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Popular cleaning products ingredients revealed

With the ingredients list of these cleaning products now made publicly available, it's got some researchers worried about the health risks attached to some of the components.

In a bid to alleviate people’s concerns over having dangerous chemicals in cleaning products, a leading company – SC Johnson – has revealed the ingredients in their range.

SC Johnson makes Mr Muscle, Toilet Duck and Glade, and have put together a list of what is in the fragrances of its European products.

They’re doing it to “transform ingredient transparency”, but experts have been quick to raise their concerns over the health risks attached to some of the ingredients.

Fragrances commonly used in chemical sprays, plug-ins and gels have some investigators warning of the potentially hazardous substances that may end in tumours and damage to your lungs, plus asthma and an interference with hormones.

A University of York study has found that the most pollutants come from fragranced products, not outdoor pollution, and that this can potentially cause cancer.

Inadequate ventilation in modern homes is spurring this on.

Some of the potentially dangerous components include limonene – the citrus smell. In low levels it’s considered safe but when exposed to ozone and other gases which occur naturally in the air, it could produce another chemical – formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde is a known cause of cancer and it can affect your health when exposes to high levels of it. It can also cause sore throats, coughs, scratchy eyes and nosebleeds.

University of York Professor Alastair Lewis said: “The ingredients in their raw form are safe – it’s what they turn into that is the problem.”

“If you have a fragranced product in your home you stop smelling the smell after a while, and you must think ‘where has that gone?’”

“The answer is,the fragrance has reacted with other gases and become another compound.”

“Most people should not worry or stop using fragranced products if they enjoy them.”

SC Johnson said in a statement that their products are completely safe. “The level of formaldehyde that could be associated with SC Johnson’s products is so minute that there is no known risk to health.”

The full list of ingredients in SC Johnson products can be found here.

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Don’t believe in ghosts? You will after seeing these pictures!

Sometimes there are no explanations for extremely creepy occurrences, just like these pictures below.

Sometimes there are no explanations for extremely creepy occurrences, just like these photos.

Click through the pictures and see if you believe…

A mother didn’t notice the figure of a little girl in the background of this photo until a family member pointed it out. What’s even scarier is that the mother was reportedly warned by a psychic that a young girl’s spirit was following her through life.

A woman took a photo of her home in Wiltshire, England, but noticed something odd in one of the windows. She now believes the ‘old man’ in the window is the ghost of Samuel Kent, a man who was involved in a grisly murder in the 1860s.

The Newby Church of Yorkshire is said to be haunted by the spirit of a 16th century monk, who is believed to have been captured in this photo taken by a reverend in 1963.

Ghosts of those from the Tudor era reportedly walk the halls of the royal Hampton Court Palace, especially the Grey Lady. People believe she’s the spirit of a nurse who treated Elizabeth I during her bout of smallpox in 1562. This photo was snapped by a schoolgirl in February last year who believe she captured the Grey Lady.

This apparition was also captured in the same palace nine years ago, with people saying it resembles Henry VIII.

A woman who sat down to pray in a church in Norfolk in 1975 swears there was no one behind her, but her husband’s photo begs to differ. She was horrified to later see ‘The White Lady’ appear in the picture in old-fashioned clothes and a bonnet.

This spooky figure was also spotted in Norfolk. The eerie image was taken in Raynham Hall, a country house in 1936.

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Celebrities who are older than you think they are

Whether it's plastic surgery, naturally youthful looks, or the fact that we just haven't seen them in a while, these celebrities' ages will shock you, or perhaps just make you feel really old.
Yoko Ono, Tom Cruise, Liza Minelli

Some celebrities spend their careers working to make themselves look younger, while other faces just keep us guessing.

We were shocked to learn Yoko Ono celebrated her 82nd birthday this year, Tom Cruise hit a milestone with his 53rd, and Brad Pitt is only two years younger than silver fox George Clooney.

Whether it’s plastic surgery, naturally youthful looks, or the fact that we just haven’t seen them in a while, these celebrities’ ages will shock you, or perhaps just make you feel really old.

Yoko Ono, 80, Tom Cruise, 50, Joan Collins, 79.

Yoko Ono, 82, Tom Cruise, 53, Joan Collins, 82.

Yoko Ono has aged since 1969 but we didn’t think it had been that long!

Tom Cruise celebrated his 50th birthday last year.

Tom Cruise celebrated his 53rd birthday this year.

Kirstie Alley is 62. Yes, really.

Kirstie Alley is 64. Yes, really.

Sigourney Weaver looks great for 63.

Sigourney Weaver looks great for 66.

Brad Pitt is 49, which is fine, but that’s only two years younger than George Clooney.

Brad Pitt is 51, which is fine, but that’s only two years younger than George Clooney.

Madonna is 54 years old.

Madonna is 57 years old.

Deborah Hutton is 51.

Deborah Hutton is 53.

Julianne Moore’s career boomed in her 30s. She’s now 52.

Julianne Moore’s career boomed in her 30s. She’s now 54.

Jennifer Lopez is 43.

Jennifer Lopez is 46.

It’s hard to guess Joan Collins’ age just looking at her. She’s 79.

It’s hard to guess Joan Collins’ age just looking at her. She’s 82.

Eminem still seems to have a lot of teen angst for a 40-year-old.

Eminem still seems to have a lot of teen angst for a 43-year-old.

Can you believe Magda Szubanski is 51?

Can you believe Magda Szubanski is 54?

We still remember him from Home Alone, but Macaulay Culkin is 32.

We still remember him from Home Alone, but Macaulay Culkin is 35.

Johnny Depp turns 50 this year.

Johnny Depp turns 52 this year.

Youthful Halley Berry is 46.

Youthful Halley Berry is 49.

Betty White is 91 years old!

Betty White is 93 years old!

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How to move forward when your partner has betrayed you

It’s so hard when your partner has been unfaithful, writes Sex therapist and educator Jacqueline Hellyer.
How to move forward when your partner has betrayed you

"So, here I was married, sad, with a phone number on a billboard to contact someone I was really attracted to."

(Image: Getty Images)

“How could this person I love, and who I thought loved me, do this to me? How can I possible get over it? Should I even try…?”

These are the thoughts that plague you.

The first thing in moving forward is to realise they probably haven’t done it to you. Affairs are rarely initiated with malicious intent to deliberately hurt the partner, although hurt is inevitably the result. (If it was done purely with intent to hurt you, then you really do have a problem and shouldn’t be with that person.) It’s important that you accept that as hurtful as it is, the affair was not about you and not done with the intention to hurt you.

So, can you get over it? Possibly.

Should you try? Most definitely.

To deal with the affair and at least try to move forward is far braver and harder than just giving up and leaving.

There is always a reason why someone has an affair, and it’s generally because they are not happy and the affair makes them feel better. So to be able to move forward you have to understand what led your partner to have the affair in the first place. Once you’ve done that, you need to fix what caused it so there is no need for an affair, or any other ‘solution’ such as excessive drinking, drugs, overwork, or other unhealthy distractions from the misery of life.

I’ve spoken with countless people who have had affairs, as many women as men, and some of the reasons include:

• Feeling disconnected from their partner, not valued

• Too much pressure from their partner, feeling overwhelmed or criticized

• Living parallel lives and no longer feeling like partners, so feeling lonely

• Not being able to tell their partner how they are feeling, yet feeling they can share with their lover who understands them

• Bored with life and their relationship

• Not feeling desired sexually by their partner.

Affairs are intoxicating, as is any new relationship, so people tend to get drawn into them and find it hard to leave, even when the buzz wears off and the affair is no longer satisfying them. It is a kind of addiction as the chemicals in the brain function as with addiction: the ‘reward’ circuitry goes into overdrive with a dopamine high associated with the excitement and clandestine nature of the affair; but over time that is no longer satisfying, what gave you the high no longer works, yet you are still drawn to it craving the same reward.

If you understand the physiology and the psychology of affairs in general, and can establish what led to the affair, then it is easier to accept it and easier to move on.

It will still hurt though, and an important thing to understand is that your partner can’t actually heal the hurt, that’s something you need to do for yourself. That takes time.

There are different requirements for all three of the entities involved, that is: your partner, you and you as a couple:

  • Your partner needs to be truly remorseful;

  • You need to forgive your partner;

  • You as a couple need to work on your relationship to ensure the conditions that led to the affair are fixed.

This is not easy, and parts of the process can be quite lonely. You have seen a side of your partner that you didn’t know about, a darker side, the scales have fallen off your eyes. You have to ask yourself the challenging question of: Can you still accept him or her even with these imperfections? And the even more challenging one, given the hurt and shame you’re feeling: What might have been your role in contributing to the affair?

These are hard questions. They are also questions that can lead to personal and relationship growth. If you and your partner can dig deep into yourselves and open yourselves up to each other with such honesty and realness that you can share and heal, then you will move forward together.

It’s also possible that the process means you decide that you can’t move forward together, but the process will enable you to move forward separately without bitterness and resentment, even with love.

One thing to be cautious about is that you don’t ‘resolve’ the issue by turning it into a power play where you as the betrayed partner take a holier-than-thou attitude, lording it over your partner who is constantly reminded of what a terrible person they are and therefore how inferior they are. This is not addressing the underlying causes and will not lead to an improved relationship.

It is essential that the underlying causes be addressed. Otherwise your partner will have another affair, or reach for some other solution such as becoming an alcoholic. Or they will simply leave you.

Sometimes relationships do need to end, and an affair is a valid reason to end one. But it’s not inevitable.

Do the work and you may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome: a relationship with greater understanding, more depth and closeness, and more resilience.

This story originally appeared on LoveLife.

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The Duchess of Camera-bridge: Kate praised by royal photographer

Duchess Catherine, who is quite the shutterbug, often sharing her own personal shots of the kids, has just received the royal seal approval for her snaps!
Duchess Catherine

The 34-year-old received a glowing endorsement from the Queen’s photographer, Hugo Rittson Thomas.

Speaking to HELLO! Online, Hugo praised the mum, saying: “She is knowledgeable about the techniques of photography, as her recent published photographs of Prince George and Princess Charlotte amply demonstrate.”

The artist also told People, “I thought they were wonderful pictures, beautifully shot.”

Catherine most recently snapped her little Princess in celebration of her first birthday.

Hugo Rittson Thomas is very impressed with Catherine’s skill, admitting if things were different she would have been an amazing photographer.

“She captured the joy, happiness and youth of her children which is a wonderful thing and sometimes hard to do as a parent.”

Catherine created a new tradition by taking the first official photos of Prince George and Princess Charlotte together in May last year, shortly after Charlotte was born.

Check out some of her best photos in the links below! Post continues…

She has since snapped sweet shots of Prince George’s first day at the Westacre Montessori school, followed up with beautiful photos of Charlotte which were released to mark her six-month and first birthday.

The future Queen studied art history at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland and royal watchers will have noticed that she is a keen photographer who is often seen on royal tours clicking away on her Canon EOS 5D Mark II.

Watch Catherine’s handy work on Prince George’s first day at school. Post continues…

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As someone who regularly photographs the royals, particularly Queen Elizabeth, Hugo was moved by Catherine’s keen interest in his work.

Huge recounted to Hello how Kate was “kind enough” to “come and inspect the “specially blacked out set” he had prepared during one session back in 2012 when he was snapping her husband Prince William.

“The Duke of Cambridge posed at Windsor Castle wearing the frock coat of Colonel of Irish Guards, on the occasion of presenting the shamrock to his regiment at their barracks in Aldershot,” he recalled.

Artist, Hugo revealed Queen Elizabeth was a joy to capture on camera.

“I was quite taken aback by her knowledge of photography. She asked a lot of technical questions about what I was doing and the set up – she almost caught me out a few times actually!”

“If circumstances had been different, she could definitely have had a career in photography – she has a lot of talent!”

Before describing their time together as, “an enormous privilege and honour.”

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Suri Cruise has been secretly calling dad Tom Cruise

And mum Katie Homes apparently has no idea…
Tom Cruise and Suri Cruise

A rare photo of Tom and Suri, clearly taken many years ago.

Uh oh, Suri Cruise might be in a bit of trouble with her mum!

The pint-sized princess has been apparently making calls and texts to her dad Tom Cruise whenever Katie isn’t around.

Suri was spotted outside her school earlier this month making a call, and a source told Star magazine that it was Tom on the other end of the line.

“Suri has been talking to Tom behind Katie’s back. He looks forward to her texts,” an insider told the magazine. “For Tom, [the whole situation] has been very emotional.”

The 10-year-old is reportedly not allowed to speak to her father publicly because of his position in the Scientology community.

And sources say if Katie found out, she’d be furious.

According to Star magazine, Suri and Tom have been secretly speaking on the phone.

:Katie is very concerned about Suri being brainwashed; that’s why she wanted to monitor every conversation,” the source explains.

“She’s well aware of how powerful Scientology is, and she doesn’t want Tom luring Suri away from her. It’s a constant fear,” the insider adds.

Watch Tom Cruise show Oprah around Suri’s cubby house. Post continues after the video…

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“It’s not surprising that Suri is confused by the lack of communication between her parents,” the source confessed to Star.

“She’s growing up, asking more questions and it’s becoming harder to shield her from the whispers. She wants to speak to her dad.”

It’s unknown when Tom and Suri last saw each other. While her relationship with her father remains the subject of much intrigue, in 2008 Tom proudly told Oprah Suri was the centre of his universe.

TomKat divorced in 2012, with Katie receiving full custody of their daughter.

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How to get a seat upgrade on a flight

This could be the one thing stopping you from moving up to business class.

Ever wondered what the secret trick is to getting your airline to move you from economy to business class?

According to The Sun, it comes down to whether you pre-book your seats.

If you pre-select your seats during online check-in or prior to that, the airline believes you’re all sorted, so it’s best to keep your options open.

This means you may be moved to a better spot.

Here are some more ways to up your chances of moving up a seat class.

Travel during low-peak

It’s almost impossible to get an upgrade on a full flight, but less busy times means there’s more likely to be vacant premium seats.

Be a loyal flier

If you travel often, get onto the loyalty scheme of your favourite airline. It’s a bonus point for airline staff in giving you a better seat and it could also help you get money off your next trip.

Get there early

Get there well ahead of time as there are more seat options.

Be polite

If you win over the check-in staff, they’re more likely to do you a favour.

Regularly check your emails

No one likes inbox spam, but there could be some emails offering free upgrades.

Dress smart

If you’re dressed well, this has been proven to help your chances.

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How my migraine changed everything

No one likes getting migraine but for Kerri Sackville, it gave her a fresh start.
How my migraine changed everything

I’d had a rough few weeks. Single parenthood. Deadlines. Work pressure. A teenage birthday party. Friend issues. No exercise. And a crazed chocolate binge.

I’d been running on empty for a while.

Something had to give. And it did, quite dramatically.

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I woke one Friday morning with the room spinning. I tried getting up, lying down, drinking a glass of water, eating a piece of fruit… nothing helped. Somehow I managed to get the kids ready for school; I had to, there was simply no other choice. But the moment they were out the door I collapsed back into bed, and slept for another two hours.

When I woke again, the dizziness had been replaced with a pounding, nauseous migraine. I popped pill after pill but nothing would shift it. I felt absolutely dire.

Still, I was racked with anxiety about all I had to do. There were chores piling up, mess to be cleaned, and work deadlines ticking over. And so I hauled myself up, sat down at my computer, and tried to write my next column.

Well, ‘tried’ was the operative word. It was like typing under water. After ten minutes I was staring at a blank screen, my headache was worse and I was swimming with fatigue. I simply had to go back to sleep.

I tried to get up when the kids came home from school, but pain and exhaustion drove me back to bed. By now I was panic stricken about all I had to do. I was falling behind with work. The laundry was out of control. I hadn’t done my invoicing. I hadn’t even showered.

But I had no choice. I couldn’t move. My ex took the kids for dinner and I slept again till morning.

The following day my migraine was worse and I knew I couldn’t function. I couldn’t write, or do housework, or even prepare my kids a meal. I was defeated.

“I’m sorry,” I told the kids. “I can’t help you today. You have to look after yourselves.”

They did. They rallied. And whilst they sorted themselves out in the kitchen, I sank back into my pillows. And for the first time in – I don’t know, weeks? months? years? – I truly surrendered. I surrendered because I had no choice. There was nothing I could do but sleep and take pills and sleep again. The house and work and kids would have to wait. I was completely free of care. My only focus was to get through the migraine.

And I did. By late afternoon, the fog had cleared. I was out of my migraine coma.

I joined my kids, suddenly elated simply to be out of pain. The stress that had weighed me down had lifted. I felt light, unburdened, and fresh. I felt better than I had in weeks.

Now, just to be clear, I don’t think my migraine was a blessing. I would greatly have preferred not to have gone through two days of agony.

But there was something very cathartic about the entire experience. It was as though all my stress, tension and anxiety was channelled into one fiery brain explosion, and once it burned out, I was renewed.

Still, I don’t want that kind of renewal again. I am striving to pace myself and stay more relaxed so that I can avoid another two day outage.

Forty hours in bed with a fistful of painkillers led to a new beginning. But a few hours with a book and a nice cup of tea would be a whole lot easier to take.

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Seven Year Switch’s Brad and Tallena share first wedding photo

Congratulations to the happy couple!
Seven Year Switch's Brad and Tallena share first wedding photo

They’ve had their ups and downs but Seven Year Switch stars Brad and Tallena have finally found their happily ever after.

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The couple have shared a gorgeous photo from their wedding last month in Queensland on their joint Instagram account.

“The best day of our lives! My best friend, my rock, my happiness,” the couple wrote.

It was revealed earlier this week that the couple tied the knot in front of 60 of their closest family and friends last month.

Since their big day, the pair also posted an image of them enjoying their honeymoon in Bali.

“After filming for most days from 6am till midnight and sometimes longer whilst also trying to finish the final touches for our wedding, relaxation in Bali for our honeymoon hit the spot quite nicely, to find ourselves and have just us to have each others company,” they wrote.

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Student’s hilarious Ebay purchase goes viral

Life lesson #64: Always read the fine print.

One student has learned the hard way that online purchases don’t always look like the pictures.

Yazmin Zurtti, 22, thought she’d snagged a bargain with these two cushions she found on Ebay.

But when they came, they weren’t exactly what she expected.

While they certainly matched her room, they were AN INCH WIDE.

Yep, she got delivered teeny tiny, doll-sized pillows.

Luckily Yazmin, from England, found the humour in the whole situation.

She told The Mirror: “I honestly thought it was a wind-up at first. I literally couldn’t stop laughing about it.

“When I opened the package I was just stood there with them in my hand thinking: ‘What am I supposed to do with these?’.

“I guess that will teach me to read the small print on eBay.”

Yazmin, a uni student, bagged them for £4 (AU $8.20) each and said: “I thought I’d got them for a good price and they would look smart.”

She took to Facebook to share her hilarious story and it went viral, being shared thousands of times.

“OK so I ordered 2 pillows off eBay for my new room, they match my room really well and I couldn’t wait for them to come. Lesson learned – never order pillows off eBay. I’m crying,” she wrote on Facebook, along with a picture.

While she doesn’t have much use of them now, her dog certainly does!

“My chihuahua loves them so I’m keeping them as a toy to play games with her. They’re sitting proudly on top of my cabinet now,” she says.

Another Ebay fail targeted a woman who ordered a table and instead got delivered 40 bags of goldfish.

Watch the hilarious video below:

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