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Baby bison dies after tourists put it in their car because it looks cold

A misplaced concern for a newborn bison’s wellbeing has ended with the animal having to be euthanised.

In Yellowstone National Park, US, two tourists stumbled upon a baby bison and while the day had lows of 4˚C and highs of 10˚C, they thought the calf looked extremely cold, so they put it in their car and took it to a ranger station.

Their actions may have come from a well-intended place, but yesterday the park released a statement that what the pair did actually had the opposite effect – the calf had to be euthanised. As a result of the “interference by people”, its mother had rejected it.

“Park rangers tried repeatedly to reunite the newborn bison calf with the herd. These efforts failed,” the park said.

“The bison calf was later euthanised because it was abandoned and causing a dangerous situation by continually approaching people and cars along the roadway.”

The sad death of the young bison comes in a wave of misplaced concern and obsessions with people feeding, taking selfies with and trying to help wildlife.

The park emphasised that these kind of interactions can be dangerous, illegal and detrimental to the natural order of things. The park also rejected recent viral videos of people approaching bison at risky close distances.

An Idaho resident who saw the two tourists told Idaho News they were “demanding to speak with a ranger” and were worried the calf was dying because it was so cold.

Another witness said he warned them that their attempted rescue might not go down well with park regulations, but “they didn’t care,” he said. “They sincerely thought they were doing a service and helping that calf by trying to save it from the cold.”

Trending video: Kate, Will and Harry pull no punches for mental health

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Why you should let kids play in the dirt

Is our ultra clean modern lifestyle causing allergies?
why you should let your kids play in dirt

It’s long been suspected that our kids are too clean these days and therefore aren’t building the immune strength of days gone by.

A new study has shown that dirt may not only build immunity but also build resilience, increase ability to deal with stress and reduce instances of irritable bowel.

The study was conducted by injecting mice with a common bacteria found in the soil and the results suggest they were less likely to develop stress-related IBS, reports Mirror.

This study adds further evidence that our modern standards of hygiene and general lowered rate of exposure to bugs may be behind the rise in childhood allergies.

The mice injected with mycobacterium vaccae were later discovered to have less stress response, which enabled them to cope better with what happened to them. They were also less likely to experience the symptoms related to IBS.

Research has shown that children growing up on farms have less allergies and asthma as they are exposed to more bacteria.

This suggests that our sanitary measure made in order to keep our kids clean and healthy may indeed be making them sick.

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Women with Down syndrome becomes Zumba instructor

She trained for six years and up to six hours a day.
Women with Down syndrome becomes Zumba instructor

When Yulissa Arescurenaga took her first Zumba class in 2008, she wanted to become a professional instructor.

Fast forward to 2016 and the inspirational Californian has become her country’s first Zumba instructor with Down syndrome.

The 24-year-old trained for six years – and up to six hours a day – to gain her accreditation which requires her to memorise dance routines and lead classes.

She’s now leading classes at Service High School in Alaska and regularly teaches classes in the San Francisco area.

What a true inspiration.

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The Real Housewives of Sydney is coming!

After much speculation, the highly-anticipated Real Housewives of Sydney is set to hit the small screen next year.
Gina Liano

The exciting announcement was made by the means of a mini-trailer posted to the reality show’s Facebook page on Sunday.

The short clip shows the camera pan across Sydney Harbour’s famous waters as the words “A new series of Real Housewives, coming 2017” flashes across the screen.

Watch the teaser below. Post continues after the video!

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And what’s even more exciting, casting is already underway! As in, some of Sydney’s most high-profile names are being considered literally right now.

Sydney Morning Herald‘s Confidential column could confirm that producers from Foxtel’s much-loved show have held a series of individual meetings and group casting calls at the Woollahra Sailing Club over the past month, and are already considering a mix of outspoken personalities.

Now, the most important question remains; which high-society Sydney gals can we look forward to binge watching?

Well, we have a few ideas…

Sydney personalities, Christa Billich (L) and Skye Leckie (R) are allegedly being considered for the spin off.

1. Skye Leckie

According to the Daily Telegraph, Skye Leckie, the wife of former Seven Network boss David Leckie, has been at the top of the producer’s wishlist “since day one.” “I’ve heard I’ve been on the list since day one but I don’t know, you’ve caught me unawares,” the blonde beauty said when asked on the rumours.

2. Christa Billich

Another likely local identity is the wife to artist Charles Billich, Christa. The outspoken personality already has a connection to the reality show, having appeared as a guest star on the small screen alongside Melbourne star, Gamble Breaux. “I would love to do it because I think I can show my other side,” Christa told Confidential. “People think I’m gentle and soft but I do have a side of me that is perfect for the Housewives. As we know, bitches are made, not born, and I can be a bitch.”

Michelle Walsh pictured enjoying a glass of wine last month.

3. Michelle Walsh

Another potential candidate, Michelle’s husband Martin is the managing director of Sydney’s Chadwick modelling agency. The model-turned-businesswoman is yet to comment on the speculation.

4. Gordana Willesee-Poljak

The makeup and cosmetic artist and ex-wife to TV journalist Mike Willesee has also confirmed herself as a potential cast member. “I’m considering it,” the tattoo-artist explained to The Daily Telegraph. “If the opportunity has come to me, it has come to me for a reason and I think it could be a fantastic random opportunity to help me live an even straighter life because I’ll be on show.”

PR extraordinaire Roxy Jacenko is a fan favorite.

5. Roxy Jacenko

The Sweaty Betty PR maven would most certainly be a hoot on the show, however the mother-of-two previously revealed to OK! magazine that she had turned down the opportunity back when it was a concept in April. “I enjoy watching The Real Housewives Of Melbourne but girls can get really catty and I don’t want to get involved with that,” Roxy, who was a star standout on The Celebrity Apprentice, explained to the publication. Perhaps now that concept has turned to reality, this blonde bombshell might just reconsider!

6. Terry Biviano

The shoe queen has already dabbled in reality TV, starring in the now defunct WAG Nation. Fast forward a few years and the wife of Anthony Minichiello is now the doting mother to two-year-old daughter Azura. Considering the lavish birthday party the couple threw for her in December, there’s no denying this family would make for some amazing viewing.

7. Jodhi Meares

With her jet-setting lifestyle, hot young fiancee and ever-growing active wear line, Jodhi’s life would certainly make for a glamorous plot line. Whether or not the former wife of James Packer would actually sign on to take part remains to be seen however the 45-year-old is no stranger to reality TV, having previously hosted Australia’s Next Top Model for several seasons.

Check out the clip in the video player below to see what we can look forward to!

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We think Terry Biviano (L) and Jodhi Meares (R) would make for a very entertaining addition.

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How to win at online dating

Could mathematics could help your odds of finding love?
Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail

Is there a mathematical formula for finding love?

Dr Hannah Fry is a mathematician who believes that there a certain calculations you can apply to your dating life that will up your odds of finding “the one”.

In her book, The Mathematics of Love, Fry – a mathematician and complexity scientist from University College London’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis – has applied mathematics to explore themes like stages of romantic journey, chatting people up and settling down but perhaps the most fascinating topic explored is online dating.

In search for patterns of how lonely singles talk and interact with each other online Fry studied data collected by dating site OKCupid – a site that was incidentally started by mathematician Christian Rudder – and began to unearth the maths behind attraction.

“Now you have this world of data that allows you to look into the way that people speak to one another, and the way that people talk about themselves and interact with one another, in a way that we were never able to before,” Fry said in a recent interview with The Guardian.

Fry said that from a statistical point of view the entire history of an online relationship can be tracked, and that opens up this type of dating to analysis and investigation which could result in formulas that could optimise outcomes.

How do you get more people to message you online?

One surprising result that Fry writes about in her book is that looks have an effect on online dating, but not in quite the way you would expect.

During a TED talk at Binghamton University, UK, when Dr Fry discussed her findings she declared that on an online dating site “how attractive you are does not dictate how popular you are,” and actually “having people think you are ugly can work to your advantage.”

Using a graph that scored people from really attractive to really ugly, Fry explained that if you want to up your chances of finding love online you should seek to have a spread of where people would rate you on that graph from hottest person to ever live to put a paper bag over your head ugly.

“It’s this spread that counts,” said Fry, “It’s this spread that makes you more popular on online internet dating websites.”

Fry says this all starts to make more sense when you actually think of the other people online looking to reach out to their cyber crush.

“Let’s say that you think that somebody is attractive but you suspect that other people won’t necessarily be that interested,” said Fry. “That means that there is less competition for you to get in touch whereas, compare that to if you think somebody is attractive but you suspect that everybody is going to think that they are attractive as well, why would you bother humiliating yourself?”

Fry goes on to say that instead of picking online dating pictures that minimise those things that make you different – like your weight or height or baldness – you should actually just embrace them because they could be the advantages that make you divisive and earn you that desired spread on the graph.

The example Dr Fry offers of someone who has successfully done this Lauren Urasek, a nice looking woman covered in tattoos who happens to be the most messaged woman on OKCupid.

Sup? pic.twitter.com/4gBeZsIiNN

While most of the data Dr Fry has worked with has been heterosexual couples she believes that the take-home advice can be accurately applied across the board.

When is the right time to settle down? 

So mathematically, after you kill it online with your totally average profile picture, when is the right time to step away from the keyboard and tie the knot?

Fry cites “Optimal Stopping Theory” as the formula to use when determining the best time to settle down.

Put bluntly this formula tells you how many people on average you need to reject before you find your ideal mate – which is roughly 37 per cent.

Basically, Fry postulates that if you start dating when you are 15 and ideally want to settle down by the time you are 35, then there are a number of people you could date across your lifetime with varying levels of happily ever after potential. But statistically you should just reject anyone you met before the age of 24 from being serious marriage material.

Then once you have dumped your first 37 per cent you should pick the next person that comes along that you think is “better than everybody that you’ve seen before,” as Dr Fry puts it.

“Now if you do this it can be mathematically proven that this is the best possible way of maximising your chances of finding the perfect partner,” said Fry.

But the author does admit that this method comes with some risks.

For example, if you do follow the formula strictly and happen to meet your ideal partner within the first 37 per cent of partners then you will have to reject them and then because you will never meet anyone “better” than them post-37 per cent you run the risk of dying alone surrounded only by your pet Alsatians – all nine of them.

Also, if all you did was date boring people within the first 37 per cent and then you meet someone marginally better, you might find yourself settled in a life where the most interesting thing to happen is a dinner date to Sizzler.

“It comes with risks,” Fry told the Independent in a recent interview. “But people tend to do this anyway; they don’t choose to marry the first person they meet.”

Fry said apart from trying to understand the dating data she wanted to write the book to show that maths isn’t a “rigid and boring topic” – it can be fun and applied to many different scenarios to get results.

Fry told The Independent the maths of love doesn’t have to rule how you find your ideal mate but mathematical formulas can provide great strategy.

“Having these guidelines is better than nothing at all,” said Fry.

And you don’t have to be a arithmetic genius to optimise your dating outcomes because the data shows humans do most of the calculations intuitively, but “maths is just giving you a way to describe it,” Fry told The Guardian.

So then, what is the number one calculation for finding love?

“There isn’t one,” said Dr Fry. “There isn’t one single equation to help you fall in love. It’s just about being logical and sensible.”

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Sydney woman claims dole because of large breasts

A woman is claiming her size 15HH breasts are stopping her from finding any employment.
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A Sydney woman says she has found it so difficult to find a job that she has had to go on welfare – and she claims it’s her size 12HH breasts that are the problem.

Nim Murphy, 27, was previously doing physical labour as a roadie for music shows and festivals, but in recent years, the pain has become too extreme that is hard for her to work.

“I can’t work, I can’t exercise properly, I can’t do most things,” she told A Current Affair.

“I don’t want to be on the dole and not doing anything.”

Contributing to the pain is the reversal of the lordotic curvature – where her spine curves back in her neck instead of forwards. Nim says this “isn’t directly caused by the weight of breasts or anything, but they exacerbate the symptoms that come from it.”

“I get migraines, I’ve got constant shoulder and neck pain.”

“About two and a half years ago I had to call in sick because I got out the front door and started vomiting in my front yard just from the pain and so I had to stop working.”

She desperately wants breast reduction surgery but is struggling to afford it in her current financial state and no private health insurance.

While her condition is a medical one and not cosmetic, her case isn’t considered high priority and she will therefore be on a waiting list for years under the public health system.

A recent study has proven that breast reduction surgery can hugely improve overall health and wellbeing, something that is reiterated by plastic surgeon and secretary of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons, Dr Dan Kennedy.

He said: “When people come back after their operations they say that they’ve had a dramatic relief in neck pain back pain shoulder pain, that they can exercise more freely.”

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Why can’t we all look like this at the gym?

The Duchess of Cambridge look radiant accessorised with red boxing gloves at Heads Together event.
Kate Middleton heads together

If ever there was any doubt the Duchess of Cambridge has proved once again that she’s a knock out, but this time it’s quite literal.

Kate, alongside Princes William and Harry, was at London’s Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park for the inaugural Heads Together event, which spotlights mental health and brings together the country’s leading charities to remove the stigma around mental health and encourage people to speak openly about their issues, reports Daily Mail.

The trio climbed into the ring with legendary boxer, Duke McKenzie MBE, with the crew from mental health charity, Mind, and according to Duke Kate had a “mean right jab.”

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“She couldn’t wait to get the gloves on and had a wicked punch,’ he said, ‘Boxing is fantastic for your mental state. It helps you to punch out your problems, the discipline is good and if you are healthy in body it helps you to be healthy in mind. It is great for getting out all your stress and focusing.”

Kate Middleton Heads together

The Princess looks as though she’s worked out her stress as she appears unruffled and her smile looks positively radiant.

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Most bizarre looks from Australian Fashion Week

Ah, Fashion Week!
Worst-dressed at Australian Fashion Week

Ah, fashion week.

It’s meant to be the most fashionable and glamorous time of the year but it also brings out the crazy and unusual.

From oversized hats to outfits resembling bed sheets, these are some of the most out-there looks!

Ginger and Smart

Ginger and Smart

Yeojin Bae



Georgia Alice

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Heidi Klum is the butt of her own joke in Cannes

An awkward wardrobe malfunction isn't so awkward when you're a supermodel!

Ever the good sport, Heidi Klum has made fun of her own wardrobe slip up at the Vanity Fair Cannes Film Festival party on Sunday.

The model and judge of America’s Got Talent posted a cheeky Instagram clip showing part of her very famous derriere poking through a hole in her skirt.

The 42-year-old stunner looked simply glowing in a bodysuit that hugged her curves and a titillating Balmain skirt held together with metal clasps.

But her bombshell poses proved too much for the chain mail-like garment, with a few of the links connecting the diamond-shaped metal elements of the skirt coming loose and exposing the side of her buttock.

See the video of the unfortunate wardrobe malfunction here! Post continues below.

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Instead of looking mortified and hiding the damage, Heidi soldiered on like a trooper. After all, the former Victoria’s Secret model and head of Heidi Klum Intimates lingerie brand is more than used to parading around in a lot less than a skirt with a hole in it!

She later posted about the event on social media with the caption “Getting cheeky in #Balmain at the @vanityfair party last night. Oops! #mybestside #isthereadraft”.

Heidi poses with Kendall Jenner, moments before her skirt fell apart.

In the super-cute Instagram video, the mother of four smiles coyly at the camera as the shot pans in closer and closer to her and her exposed behind.

We don’t blame her for showing the mishap off, we would too if we had a backside as hot as Heidi!

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Brynne Edelsten hits back at Shane Warne

Things are heating up with Brynne revealing intimate text messages between the two.
Brynne Edelsten hits back at Shane Warne

Notorious ladies’ man Shane Warne has been left red-faced after being caught out again – and this time with reality star Brynne Edelsten!

Despite doing his best to deny the pair’s late-night hook-up, the former king of spin was caught on camera in front of the socialite’s apartment block in the early hours of Thursday morning, when he claimed he was heading for a “nightcap.”

Furious at being found out, the I’m A Celebrity… star, 46, went into damage control, taking to Twitter to accuse the ex-wife of millionaire Geoffrey Edelsten of tipping off the paparazzi.

“Some people never cease to amaze me. Listen to this one,” he wrote.

“After a fun night raising money for breast cancer in Geelong last night, me & a few friends plus Brynne Edelsten went out for a couple of drinks.

“Brynne invited me back to her place around 1am for a nightcap, when I arrived, paparazzi were conveniently waiting outside her home to get the pic, coincidence? I left instantly and thought how sad is that!”

But Brynne tells a different story.

Retaliating to Shane’s post, she immediately released a string of messages – which can be seen here – between the pair, proving Shane was yearning for more than just a nightcap.

“Leaving now! You safe? Excited for me to devour u? X,” wrote Warnie in the wee hours of Thursday.

WATCH: Everything you need to know about Shane and Brynne’s dramatic night in the player below. Post continues after the video…

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Hitting back, Brynne tells Woman’s Day, “It’s sad that Shane has chosen to respond in this fashion. I used to have a huge crush on him and told him at the charity event in Geelong. He replied, ‘You did, or you still do?’ before grabbing my bum. That surprised me a bit, but he’d had a bit to drink by that stage.”

According to Brynne, Shane then suggested she join him at the casino with four other girls for a few drinks.

“I was excited,” she reveals.

“We met there and Shane leaned over to me and said, ‘How do we get rid of those other girls?’ I laughed, I thought maybe he really likes me after all – the other girls were pretty hot.”

It didn’t take long for the pair to flesh out a game plan, promising to sneak out separately and head back to Brynne’s place.

“We exchanged numbers and agreed to meet at mine. A nightcap was the last thing on his mind. He was more interested in staying the night.”

As for whether she tipped off the paps, the former My Bedazzled Life star slams those claims.

“Shane can say what he likes, but there was no set up – none whatsoever. It is a ludicrous proposition. I have paparazzi following me all the time. It’s not something I particularly enjoy, but I understand it comes with the territory,” the blonde beauty insists.

“I do my best to keep my private life private but it can be difficult when you are constantly being followed by paparazzi looking for their next photograph.”

“I warned Shane there was a paparazzi outside the Crown when I left and he responded by saying that it was good that we’d left in separate vehicles. I’m pretty sure the paparazzi didn’t follow me that night, they obviously followed Shane’s taxi from the casino to my address,” she adds.

Meanwhile Brynne’s ex-husband Geoffrey Edelsten has also weighed in on the matter.

“Shane is a very good friend of mine and I am very surprised to learn that he would be keen on Brynne,” the 73-year-old explains to Woman’s Day.

In fact, the Melbourne-based businessman alleges he’s caught Shane out before, claiming Warnie has hit on his ex, Gabi Grecko.

“This is not the first time Shane has done something like this. He has sent text messages to Gabi inviting her to his place in the UK. I was very upset and spoke to his manager and made sure nothing happened between them,” Geoffrey tells Woman’s Day.

“I have no animosity towards Brynne and wish her well with whomever she chooses to be with, and if that is Shane then so be it.”

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day.

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