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7 tips for finding more me time

Carolyn Tate shares her top tips for finding time for the most important person in your life – you.
7 tips for finding me time

Schedule, schedule, schedule

The wise and beautiful Bron Maxabella wrote this outstanding and beautiful post on finding time to blog, but you can apply it to whatever is important in your life – but make sure it’s whatever is important to YOU.

If you love a good system, you can also check out Sonia Stackhouse’s Sanity Folder.

I have instigated this in my life and it excites me beyond what is socially acceptable.

I’d like to give Sonia my firstborn as a thank you gift but she won’t take her.

In all this scheduling and organising, don’t forget it’s crucial to schedule in time for yourself.

This is new to me but I’m trying to include at least half an hour every day (which I use to exercise), plus a larger block a couple of times a week.

Put this time in – NOT in pencil – and don’t move it for anyone unless they are on fire.

What you do during this time means is entirely up to you.

For me it’s running, yoga, meditation, time out with the girls, bushwalking, and maybe the occasional (non-animated) movie on my own where I don’t have to share the popcorn or shoosh anyone.


If you’re supposed to work three days a week, work three days a week.

If it’s 40 hours, keep your evenings and weekends free.

Sure, urgent stuff comes up but if you find it coming up week after week, you need to look at how you’re dealing with this.

Oprah may be a bit of a sanctimonious pain in the arse at times, but she was right when she said you teach people how to treat you.

If people demand too much of you and you roll over and ask them to scratch your belly, they’ll keep on coming back for more.

Stand up for yourself and your right to live a balanced life.

Get your family onside

Tell them you’re struggling if you’re struggling.

I find this very tough, which seems silly now I think about it because they love me.

I want to be all things and I want everyone I love to think I’m super.

But I’m not; I’m human.

So last week I told my husband I need more help.

He’s happy to provide it.

And my mother is happy to watch my kids sometimes too.

That’s awesome.

But they don’t know if you don’t tell them, because they’re busy dealing with their own stuff.

And, you know, probably not psychic.


Outsource whatever you hate doing, or whatever is robbing you of time, if you can afford it.

Not everyone can, but if it’s an option, why wouldn’t you?


It’s not a bonus or a nice-to-have, it’s required to keep you healthy.

Get outside if you can, and join a group for bonus socialisation.

Exercising not only keeps your body healthy, but it’s great for dealing with anxiety and mild depression.

I find, when I’m at my most anxious, it’s almost impossible to force myself to leave the house to go exercise, so I make deals with my brain.

I’ll go for 10 minutes and then come home if I hate it. I almost always keep going once I’m out.


To carpooling, or tuckshop, or managing the under 8s soccer team.

The world will go on. Sure, the P&C will tell you we all need to contribute if the system is going to work, but you are your first priority and sometimes it’s just not possible.

Hold on

Try to keep the big picture in the front of your mind.

Yes, there are times when life can seem incredibly overwhelming but this isn’t forever.

Sometimes you need to grit your teeth and carry on.

When things are bothering me, I like to put it to the “Will this matter in five years” test. Almost every time, the answer is no.

This story originally appeared on Champagne Cartel.

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This boy’s daycare scrubbed his face until it bled

The little boy had been playing with markers with his brother, but employees at the daycare took it into their own hands to clean him up.

A father was outraged after he picked up his four-year-old son from his daycare centre in North Carolina, US, and found his face red, scabbed and bruised.

The single father-of-two, Agustin Luna, is accusing the employees of physical abuse and being aggressive when cleaning his son’s face.

He has filed a police report and wants an investigation to look into the case.

“Seeing my son like that, that was terrible,” Luna said.

He said his two sons were playing with textas and had scribbled on each other’s bodies before going to daycare in the morning, and he didn’t have enough time to clean off all the markings.

Luna said he told the workers he’d clean the boys when he got them home and so not to worry, but around lunchtime, he said he got a call from them.

Luna reiterated the conversation with the teacher: “She says she washed Agustin’s face. She says it’s going to be a little bit red, I put medicine on it, I put Neosporin.”

He was shocked and furious at finding what “a little bit red” looked like on his son.

Luna asked him what had happened. “He was telling me the teacher scrubbed it with a brush, wiping, and then a paper towel,” Luna said.

He then took his son to the hospital and the condition seemed to be getting worse.

An employee at the daycare centre said the teacher was just trying to help and that Luna had blown the situation out of proportion.

“No kid four-years-old deserves to be hurt like that,” Luna said.

He is eager for someone to be held accountable, and he said a detective is expected to be in touch with him in a few days. No charges were filed as of last night.

Luna has since found a new daycare centre for his sons.

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Kim Kardashian says sister Kylie’s relationship made her “uncomfortable”

Kim Kardashian is spilling the beans on her sister's relationship, saying that Kylie and Tyga’s controversial coupling “broke” Blac Chyna’s heart.
Kylie Jenner, Tyga, Kim Kardashian

In a new promo clip for the latest episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians, Kim revealed some very personal details about the relationship complications in her family.

Speaking to sisters Khloe and Kourtney, the mother-of-two admitted that her 18-year-old sister’s relationship with rapper Tyga, 26, “absolutely” made her “uncomfortable.”

Watch the telling clip in the video player below! Post continues…

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“Was it uncomfortable for me when Kylie and Tyga started to date? Absolutely because Chyna was my friend but I had no choice but to take my sister’s side; that’s my sister.”

For those of you who aren’t exactly “keeping up”, Kim was referring to her former friend Blac Chyna, who is now dating her brother Rob.

But just to complicate things further, Blac shares a three-year-old son King Cairo with her ex-fiance Tyga, who up until recently was the rapper boyfriend of the youngest Kardashian sister, Kylie.

Are you keeping up with the Kardashians?

Now that that’s out of the way; Kim also confessed to her sisters in the clip that Kylie’s relationship with Tyga “completely broke Chyna’s heart.”

“I understand that Kylie dating Tyga completely broke Chyna’s heart. I feel for her in that situation,” Kim said.

It’s all very complicated, but the situation has presumably diffused slightly since Kim made her comments as it was confirmed earlier this week that Kylie had indeed called it off with her controversial boyfriend.

Kim isn’t the only one confused…

“I think, you know, we’re both just focusing on our lives, our individual lives right now, you know? Sometimes things don’t work out,” Tyga said to TMZ, confirming their split.

But this pair, who seem to have no time for broken hearts, have allegedly moved on with other people.

In recent days, Kylie has been spotted spending quality time with another rapper – this time a 22-year-old Canadian-born artist who goes by the name of PartyNextDoor.

The pair made a point to show off their new-found connection with a showy Instagram shot in which they proudly displayed their matching, diamond-encrusted Rolexes.

Has Kylie already moved on with another rapper?

“Diamond battles with @KylieJenner,” he captioned the snapshot.

Video footage obtained by MailOnline also shows the couple leaving the Inside Jokes Comedy Club at in Los Angeles together on Wednesday.

“Their relationship started quite suddenly but it just feels right,” a source told The Sun.

“They are mad for each other. She doesn’t know why she wasted time with Tyga.”

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My letter of resignation from motherhood

After head lice broke out in her family, Kerri Sackville decided it was time to call it quits on the whole parenting thing.

A Letter of Resignation

To My Family & Friends,

After around thirty seconds consideration and with a heavy heart, I have decided to resign from my position as Mother.

I have enjoyed working with my children for the past nearly fourteen years. Unfortunately, however, this latest outbreak of lice has made my position as head of the family (no pun intended) to be untenable.

There are several reasons why I have come to my decision.

  1. There was no mention made of the possibility of lice when I took on the position of Mother. I feel that I was tricked into a role that I did not agree to.

  2. Removing lice from my children’s hair is virtually a full time job in itself. There is simply no time in the day to attend to other parenting duties, such as feeding my kids, bathing them, doing the laundry, and drinking wine.

  3. Lice are revolting.

  4. Lice removal lotions smell terrible.

  5. My children are clean. Lice, apparently, like clean hair. This creates a paradox which leads to severe cognitive dissonance which causes me extreme stress.

  6. I can’t claim worker’s compensation for my extreme stress because Motherhood doesn’t come with insurance.

  7. My children complain that their heads are itchy then they complain when I put the lice potion on them then they complain even more when I use the fine toothed comb. I can’t win. What is the point of a job where I cannot win?

  8. There is no pay. There has never been any pay, but this is completely unacceptable now that I have to remove lice.

So goodbye children, and goodbye Motherhood. It’s been fun. Some of the time. The rest of the time has been lice.

I wish me the best of luck with all my future endeavours.


This story was originally published on Life and Other Crises.

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Prince Oscar’s surprising christening gift

What gift is appropriate for a little prince on the day of his baptism? We didn’t expect this particular present to be this big!

Little Prince Oscar of Sweden will be christened next week in the royal chapel of Stockholm, but he’s already got an incredible baptism present in the works!

His doting dad Prince Daniel, mum Crown Princess Victoria and sister Estelle will all be present at the christening, and according to Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, will be expecting a playground to be named after the little prince!

There are plans to build the playground in the Söderåsen National Park in the southernmost region of Skåne – where Oscar is the duke.

The idea was coined by Governor Margaret Palsson who wrote to 33 municipalities in Skåne and the Skåne region, asking them to be involved in the project.

She wrote: “We are expected to deliver a gift from Skåne associated with the baptism and I want us to do something really good.”

Little Oscar with his beautiful family

“My idea is to create something lasting that promotes good health among children and young people, which I know that the Crown Princess thinks is important.”

The playground – which will cost more than AU$165,000 – will be made only of natural materials and be open to children of all ages.

Big sister Estelle with little Oscar

The young prince will be gifted with a painting of the proposed structure at his christening as the playground won’t be ready in time.

If the funds are not raised for the expensive gift, Margaret said Oscar will instead “receive a traditional gift.”

We think he’ll be happy either way!

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Marriage affects how much you drink

Getting hitched will have an impact on the amount you drink - and the results are surprising!

A new study has revealed how marriage has a direct impact on how much you drink, and the results are surprising.

The study was carried out by Swedish analysts who wanted to learn whether drinking to excess was linked to getting hitched, and the results found that it could lower the risk of developing an alcoholic disorder.

Of the married females studied, 71 per cent were found to have a lower chance of boozing too much compared to single ladies.

For married men, the number was still quite high at 60 per cent.

The researchers have established that couples drink less as a result of psychological and social parts of marriage, where they pull each other up if they’ve been drinking too much or going out a lot.

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It’s here! The first Offspring season six trailer

Nina is back, and she’s kookier than ever.
It’s here! The first Offspring season six trailer

After a very long, Proudman-deprived two years, we finally have our first look at the highly anticipated new season of Offspring!

That’s right, Nina is back at it with her glorious daydreaming, awkward antics and fabulous neck scarves, and we couldn’t be more excited!

The trailer is an emotional rollercoaster from beginning to end.

Taking us back to the very beginning, the clip re-enacts all the moments that made us laugh, cry and squeal with delight.

Watch it for yourself in the video player below! Post continues…

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From the moment Nina meets and falls for Dr. Chris, and that time she not-so-smartly slept with her sister’s soulmate, all the way to the heartbreaking moment Patrick died and then, the tear-jerking scene their baby Zoe was born.

As Taylor Swift’s Wildest Dreams plays in the background, we remember just how much we immersed ourselves in their lives, almost to the point that we felt like another kooky member of the dysfunctional Proudman family.

The return of Offspring, which stars Gold Logie winner Asher Keddie, was announced by Network Ten Chief Programming Officer Beverley McGarvey chief after the show’s abrupt end in 2014.

“It was no secret that we wanted to continue Nina’s adventures and we are thrilled to announce that Offspring will return to Ten for a sixth season in 2016.”

“There are so many more chapters left in Nina’s life. We paused her story just as she had bravely navigated motherhood as a single parent rediscovering the joy and romance of life, while dealing with her fabulously messy family as they went about their unpredictable daily lives.”

Season six is expected to hit our screens (and our hearts) later this year, but as no official release date has been confirmed, we will be waiting with baited breath until then.

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day.

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Daniel O’Keefe’s sister speaks for the first time

“Dan was always special because he was the baby; he was the baby boy. I feel like I've lost my sidekick."
Daniel O'Keefe's sister speaks for the first time

Loren O’Keeffe, the sister of Daniel O’Keeffe whose body was discovered at his family’s home in March has spoken to The Project about her grief.

Daniel went missing in 2001, sparking a five-year search which ended when his father Des O’Keefe discovered his remains under the family’s Geelong home.

In an emotional interview with Carrie Bickmore, Lorren said that she feels like she has lost her “side-kick.”

“Dan was always special because he was the baby; he was the baby boy,” she said.

“He and I were a team, and then the two older sisters were a team, so I kind of feel like I’ve lost my side kick.”

Daniel and Lorren

Speaking about the discovery of Dan’s body, Lorren admitted that she still doesn’t know exactly what her father found under the house.

“All I know is that he was cleaning out an unused storage area and he got to the end of this area, this space underneath the house, and he saw a very tight corridor that lead to a very remote area, and it was very dark,” she said.

“I respect that Dad doesn’t want to elaborate on those details. And I don’t really want to know.”

Although the family are still waiting for a report from the coroner, Lorren said that they know that Dan had decided to end his suffering.

Lorren also told The Project that she wants to keep her brother’s legacy alive through work for the Missing Person’s Advocacy Network which she set up in the wake of Dan’s disappearance.

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Why chocolate is the best form of therapy

Forget talking to a shrink. As Kerri Sackville explains, sometimes you just need some chocolate to solve your problems.
Chocolate is a form of therapy

It started with a liquorice bullet.

It ended with me collapsing into bed, my body plummeting after my sugar high, having eaten all the chocolate in my house in less than half an hour.

But first, the backstory.

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Yesterday was not a great day.

My back was sore.

I was upset about an issue with a close friend.

I’d worked frenetically and still not finished my To Do list.

I’d spent two full hours in the car schlepping three kids to three different locations.

And I’d returned home at 6pm to discover that my delicious beef dinner was still a cold, raw slab in the pot.

Apparently, the slow cooker only works if you remember to turn it on.

By the time I’d rustled up a new dinner, cleaned up, done the laundry, and got the kids sorted, I was exhausted mentally and physically.

A little treat, I told myself. I deserve a little treat.

I had a few chocolate bullets in the fridge, the remnants of a party bag.

I threw them all into my mouth and chewed.

The hard liquorice made my jaw ache.

It was surprisingly satisfying.

On a normal day, that little treat would have been enough.

I would have enjoyed my bullets with a cup of tea and be done for the night.

But last night, after my really low day, it was only the beginning.

I decided I needed something more.

I returned to the fridge, and found a mini Milky Way, which I proceeded to eat right there in the kitchen.

It was delicious.

By now, I was getting into my groove.

I rummaged further through the kitchen and then I hit the jackpot.

Reece’s Peanut Butter cups. Eight of them.

Now, I don’t really like Peanut Butter cups.

I love peanut butter, and I love chocolate, but the combination in this particular confectionary is too sweet and sickly for my tastes.

But last night, mere issues like ‘taste’ didn’t matter.

It was chocolate.

And I needed the sensation of chocolate, the feeling of chocolate, the emotion of chocolate, rather than the taste of chocolate.

I needed chocolate to fill me up, to comfort me, to take my mind of my exhaustion and my upset and the bad day.

And so I unwrapped the cups and shoved them in my mouth, one by one, until all eight were gone.

Well, I didn’t feel too good after that.

The cups didn’t leave a good taste in my mouth.

On a different day, I would have called it quits.

But this wasn’t a different day, this was yesterday, and I needed to keep going, and so I finished the one remaining chocolate bar in the fridge.

A plain, Cadbury’s Dairy Milk. It was excellent. I ate it all.

And then I returned to the couch, my head swimming with sugar.

I was no longer thinking of my To Do list or my upset or the cold slab of beef.

I was thinking about all the chocolate I had eaten and how full I felt.

But that’s okay.

It’s not a crime to be comforted by food occasionally.

Yes, you should eat well and drink lots of water and treat your body like a temple.

But it’s also okay to have a binge now and then.

Sometimes, you just have to eat all the chocolate and then take yourself to bed.

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Toddler burned by Thermomix as mother cooked

Another burns case as a result of the expensive cooking appliance has this time involved a toddler.

Yet another burns case as a result of Thermomix has come to light, and this time it involved a toddler.

In 2014, mum Heidi Brennan was holding her 16-month-old baby girl Caitlin on her hip while cooking corned beef with the kitchen appliance in her Melbourne home.

It made a strange noise so she turned off her Thermomix TM31 but the lid flew off, showering the pair in scalding water.

Little Caitlin (who is now three) suffered second-degree burns on her arm, and her mum Heidi was burned on her face and shoulders.

“It made a funny sound so I turned it off and I tried to see myself if there was anything wrong which I couldn’t,” Heidi told Daily Mail.

“The machine had built up enough pressure that it flew off.”

“It’s got a hole at the top which is supposed to release all the pressure but in my case it got blocked so it turned in to a pressure cooker.”

Heidi, a paramedic, reported the incident to the company and although they sounded initially concerned, once they learned she wasn’t cooking a Thermomix recipe, Heidi says they shied away from taking responsibility.

Heidi had actually found the corned beef recipe on a forum for Thermomix users, but after the burn incident, the recipe was removed and she was sent a new machine free of charge.

Despite contacting the company on several occasions, Heidi claims she never received an apology.

This comes as it was last reported by consumer advocacy group Choice that Thermomix was responsible for a whopping 87 burns cases.

The Thermomix products identified in these cases were TM31 (the model Heidi was using) and TM5.

A particularly nasty case was of a Perth mum who received second-degree burns to her chest, arms and stomach after her Thermomix exploded.

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