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When sex has become the elephant in the room

It's perfectly normal for your sex life to wane after children, but how do you get it back again?
When sex has become the elephant in the room

When Jessie and Jonathan first got together, their sex life was fantastic.

Spontaneity abounded, and their sexual chemistry was strong. This blissful, sexy unity continued for nine years… and then they had kids.

“A lot of stuff happened while we were in the early baby years with our kids who are now three and six. I had multiple miscarriages and got very sick for a year,” tells Jessie.

“Basically we had gone from nine years of excellence, being carefree people, totally besotted with each other, who had loads of fun partying and shagging, to being parents of little people who needed us and we had no time for each other.”

Daily routine began to take its toll on Jessie and Jonathan and before long, a chasm had grown in the bedroom. Now they have sex an average of three times a year.

“We lost our intimacy through the day-to-day grind of parenting and then we started to lack a sense of togetherness. This big gaping maw of loneliness opened up between us. It was devastating as we still totally love each other.”

While a relationship should not be built on sex alone, sex is a very integral part of relationships. Without the connection and intimacy, it’s easy to feel detached and distant from our partner.

“The lack of intimacy absolutely had affected our relationship but we were both determined to not let it break us apart,” says Jessie. “I don’t think you necessarily need to be having sex daily to have a great relationship but the rawness and vulnerability that sex brings is a healthy way to bring closeness.”

A change in sexual proclivity is very common after children with the 2013 iVillage Married Sex Survey revealing that 52% of women and 49% of men said their sex life was hotter before they had kids.

“It’s really normal, and actually to be expected, that sexual activity will decline after giving birth. It’s not a sign that there is something wrong with your relationship. The length of time it takes couples to re-engage in sexual activity will depend on each couple,” says sex therapist, Isiah McKimmie.

Having a family need not spell the death of your va-va-voom but if an abyss lives in your bedroom, bridging it may not be a simple task. Allowing open discussion about the elephant in the bedroom may be your first step towards recovering your intimacy.

“Communication is really one of the most important aspects of our intimate lives. Being able to understand each other’s perspective and voice our needs and wants is crucial to intimacy and to reigniting our sex lives,” says Isiah.

“Start by talking about it with each other. It’s important to acknowledge that although sex may not interest you, if it is important to your partner, it’s important to the relationship. Make this a priority in your lives, giving it time and attention.”

Sex is not just about the act of naked bodies making silly shapes, sex begins in our minds – the brain is the largest sex organ. Before we can get our kit off and get jiggy, we need to feel safe to be vulnerable.

“It’s important to build your connection outside the bedroom as well as inside the bedroom. Take time to be intimate with each other emotionally also, spend quality time together, go on dates, be generous towards each other. Take things slowly as you start to rebuild your sex lives – be gentle and be generous with each other,” suggests Isiah.

Sometimes, the longer we go without sex, the harder it is to feel inspired. If it has been a long time between roll-arounds is just biting the bullet and “doing it” the best way to get in the mood? Maybe, says Isiah.

“We need to start rethinking some of our ideas about sex and how it happens. In long term relationships, women need to realise that the feeling of being ‘turned on’ rarely ‘just happens’ the way it does when we first got together with someone, due to physical, emotional and hormonal changes that happen for us, but we don’t need to wait until we’re feeling ‘turned on’ to engage intimately with our partner.

“Having sex you don’t enjoy is rarely helpful, but choosing to engage in sex, without being turned on, because you want to be close to your partner or you know you’ll probably feel turned on once you start is a wonderful way to build intimacy in your relationship.”

Seeking relationship therapy is a great start to honouring your connection however making your relationship strong will not necessarily bring back your mojo. Your mojo muscles require a little training too believes relationship counsellor from Clinton Power and Associates, Clinton Power.

“There is a common myth that by working on your relationship, your sex life should naturally improve. But your erotic connection and your relationship issues, while related, are actually considered to be on separate tracks,” he says.

“Improving your relationship issues will not necessarily lead to an increase in sexual activity. This is why it’s really important to dedicate time to working on your erotic connection with your partner.”

In our busy lives we may not feel like we have the time to dedicate to mojo flexing, so as unsexy as it may feel perhaps it’s time to schedule a sexy timeslot.

“A lot of people turn their nose up at the suggestion of scheduling time for sex. You might say, “it’s not spontaneous, it’s not sexy and it makes sex too predictable,” says Clinton.

“But it doesn’t matter how are you initiate sex, once you’re underway and feeling aroused, your body will respond no differently than if you had thrown each other on the kitchen floor in a spontaneous sexual impulse which, of course, rarely happens.

Sex is not only good for you physically and can significantly reduce your stress, but it’s an important dimension of your relationship that defines you and your partner in a way that no other relationship is defined.

If you’ve struggled by yourselves and the chasm is widening, seeking advice from a professional who specialises in relationships may help you build the bridge.

“If you find talking about your sexual issues and attempts to problem solve are not leading to any change, consider seeking professional help. A professional relationship counsellor or sex therapist can support you getting to the root cause of what’s going on so you can overcome your blocks to sexual intimacy,” says Clinton.

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The truth behind The Voice live recordings

The lights, the sets, the judges, the contestants – here’s what REALLY goes on behind the scenes.

Recently, I was invited to sit in the audience of The Voice battle rounds to get a behind-the-scenes look at REALLY goes on. I’d never been to a live recording of a TV show before so I didn’t really know what to expect – but as a big fan of The Voice, I knew it’d be awesome.

In all, I was blown away – hearing the contestants live, seeing the judges up close, watching the crew run around and fix things, the list goes on.

Here are just a few of the things I saw that shocked and amazed me:

• Things don’t happen on time. We were told to get there at 4.45pm, and then when we did, we were told to come back in about 20 because things were running behind. At about 5.30, we finally made it in.

• The set isn’t as big as you’d imagine it to be, but it’s just as impressive. The big lights, the battle ring where the contestants sing, and the judges chairs are pretty mesmerising up close.

• The ushers are mega strict. But we guess they have to be – the audience is on camera too! If you try to leave for a bathroom break while filming, they’ll pounce on you and tell you to stay put. There’s a strict no-phones policy, and your belongings need to be tucked neatly under the seat so the cameras can’t see.

• You have to cheer and smile CONSTANTLY. It’s exhausting, but equally exhilarating. The producers want high energy for the show so they make you scream and cheer until the sound in the room is thunderous.

Pic via Channel 9

• The recording is a long process. For example, the host – the stunning Sonia Kruger – will come out and do her piece to camera, but sometimes she may have to do it a few times. From start to finish, I’d say the whole process takes about six or seven hours.

• The judges are on their phones a lot when they’re not on camera. Are they playing Candy Crush? Scrolling through Instagram? We’ll never know.

• Jessie J is as opinionated and feisty as she seems on TV. She disagreed with the other judges most of the time, and at one point after the crowd booed her for her critique of one of the contestants, she said: “Don’t boo me, we’re not on X Factor.” Meow!

• The judges get a lot of touch-ups. We can imagine the beaming light on them would work up a sweat, so it’s no wonder the make-up team come on every 20 minutes or so to powder their noses.

• The talent is incredible – they’re almost flawless. We seriously don’t envy the judges in making their decisions.

Pic via Channel 9

• Sonia took off her stilettos and changed into thongs in between filming. She’s my kinda girl!

• It’s Ronan Keating’s first time in the judges’ seat this year and he’s awesome. But he’s no Mr Nice Guy (as you guys would have seen through the blind auditions) – he tells it exactly how it is. Maybe Jessie J has met her match!

My final verdict on what to expect this year? I think season five is going to be bigger and better than ever before. The Koi boys are so upbeat you can’t help by dance in (or out of) your seat, and Marcia has got a real powerhouse voice.

There may be a little tension between the judges this year and that makes it thrilling to watch on TV. I can’t wait to see what’s yet to come!

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Queensland man killed while walking home with groceries

He died before paramedics arrived.
Queensland man killed while walking home with groceries

A Queensland man was killed in a hit and run while he was walking home with his groceries last night.

The 50-year-old was hit around 8:20 pm in the suburb of Inala and died before the paramedics arrived.

A resident told Nine Network that they heard a loud bang they thought was the impact.

“All my neighbours were standing in front of my yard all shocked and asked what happened, and they said it was a hit and run kind of thing,” they said.

Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.com.au 24hrs a day.

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The truth about Bindi Irwin’s boyfriend Chandler

We have finally learned the sweet story of how these two fell for eachother.

If you’ve ever wondered how Bindi Irwin and her American boyfriend Chandler Powell, you’re about to learn it all right now.

The Wildlife Warrior has been dating the wakeboarder for 18 months and now Chandler’s grandfather has spilled all on how their relationship blossomed.

John DiCenzo, 73, told Woman’s Day he was obsessed with the Irwins and the late Steve in particular, well before he was ever introduced to the family.

DiCenzo revealed Chandler met Bindi when he and his parents made a visit to Australia Zoo in 2014.

He told Woman’s Day: “When the two of them met he was obviously awfully impressed,enough that he wrote a letter to the zoo and said ‘would it be all right if I wrote to her?’

“They both really bonded because they both travel so much, and they talked about how to combine the travelling with school, something they’re both very used to.

“Bindi likes writing letters just like Chandler – I guess that’s old-fashioned with email and things these days. I think they talk every day they can. They use Skype, too.”

DiCenzo adds that as a kid, Chandler loved watching Steve on TV.

“It’s why people who know him – know his love of animals – just had their minds blown when they saw photos of him with Bindi when they got together,” he said.

With Chandler studying at the University of Central Florida, and Bindi here in Australia, the sweethearts are going strong in their long distance relationship.

However, a move to Australia may be on the cards.

“I’m sure working at Australia Zoo would be his dream job. It’s one of those coincidences that’s like, wow, you’d never have thought it,” DiCenzo said.

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Top 10 Tasmanian ghost towns

Shrouded in forests and steeped in history, Tasmania is home to dozens of abandoned settlements.
Top 10 Tasmanian ghost towns

Dotted across our southernmost state are the ruins and relics of lost towns and communities.

Barely noticeable today, some are victims of boom-and-bust mining days, when town fortunes rested on the mines they served, or the infrastructure they were charged with maintaining. Michael Holmes, author of Vanishing Towns: Tasmania’s Ghost Towns and Settlements, has documented the stories of many of these long-forgotten places.

Some of the towns have totally disappeared, but dozens linger on in the form of dilapidated houses, crumbling ruins, or tell-tale bursts of colour indicating where cottage gardens once grew.

Here are some of Tasmania’s long-gone places, and the tales behind their demise.


Tasmania’s vast Blue Tier Plateau, in the state’s north-east, once held several bustling towns including Poimena. Tin miners began moving to Poimena in about the late 1870s, and by the 1880s it had a school, shops and a prominent hotel. Among the residents were Chinese tin miners, almost a thousand of whom lived and worked in the region at the time. Today, an open field lies where their houses once stood, but you can still see the foxgloves planted by Chinese miners more than a century ago, and signs point to where the town’s main landmarks were located.


As the 1890s gold rush to Tasmania’s north-east gained momentum, Mathinna grew to be one of the island’s largest towns. Among the prospectors was farmer William James Mullins. On 20 June 1913 Mullins left home to check possum traps and never returned. His remains were discovered in a wooden funeral pyre two weeks later, but his killer was never found and his death remains a mystery. Rocked by the murder and with the gold rush over, Mathinna began to empty. Today, only about 200 people remain.


Waddamana is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘noisy water’, which is appropriate because it was the site of Hydro Tasmania’s first power station. In the centre of Tasmania, Waddamana was born sometime in about 1910 when workers began harnessing the waters of the Great Lake and Shannon River to provide power to Hobart. The last of the power stations was decommissioned in 1994 and they have since become museums. In Waddamana village, some of the original cottages can still be seen standing next to empty blocks of land, where daffodil-lined paths lead to long-gone front doorsteps.


This remote town owes its existence to ‘black gold’ or osmiridium, discovered in 1925. At the time, the natural alloy was seven times as valuable as gold. Hundreds of miners were drawn here, but life was tough – just reaching the town required a steep 35km trek. Most lived in tents, and lived on damper, tea, bacon and tinned meat. Today, it can be reached by a two-hour walk from Clear Hill Road in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area or with a 4WD vehicle and a permit.


A railway bridge leading to East Pillinger. (Image: Joanne Powell / Wikimedia)

Within the World Heritage Area lies the deserted town of Pillinger, once a bustling port, but now reclaimed by the forest. When the North Mount Lyell Company, formed by James Crotty, constructed a railway here, the population soared. Three wharves, a saw mill, brickworks and a shipping terminus kept residents busy, but when Crotty passed away Pillinger faded from existence. Visitors can still reach ruins at East Pillinger by a four-hour return walk along the railway and river, which starts at Kelly Basin Road, south of Lynchford.


A short walk from Gormanston (see below) is the abandoned community of Linda, where the skeleton of the Royal Hotel still stands. Linda supported the North Mount Lyell Mine, now redundant, and was the terminus for the company’s railway line to Pillinger. It had a reputation as a rough-and-tumble town and was the site of a brawl between Italian immigrants and locals, known as ‘Britishers’, which saw one man fatally stabbed.


In October 1912 the thriving town of Gormanston in western Tasmania was struck by one of Australia’s worst mining disasters. A fire in the Mount Lyell copper mine killed 42 men and 100 more were trapped until it was extinguished. The town that was once home to 2000 people started to decline. In 1951 cyclone-force winds destroyed the school, the fire station and many homes. In 2013 Gormanston was home to just six people.

Lake Margaret

Lake Margaret’s last resident, Tim Adams, left in 2009, having lived alone for 18 years maintaining the old King Billy-pine pipeline for Hydro Tasmania. Receiving the highest annual rainfall of any Tasmanian town, Lake Margaret was established when the Mount Lyell Mining and Railway company constructed a hydro-electric scheme to power copper smelters in nearby Queenstown. The pipeline was closed in 2009, and forest now encroaches on the village lawns. You can visit the power station, which is now a museum.


Postcard of Williamsford and the Hercules Haulage Line reproduced by Greg Dickens, 2006, Centre for Tasmanian Historical Studies (Source: Wikimedia)

Williamsford’s defining feature was the 500m-high Hercules haulage system that stretched more than 1.5km from the town up to the mine on the slopes of Mt Read. A town of 100, it was regarded as charming for its rugged and wild scenery, but isolated. The Hercules Mine closed in 1986 and the area has been deserted since then, but the ruins of the haulage system remain.


From 1891 to 1901 Dundas went from a town of 1000 to 300. By 1895 the Zeehan and Dundas Herald was already reporting on the “deserted township”. The fall of the Tasmanian Smelting Company signalled the end for local mines, leaving many unemployed. The town continued to wax and wane over ensuing decades, with the rise and fall of mines. Today, a productive crocoite mine can be found here, which harvests the reddish crystal that is Tasmania’s mineral emblem.

This article originally appeared in the Mar-Apr 2016 issue of Australian Geographic and was run on Australian Geographic.

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The truth behind the birth of Prince George and Princess Charlotte

The royal births of Prince George and Princess Charlotte united the world… and it was all thanks to an amazing team of 23 experts!
The Cambridges

Prince William and Duchess Catherine took the opportunity to thank some of the medical team who helped deliver their two kids during the Buckingham Palace garden party.

Catherine gave birth to both children at the exclusive Lindo Wing of St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, west London – which was the same place Princess Diana welcomed William and Harry.

Professor Tiong Ghee Teoh and Dr Johanna Bray.

Joined by her hubby, Catherine and Wills chatted with Professor Tiong Ghee Teoh, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, and anaesthesiologist, Dr Johanna Bray, who were both part of the 23-member Imperial College Healthcare team.

To match the impressive service was Kate’s equally impressive room.

Her luxurious private delivery suite – which cost an average of £4,965 a night – was complete with an en suite, wireless internet, satellite TV and champagne on request.

At the first royal birth with little George back in 2013.

Two years later, outside Lindo wing with baby Charlotte.

Good ‘ol Wills also had a reclining chair as he patiently waited for news.

Professor Teoh revealed that he and the team were all on-call for three months prior to the births, just in case extra help was needed.

“I was back-up to Guy Thorpe-Beeston [who delivered the prince and princess],” he said.

While Dr Bray revealed life had stopped during that time, as they waited for the arrival of the royal bubs.

Telling reporters she quipped, “We weren’t actually at the birth but were behind the scenes. We were all on call for three months – my husband did the childcare for three months!”

“You never know when you need to be called. You need to be in town and available.”

Before adding, “ If you are at a party you need to have your car keys at the ready. No drinking!”

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The large team included two obstetricians, three midwives, three anaesthetists, four surgical staff, two special care baby-unit staff, four paediatricians, one lab technician and three to four managers.

And according to Dr Bray, they’d meet regularly to discuss “things”.

But we’ll never know what, with Professor Teoh telling reporters, “Everyone was sworn to secrecy.”

Catherine at the Garden Party.

Duchess Catherine was moved by the vigour of the team, who were instrumental at delivering the precious royal babies.

According to the professor, Kate “was very appreciative. She said there were a lot more people behind the scenes than she realized.”

This mighty team behind the two arrivals happen to be keeper of the royal baby secrets.

When asked about potential baby number three, Dr Bray simply laughed, “That’s the million-dollar question – need-to-know basis!”

Catherine adores her two little ones.

One thing is certain, Catherine adores being a mummy!

In fact she was recently spotted out and about with her adorable two-year-old and his little sister Charlotte enjoying a wander around the gardens of Kensington Palace.

Onlookers noticed the mum couldn’t hide her smile as her cheeky monkey got to have a ride on Metropolitan Police motorbike.

Little George was clearly besotted as four officers helped the tot onto the vehicle.

Wills and Harry give a royal salute from atop a police motorbike during a visit to the police force in November 1987 in Windsor, England.

One passer-by told Express.co.uk, “I was walking to Notting Hill from Kensington to go to the gym when I saw a helicopter taking off at the back of Kensington Palace.”

“I noticed George and his mother watching Princess Anne take off. The princess was wearing a navy uniform. After the helicopter took off, the prince had a go on a policeman’s motorbike for quite a while.”

Adding “Kate was really smiley. There were about three or four hundred people watching.”

“It was so lovely.”

The Prince loves his motorbikes!

Looks like the little tyke’s love of fast cars takes after his daddy, who owns a Ducati motorbike, much to Catherine’s dismay.

Last year when a royal well-wisher asked the 34-year-old about her hubby’s bike and if he still rides, she revealed she was anything but impressed.

“He’s still riding it. It always fills me with horror when he goes out on it‎. I’m terrified. Hopefully, I’m going to keep George off it.”

We think George has another idea!

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Pink lost it when she met her crush Johnny Depp

The pop star flushed pink when she was surprised on Jimmy Kimmel Live by the one and only Johnny Depp.
Pink, Johnny Depp and Jimmy Kimmel

Oh celebrities… they’re just like us!

The fearless singer can hang upside down whilst performing in front of a worldwide audience at the Billboard Music Awards, but the second her celebrity crush Johnny Depp walks into the room, Pink flushes crimson and can no longer speak!

Hmm… that sounds like the same reaction we would have.

The pop icon dropped in for a chat on Jimmy Kimmel Live this week to promote her new track written for the film Alice Through the Looking Glass, which coincidentally stars her number one celebrity crush, Johnny Depp.

“Him and Michael Keaton,” she admitted to the talk-show host of the Hollywood men who make her weak at the knees. “I can’t do it. Beetlejuice gets me every time.”

Watch the hilarious moment in the video player below! Post continues…

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The So What singer, who has been married to retired motocross racer Carey Hart since 2006, then recalled a particularly embarrassing story about the one and only time her husband forced her to meet the long-haired heartthrob, despite her attempts to hide and avoid him.

“I didn’t want to meet him. My husband made me meet him, which was so dumb,” she said with a laugh.

“I was hiding behind records in a record store and I was like, ‘Don’t do this. I don’t want to meet him.’”

The star just couldn’t keep her composure around the Hollywood hunk.

After plucking up the courage, the star waltzed up to the 52-year-old, determined to introduce herself and reveal that she had been chosen to write the lead single for the his new film. However Johnny misheard her and thought she was talking about a different Alice all together, so the whole encounter didn’t exactly go to plan.

“I don’t think it went well,” said the Grammy Award-winner, “I don’t feel like I nailed it.”

Much to our viewing pleasure, Jimmy had a nifty little trick up his sleeve and decided to give Pink, whose real name is Alecia Moore, a chance to redeem herself with another encounter, this time in front of the live audience.

We wouldn’t mind a hug from Captain Jack Sparrow!

As Johnny stepped out onto the stage, the mother-of-one broke out into a fit of giggles and blushed the same shade as her fuchsia-toned hair.

It was about the same way we would react if we had just been surprised with a hug from Johnny Depp.

“Go away. That was awful,” she said, clearly flustered. “That sucks. I hate you. I hate you.”

“This is the worst day ever.”

Now we understand why Pink stood so far away from Johnny on the red carpet premiere this week.

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Bethany Hamilton lands wildcard entry for the Fiji Pro

Congratulations are in order for Bethany Hamilton, who will be returning to the professional surfing circuit.
Bethany Hamilton

The 26-year-old, who has inspired millions with her miraculous story of survival after losing an arm to a shark attack in 2003, has scored a wildcard entry for the upcoming Fiji Pro competition.

“I am so excited to have the opportunity to be competing in the women’s event at Cloudbreak,” the mother-of-one said upon hearing the news.

“I’ve been dreaming of surfing and competing there for years and I think the wave will suit my surfing! Seeing all the swell headed to Fiji has me pumped up! I know I’ll have to surf strong and be heat smart to do well, I believe I can,” she added.

This marks a huge moment for the Hawaiian local, who has been keen to get back into the professional circuit since she welcomed her son Tobais with husband Adam Dirks last year.

The 26-year-old will be competing in the Fiji Pro this Sunday.

“When the contest starts is around the time I gave birth to my son Tobias last year.”

“It’s been an amazing year full of beauty and challenge becoming a mum but also continuing my surfing career. I’ve loved working hard and I am feeling strong and sharp. With a lot of cross training and coming off a recent surf trip filming my film Surfs Like a Girl I feel good heading into this contest,” she explained.

Watch Bethany talk about the shark attack that almost claimed her life below. Post continues after the video…

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The competition kicks off on Sunday and will see the likes of Australia’s Sally Fitzgibbons, Stephanie Gilmore and Tyler Wright all battle it out.

Bethany has been placed in heat three against Tyler Wright and Nikki Van Dijk, also from Down Under.

Want more on the incredible surfer? Check out her most inspirational moments here!

Best of luck to Bethany!

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William and Kate’s sweet nicknames for each other revealed

William and Kate's sweet nicknames for each other revealed

It’s very rare that Prince William and Duchess Kate indulge in public displays of affection.

But recently, at the Chelsea Flower Show, the royals were overheard calling each other by their nicknames ‘darling.’

Scroll down for video

While at the Show, the Prince was overheard asking Kate is she could make her own poppy while they knelt to admire the 5, 000 Poppies project – a display of 300, 000 knitted flowers laid in the ground of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, HELLO reports.

Designer Margaret Knight reportedly overheard William asking Kate, “Could you make one of these, darling?”

Very cute indeed!

The Royal couple was also snapped showing their love for each other while in Bhutan earlier this year.

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5 Ways Nigella Lawson Ruled Masterchef Australia This Week

Aside from the notably higher calibre of 'amateur' cooks this year, Masterchef Australia has certainly upped the ante when it comes to their guest judges.

Week One, we were thrown straight into the intensity that is ‘Marco Pierre White Week’, a pleasure we usually have to wait for until halfway through the season. Then there was the familiar smile of Shannon Bennett, the lovable head chef of Melbourne’s renowned Vue De Monde. We also saw a popular former contestant grace our screens, who returns with an established dessert bar to his name at a mere 22 years old. Reynold Poernomo pushed the contestants to their sweet-treat limits as he introduced them to the world of ‘Moss’: a 10-step matcha-apple dessert complete with a seven page recipe.

And this week? The queen of cooking herself, Nigella Lawson.

Known for her infectious passion for cooking and love of wholesome, hearty ingredients, Nigella certainly took the star focus this week. The way her eyes light up when she gives us an in-depth description of each ingredient is hard not to fall in love with – and left most of us rushing to the kitchen to whip up a batch of our best scones.

And although her warm smile and soothing voice leaves us wishing she was our foodie best friend, the week certainly wasn’t without its challenges.

We look back on a few standout moments from ‘Nigella Week’.

The midnight munchies

Never before seen in Masterchef, the contestants were woken up mid-slumber by Queen Nigella to get thrown head-on into a mystery box challenge – right in the middle of their adopted home kitchen.

But let’s be honest, if you were going to have your much-needed beauty sleep interrupted at the wee hours of the night, who would you rather have shaking your arms awake?

The team were given a surprisingly simple task – create a midnight snack to satisfy Nigella’s midnight munchies, a hilariously relatable habit which Matt Preston assures is a common occurrence for the domestic goddess.

From maple-glazed bacon brioche French toast, to fried chicken waffles and the winning ‘brookies’ (an irresistible brownie and cookie fusion), Nigella looked incredibly excited with what the contestants were plating up. “Every single thing is something I would want for a midnight feast,” she says with glowing eyes.

Recreate your own version of the maple-bacon brioche dessert here.

More booze, please!

As if we couldn’t love her any more, Nigella has proven once again that she is just like the rest of us – she loves her butter, cream and chocolate. Oh, and wine.

When tasting professional chef Lachlan Colwill’s Christmas-inspired ice-cream pudding, the judges were over-all quite impressed with the creativity of the dish. Matt acknowledges the creativity of plating up a chocolate and nut ‘snowball’, but Nigella gracefully turned to Gary and uttered “I think it needs some booze in it.”

We couldn’t agree more, Nigella.

That coffee panna cotta

In the elimination challenge, the contestants were instructed to recreate Nigella’s signature three course dishes, with her panna cotta generating the most buzz.

This epic dessert deserves it’s own mention entirely. Partly due to the reason Nigella shares our love for the combination of good quality coffee and chocolate. But also because we learnt an important life lesson we’ll we’ll take away every time we recreate this traditional Italian dish at home.

To test if you’ve aced your dessert, give your plate a little ‘wiggle’ – and if it bounces back at you, it’s ready to go. “The wobble is all important”, Nigella emphasised.

For our version of this beautiful dish, here’s our cappuccino panna cotta recipe.

All about the tough love

As much as we’d be surprised on first glance, Nigella isn’t always calm and composed. When overlooking the midnight snack challenge, she exclaimed “Harry, you’re panicking me!” as one contestant rushed around the kitchen aimlessly trying to decide his next food move.

And although Matt’s Brookies were the clear winner during the midnight snack immunity challenge, Nigella claimed, “I was ready to hit you with a spatula”.

Naming Matt the winner, she reluctantly added, “despite nearly giving me a nervous breakdown, Harry”.

Fabulously flirty

The affectionate way Nigella describes every ingredient in the dish has often been described as borderline sexual, a trait that makes her even more lovable. And she definitely didn’t hold back this week on the show, transferring some of her passion onto the contestants.

As Nigella approached front-runner Matt’s podium, she gracefully looked him up and down and said, “I like a man in flowered tee-shirt”, prompting immediate blushing from the self-confessed Nigella fan.

More of this on the show, please!

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