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Idina Menzel speaks up for the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend campaign

Frozen star, Idina Menzel weighs in on the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend campaign...and it's all positive.
Idina Menzel speaks up for the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend campaign

Earlier this month we reported that an online petition had been made concerning the animated star of hit movie Frozen in the form of the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.

Alexis Isabel took to twitter to ask Disney to make Princess Elsa the first ever lesbian Disney princess in the highly anticipated sequal, Frozen 2, due to hit cinemas in 2018, reports [Kidspot].

Idina Menzel, the star behind the animated character has given her thoughts on the somewhat contentious debate.

The actress told Entertainment Tonight that she’s not opposed to the idea at all. In Idina’s opinion [love is, indeed, an open door].

“I think it’s great,” she revealed. “Disney’s just gotta contend with that. I’ll let them figure that out.”

The twitter campaign #GiveElsaAGirlfriend received a landslide of support from people who thought a lesbian princess would be progressive and inclusive, sending a positive message to kids.

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Paris Jackson’s touching tattoo to dad Michael

“Never forget your roots and always be proud of where you came from.”
Paris Jackson’s touching tattoo to dad Michael

Paris Jackson has honoured her late father Michael by getting a tattoo of his 1991 Dangerous album cover on her arm.

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Alongside the picture of her new ink, the 18-year-old wrote a quote from Michael’s 1992 book Dancing the Dream:

“The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exists in all of creation.”

Then she followed it up with her own addition: “Never forget your roots and always be proud of where you came from.”

It’s not the first time the teen has gotten inked to celebrate her father.

In April, she had the words “Queen of my heart” etched on her wrist in Michael’s handwriting.

“To everyone else he was the King of Pop,” she said. “To me, well, he was king of my heart.”

According to tattoo artists Justin Lewis, the tat is still not finished adding there’s one more session to go.

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Kelly Osbourne weighs in on Sharon and Ozzy’s marital problems

Things got very messy when the daughter of Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne decided to throw in her two cents.
kelly osbourne

Uh oh…

It seems that the very public breakdown of Sharon and Ozzy Osborne’s marriage is taking a huge toll on their three children.

Yesterday youngest daughter Kelly took to Twitter to throw her hat into the ring, lashing out on her fathers alleged affair with hairstylist Michelle Pugh.

Driving very far from the high road, the 31-year-old TV personality wrote a sarcastic message to her 4 million followers, referring to the woman who tore apart her parent’s 33-year marriage as a sex worker.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a b—j– call…” she wrote adding the mobile phone number of Ozzy’s alleged mistress.

The trouble-causing Tweets.

Although most aggressive celebrity tweets get deleted within minutes, Kelly’s remains firmly on her page 24 hours later, despite the phone number being disconnected.

She even got into a bit of a showdown with a follower, who encouraged the star not to take her anger out on the mistress but rather on the 67-year-old rocker.

“Hate your father not the woman.. HE did this 2 ur family … Again. #SMDH #childish,” the fan wrote before the British songwriter responded, “Are you in my family? NO YOU ARE NOT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT SHE DID! So keep ur high-mighty opinions to yourself!”

The couple’s split has been thrusted into the public eye.

And the twitter turmoil didn’t end there…

After another commenter replied saying that both Ozzy and Michelle should take the blame evenly as it “takes two to tango”, Kelly went as far to claim that he father had been taken advantage of by the mistress, who is 22 years his junior.

“My father is almost 70 ever heard of elder abuse?”

The hairstylist is yet to respond to Kelly’s comments.

Ozzy is yet to respond to his daughter’s online outburst, but while we were sleeping, Sharon shared her thoughts with The Talk, saying that she thought the whole thing was a bit of a laugh.

“Oh, Kelly has the best sense of humor ever. What can you do but laugh,” the 63-year-old told quipped. “You have to laugh. And she’s just so funny.”

“She loves her mom and loves her dad so much and listen, I’m always proud of my girl,” she said before adding, “What are you going to do? Be angry with her because she loves her mom and dad and she wants us to be together?”

“She loves us. She can do what she wants,” the music manager concluded. “She’s an adult.”

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The couple of nearly 34 years were talking divorce earlier this week, with Sharon even visiting an attorney.

But they’ve reportedly agreed to put things on the backburner for now while Ozzy seeks treatment for sex addiction due to the feelings they still have for one another.

“It’s true Sharon has spoken to a divorce lawyer and she’s still mad as hell,” a friend told The Sun. “But she still believes they can eventually recover from this if he is prepared to get proper help.”

The couple spent time apart last week after reports of infidelity surfaced, with Sharon even taking a day off her hosting duties on The Talk to collect herself and figure out her next move.

When she returned, the usually brash and candid star wasn’t her normally jovial self, saying “I’m 63 years of age, and I can’t keep living like this.”

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Bali masseuse charged with sexually assaulting Aussie boy

Bali masseuse charged with sexually assaulting Aussie boy

A grandmother, and a mother with her 12-year-old son thought a massage was the perfect way to relax on their Balinese holiday.

While the ladies enjoyed their massages the boy was in the room next door fighting off a sexual predator reports Kidspot.

The trio were all ushered into separate rooms on arrival at Damen massage parlour in Kuta, and the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons was attended to by a 47-year-old masseur Abdurahman.

As the massage progressed it is alleged that Abdurahman told the to boy remove all of his clothes to ensure they did not get stained with oil.

Kutan police Chief Wayan Sumara alleges the man then became aroused upon seeing the boy’s genitals before he rolled again onto his front.

It is then that the masseuse removed his own trousers and attempted to assault the little boy.

“The victim suspected something was off, so he turned his head and saw the perpetrator’s penis,” Mr Wayan said.

“The boy ran and found his mother.”

“The boy was in shock after the incident, the parents can’t accept what happened to their son.”

The man was charged with a number of offences and admitted that this was not the first time he had had “homosexual relations” with clients of the spa. He also said that they were always consenting.

Police have since warned spa owners to spa owners to be on the lookout for paedophiles and sexual predators.

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What Turnbull’s election promises mean for women

Paula Matthewson explains everything you need to know about Malcolm Turnbull’s campaign and how it will affect you.

It’s still early days in the federal election campaign, but even now one thing is clear: the Turnbull Government is convinced the best thing it can do for Australian women is deliver a strong economy.

Malcolm Turnbull and his team are relying on what voters tell opinion pollsters are most important to us. Jobs and the cost of living are always high on the list. And we want to know the economy is being managed by a government that knows what it’s doing.

The Coalition’s pitch to Australian women this election is that the current government is better at running the economy than the other mob.

Even if you haven’t paid much attention to the campaign, you may be aware the Coalition has a “plan for jobs and growth”. That’s because government MPs can’t stop talking about the plan every time they see a camera or a microphone.

Malcolm and wife Lucy

Constant talk of a plan is meant to make you feel confident the PM Malcolm Turnbull and his Treasurer Scott Morrison have everything under control.

There are a lot of parts to this fabulous plan, but the biggest and most expensive element is tax cuts for business. The Government plans to give smaller businesses a tax cut right away, and then give it to bigger and bigger business over the following ten years.

The Government hopes business owners will invest the extra money to expand their businesses (that’s the “growth” part of “jobs and growth”) and take on additional staff (that’s the “jobs” part).

All Australians are expected to benefit as businesses supposedly flourish and pour dollars back into the economy. Not everyone is convinced, however, that this will actually happen.

Aside from trying to deliver a strong economy, the Coalition has a number of other election promises that it says will benefit women.

For women with children, there are improvements to childcare subsidies, but these won’t kick in until July 2018. The Government also plans to restrict new mothers to accessing only one form of paid parental leave, either the government’s or their employer’s.

The future Prime Minister will need to impress Australia’s women with their election promises

There’s a job training program for young people to prepare them for employment, which includes temporary placement in a real workplace.

There’s also increased funding for health and education, but not to the same levels being promised by the Labor opposition.

The Government has however promised a new scheme that will give young adults with cancer, who were previously considered either too old or too young to participate in clinical trials, the opportunity to also access the latest cancer-fighting treatments.

There’s money to subsidise a glucose monitoring device for children and young adults with severe Type 1 diabetes, and to extend the free government dental scheme to all children and young adults.

On women’s health, the Government has offered modest increases to funding for Medicare to cover the use of MRIs to detect certain types of breast cancer, for an online tool to help women with perinatal depression, and to treat Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

Malcolm and Bill Shorten will go head-to-head at the polls on July 2

On domestic violence, there’s a Women’s Safety Package that includes an advertising campaign, GPS trackers and an expansion of the national family violence counselling and information service. But the Coalition has not committed to restoring the funding to legal centres and services that were cut by the Abbott Government.

For working women, the Government has promised to strengthen laws that punish employers for underpaying and exploiting workers, and provide a small tax cut to people fortunate enough to earn over $80,000.

The Minister for Women, Michaelia Cash, has also promised to release a “comprehensive policy” to boost women’s workforce participation during the election campaign.

There are some good changes to superannuation proposed by the Government, such as providing around two million women on low incomes with a refund of the higher taxes they pay on some super contributions.

Women with less than $500,000 in super would also be able to make “catch-up” contributions and high-income spouses would be allowed to put more funds into their low-income spouse’s super.

These are the main elements of the Coalition’s election pitch to women so far. Of course, there’s no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to campaign promises. We know politicians tend to give with one hand just as they take away with the other.

So it is wise to expect that for every promise from the Coalition of a new scheme or increased funding, something else will be scrapped or cut to pay for it. The trick is to get the balance right.

In preparation for election day, which falls on July 2, it’s worth checking to see if you are on the electoral roll and your details are correct. If you’re not yet registered to vote, you can enrol online at the Australian Electoral Commission.

Next week: The Labor Opposition’s election pitch to Australian women.

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Woman dies and schoolboy seriously injured in crash

A tragic accident in Sydney's south leaves one dead and one seriously injured.

A 59 year old woman has died, and 16 year old student has been seriously injured following a car crash in Sydney’s south reports 9News.

Yesterday afternoon at 3.30pm the boy was crossing Carlton Rd, Carlton, on foot when he was struck by a vehicle driven by the woman.

She was then thrown from her vehicle after the car slammed through a fence.

Emergency services tried their best to save her but tragically, she died at the scene.

The teenager is in St George Hospital in a serious condition suffering from severe internal injuries.

Police are still investigating but it is believed that speed was a factor.

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Kiss Bang Love Recap

Elisa Parry gives the lowdown on the good, the bad and the seriously awkward.
Kiss Bang Love Recap

Meet single girl Lisa. She’s single, she’s a girl, her name is Lisa and she’s looking for love at first kiss. It’s simple.

Lisa is joined by her sister Tanya and best friend Jasmine. They’re with Lisa on her journey to find the “man of her dreams” by pashing 12 strangers while blindfolded – though they have no official say in which lucky man she chooses to kiss, bang and eventually love. It’s beginning to get complicated.

To no one’s surprise, Lisa enjoys long walks on the beach.

Tanya begins by explaining that her sister Lisa will “literally give someone the shirt off her back if it means making someone happy”. Effectively establishing that not only is Lisa comfortable with locking lips with 12 strangers, she’s also fine with taking her clothes off for them. A promising start indeed.

While Lisa awaits her 12 suitors in a studio, Tanya and Jasmine prepare to watch events unfold in a separate room via a monitor, which Tanya describes as “the best job in the world”.

Lisa is nervous. Tanya and Jasmine can both see that Lisa is nervous. And thus, the first rule of the Kiss Bang Love drinking game becomes clear: take a shot when anyone says nervous.

Guys, Lisa is really nervous.

And so we begin.

Tanya and Jasmine are already on the champers, while a nervous Lisa (is she nervous? I don’t know, she does look nervous, so nervous) receives the final touches to her make-up – a strangely excessive amount considering both the kissee and kisser will be blindfolded throughout this round of the experiment.

Enter kiss one: Josh, 25, is a fire fighter who likes to surf. Complete with his perfect hair and body, it seems we’ve just hit JACKPOT. Thank you very much. Our work here is done. Well done Josh. Everybody can go home now. That was all very easy, thank you and goodbye. We wish.

The pashing begins. Josh is a bit slurpy, but gets a solid 8 out of 10 from Lisa. Not bad for round one.

Josh and Lisa get their slurp on.

Next up is Jaxon, a self-described “new age guy” who loves magic and would describe his level of proficiency as “first year at Hogwarts”. Now would be a great time to remind Jaxon that Lisa is looking for “the man of her dreams” not a pre-pubescent wizard.

Jaxon, just put the cards away mate

But lo and behold, Jaxon works some magic and has Lisa hoping that “he looks as good as he kisses”.

It’s also right about now that the reality of Tanya’s position of perving on her sister making out with strangers sinks in, as she admits, “I actually really feel like I’m invading their privacy.” Mmmm, don’t we all?

A brief montage of obviously boring kisses is followed by the most cringe-worthy face eating of the night by 23-year-old “I’ve never had a girlfriend” Jake.

Seriously Jake?!

Thankfully, 29-year-old Joel comes to the rescue scoring a whopping nine out of 10 sweaty palms from Lisa.

Now comes the twist. Tanya and Jasmine have planted Lisa’s hot tradie plumber Ryan (going by the name of “David” for the blind round) into the mix. Turns out he’s a biter. And Lisa is impressed. We’re learning more about Lisa.

Meet Ryan and his guns.

Travis, 34, rounds out the 12, earning high praise from Lisa who believes she saved “the most passionate for last”.

Lisa whittles down her top five from those first 12 pashes and the blindfolds come off! After a second round of kissing, two lucky guys will be chosen for an overnight date.

Some awkward flirting, serious pash rash and five packets of Eclipse mints later, it’s down to Jaxon the sparky/wizard and “David” who is actually Ryan, Lisa’s hot plumber. Stay with us.

Jaxon and Lisa spend their date at a winery playing games like archery, and bubble soccer without the ball (that bubble soccer episode of The Bachelormust have rated really highly).

We like Jaxon, until he whips out a guitar after dinner and murders Ronan Keating’s When You Say Nothing At All, though he does get bonus points for not actually singing and refraining from doing any card tricks at the table.

At least he didn’t play Wonderwall.

For those still keen on the drinking game, you can add the word “great” to the list, because Jaxon is a great guy. And they both had a great day. Like, such a great day. Because they are both great people. So great.

Just really, really, great.

And now, we get to the BANG part. As Tanya, Jasmine and Lisa regroup the next day, Lisa admits that her and Jaxon shared a bed shocked face emoji. But did they bang?! Lisa says she won’t kiss and tell, but she already kind of did tell…

Next up it’s Ryan’s turn. The two take a cocktail class where Ryan demonstrates a lack of hand-eye coordination, followed by seriously poor dexterity with the chopsticks at their Teppanyaki dinner… Lisa can only hope he’s better with his hands in other areas.

Just ask for a fork buddy.

Despite the fact that Ryan is obviously NERVOUS, they do seem to share a genuine chemistry and it’s likely they’ll hit it off with another bang.

Having tried and tested both Jaxon and Ryan, Lisa must now decide who to take with her on a romantic holiday. After an excruciatingly awkward airport dumping, Jaxon gets the boot and Ryan gets a week away with Lisa in Noosa.

So is it love at first kiss? Well, the pair are reportedly still dating so… 10 out of 10 sweaty palms to them both.

Next week on Kiss Bang Love, Chelsea is looking for the man of her dreams after breaking up with her high school sweetheart of six years. But will she be as lucky as Lisa? For now, let’s just hope she manages to avoid a Jake situation…

This story originally appeared on TV Week.

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Chewbacca mum takes James Corden to work

So. Much. Joy.

If you haven’t yet seen the Chewbacca mum video, you’re really missing out.

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It’s of a Texas mum, Candace Payne, in a minivan wearing a Chewbacca mask and just having the greatest time in the world.

Now she’s teamed up with James Corden, hilarious host of the Late Late Show, for some carpool fun. Oh and there’s also a Star Wars guest!

So if you’re having a crap day, this is going to make you laugh SO hard.

Watch the video below:

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Duchess Catherine wore an old coat for a very special reason

The Duchess is at it again with her frugal fashion choices. But where have we seen the cream piece before?
Duchess Catherine Prince William

Thrifty Kate strikes again! The Duchess of Cambridge wowed the crowds with her cream, shapely coat at the Queen’s final Buckingham Palace Garden Party of the season.

But there were murmurs in the crowd among onlookers that the svelte Alexander McQueen coat was awfully familiar…

That’s because the royal mother of two donned the statement piece at one of the most important events in her life: the christening of her firstborn son and future king, Prince George!

She hasn’t been seen in the cream coat since the all-important church service in 2013, but decided the garden party was the perfect opportunity to dust it off and give it another turn.

Here’s where we’ve seen the coat before! Catherine wore it on Prince George’s special day.

Duchess Catherine even decided to pair the outfit with a Jane Taylor had once again.

Kate is known for her recycled sartorial choices, having previously reworn garments by McQueen, Gina Foster and Amelia Wickstead.

Catherine looked a vision in her special coat.

The garden party is a summer event where the Queen graciously opens the grounds of Buckingham House and invites about 8000 members of the public to tea.

The event will see 27,000 teas, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 cake slices served to eager guests.

See Prince George steal the show at his sister Charlotte’s christening. Post continues below

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Prince William was also in attendance at the party.

Surprisingly it’s apparently the first time the Duke of Cambridge has ever attended one of the Queen’s garden parties.

Perhaps Kate finally convinced him to come after attending the event four times herself!

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Bill Cosby facing prison

If found guilty of sexual assault Bill Cosby could face up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine.

A Pennsylvania court has ordered Bill Cosby to stand trial in the 2004 sexual assault case brought forth by Andrea Constand.

If found guilty, Cosby could face up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine reports 9 news.

Constand says Cosby forced himself on her at his suburban Philadelphia home in 2004. Prosecutors allege that he plied her with pills and wine, leaving her unable to resist as he made his move on her.

Cosby has admitted giving Constand a pill but said all relations with her were consensual and accused her of lying about the assault.

More than 50 women have publicly alleged sexual abuse at the hands of the former TV legend.

However the allegations made by Constand, who worked for Temple University basketball team and who today lives in Canada, are the only criminal assault charge brought against him.

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