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Brynne flaunts her fabulous new figure in revealing dress

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Brynne flaunts her fabulous new figure in revealing dress

Never one to shy away from a risqué outfit, Brynne Edelsten flashed plenty of skin at a Melbourne nightclub overnight.

The 33-year-old personality stunned crowds with her daring sheer black dress that didn’t leave much to the imagination!

Not only did she go braless, her G-string was also on show at a party hosted at Bond Bar.

It’s her first public appearance since the Shane Warne ‘nightcap’ saga began.

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Dad’s toddler vomit panic goes viral

It has been labeled parenting comedy gold, but there is one element of this story that will irk mums everywhere.

Ben Patterson was just an ordinary dad taking care of his kids so that his wife could enjoy a night out with friends. But when his toddler vomited during the car trip home, Ben became the subject of ‘parenting comedy gold’.

Having pulled over, Ben took a photo of the vomit covered tot and sent it to his wife along with the message ‘so this just happened.’

He then continues to provide his wife with a detailed running commentary of his clean up attempts, including several pleas for her to “ANSWER [HER] PHONE”.

Anyone who has ever had to deal with a vomit-in-car situation will understand Ben’s pain. The vomit smells “SO bad!” he is a “sympathetic vomiter”.

Things go from bad to worse. The vomit smell is so intense that Ben has to “puke on some lady’s lawn”. And of course this is followed by the’ lady’ coming out to ask if Ben is drunk.

Inevitably the police then show at the scene and he is breathalysed.

There is no denying that Ben’s puke inspired crisis is pretty funny from the outside. But while it’s easy to enjoy a laugh at his expense, there is one element to his plight that irks me: the text messaging.

We don’t know much about Ben and Stephanie and their usual childcare arrangements. But from Ben’s preamble we can assume that he has agreed to ‘watch the kids’ so that she can have a night out.

But when things go wrong his first thought is to call his wife.

When stories like this appear in the media they conjure up an image of a hopeless dad who hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing. It’s just another way of reinforcing the out-dated idea that dads can’t cope with being left in charge of their own offspring.

While in the majority of households mothers remain the primary carer, modern dads are sharing more of the parenting load. But despite it being 2016, dads often find themselves being praised for taking an active role in their kids’ lives.

This is something that Al Ferguson from The Dad Network feels passionately about. He sparked a conversation about the role of the modern dad when he posted a photo of himself wearing a t-shirt with the slogan ‘dads don’t babysit, it’s called parenting’ on social media.

“I’ve had people ask me ‘Are you looking after the kids today?’ Or ‘I can tell you’ve dressed the baby today,'” he told the BBC.

“It’s just out of date. The modern dad is more active in their family life than they were historically. It’s out of date to assume the mum is the primary caregiver.”

This type of gendered stereotyping isn’t good for anyone.

So have a laugh about Ben Patterson’s puke fest nightmare, but don’t feel too sorry for him. He was just being a dad; let’s not make him a martyr.

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The most embarrassing things kids have said in public

Because what child doesn't embarrass their parent by saying something hilarious on a daily basis?

Kids can say some cringe-worthy things in public without ever realising, but none are as bad as these.

A Reddit thread called: ‘Parents on Reddit, what was the most embarrassing moment for you caused by your children?’ garnered some hilarious comments that we just had to share.

Here are the best ones:

“Was riding on a public bus and my five-year-old put her hand on a guy’s shoulder in the seat front of us and said – ‘This man is very fat.’”

“My daughter’s day care had circle time every morning as a way to start the day. Anyway we were late and walked into the middle of circle time. My daughter said ‘we’re late because my Mummy had diarrhea’.”

“When my sister was pregnant with my nephew, my sister kept the baby’s name a secret from my then four-year-old niece. While babysitting my niece, I convinced her that her parents were planning to name the new baby Homeslice. She announced her new brother’s name to everyone in her daycare, random strangers at the grocery store, or anyone else who would listen. My sister still hasn’t forgiven me for that one.”

“Was at an amusement park and there was a Sikh security guard. My cousin loudly said, ‘Why do genies work here?’ The security guard tried to keep a straight face, it didn’t work.”

“When I was like, 3-5 years old, I was at the mall with my dad and he was doing something, so I walked up to this man and shouted, “’You’re a fat man!’. He then responded, ‘no I’m not a bad man.’ He misheard me so of course I had to correct him and shout even louder that he was a fat man. Then I got in trouble and hid behind my dad.”

“I’m not a parent, but my brother is fifteen years younger than me so people in public typically think he’s mine. We went to the museum when he was about four and they had an exhibit about mummies. He was a little rowdy but nothing too bad, and at one point he asked for me to pick him up so he could see one of the mummies through the crowd. The tour guide was giving us historical context on this ornate mummy covered in gold and jewels and everyone was quietly taking it in and asking very intellectual questions when my little brother shouts as loud as he can, ‘Look, he doesn’t have underwear on! You can see his peepee!’”

“I was waiting in A&E with my three-year-old son after he swallowed a thumb tack. I needed to pee and had to take him with me into the small toilet beside the waiting room. I’m mid-stream and he shouts out in his best voice. ‘Dad, your willy is SOOOOOO big.’ Everyone in the packed waiting room heard him and the rest of the wait was pretty awkward. I nearly died of embarrassment.”

“When my son was 4, and watched Space Jam, he thought every black man was Michael Jordan. When we would go somewhere, he would point at every black man he saw and yell ‘Michael Jordan!’”

“A week or so after coming home with her newborn sister, my three-year-old daughter said to me ‘Mom, hers a nice baby but her gots to go back now’. When I asked where, she answered the hospital. She was adamant we take her back.”

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Married At First Sight’s Christie talks life after the show

From the farm to fashion week – things have certainly changed for Christie Jordee since Married At First Sight stopped filming.
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But the star tells Woman’s Day one thing has remained the same – her bond with partner Mark Hughes.

Speaking at the Steven Khalil show in Sydney on Tuesday night, the reality star admitted that long distance was tough however the pair are determined to make it work.

“I’m back from the farm! [It’s a] massive difference feeding calves to now sitting here,” the DJ-turned-business-owner explained.

With Mark based on a farm in remote Victoria and Christie running her cleaning business from Sydney, long distance was always the pair’s biggest challenge on the controversial dating show.

“It’s hard, it’s difficult. My business is lacking a little bit so I’ve told him he needs to get his butt up here now,” Christie said, hinting that perhaps a move is on the cards for the gentle-natured country bloke.

As for whether we can expect any baby news soon following fevered speculation in April that she may be with child, Christie expertly avoided the question by letting out a big giggle.

The reality star looked stunning in a black top and high-waisted red skirt as she attended the Bianca Spender Show at Sydney Fashion Week on Tuesday.

Last month, the unlikely lovers, along with Erin and Bryce, became the poster couple of the show after deciding they wanted to give their romance a red-hot go.

During the dramatic finale, Mark admitted he was nervous about what to do with their opposing lifestyles but their connection is what matters most.

Watch Christie’s message to the Woman’s Day readers in the player below! Post continues after the video…

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“I think you’re awesome and we work perfectly together. Obviously we come from two different worlds, two different lifestyles. I feel like I have to give up my life in order for us to be together. You are an amazing person but I can’t let you go either,” Mark said at the time.

Although they’re yet to figure out the geographical specifics Christie said the most important thing is that he makes her laugh.

“I think I am falling in love! From the moment I saw him I wasn’t too sure. He makes me laugh so much. I’m always happy when I’m around him,” she mused, proving sometimes a relationship can be a slow-burner,” she mused during the show’s last episode.

Making it work! The city slicker and farmer are determined to make their long distance love go the distance.

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7 healthy habits of parents who still like each other

Relationships aren't always easy, but with a little effort you can ensure that you will still like each other over the years.
7 healthy habits of couples who still like each other

*This article was written by Carolyn Tate and first published on Champagne Cartel.

This is a great time of year for me: it was my birthday yesterday, and Valentine’s Day is coming up soon. I love Valentine’s Day. Sure, I know it’s an invented holiday to sell shit, but we don’t actually buy each other gifts (take THAT, Hallmark!).

What we do get up to is to have a nice dinner together at home, maybe share a bottle of wine, and just hang out. Sure, we do that on other days too, but I love a day like that you can count on and look forward to. And knowing you’re going to get laid is always cool.

I’ve been in a few long-term relationships over the years. The first one was unhealthy and awful, the second one was fun and lovely, but just didn’t have all required to go the distance, and the third one makes my heart sing with happiness. And having been through the other two, I know just how special it is.

So I make it a priority to make sure this one sticks.

And yes, I know having little kids is exhausting, and that everyone is busy and that sometimes it’s all you can do to wear matching shoes and not greet your partner with a giant yawn, but the rewards of a bit of effort are worth it, right?

I’m going to assume you nodded enthusiastically just now.

So here are my 7 habits that I reckon make a huge difference.

1.Don’t trash talk each other.

If it’s an issue that your partner hasn’t taken the recycling out, or mown the lawn for seven months, bring it up at a quiet and calm moment and explain how it would help you if it was done. Don’t wait until you have friends over for a barbie to make snide comments about it while rolling your eyes and pouring yourself a seventh glass of bubbles.

2.Build each other up.

On the flip side of point 1, how about bragging about how awesome each other is to your friends? It has somehow become the trend to appear to be underwhelmed by one’s partner in public, but isn’t it a wonderful feeling when someone you love says great things about you within earshot of other people? I love it, so I try to do it too. (Of course, there are limits to this. Don’t take it to vomitish extremes.)

3.Touch each other.

I don’t mean in the pantaloons region (although, duh, that too). I’m talking about incidental touch when you’re talking. A hug to say good morning. A kiss when you get home from work. It’s so easy to let that stuff drift, but the more you touch, the easier and more natural it is to do it more. Touching reminds us of that connection we have, and it feels nice, don’t you think? And I also think it’s a wonderful thing for children to witness in their parents.

4.Ditch the kids.

Yes, I know you’re a wonderful parent who loves their child enormously, but remembering who YOU are – and who you both are as a couple – is crucial to maintaining that connection. If babysitting isn’t an option for you, create some special time together after the kids have gone to bed, or meet up for lunch during the day. But find time to be together. Reminisce about the past. Talk about your hopes and plans for the future. Allow yourselves to think outside of the daily functionality of what’s for dinner and whose turn it is to drop the kids off at school.


Not that overt boob-flashing type that an 18 year old girl thinks qualifies as flirting (although, hey, if that works for you…). I’m talking about paying full attention, maintaining eye contact, a sly smile, a private joke, a bit of touching. Actions that say, “I see you. I like you. You’re fun.”

6.Ask questions.

Be curious about this person. You may think you know all there is to know, but everything is constantly changing. What has made them laugh or cry lately? Where do they want to be in a year, or five, or ten? What is their favourite film? What do they think about the current state of the federal political environment?

7.Cut the silent treatment and let shit go.

This one took me AGES to get good at. Explain why you’re upset, what you would like to happen, and then let it go. You might not always get what you want, but you will feel better in the long run. Holding onto anger sucks and just serves to make you miserable and drive a wedge between you and the person you’re supposed to be closest to.

You can read more about “how to live a f__k yes life” on Champagne Cartel’s Facebook page – facebook.com/champagnecartel, or check out the blog champagnecartel.com

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Things I should have sorted by 40 but haven’t

I still bite my nails. Even my acrylic nails.
Things I should have sorted by 40 but haven’t

I am 46.

That is closer to 50 than 40.

(And yes, you probably worked that out yourself, but I’m still coming to terms with it.)

By now I should probably have worked out this Adulting gig.

I’ve been doing it for a long, long long time.

But there are still things I haven’t figured out, despite my advanced age: things I should have sorted by 40, but haven’t.

1.I am still searching for the ideal hair and skin care products. I have not yet accepted the reality that it’s not the products that are imperfect, it is my hair and skin.

2.I still let paperwork pile up in huge mounds around my house. I have tried 758,000 filing systems over the past three decades, and not one of them has eliminated the mounds.

3.I still sometimes eat my feelings.

4.I am still a sucker for clothing bargains and am forever purchasing non-returnable items on sale that I hate the minute I bring them home.

5.I am still incredibly trusting, and get fooled by liars time and time again.

6.I still bite my nails. Even my acrylic nails.

7.I still run out of bread and milk all the time.

8.I still confuse sex with love.

9.I still don’t have a formal exercise regime. Or even a casual exercise regime.

10.I still lose my temper with the kids and regret it afterwards.

11.I still don’t know the capital cities of many countries in the world, despite really, truly trying to memorise them.

12.I still don’t have a signature dish. I don’t even have a signature drink.

13.I still fret if I don’t get enough sleep.

14.I still assume people are dead or angry with me if they don’t text me back straight away.

15.I still need therapy.

What about you?

This story was originally published on Life and Other Crises

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The Queen sheds tears for fallen soldiers

Rarely has she ever cried in the public eye, but on Tuesday, her Majesty was overcome with emotion as she unveiled a memorial for Britain’s lost soldiers.
Queen Elizabeth II

It was a rare and touching sight.

Britain’s longest serving monarch, who so rarely lets her emotions show during public appearances, let her guard down for one swift moment at a royal engagement in Staffordshire, England this week.

The 90-year-old had just returned to her seat after unveiling a bronze lion statue in memory of the 32 members of the regiment who have died since its formation in 2006.

Over 250 guests watched as the monarch allowed tears to roll down her cheek, including the families of the fallen as well as several soldiers that had been severely injured in Afghanistan.

The usually-stoic Queen was overcome with emotion.

Swiftly, she wiped away her tears with a gloved hand.

According to onlookers present, the royal took a few moments to “regain her composure” following the emotional outburst.

She wiped her cheeks with a gloved hand and went on to lay a wreath beside the monument.

It read, “In memory of the glorious dead. Elizabeth R.”

Watch the touching moment in the video player below! Post continues…

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Following the service, Queen Elizabeth II seemed to be in good spirits as she chatted to guests, including war veterans and their families.

Speaking to stonemason Nick Johnson and sculptor Georgie Welch – the creatives responsible for the stunning sculpture – the Queen complimented them on their work and dedication.

“The Queen said it was very lifelike and that it had a real look of power. She also said it looked fearless. I was so nervous I couldn’t stop my knees shaking, but the Queen was absolutely charming,” said Georgie after their encounter.

“I don’t think you can get any higher honour than to meet the Queen,” quipped Nick in response.

The Queen laid a wreath for the fallen soldiers.

The usually-stoic monarch has only ever wept on a handful of occasions throughout her 64-year reign.

A tear famously rolled down her cheek in 1997 at the decommission ceremony for the Royal Yacht Britannia.

The Queen had shared over 40 years of memories on the vessel with Prince Philip before it was deemed too expensive to maintain at a cost of $21 million a year.

A second tear left her eyes in 2002 at a Remembrance Day service, just months after her mother’s death.

Air travel deemed her beloved Royal Yacht Britannia redundant.

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Queen’s tears for fallen diggers

Strong emotions came over the Queen as she honoured fallen soldiers.

She normally puts on a steely front, but as Queen Elizabeth II paid respects to fallen soldiers yesterday morning, her strong emotions took over.

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Her Majesty was joined by wounded soldiers for a service that honoured those killed while serving in the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment.

At the National Memorial Arboretum in Alrewas, Staffordshire, the Queen wiped away tears during the emotional service and laid a wreath that read the message: ‘In memory of the glorious dead. Elizabeth R’.

The Queen laid this wreath at the memorial

It is believed the only other time she has cried in public was in 1997 when the Royal Yacht Britannia was decommissioned.

While at the ceremony, she unveiled a bronze lion memorial, which is heralded the ‘Lion of England’. This is to commemorate the 32 who gave their lives serving in the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment since it formed.

The new ‘Lion of England’ memorial

VIDEO: Watch the Queen lay a wreath for the fallen soldiers

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Paramedic stole Rolex from dying Sopranos star

He’s accused of taking the $4000 watch from James Gandolfini’s wrist.
Paramedic stole Rolex from dying Sopranos star

A paramedic has been accused of stealing a Rolex from Sopranos star James Gandolfini in his final hours.

The Telegraph UK reports the Italian paramedic has gone on trial, accused of stealing the Rolex from Gandolfini’s wrist as he lay dying in a Rome hotel following a heart attack.

Claudio Bevilacqua, an ambulance stretcher-bearer, was part of the team who rushed to the Boscolo Exedra Hotel in the Italian capital in June 2013.

The 43-year-old is accused of taking the $4000 Submariner watch.

Two members of the hotel’s security staff reportedly noticed the watch was missing and it was reported as stolen on an insurance form filed by Gandolfini’s family.

Bevilacqua did not attend the start of the trial earlier this week and has not entered a plea.

His trial has been adjourned until November.

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Seven Year Switch fans blast ‘psycho’ Brad

He proposed and Tallena said yes, but Brad’s behaviour has not impressed fans of reality show Seven Year Switch.

The season finale of Seven Year Switch saw Brad propose to Tallena again. She was thrilled and instantly accepted, but the show’s viewers were horrified, taking to social media to express their disgust at his “emotionally abusive” behaviour.

“I hope the counsellors on Seven Year Switch give Tallena contact numbers and support services available for abuse victims,” one wrote. “Brad is a psycho!”

Another added: “That poor girl deserves better. Seven Year Switch Tallena, it seems Brad is an emotional abuser and knows how to put himself first.”

Watch the controversial Brad shock fans in the video below. Post continues…

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Brad and Tallena’s reality TV journey has certainly been a rocky one. For weeks, it looked as though the show would be the end of them.

Brad eventually penned a letter breaking up with Tallena after it was revealed she had shared a spa and a bed with her experimental partner, and got a matching tattoo with him.

But the show’s therapy eventually seemed to work, helping them get their romance back on track, leading to Brad’s proposal last night.

Viewers were divided over the unique situation

Brad also controversially gifted Tallena with a new cheque to help pay for their wedding, after he tore up a previous cheque meant for the same purpose.

“I know we have a lot of work to do but I don’t ever want to be without you and I want to be as happy as we once were,” he said.

Woman’s Day recently revealed the couple tied the knot earlier this month in Queensland, surrounded by family and friends.

This story originally appeared on Australian Women’s Weekly

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