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Aussie medicos say efficacy of antidepressants is disappointing

Australia has one of the highest rates of antidepressant use in the world. But experts warn they may not be working.

This week a couple of Australian psychiatrists argued antidepressants might not be that effective.

It’s a big statement, given Australia has one of the highest rates of antidepressant use in the world.

In the article, published in the Australian Medical Journal, Dr Christopher Davey and Dr Andrew Chanen say many users symptoms would pass with or without the medication. In short, for many a placebo would be just as effective.

“The more we’ve researched the effectiveness of antidepressants the more we’ve come to understand that they’re not very effective,” says Dr Davey.

“Perhaps too often the focus is antidepressants, but really medication is just one component of treatment and shouldn’t be the entire focus,” he explains.

But 38-year-old Joanne rebuked the article, claiming she is focused, rational and generally happier when she takes antidepressants.

“Without them I am sleepy, very down on everything but most of all I experience severe anxiety and panic attacks,” she says.

Speaking with aww.com.au Dr Davey says there is a danger that antidepressants are being over prescribed as a ‘quick fix’.

“Too often antidepressants are being prescribed as the first step or only step rather than looking at other treatments,” he says.

“Doctors are trying to help. It’s easier to write a script for antidepressants than to refer people to see a psychotherapist,” he explains.

Dr Davey notes that despite Medicare making psychotherapy more affordable, psychotherapists are not accessible for everyone who needs them.

“Psychotherapists tend to be clustered in wealthier or inner-city suburbs and less in suburban or regional areas where people really them,” he says.

For 28-year-old Tegan Churchill* it’s the combination of antidepressants and therapy that keeps the black dog away.

“They help keep the fuzziness of depression at bay,” says Tegan.

“They give me enough of a boost to be able to get out of bed each morning. They also help keep the pit of dread out of my stomach,” she says.

But Tegan also notes that taking antidepressants help her to engage in therapy.

“The medication brings me to a level mentally where I can see past the fog. When I am deeply depressed I can only see the negative and nothing gets through.

“It’s kind of like floaties for kids. The medication doesn’t do everything, but it gives me enough help that I’m not sinking completely,” she explains.

Psychologist Mady Edkins says that diet and exercise can play a vital role in overcoming depression and anxiety. However, she notes that motivation is a huge barrier.

“When people are suffering with low mood, lethargy, lack of hope and poor sleep it can be almost impossible to exercise and have good self care,” she says.

Edkins notes that medication can help to get people to a place where self-care strategies are possible.

“Medication can help the person do the things that will make them feel better,” she says.

Joanne agrees. “When I’m taking the medication I think more clearly so am able to consciously eat well and exercise,” she says.

“When I am feeling down it’s like the junk food and the lack of motivation go hand in hand….it’s a vicious cycle.”

Dr Davey notes that the sharp rise in people taking antidepresants proves that there is now less stigma around depression than there used to be. However, it’s important that we continue to raise awareness about depression.

“Organisations such as Beyond Blue have helped promote the idea that people should seek treatment for depression,” he says.

“More people are recognising depression and trying to get help.”

What do you think? Send us an email at [email protected].

  • Surname withheld for privacy

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Jason Statham used to be a diver – with hair!

A video has emerged revealing that in 1990, Jason Statham participated as an elite-level diver in the Commonwealth Games.
Jason Statham

Before he was a handsome face that graced the big screen, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley’s dashing partner Jason Statham competed for England in the 1990 New Zealand Commonwealth Games as a diver.

Video footage has emerged showing that the Cockney action star, who is known for his bad-boy roles in blockbuster action movies such as The Transporter, Snatch and Mean Machine, had a former life as a champion diver.

The bald beau has previously opened up about his former career, telling Katie Couric that he felt inspired to give it a go after seeing a diver on his family holiday to Miami.

“There was this guy who used to do a high dive, at noon every day, from one of the hotels we stayed in. And I went, ‘You know what? When we get home, I’m gonna do that.'”

And he did just that! After putting his mind to the task, he made the British diving team less than a year.

Watch the incredible throwback in the video player below! Post continues…

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The video from the BBC, shows that bad-boy Jason didn’t yet have quite the smooth moves that he does now, as he received a very lukewarm response from the judges and crowd before flopping a dive and face-planting his final one.

The commentators can be heard to say: “Really gone to pieces in this final, Jason”.

Then and now! A lot has changed about the actor, but his eight-pack remains the same.

Luckily, he escaped without any serious injury – besides a bruised ego – but as the star has gone on to date supermodel Rosie and is presumed to have a cool $60 million in the bank, we can’t exactly feel too bad for him.

It’s rather hilarious to see the fresh-faced then-23-year-old in such a different context to his usual roles – and still with a full head of hair!

Jason pictured earlier this year with partner Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

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Their most KIMYE moments: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West celebrate their second wedding anniversary

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have just celebrated their two year wedding anniversary. In celebration we check out their most KIMYE moments... So many!
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Can you believe it’s only been two years since the superstar couple wed in a lavish multi-million dollar ceremony at the historic Forte di Belvedere in Florence?

Kim and Kanye began their fairytale wedded bliss by saying “I do” in MAJOR style in front of their families, close friends and daughter North West.

After countless selfies, Twitter rants and another baby (hello, Saint West!) the duo lasted well over 72 days and seem to be happier than ever!

“Happy 2 year anniversary to the love of my life!” Kim shared on Instagram.

“You make me so happy! I love you so much!!!”

Clearly Kim is feeling #Blessed, so in honour of the happy occasion, we look back at Kim and Kanye’s most KIMYE moments.

Ahh they were bound to fall in love. And he immortalised his love by getting their pair to star in the clip for his song Bound 2. North, this was the beginning of how you were made.

A couple that fashions together, stays together… A true believer in that philosophy, the rapper once said, “I think what Kanye West is going to mean is something similar to what Steve Jobs means. I am undoubtedly, you know, Steve of internet, downtown, fashion and culture.”

The selfie queen also enjoys adding deep thought to their relationship. Sometimes a picture can paint 1000 words… Kimye seem know only the one word.

Yeezy be seriously into Kim’s finer skills…

And it’s WAY more than booty love. He once mused, “Y’all are acting like this ain’t the most beautiful woman of all time. Wait a second, wait a second – I’m talking about arguably of human existence.”

Yeezy and Kim [pictured in 2008] have been friends since 2004. In 2013 Kanye said, “I just knew I wanted her to be my girl for a long time. I remember I saw a picture of her and Paris Hilton, and I remember telling my boy, ‘Have you seen that girl Kim Kar-dijon?'”

According to Kim they “first really connected,” in 2008 when Kanye recruited the reality star for a failed pilot for a hip-hop puppet show called “Alligator Boots,” in which Kim dressed as Princess Leia, while he played a Stormtrooper.

And their friendship saw the couple welcome the world’s cutest tot, North West…

And lil bro, Saint. The dad-of-two once admitted to him momager-in-law, Kris Jenner, “For me as a dad, I’m supposed to be this musical genius and everything, but I can’t work the car seat very well.”

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Their love brings us back to two years ago on May 24th, where they said “I do” in fairytale style in front of their families, close friends and daughter North West.

Of course Kanye had a firm hand in the day’s proceedings.

But at the end of the day, they were just two kids falling in love.

Here’s to Kimye, for making it past 72 days… And giving the world so much to talk about!

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West recreate Carpool Karaoke in the most Kimye way possible

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How to talk to kids about sex

Here’s how to have that tough conversation and live to tell the tale, writes sex therapist and educator Jacqueline Hellyer.

I remember when my eldest son came home from school one day when he was five, giggling and snickering and asking us if we had (giggle giggle, cover mouth, snicker): “S…!?” He was absolutely stunned when we replied: “Yes, that’s Mummy and Daddy’s Cuddle Time.”

You see, we’d brought him up to know that Mummy and Daddy have Cuddle Time, and when we have Cuddle Time we make lots of love for each other and for the whole family. He loved cuddles, so that made sense, and he was quite happy to watch Thomas the Tank Engine or build really big space stations out of Lego on a Sunday morning while Mummy and Daddy had cuddle time.

So you can image how much trouble he had reconciling the good, positive Cuddle Time he knew about, with the tawdry, naughty “S” his classmates were snickering about.

I was so pleased that his first understanding of sex was the positive Cuddle Time, and not the negative “S”.

My younger two children have been brought up the same way, and they all have healthy approaches to sex, seeing it as something normal and positive – and something you do when you’re ready. In fact just the other day one school mum said about my 11-year-old: “Thank god for your son, he’s setting all our boys straight!”

I bring this up because I got some flack on the net for comments I made during an interview with a journalist from a teenage girls’ magazine. In the published article I talked about orgasms, and also said that when sex is good it’s very, very good and when it’s bad it’s horrid.

Apparently I wasn’t supposed to imply that sex is supposed to be good in case it encourages teenagers to have sex.

Of course they know it’s supposed to be good! They’re not that naive, especially not these days…

In the old days, pre-internet, we didn’t get a lot of information, maybe a bit of reproduction education at school, perhaps some birds and bees from our parents, so on the whole we had to figure it out for ourselves (some more successfully than others).

These days, it’s a different story.

Young people are naturally curious about sex, so how do they satisfy their curiosity?

If their choices are sterile information about reproduction and disease they get from educators, awkward limited information from their parents, or (in their eyes) the far more interesting and accessible information they get online from porn, well, a lot of them are going for the latter.

So porn becomes the model for sex – after all, everyone seems to be having a good time, aren’t they?

Unfortunately though, no-one is explaining to them that porn is a medium that’s designed to be visually titillating – it’s all about what looks good, not what feels good.

If you want your kids to think that porn is good enough sex education, there’s no need to read on.

But if you want your kids to have a positive attitude to sex, to feel good about their bodies, and understand that their bodies and sexuality can bring great pleasure and enhance their health and wellbeing; if you want your kids to be able to make correct decisions for themselves about when they start to be sexually active, why they choose to be sexually active, and with whom… Then you need to talk to them.

That’s not always easy, given that we adults aren’t always that comfortable with our own sexuality. So you need to sort yourself out: examine and understand your own sexuality, till you feel comfortable enough to speak freely with your kids, providing accurate, positive helpful information.

Even more than that, you need to model a positive sexuality.

That’s the most important element of all.

This story originally appeared on Love Life.

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Parents caught faking child’s illness to take sick leave

It seems parents have been taking full advantage of the welfare benefits system, but not for long!

Sweden has some fairly generous benefits system when it comes to being paid to look after sick kids and it seems parents are taking full advantage.

They’re taking it too far however, as many parents have been caught out cheating the system by faking their child’s sickness so they can dodge work.

The welfare policy includes pay outs of up to 80 per cent of a salary to parents so they can stay at home with their ill child.

Last year there were 530 mums and dads reported to police who were suspected of trying to cheat the system, and in just the first few months of this year, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency filed police reports on 400 parents – 241 of whom are mums.

So far sneaky parents have been asked to dish 32.4 million kronor (AU $5.42 million) in wrongful payouts and damages.

The Social Insurance Agency is doing randomised checks and systematic controls using criteria that point in the direction of potential offenders.

So it’s quite likely parents won’t get away with chucking sickies for their kids whenever they feel like chilling out at home anymore!

Funnily, the agency had one case where a Swedish resident was rejected after trying to get a payout claim for looking after their dog.

Wouldn’t that be the dream?!

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How to get rid of ghosts from your home

20 percent of people say they have experienced paranormal activity.

A new documentary has revealed that as many as one in five of us believe that they have seen a ghost.

Researchers from truTV revealed the surprising statistic in their new show Paranormal Survivor that airs in the UK on Wednesdays.

Grant Colyer is a psychic expert. He told the Sun that he isn’t surprised that 20 percent of people say they have experienced paranormal activity.

“Britain has a history of terrifying hauntings and I’m busier than ever helping exorcise ghosts and spirits that haven’t fully passed over.

“Lots of people will experience the supernatural at some point in their life,” he explained.

While 36 per cent of people admit they would happily welcome the ghost of a loved one into their home, not everyone has had positive paranormal experience.

In fact, five per cent of people confessed that they’d been forced to move house because of spooky hauntings.

Grant Coyler has shared the following tips help the public get rid of unwanted ghosts from their homes:

  1. Dream Catchers can catch negative dreams and remove bad energy

  2. Facing mirrors opposite one another enhances the aura of your household

  3. Placing crystals in the corners of your house to channel positive energy

  4. Call on good spirits or ‘Arch Angels’ to ward off demons

  5. Burn white sage to clear out negative energies

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Matilda doesn’t look like this anymore

The little cutie with magical powers and a red bow is all grown up!

She was the little cutie with magical powers and a red bow in Matilda but now she’s all grown up!

The former child actress Mara Wilson starred in some of the most popular films in the 90s including Mrs Doubtfire and Miracle on 34th Street, but today, the 28-year-old still has that cheeky grin and the bangs.

Mara (on the right) with journalist Katie Couric

She’s penned a memoir called Where Am I Now? True Stories of Girlhood and Accidental Fame in which she talks candidly about late Robin Williams while filming Mrs Doubtfire in 1993.

In 2012, Mara announced she quit acting because it’s “not very fun”.

She now works for Publicolor, an organisation that focuses on the psychological effects of colour, plus she’s also written a Broadway play, called Sheeple.

Her next adventure is to break into young adult novels.

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Adele reveals the secret to her incredible slimdown

The songstress’ diet is not only nutritious, but delicious.

Adele once famously said: “I’m not going to lose weight because someone tells me to. I make music to be a musician, not to be on the cover of Playboy,” but it’s easy to see that the angel-voiced blonde has been sporting a slimmer look since she first hit the global music scene in 2008.

While it’s safe to assume the 10-time Grammy award winner has naturally lost some weight from running around after her sweet three-year-old son Angelo, the Daily Mail has revealed the secret diet that has assisted in the stars incredible and healthy transformation.

The Sirtfood Diet and fitness plan, designed by trainer to the stars Pete Geracimo, encourages a full body slimdown by the consumption of plant foods such as kale and buckwheat.

Known as sirtuin activators, these foods not only suppress appetite, but also activate the body’s “skinny gene” or “housekeeping genes” which help control the way the body handles and stores fats and sugars, whilst regulating those pesky cravings.

From 2008 to 2016. A big change can be seen in the star’s figure and confidence.

“The Sirtfood Diet is all about losing weight and feeling fantastic through eating great-tasting food. It’s based on extensive research into the power of key plant foods, which when added to our diet turn on fat burning and improve wellbeing,” said a source to Mail Online.

Along with a regular fitness regime, the diet allows Adele to munch away on a fairly regular diet (that includes red wine and cheese) making sure to incorporate green tea, cocao powder and turmeric – all of which are high in sirtuin activators.

“I feel so comfortable in my own skin. I really like how I look, I like who I am, I like everyone that I surround myself with. Obviously, I have insecurities but they don’t hold me back.”

Because we simply can’t have one without the other, the 28-year-old also combines the nutritional regime with a gruelling fitness plan, also set out for her by the former triathlete – who has previously sculpted the figured of Kim Cattrall and David Hasselhoff.

The trainer combines intense interval training with a circuit program known in the industry as the Modified Strongman Workout.

“Modified Strongman Workout is one of the fastest and most efficient ways of getting results,” Pete says.

“It trains a wide cross-section of muscle groups and is very effective in boosting your metabolism and fat burning.”

The workout program also includes repetitions of log presses, burpees and dumbbell squats, as well as hill sprints and underwater runs.

**Watch Adele take part in a hilarious prank. Post continues below…

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But don’t be fooled, your favourite singer, although incredibly driven to shape up with her latest health kick, is also refreshingly honest about her relatable hatred for the gym.

“I was trying to get some stamina, so I lost a bit of weight – not to be like a size zero or anything like that.”

“I mainly moan. I’m not skipping to the f—ing gym. I don’t enjoy it. I do like doing weights. I don’t like looking in the mirror,” she admitted to Rolling Stone magazine.

Exercise is NOT Adele’s favourite thing to do…

But perhaps the biggest change the yummy mummy has made in her efforts to slim down, was cutting out a habit that a lot of us are guilty of – tea.

“I used to drink 10 cups a day with two sugars in each so I was on 20 sugars a day,” she told The Sun before adding, “Now I don’t drink it and I have more energy than ever.”

Adele isn’t the only kale lover in Hollywood. Kaley Cuoco is also a self-proclaimed kale addict.

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How the health care system is failing a million Australians

People with an eating disorder are six times more likely to commit suicide, so why can only 27% of sufferers get the help they need?
How the health care system is failing a million Australians

Jade was a healthy kid who enjoyed swimming and horse riding in her rural NSW town. She was popular and did well in school however she’d secretly struggled with depression and anxiety since she was only ten years old.

Then, Jade became fussy about what she ate, and one day she announced she wanted to be a vegetarian. Soon after she began to restrict different foods and so began a devastating cycle whose fingers she is only just prising away from her after eight long years.

“The problem with an eating disorder is it lives with secrecy. For many, many years we were clueless,” says Simone Hoye, Jade’s mother. Jade finally sought help for her depression at 17 but by the time youth mental health foundation, Headspace, called in Jade’s parents her eating disorder was ruling her life.

Headspace were fantastic, but the whole thing with eating disorders is they are so complex. There is not one reason why someone has an eating disorder so it makes treating it hard,” tells Simone.

Jade went to her GP who sent her immediately to hospital. Jade was 38kgs at 5”5’ and her BMI was terribly low.

“The hospital was great, they do what they can, but they’re not equipped for these situations,” says Simone. “Before they can actually keep an adult with anorexia in hospital their BMI has to be 12 or 13. Now, that’s basically nearly dead. Jade’s BMI was 14 and that was horrendous.”

Jade was admitted, she complied with hospital feeding, and told the psychologists what they wanted to hear and was discharged shortly after. Hospitals heal sick bodies, once a person with an eating disorder is deemed stable they are released unless they are close to death. Often, this is too late.

“That part of the health care system is wrong. There has to be a way to look at each person and make a decision,” says Simone.

Eating disorders affect every aspect of a person’s life. Often they cannot work, their parents and partners need to quit work to keep an eye on their loved one and entire family’s lives are impacted by the disease.

“I reduced my hours at work so I could be home for meals. After meals I would follow her to the bathroom and keep her talking to ensure that she wasn’t vomiting or using laxatives. You have to constantly watch your adult child.”

Jade is currently undergoing her second visit in rehab in a clinic hours away from her family. This time she is feeling stronger and more positive than ever. In fact, she recently had the courage to speak openly of her challenges to her Facebook community after eight years of secrecy.

Although eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, and sufferers are six times more likely to attempt suicide, most GPs are not trained in eating disorders and many psychologists don’t know how best to address.

People in cities have better access to resources and help but people living in country or rural Australia are left struggling to hold the pieces together.

“Hotlines like the Butterfly Foundation are your first point of call,” tells Simone, who underwent the online carers course through the foundation to learn how to best care for Jade.

“In regional areas there is nothing. Our closest in-patient setting is either Melbourne or Sydney which is four and a half hours each way.”

Annette Baker recalls the hours spent travelling to treatment for her daughter, Mary’s, eating disorder as excruciatingly painful times.

“When we were discharged from hospital in Melbourne we were not allowed to go home without a post care plan in place,” she tells. Annette and Mary lived in Albury, and the trip took the best part of a whole day every week.

“We came to Melbourne every Tuesday for a year, there and back in a day, to visit Oak House,” says Annette. “It was agony. Her two big brothers and I would go and it was like the elephant in the car.”

The treatment that Mary received didn’t work for her and one day in 2011 she walked to a local bridge and took her own life.

“The post-suicide care has been probably as bad, if not worse, as Mary’s inadequate care,” tells Annette. “We couldn’t find suitable treatment near our home before her death nor help for us after.”

We presume anyone diagnosed with an eating disorder can receive the required treatment however 85% of people diagnosed struggle to receive appropriate care.

Only 27% of sufferers receive adequate treatment.

An estimated one million Australians live with an eating disorder be it anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder or any other atypical presentations of these and in all cases early intervention is the key.

CEO of The Butterfly Foundation, Christine Morgan, believes that adequate training for all medical professionals is the only to ensure people get the help required in those vital early stages.

“If somebody is admitted into hospital for an eating disorder they are already very sick,” says Christine.

“Really what Australia needs systemically is a very integrated multidisciplinary approach which looks at what can we do as early in the illness as possible. So how can we get a whole heap better at training our GPs and frontline health professionals to identify when there is an eating disorder and diagnose it?

“Then how can we better structure our referral path way to keep somebody out of hospital and one of the key challenges we have is to ensure that there are Medicare funded services that give appropriate doses of treatment.”

Treatment for an eating disorder is as complex as the disorder itself. Psychology, psychiatry, general health care, paediatricians and dieticians all form the multidisciplinary team required to help these one million people.

If you are lucky enough to have access to the health care required, whether you can afford it is a whole different ball game.

“Under current Medicare models of care if you live with chronic pain you may get a few sessions with a practitioner. If you qualify for a mental health plan you might get 10 sessions with a psychologist but we know that for eating disorders you must have very regular contact with a dietician, it’s an illness about eating so you must have a dietician on board, and you need regular psychological help for at least three months, or even more than that,” she says.

An estimated 15% of women experience an eating disorder at some stage, and there is also a rise in the prevalence in boys and men. Eating disorders are on the rise in the older and younger generations, and it is the third highest chronic illness in young women.

Until there is adequate, integrative care in place those saddening statistics are unlikely to get any lower.

***If you need help or information contact the Butterfly Foundation – 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673) or thebutterflyfoundation.org.au

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See the product details for the 2016 Mother & Baby Awards online vote

It's your chance to have your say and vote for the best products in the baby care industry.
2016 Australian Mother and Baby Awards

We know first-hand how overwhelming it can be to choose the best products for your baby. Which is why the 2016 Mother & Baby awards, sponsored by Babies “R” Us, seek to make it easier, helping Aussie mums find the best buys for their bubs.

Now in their fifth year, the awards highlight the best products in the baby care industry, from nappies and wipes, to big ticket items such as cots, cars and family holidays.

The Mother & Baby award rosette signals that a product has been given the tick of approval from the experts and other mums. Now comes your involvement. We’re calling on you to help and vote on some of our most popular product categories.

Click through the gallery and vote on your favourites now.

Brought to you by Babies “R” Us


Philips AVENT Combined Steamer & Blender

Developed in co-operation with a paediatric dietician, the Philips AVENT Combined Steamer & Blender, $219.95, makes moving to solids a breeze. A fast and convenient way to prepare healthy, homemade baby meals without the hassle: simply steam fruit, vegetables, fish or meat then flip, blend and serve without having to transfer food.


Babies R Us Mini Maternity Pillow & Wedge Set

The Babies R Us Mini Maternity Pillow & Wedge Set, $49.99, has everything you need for a comfortable night’s sleep during pregnancy. The long, curved pillow shape promises leg, tummy, back and hip support during pregnancy, while the wedge provides added back support. Both the pillow and cover are machine washable, too.



Bio-Oil, from $14.99, is a specialist skincare oil that helps improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. It’s also effective for ageing and dehydrated skin. Bio-Oil’s formulation is a combination of plant extracts and vitamins suspended in an oil base. It contains the breakthrough ingredient PurCellin Oil, which changes the overall consistency, making it light and non-greasy.


Milestone Baby Cards

The set that started it all! The Milestone Baby Cards, $29.95, are 30 photo cards that you can use to capture your baby’s first year in weeks, months and memorable moments. Add a card to your baby pictures and you will never forget when your little one slept through the night, rolled over or said mama for the first time.


SRC Recovery Shorts

Recommended by health care professions, SRC Recovery Shorts, $189.95, help speed up your post-baby recovery, reduce pain and increase pelvic and back support. The anatomical panels provide consistent gentle medical grade compression to C-section or perineal wound areas, while the lightweight breathable fabric provides superior comfort.


FESS Little Noses

FESS Little Noses, $12.95, is a non-medicated saline solution that provides relief of dry or blocked noses. It helps clear the nasal passages, providing gentle relief so your baby can breathe easier, naturally. FESS Little Noses is non-medicated and can be used as often as required so that feeding and sleeping are not disrupted by a blocked nose.


Thermos Foogo Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Food Jar

An extension of the 110-year-old genuine Thermos brand, the Foogo range focuses on infant feeding for busy mums and bubs at home or on the go. The Thermos Foogo Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Food Jar, $29.99, features technology which keeps food at the right temperature and inhibits bacteria growth. This food jar can keep food warm for up to five hours and cold for up to seven hours. It’s BPA-free and the jar is cool to the touch with hot foods and sweat-proof with cold. It also comes with a five year warranty.


Gro Groegg

Health professionals recommend that the temperature of the baby’s sleeping environment should ideally be between 16 to 20 degrees. The Groegg, $49.95, has been designed to give parents a simple way to determine the temperature in their baby’s nursery by giving them a digital display of the temperature. Alternatively you can see from across the room as the Gro-egg glows different colours depending on the room temperature. The subtle, soothing glow also doubles as the perfect night light.


Tommee Tippee Sangenic

Sangenic, $50, is an innovative nappy disposal system that offers anti-bacterial protection from germs and odours, individually sealing each nappy away in seconds. The tub holds up to 28 nappies, conveniently storing nappies for fewer trips to the bin. The system is easy to set up, use and easy so you can spend less time changing and more time with baby.


Fly Babee Sleep-Easy Sun Cover

Fly Babee, $99.95 is the world’s first multi-purpose sleep and sun cover for all strollers and prams. It also covers airline bassinets to help your baby sleep when flying. It’s 100% breathable, providing a safe environment for your baby when out and about and on the move. The unique dome shape allows for amazing cross-flow ventilation making it an essential item for getting out and about every day with your baby. A must-have for flying and travel.


Mercedes-Benz GLC 220 d

The new mid-sized SUV from Mercedes-Benz features state-of-the-art driver assistance systems, great fuel efficiency and the new 9G-TRONIC transmission as standard. The entry-level model to the range has 19″ Wheels, 4MATIC permanent all-wheel drive, KEYLESS-START, EASY-PACK (power) Tailgate, LED Intelligent Light System, Garmin MAP PILOT navigation with the innovative touchpad, Electric Front Seats and a 360 degree camera. The new GLC’s rear seat features a 40/20/40 split and offers a cargo position which increases the load capacity by locking the backrests at a steeper angle.

Mercedes-Benz GLC 220 d, from $64,500


Kia Sorento SLi Petrol

With seating for seven, the Sorento offers plenty of room for family and friends. It has a five-star ANCAP safety rating and all models come with ABS (anti-lock brake system), ESC (electronic stability control), BAS (brake assist), VSM (vehicle stability management), HAC (hill start assist), ESS (emergency stop signal), rear view camera, front and rear parking sensors and tyre pressure monitoring. There are six airbags, including front-to-rear curtain coverage. All Kia vehicles also come with an industry leading 7-Year warranty, 7-Year capped price service program and 7-Year roadside assist.

Kia Sorento SLi Petrol, from $45,990



Designed by an Australian, the all-new X1 was launched in Oct 2015. Newly-designed interior with significantly improved space and variability, combined with the latest update of the premium ambience for which the brand is renowned. The perfect family vehicle at entry level price for a premium brand.

BMW X1, from $51,600


Ford Kuga Titanium

The Ford Kuga is a compact SUV designed and built by Ford. Offering the latest in smart and fuel-saving technology, the Ford Kuga is ideal for any growing family. The top of the range titanium features hands-free power tailgate, active park assist and a panorama roof. MSRPs: 2.0L Petrol AWD Automatic.

Ford Kuga Titanium, from $45,190


Subaru Outback 2.5i Premium

The Subaru Outback will have you riding high with its smart technology, state-of-the-art infotainment and new soft-touch interior trim. There’s room for the entire family and enough storage for all your gear. The Outback 2.5i Premium also comes with EyeSight driver assist technology as standard. This system monitors the road ahead using three-dimensional images captured by cameras at the top of the windscreen. The outback was recently tested in 2015 and received a 5 star ANCAP safety rating.

Subaru Outback 2.5i Premium, from $41,490 (MLP)


Jamala Wildlife Lodge

Located at the National Zoo and Aquarium in Canberra, Jamala Wildlife Lodge, from $1,000, is Canberra’s first all-inclusive luxury accommodation experience. The lodge boasts 5-star African-styled accommodation hubs that are specifically designed to provide guests with a unique and interactive experience with some of the zoo’s most amazing residents. (Tarrifs include unique accommodation and dining.)


The Byron at Byron Resort and Spa

Set in the Bryon Hinterland rainforest, The Byron at Byron Resort Babymoon Package, from $1,208, includes three nights’ accommodation, full buffet breakfast daily, spa treatments for mum-to-be and dad-to-be and complimentary in-house movie, yoga, WiFi and a babymoon gift hamper.


Hamilton Island Beach Club

The five star Hamilton Island Beach Club, from $680 per night, is described as an adults-only oasis. This tranquil, boutique resort sits right on Catseye Beach overlooking the Coral Sea. With its spectacular beachfront location, private restaurant and lounge, child-free ambience and personalised service, the Beach Club Hamilton Island is the ultimate couples’ getaway for a babymoon.


Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains

Indulge in a relaxing escape before your bundle of joy arrives. Take some time out to recharge and connect with tranquil surroundings and spectacular mountain views. The perfect haven for soon-to-be parents needing a little ‘us’ time. Fairmont Resort Babymoon Package, from $599.50, includes three nights’ accommodation, full buffet breakfast daily, spa treatment for mum-to-be and dad-to-be, $100 dining credit, high tea, babymoon gift pack and a complimentary in-room movie each night.


Bells at Killcare Boutique Hotel

The Bells at Killcare Babymoon Package, from $890, is the ultimate indulgence for expectant parents. The package includes overnight accommodation, one VIP restaurant reservation inclusive of dinner (your choice of three courses from the à la carte menu), one 60-minute signature Kodo massage for both expectant parents (pregnancy specific for mum-to-be) and a beautiful LaGaia Baby Gift Pack to take home. A full, hot breakfast is also included to top off your gastronomic culinary adventure!



NRMA Ocean Beach Holiday Park

Located on the NSW Central Coast, NRMA Ocean Beach Holiday Park caters for all budgets with campsites and luxury family cabins available. Facilities include a kid’s waterpark, swimming pool with dedicated toddler zone, jumping pillows, go karts and a kids club with daily activities during peak holiday times. A new heated pool will also be added by August.

NRMA Ocean Beach Holiday Park, prices vary due to season


BIG4 Bellarine Holiday Park

Located just 90 minutes from Melbourne on the Bellarine Penninsula, there is plenty to keep the kids entertained at BIG 4 Bellarine including an all-year round heated pool, water play park and jumping pillows. Accommodation options include stylish units and cabins or enormous campsites for tents and caravans.

BIG4 Bellarine Holiday Park, prices vary due to season


Sofitel Fiji Resort & Spa

The Sofitel Fiji Resort & Spa is a family-friendly resort that caters perfectly to their needs. Family rooms come complete with child-friendly design, Sony PlayStations and are close to the children’s pool, water slide and kids club, while restaurants and activities speak to all ages. Kid’s Club is also available so mum and dad can have a break while the little ones play.

Sofitel Fiji Resort & Spa, from $322 per night


Mowbray Park Farm Holidays

Mowbray Park caters for all manners of families with multiple heritage lodges with ensuite family rooms or stand-alone lodges for larger family gatherings and groups. Tariff includes meals and daily supervised activities including pony/horse rides, mountain biking and animal nursery.

Mowbray Park Farm Holidays, from $20-$188


Jeanswest Maternity

Jeanswest Maternity offers mums-to-be stylish, on-trend and comfortable options for their wardrobe during their pregnancy. From the perfect pair of jeans with practical and comfortable elastic waist (in various styles and colours), to tops, dresses and seam-free basics, Jeanswest Maternity is the one-stop shop and style solution for every expectant mother.


Mamaway Maternity Work Pants

Get comfortable and embrace your pregnant body with the Mamaway Maternity Work Pants, $109.95. Featuring Mamaway’s signature belly hugging, back supporting waist band, they have a slight flare and will ensure you look smart, but remain comfortable .


Queen Bee Maternity Trimester Dress

A gorgeous floral dress to take you through pregnancy, this versatile number can also be worn during nursing. Just unclip the snap buttons to breastfeed discreetly. The Queen Bee Maternity Trimester Dress, $99.95, also makes the perfect party dress for your baby shower.


Ripe Embrace Nursing Top

Ripe’s Embrace Nursing Tops are the building blocks to your new maternity and nursing wardrobe. Available in tanks, short sleeve tees and long sleeve tops, all styles feature easy and discreet nursing access offered through the crossover design. Bonus: there’s a great array of colour options, too.

Ripe Long-Sleeved Nursing Top, $74.95


Sussan Long Sleeve Maternity Dress

Stylish yet comfortable, this Long Sleeve Maternity Dress, $99.95, is a must-have for your wardrobe. You can dress it up or down and the dress is also perfect for layering.


Medela Ultra Stretch Nursing Bra

The Medela Ultra Stretch, $36.95, is the ideal seamless nursing bra to wear during the early stages of nursing and day-to-day. Created in a stretchy, seam-free fabric, this nursing bra provides a smooth contour making it perfect to wear under a T-shirt. The wire-free design offers mums superior comfort.


Triumph Gorgeous Mama Lace

Enjoy fantastic support and unbeatable comfort with this pretty, supportive bra. Featuring a side sling and drop down cup for feeding, plus a padded under-bust in soft micro-feel fabric for comfort, the Gorgeous Mama Lace Bra, $59.95, is available in nude or black and in sizes 10B – 16E.


Modibodi Breastfeeding Bra-Singlet

Modibodi, $69.50, is a revolution in breastfeeding bras/tops. The bra combines stylish designs with superior fabrics for a great feel and our hi-tech protection prevents the need for nursing pads. The Modifier Technology protection is inbuilt into the bra cups and milk leaks through to an absorbent layer, so mum stays dry. It’s also antimicrobial to eliminate any bacteria or odour, which allows the garment to be worn for a number of days without washing.


Hotmilk Sports Nursing Bra Collection

The ultimate support, the Hotmilk Sports Nursing Bra, $79.90, allows you to continue exercising during pregnancy and nursing. It features wide, comfortable sports elastic under the bust to anchor the bra to the body, padded front straps for comfort and a flexible underwire for support and shaping. Its breathable panels make for a cooler workout and the cotton-blend lining of the cups provides added comfort during exercise.


Mamaway Second Skin Seamless Maternity & Nursing Bra

This soft, elegant, lace-embroidered maternity and breastfeeding bra with nylon-coated wires makes for a more comfortable fit without any digging. Designed to be comfortable while providing you with full shape and support, Mamaway Second Skin Seamless Maternity & Nursing Bra, $69.95, is an ideal everyday maternity bra. It offers many of the features of a traditional underwired bra while being perfectly safe and comfortable to wear during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It also comes with back extensions for additional growth space.



Beautifully designed, high quality fashion for babies and toddlers that is still affordable for Australian mums. Plum is a family business that has been designing and manufacturing children’s products for three generations. A percentage of Plum sales supports SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping educational campaign.


Bobo Choses

Born in 2008 with the idea of creating a clothing brand that could capture the magical, passionate look and language of children, each Bobo Choses collection tells a story that is published as a children’s book, making clothes special and meaningful. Hand-illustrated prints feature throughout the range, with carefully selected colours and fabrics in comfortable shapes. Available at Big Dreams.



Designed in Melbourne, Minti brings a dose of cool to kids’ clothing with original hand-drawn artwork featuring on many of their designs. The company’s ethos is “What would we wear it if we were small?” Impressive.



Well-known and much-loved, Target‘s strategy remains to present great quality children’s clothing at low prices every day. Fit, durability, washability and safety aspects are important and product developments like zip guards, adjustable waists, extra buttons and knitwear that can be thrown in the washing machine are at the heart of what it means to be a Target product.


Cotton On KIDS

Cotton On KIDS is a much-loved brand with both Aussie kids and parents, offering the latest styles that allow even the littlest personalities to sparkle. Bringing the famous KIDS twist and a touch of quirk with each new season, the brand’s on-trend and age-appropriate collections include apparel, dress ups, accessories, sleep, swim, gifting, bedroom linen and accessories. Everything

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