guilty by anyone, woman or man, for all we have not.

Do. Do. Do. Do.

Remember that.

Kerri Sackville

Kerri Sackville

Kerri Sackville is an Australian columnist, social commentator and mother of three. She writes regularly for online and print media, is the author of The Little Book of Anxiety, and appears regularly on Channel 7’s The Morning Show.

Follow Kerri on Twitter at @kerrisackville, and Facebook at Facebook.com/Kerri.Sackville.

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Sam Wood and Snezana Markoski are trying for a baby!

Sam Wood and Snezana Markoski's fairytale life just keeps getting better with the exciting new the Bachelor poster couple are hoping to have a child together asap.
Sam Wood and Snezana Markoski

The brunette beauty stunned at last year's Logies.

They’ve made no secret of the fact they’d love to make little Bachie babies.

And in a new interview with Australia’s OK! Magazine, Sam and Snez have reassured fans they’re working on that promise.

“We’re enjoying it very much,” Sam told the publication. Before adding, “We do want more kids.”

With a wedding looming Snez, who already has ten-year-old daughter Eve from a previous relationship, says she doesn’t mind if she’s a pregnant bride.

“I mean, whatever happens first, happens first,” Snezana revealed.

There’s no doubt the pair would make amazing parents with Sam already forming a close bond with Eve.

It’s certainly not the first time the clucky couple have addressed their desires to start a family.

When Woman’s Day caught up with the love birds shortly after last year’s finale in September, they admitted they couldn’t wait to take things to the next level.

He’s a natural! Sam has already formed a close bond with Snez’s daughter, Eve.

“Neither of us can believe in the ridiculous way we’ve managed to find each other. I adore kids and can’t wait to have a family with Snez,” Sam told us.

However logistically speaking, the duo still have a few plans to figure out.

Despite purchasing a $1.56 million, three-bedroom home in Melbourne’s Elsternwick in January, Snezana and Eve are yet to move in.

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Kyle Sandilands lashes out at claims radio show ‘tricks listeners’

Radio host Kyle Sandilands has angrily reacted to claims that his program KIISFM recycles old content.

Jackie O has addressed the public backlash against Karl, revealing many women can sympathise with Cassandra.

Yesterday news.com.au caught out KIISFM’s Kyle and Jackie O Show segment for recycling entire shows with old content and failing to tell listeners.

It was yesterday’s breakfast segment that was in question – failing to give a heads-up to listeners, the program reused content including an interview with The Voice coach Benji Madden and John Stamos, plus the show’s $10,000 pop quiz.

It was discovered that the radio network used this ‘Best of’ content because Kyle had called in sick last minute.

They have previously been accused of doing the same thing – using old content but not making it clear to listeners.

This morning however, Kyle angrily lashed out at these claims, saying they were ‘”lies” and “trying to make us look like a**holes”.

“Over the past few weeks I have had a couple of days off, I haven’t been feeling that well and it goes on and off, some days good, some days not good.”

Kyle then added he’s struggling to deal with the death of his dad who sadly passed away in March.

“I just wanted to keep it private but I’ve got to put it out there now ’cause I don’t want all the doom and gloom and everyone worried and people making up stories.”

A listener named David called the show and said: “Kyle you’re allowed to have sick days. Can I just say a tip though? Can we just with the replays, maybe not play the two-day-old ones? Can we just play them a month later or something?”

A confused Kyle responded with, “What sort of a lazy person played a two-day old one?”

This news comes as Jackie O was forced to make an on-air apology last week to defamatory comments made about Parramatta Eels player Kieran Foran.

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Five surprise foods that will actually help you lose weight

Can you imagine a world where consuming food made you to lose weight?
Kate Winslet

Well, imagine no more!

We’ve just uncovered five surprise foods that you’ll be dying to sink your teeth into… and conveniently, it won’t sink your scales.

As surprising as it may sound, there are some things you can eat that will help increase your metabolism, trigger hormones that release fat, and even eliminate toxins that can make it difficult for you to shed that extra weight.

Of course, these items aren’t miracle cures (so you’ll still need to put down the bucket of chicken and pound the pavement).

But with a healthy diet, you might just find things will start moving and shaking in the right direction.

Oh boy, Prince Harry serving us oysters… Twist my arm!


If you hold the champagne, oysters happen to be a very friendly delight.

They are the richest dietary source of zinc, which helps to decrease the appetite and PMS-induced cravings. Plus six oysters clock in a mere 50 calories!

We’d recommend having them raw with a squeeze of lemon.


Before you pick up the cinnamon doughnut, we are talking about the spice.

This multi-purpose spice helps move glucose into the cells faster, which means your using less insulin, which is the fat storage hormone.

Adding cinnamon to black coffee makes it delicious, or why not sprinkle some on your morning oats… Talk about yum!

Just because cinnamon is on the list, it does not mean you can indulge in mince pies. Use it as a sugar substitute in your coffee.


Well, we all know avocados are actually perfect. On toast, on pizza, or on its own… They are always perfect.

And also really good for you. In addition to containing lots of heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fats, avocados are a brilliant source of filling fibre (11 to 17 grams each). This means they are great at keeping you fuller for longer!

Just make sure you don’t go over half a cup daily.

Watch some avocado inspiration in the player below. Post continues…

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You’ve read this correctly, cheese is in fact good for you.

Time to skip indulging with your fatty soft cheeses like brie, and instead opt for an equally as yummy, low-calorie and calcium-rich hard cheese, parmigiano-reggiano cheese.

According to researchers at the University of Wisconsin, it activates the body’s fat-burning hormones. And thanks to its high protein content — it contains more than any other dairy product — you’ll stay full longer!


The only thing more shocking that cheese, has to be the golden spud.

Research has shown that cooking and then cooling potatoes before you eat them leads to the retrograde formation of resistant starch.

So what does this mean?

Resistant starch helps improve insulin stabilisation and it enhances satiety – which are two important factors in increasing fat loss.

Excuse us, need to find some potato salad.

Not just an adorable head…

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