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Fury as gorilla killed to save boy

A zoo is under fire for shooting a rare gorilla to save a boy who fell into its enclosure.

The 200kg animal was filmed carrying the boy around “like a ragdoll” for 10 minutes before zoo employers shot the creature dead.

It seems like an obvious choice – killing an animal to save a human child – but the move has landed the zoo in hot water, with hundreds taking to social media to claim the shooting was completely unnecessary.

Watch the heartbreaking video below. Post continues…

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Many claimed the gorilla was trying to protect the boy, not hurt him, while others blasted the boy’s parents, insisting they be charged with neglect.

“If Haramabe was going to injure or kill the child, he would have done so,” one Twitter user wrote. “He was protecting/rescuing. Senseless murder of an animal.”

Another wrote: “I don’t see why they could not use tranquilliser rather than kill this beautiful creature.”

The images are shocking.

More than 5000 people have liked the Facebook page Justice for Harambe.

Zoo officials have defended their actions, saying a tranquiliser dart would not have acted fast enough to get the boy out of trouble.

“[The officials] made a tough choice and they made the right choice because they saved that little boy’s life,” Zoo director Thane Maynard said.

“It could have been very bad. It’s a very sad day for the zoo.”

The boy was taken to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where he is expected to make a full recovery. It is not known how he fell into the enclosure.

The incident comes a week after two lions were shot dead after a man jumped into their enclosure to commit suicide.

This story originally appeared on Australian Women’s Weekly

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Prince William does yoga in white jeans

Looks like the Prince has another secret talent... yoga!

If becoming a King doesn’t work out for Prince William, he could always become a yogi.

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He was spotted over the weekend doing some yoga stretches as a warm-up for a charity match at the Audi Polo Challenge.

And the best part? He was in white jeans. We didn’t know he was so flexible in such restricting pants.

The polo match attracted many stars, like Mad Max: Fury Road actor Tom Hardy and wife, Charlotte Riley, and Ellie Goulding.

Prince Harry also took part in the match, but Duchess Catherine wasn’t present on the day. She was really missing out.

VIDEO: Check out Prince William pull out his best yoga moves.

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Victoria Beckham planning fifth baby

And what a gorgeous baby it will be!
Victoria Beckham planning fifth baby

Could there soon be another member of the Beckham clan?

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Sources close to Victoria Beckham’s best friend Tana Ramsay says Posh and Becks are planning their “last baby,” reports The Mail on Sunday.

Posh has reportedly been prepping her body for a possible pregnancy by increasing her intake of folic acid, with a “spinach-heavy diet” of broccoli and leafy greens.

The glamorous couple are already parents to Brooklyn, 17, Romeo, 13, Cruz, 11 and four-year-old Harper.

We’d love to see another little Beckham running around!

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Girl, 12, dies after being trampled by horse

A young girl has died on a rural property near Richmond, NSW, when the horse she was leading was spooked and trampled her.

A 12-year-old girl has died after she was trampled by a horse on a rural property in Sydney’s north-west.

A NSW Police spokesman said the young girl was leading the horse at a property in Pitt Town, near Richmond, yesterday afternoon when the animal was spooked and tried to run.

According to witness, the girl was trampled and dragged by the horse. She was on the ground unconscious and suffered serious injuries to the head, chest and abdomen.

Her mother was among the first to give her first aid, and paramedics and a rescue helicopter arrived soon after.

The young girl was flown to the Westmead Children’s Hospital but unfortunately died on the way.

The tragic incident is being investigated by Hawkesbury Local Area Command police and will prepare a report for police.

Trending video: Melissa McCarthy discusses the new Ghostbusters

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Brisbane teen set on fire by ex-boyfriend

A 17-year-old girl is in an induced coma after being doused in flammable liquid and set alight by her ex-boyfriend.

A 17-year-old Brisbane girl is in an induced coma after being set on fire.

She suffered serious burns to her arms, legs and upper body, after she was allegedly set alight at a home in Marsden on Friday, and was taken to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

A 17-year-old man is accused of the horrific attack and it is alleged that following an argument, he used flammable liquid on her.

According to Nine News, the man is allegedly her ex-boyfriend.

The teen is in an induced coma

The teen’s sister took to Facebook to write a heartfelt message.

“She is only 17 years old, she has her whole life ahead of her and she does not deserve this,” she wrote.

“You are such a beautiful young girl. You’re not giving up on me this easy, I know you can get through this, you’re a fighter.”

“I love you heaps sis, I can’t believe this has happened.”

Neighbours heard the girl screaming, and then rushed to help, reports Nine News.

The 17-year-old attacker is charged with acts intended to cause grievous bodily harm and will be facing court today.

If anyone has information that could assist with this matter, contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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Melissa McCarthy takes a swipe at Ghostbusters haters

She’s not happy about the backlash the movie is getting before people have even seen it.
Melissa McCarthy

Listen up, internet critics! Melissa McCarthy has had it with you slamming her new film Ghostbusters before you’ve even seen it.

The sassy comedic actress took aim at all the internet haters already complaining about the movie in an interview with The Guardian.

“All those comments, ‘You’re ruining my childhood!’ I mean, really,” Melissa fumed.

She then went on to defend her co-stars Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. “Four women doing any movie on earth will destroy your childhood?”

Melissa, pictured with Kate, Kristen, Leslie and director Paul Feig, thinks the vitriol comes from the cast being women.

She continued, “I have a visual of those people not having a Ben [her husband], not having friends, so they’re just sitting there and spewing hate into this fake world of the Internet.

“I just hope they find a friend,” she said. OUCH!

The actress, pictured here with her husband Ben Falcone, suggested maybe the critics were bitter because they didn’t have anyone to come home to at night.

This isn’t the first time people involved in Ghostbusters have had to step in to defend the flick.

Director Paul Feig tried to explain his controversial decision to present the new film as a reboot rather than a sequel.

Director Paul ain’t afraid of no critics.

“I don’t want to go near the original ones because they’re so good, and I know people get mad at me.

“A lot of people on the Internet are frustrated it’s a reboot, but I honestly think it might be the better way to do it. So look, hate me if you will, I don’t know what to tell you,” Paul said.

See the official Ghostbusters trailer that has the internet up in arms here! Post continues…

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Melissa’s fellow Ghostbuster Leslie Jones also shut down premature critics, who were upset that the new gang would be all female. “Why can’t a regular person be a Ghostbuster?” Leslie tweeted. “I’m confused,” before adding, “Just go see the movie!”

She then got worked up and proclaimed , “It’s not a man, woman, race or class thang! It’s a Ghostbusters thang! And as far as I’m concerned, we all Ghostbusters. STAND TALL!”

Ghostbusters will hit Australian cinemas July 14.

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Fury as gorilla killed to save boy

A zoo is under fire for shooting a rare gorilla to save a boy who fell into its enclosure.
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The 200kg animal was filmed carrying the boy around “like a ragdoll” for 10 minutes before zoo employers shot the creature dead.

It seems like an obvious choice – killing an animal to save a human child – but the move has landed the zoo in hot water, with hundreds taking to social media to claim the shooting was completely unnecessary.

Many claimed the gorilla was trying to protect the boy, not hurt him, while others blasted the boy’s parents, insisting they be charged with neglect.

“If Haramabe was going to injure or kill the child, he would have done so,” one Twitter user wrote. “He was protecting/rescuing. Senseless murder of an animal.”

Another wrote: “I don’t see why they could not use tranquilliser rather than kill this beautiful creature.”

More than 5000 people have liked the Facebook page Justice for Harambe.

Zoo officials have defended their actions, saying a tranquiliser dart would not have acted fast enough to get the boy out of trouble.

“[The officials] made a tough choice and they made the right choice because they saved that little boy’s life,” Zoo director Thane Maynard said. “It could have been very bad. It’s a very sad day for the zoo.”

The boy was taken to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where he is expected to make a full recovery. It is not known how he fell into the enclosure.

The incident comes a week after two lions were shot dead after a man jumped into their enclosure to commit suicide.

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Little boy drowns after car slides into river

The four-year-old drowned when his dad’s car rolled down a boat ramp into the Hawkesbury River.

Bentley Hilton, four, was sitting in his dad’s ute while his father and grandfather unhitched their tinnie at a Lower Portland boat ramp when the vehicle slipped down the ramp and rolled into the water.

The little boy’s father and grandfather ran into the water to try to save him but the car quickly submerged and was swept downstream by a strong current.

Police divers searched the murky river water for hours, eventually recovering Bentley’s body around 3pm, more than four hours after the ute entered the river.

Paramedics’ attempts to revive him were unsuccessful.

Bentley’s mother has paid tribute to a “bright little boy” who was “always happy to see his mum, see his sister and see his family”.

“It was Mother’s Day the last night I saw him and I spoke to him on Saturday night and he was happy telling me about everything he was doing. We were laughing and giggling,” Ms Hilton told The Daily Telegraph.

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The Voice judge Jessie J’s diva demands!

Apparently she’s worse than Mariah!
Jessie J

This week Woman’s Day magazine exclusively reveals that The Voice judge, Jessie J, is actually one major diva!

She’s admired for telling it how it is on The Voice and for being brutally honest – but behind the scenes Jessie J’s straight talking has been getting her into hot water.

Check out her diva ways in the video player below! Post continues…

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According to set insiders, the British pop star has no qualms about telling her lackeys what she wants. And that’s everything, from satisfying her lust for luxury mansion living to having her US-only wardrobe air-freighted into the country.

“When it comes to Jessie, the biggest problem every year is sorting out her accommodation,” reveals our source exclusively tells us, adding that the 28-year-old insists on nothing but the best for her and her huge entourage of friends and family.

The British songstress has even rejected homes that once housed Leonardo DiCaprio and Hugh Jackman!

You can read all about Australia’s new resident diva and her never-ending list of demands, only in Woman’s Day magazine, on stands now!

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Married at First Sight’s Zoe and Alex’s baby joy

They’ve defied the odds and now after months of trying for a baby, lovebirds Zoe Hendrix and Alex Garner are expecting their first child – and they couldn’t be happier!
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It’s the news they’ve dreamt of since they met and fell in love on Nine’s Married at First Sight in 2015.

“We’re absolutely over the moon,” Zoe tells us in this week’s Woman’s Day.

Zoe and Alex are delighted about their baby news!

It’s been a heartbreaking struggle for the expectant parents, who are set to welcome their third family member in October.

Zoe suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage last year, then when she fell pregnant this time, she was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum – the same severe morning sickness the Duchess of Cambridge experienced with her two pregnancies.

“We’re absolutely over the moon,” the couple tell us.

“I was in hospital 
for two days on a drip, and was vomiting 30 times a day,” the 27-year-old admits, before adding it seems to have settled now.

“I’m starting 
to enjoy the journey!”

To check out Zoe’s stunning pregnancy shots plus to find out their baby name options, pick up this week’s issue of Woman’s Day magazine!

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