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Kiss Bang Love recap: episode two

After Lisa failed to find love at first kiss last week, will single guy Geordie have better luck? Elisa Parry decides.
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Tonight’s contestant Geordie is a 26-year-old chippy and farmer who’s looking for love. Perhaps not the sharpest tool in the shed, it’s unclear at this early stage if Geordie is aware he’s on Kiss Bang Love, not Farmer Wants A Wife.

Geordie, you sure you’re on the right show?

When he’s not fixing things on the family farm – because family is really important to him and he loves spending time with his family – Geordie spends his time training for Iron Man competitions.

Yep, you guessed it, along with “nervous” and “great”, “family” is getting added to the Kiss Bang Love drinking game list. Play on at your own peril.

Geordie is very comfortable wearing lycra.

To recap the rules of the show, Geordie must kiss 12 girls blindfolded, meet his top five favourites without the blindfold, and take two on overnight dates. He will then take the new love of his life on a mini-break to Noosa.

On hand to offer advice/live vicariously through Geordie, are his friend Michael and brother Lachie.

“Just pretend like you’re in da club.” Wow.

Highlights of this episode’s blindfolded kissing round include business owner and self-confessed “biter” Jessica, who in her very short intro piece to camera, manages to set some serious alarm bells ringing. To say she went in with confidence would be a serious understatement.

Clearly Channel 7 really needs to up their catering budget.

Having finally grasped the premise of the show, Geordie shockingly admits, “She was like, sucking my face!” The brutal realisation that he’s not on Farmer Wants A Wife after all begins to sink in.

Could you just hold still while we wipe that excess saliva away for the next girl?

Our next worthy contender in the pecking (or, let’s be real, pashing) order is 26-year-old Shana, a model-slash-miner. Shana believes her smile is her best asset, though it doesn’t stop her from putting her other ample assets on display.

It’s on between Geordie and Shana who gets the highest score so far of 8.5 out of 10. We hope Geordie’s lack of commitment to full numbers is no indication of his commitment issues in general.

Next up, Shakespeare-spouting actress-slash-model Kayla wins the award for “I don’t know where to put my hands” as she attempts to take Geordie’s temp and check his vitals throughout the kiss.

After suffering through 11 make-out sessions, it’s time for Geordie to meet secret kisser “Brianna”. Brianna is actually Bronwen, a close friend of Geordie’s who was asked to join the show by their mutual friend Michael.

The risky gamble pays off with Bronwen scoring a whopping 9.5 out of 10, and a double fist pump from Geordie.


Geordie’s second round of kisses with his top five girls goes relatively smoothly, though nothing has prepared him to see his close friend Bronwen walk through the door…

After recovering from the shock of pashing his bestie twice, Geordie decides it would be a good idea to keep doing it. He chooses Bronwen and Shana to accompany him on the overnight dates.

Geordie and Shana spend the day in active wear riding through Daylesford. They talk about how natural and comfortable they feel with each other while looking very unnatural and uncomfortable.

Once the 24 hours is up, Geordie must love and leave Shana to meet his second date and close friend, Bronwen.

Bronwen and Geordie spend the day in Melbourne swimming in a pool with other people. It’s obviously very romantic.

Despite being a bit nervous about the situation, Bronwen seems like a great girl, with great family values (boom, that sentence will put you under the table). Geordie and Bronwen seem relaxed together and sure, they’ve known each other a long time, but there is still a spark there.

During the final debrief session, Geordie’s brother Lachie and friend Michael help to spell out Geordie’s situation: “You know Bronwen, you know she’s 100% genuine, you know what she wants. And then on the flip side, you’re going for someone that is brand new and a big risk.”

So what does our single guy Geordie do with this sage advice? Ignore it and goes to Noosa with Shana. We get it mate, the lure of a beach holiday with Shana and her assets in a bikini was too strong to resist.

But really Geordie? For the record, we were #TeamBronwen all the way.

For the episode one recap, click here.

This originally appeared on TV Week.

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The dark side of clean eating

With diet trends demonising food, the desire for #cleaneating is causing more harm than good.
The dark side of healthy living

Brenda Janschek was passionate about using food as medicine to maintain wellness. She stocked her kitchen only with organic, clean, whole, grass-fed, sustainable local, seasonal, activated and grain-free foods to feed her husband and two growing children.

“This made me feel really proud of myself and like I was more of a success as a mum when I was feeding my kids this way,” tells Brenda.

“Nourishing my family became my badge of honour, until one day my daughter came home from school and tried to hide the empty packet of biscuits she had been given at school. My heart dropped. I had unwittingly created fear around food. My daughter was scared of letting me see something she had eaten. This was the opposite of what I wanted.”

Brenda’s work as a health coach and wellness blogger is what drove her passion for clean, whole foods, but when she realised that she was fraught about food she looked at things in a whole different light.

“I wasn’t so extreme that it became totally tricky to eat out or go to people’s places for dinner, but I found that I was constantly trying to find the ‘best possible option’ on offer, based on my food ideology, often ending up with a less than satisfying meal as a result,” she says.

“Also, I was getting lots of eye rolls from my hubby if he hadn’t done the grocery shop ‘properly’ – the nuts weren’t organic, the chicken wasn’t pastured, the bread wasn’t sourdough. There were too many food rules in the house for his liking.

“I learnt that the stress I was creating around food was more detrimental than some of the food I was actively avoiding.”

Making a conscious choice to relax the “rules” has enabled her family to have a more balanced approach. Brenda now goes for the 80:20 rule, where they eat well 80 per cent of the time, and the rest of the time is a free pass.

“I made a decision that I no longer wanted to create fear around food. When you have an ingrained ideology, it’s easier said than done. Unwinding habits can be a bit of a slow process, but that’s exactly what I did. As a result, we’re all in a much healthier place in terms of our food attitude these days,” says Brenda.

Orthorexia nervosa is a relatively new eating disorder that occurs when you will only eat food that you feel is “good” for you. With the rise of diet trends such as sugar-free, paleo, and gluten-free coupled with our desire to devour each other’s food images on social media, the “clean eating revolution” is putting unhealthy servings of fear into our daily eating regimes.

Accredited practicing dietician and founder of Figureate Consulting and co-founder of The Moderation Movement, Zoe Nicholson, believes the new wave of this atypical eating disorder stems from our desire to have “the right body.”

“We live in a society that is saturated with fear around food which is heavily influenced by our culture’s worship of the ‘ideal’ or ‘right body’. As a result, many people develop a very troubled relationship with food. Our society has a fixation on weight and appearance which stems partly from being immersed in a culture that is constantly selling us ‘the right body’. A body which actually doesn’t even exist as nearly all images are digitally enhanced, airbrushed and altered,” she says.

Many of these diet trends will result in weight loss which therefore promotes the diet as “good,” however it may not be the omittance of foods that sparks the weight loss.

“While many people will claim to feel better when they follow these trends, it is usually not the avoidance of specific foods but rather all the other changes that go along with it, such as eating more whole foods, especially fruits and veggies, eating less highly processed food and just being more aware of what they are putting in their mouths. However, all of these benefits can be achieved without cutting out grains, dairy, gluten or sugar,” says Zoe.

“And when people do lose weight following these trends, they are showered with compliments such as ‘wow you look amazing’, ‘what’s your secret’ and then the diet is of course celebrated. However, the frightening and usually hidden truth is that this praising of weight loss and eating well occurs even when a person is restricting food to the point of starving at times, having sleep issues, menstrual cycle disruptions, and food binges followed by feelings of anxiety and guilt.

“A number of ‘wellness warriors’ have now come forward to share their stories about how being so fixated on eating well and looking a certain way was actually very damaging to their health.”

When we label foods as toxic or harmful it demonises food and a desire for #cleaneating does not just compromise nutrition, but also kills the joy of eating. While we should strive to eat for energy and not for the sake of it, much of our lives revolve around food and the rituals surrounding it.

“When the pleasure is taken out of eating or when someone has a troubled relationship with food, they are more prone to anxiety, emotional distress, poor self-worth, body image issues and eating disorders. Having a more relaxed approach to eating allows for a more positive relationship with food where people are more likely to eat for nourishment and physical hunger rather than emotional hunger or food cravings.”

The motivation to eat is not only controlled by metabolic desires but also external factors such as our environment, and our upbringing. If we had a parent who was concerned with dieting, we are more likely to be vulnerable to worrying about food consumption and our body’s appearance. Conquering these hard-wired lessons can be easier said than done.

In order to overcome this obsessive eating behaviour we must look at a higher sense of fulfilment says human behavioural specialist, founder of the Demartini Institute and international best selling author, Dr John Demartini.

“[Orthorexia] is partly a response to an individual not feeling fulfilled in their true highest value(s) and as a result not activating the executive center in their prefrontal cortex that normally moderates compulsive behaviours of lower brain centers and pleasureful associations with the clean eating that has been reinforced and rewarded,” tells Dr Demartini.

“When you fill your day with high priority actions that inspire you your life does not fill up with lower compulsive activities that don’t. It is wise to eat quality food, in moderation and eat to live not live to eat.”

Removing the labels “good” and “bad” from food and neutralising how we think of what is essentially just fuel is a positive move for everybody. Mindful eating and a concept of balance in our diets is far healthier than being restrictive and switching to an ideology of intuitive eating, which is eating when you are hungry, and stopping when you are satisfied is a more sound approach to balancing both mental and physical wellbeing and rediscovering the joy of food.

If you need support please contact the National Eating Disorders Supportline on 1800 33 4673 (1800 ED HOPE) at the Butterfly Foundation

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Heavily pregnant teen goes missing

The 14-year-old is 36 weeks pregnant and is due to give birth in three weeks

A heavily pregnant 14-year-old has gone missing from a Melbourne suburb.

Natasha Boko, was last seen in Heidelberg West at around 4am on Monday, 30 May.

The teenager is 36 weeks pregnant according to concerned friends and family on social media.

Natasha was last seen wearing a black jumper, black leggings and Nike shoes.

She is described as being 150cm tall, of medium build with brown eyes, fair hair and a fair complexion.

Victoria Police told the media that the 14-year-old regularly travelled to the central business district of Melbourne.

She could also potentially travel to Heidelberg West, Eltham and Craigieburn.

Please contact Fawkner Police Station on 9355 6000 if you see Natasha or have any information that could assist the search.

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Danish Royals have their wages drastically cut

The Danish royals will have to be more frugal in the future!
Princess Mary, Prince Frederik, Princess Isabella, Prince Christian, Princess Josephine, Prince Vincent

Money is about to get a little tighter in the Danish royal palace.

According to reports out of Denmark, the royal family is in for a budget cut, as it’s revealed that no one except direct heirs to the throne will be getting government financial support.

The current system has all the royal children lined up for financial support.

The family accepted the changes through a spokeperson. “It’s not expected… that anyone of his generation other than Prince Christian should receive payment,” Palace Communications Director Lene Balleby said to DR News.

Because the 10-year-old Prince is second in line to the throne after Crown Prince Frederik, he will still be eligible for support.

Prince Christian is directly in line to the throne, so he will still receive his royal wage.

But his siblings, Princess Josephine, Princess Isabella and Prince Vincent, as well as the children of Frederik’s brother Prince Joachim will have their future funding chopped.

A spokesman for Denmark’s ruling party said the decree made sense. “Simple mathematics dictates there needs to be some sort of limit,” Jan E. Jorgensen told a Danish newspaper.

Princess Isabella is no longer eligible for financial support.

Queen Margrethe gets a whopping $15 million in support for her family each year.

Jan continued: “Otherwise within a few generations there will be several hundred princes and princesses who need an annual salary.”

“Anyone can see that won’t fly.”

Are the days of Danish royal extravagance over? See Prince Frederik and Princess Mary dressed to the nines at the Arts and Culture banquet in Copenhagen. Post continues below…

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The changes have come after recent opinion polls stated that most of the public believed only Prince Christian should receive government funding.

This new debate is one of many changes the Danish royals are making to adapt to the modern world.

Another is the recent launch of social media pages for the family on both Instagram and Facebook.

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Queen becomes cover girl again at 90

Her Majesty has graced the cover of Vanity Fair magazine – with some adorable little friends!

The Queen has appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair to celebrate her 90th birthday.

Her Majesty looks relaxed and lovely in the image, shot by renowned fashion photographer Annie Leibovitz.

It’s the monarch’s second time on the cover of the glamorous publication, and she’s not alone this time, sharing the spotlight with some of her favourite little friends – her corgis and dorgis Willow, Vulcan, Candy and Holly.

The cover shot was taken in front of a rose bush in the grounds of Windsor Castle. Other images, released last month, see her posing with family members and strolling in the gardens.

One of the other images, released last month.

“The most moving, important thing about this shoot is that these were all her ideas,” Leibovitz told the magazine. “She wanted to be photographed with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren; her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh; her daughter, Anne, the Princess Royal; and her corgis.”

The Queen’s earlier cover.

The Duchess of Cambridge’s recent Vogue cover.

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Child protective services visited mum and kids hours before murder

Social workers performed a welfare check the morning the Adelaide family was killed.

Social workers performed a welfare check the morning the Adelaide family was killed.

Adeline Rigney-Wilson and her children were visited by child protective services just hours before her partner allegedly killed them.

Neighbours told the Adelaide Advertiser that social workers visited the rural Hillier home Adeline, Amber, six, and Corey, five, shared with Steven Graham Peet to perform a welfare check on Monday morning.

Just hours later, police found the bodies of the mother and children after they were allegedly murdered by Peet during a domestic dispute.

Families SA refused to comment on why it was visiting the family.

“It would be inappropriate and disrespectful to the deceased to publicly elaborate on the nature of support being provided,” a Families SA statement read.

Adeline Rigney-Wilson

Steven Graham Peet

Peet faced court yesterday charged with three counts of murder. In a police interview, he said he remembered arguing with Wilson-Rigney but didn’t remember what happened next.

He had two black eyes when he appeared in court, and did not apply for bail. He will appear in Adelaide Magistrates Court in August.

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Johnny Depp won’t be charged over abuse claims

The star partied until 2am after hearing the news.
JOhnny Depp Amber Heard

After his estranged wife Amber Heard accused him of domestic violence, it’s been revealed that Johnny Depp won’t face any charges relating to the alleged assault.

According to TMZ, Amber didn’t report the abuse to officers who attended her initial domestic disturbance call, simply telling officers she’d had an argument with her husband.

The news outlet reported that LAPD officers who responded to the initial 911 call saw no evidence of any injuries to the blonde.

TMZ also said that two security guards came forward stating they were supposedly on the scene seconds after the alleged abuse and saw no evidence of Johnny having physically harmed Amber.

Amber claimed bruising on her face was the result of Johnny striking her with an iPhone.

The guards reportedly rushed into the room upon hearing Amber yell “Stop hitting me!”, only to find Johnny at least six metres away from her.

Johnny took the news he wouldn’t be charged very well indeed, celebrating and partying up til 2am in a Swedish hotel bar.

Johnny has been recovering from his breakup by touring and playing gigs with his band.

But he wasn’t alone. The Alice Through The Looking Glass actor was spotted drinking with a stunning mystery woman.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Johnny was seen drinking a range of cocktails with the brunette babe, appearing extremely relaxed while laughing and chatting with her.

According to one eagle-eyed onlooker, “The brunette… was embracing Johnny’s shoulder when he talked to members of his band.”

Check out the details of the accusations against Johnny. Post continues…

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The insider told the Daily Mail, “They stood really close and talked for a long time at the bar. They seemed to have a good time. She was standing next to him the whole time I saw him at the bar.”

The news he won’t face charges must come as a relief for the troubled star, who has had a lot to bear in the past months, with his court case in Australia over smuggling his dogs into the country, mother’s death and his extremely high-profile divorce turning ugly.

Amber’s lawyers have hit back against Johnny’s “smear campaign” against her.

Meanwhile Amber has spoken out through her lawyers to accuse her soon-to-be-ex husband of deliberately smearing her reputation.

The lawyers said the model was “a hero” and remains “a victim” in this terrible situation.

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Female teacher charged with molesting girl, 15

A young female school teacher in Western Australia has been charged with 23 offences relating to accusations of molesting a teenage girl.

A young female school teacher in Western Australia has been charged with 23 offences relating to accusations of molesting a teenage girl.

According to a police statement released on Tuesday the Child Abuse Squad detectives arrested the 26-year-old woman on Saturday, a day after the offences were reported.

The girl, who police confirm was a pupil of the teacher, alleges that the abuse began in July 2015, when she was just 15, and it continued on until May of this year.

The woman has been charged with multiple offences including sexual penetration of a child and persistent sexual conduct with a child under 16 years of age.

The woman is due to face court on June 14.

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First look of the new actors in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Harry Potter fans rejoice! The wait is (almost) over!
Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe Ginny Weasley Bonnie Wright

Just days out from the premiere of the new Harry Potter story, the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, producers have released photos of the new actors portraying the iconic roles.

And my haven’t our beloved characters grown up!

It’s fans’ first glimpse into the new Potter family, featuring Harry, his wife Ginny Weasley (or Potter now, we guess!) and their son Albus Severus Potter.

Far from the little boy we saw standing on platform 9 ¾ in the final film installment, Albus looks all grown up and ready to make his way to Hogwarts.

Introducing the new Potter family!

Sam Clemmet is “thrilled” to be stepping into the shoes of such a highly anticipated character.

Sam Clemment couldn’t contain his excitement that the curtain of secrecy had been lifted as he took to Twitter on Tuesday to finally announce his role in the stage play.

“Thrilled to announce I will be playing the role of Albus Severus Potter in @HPPlayLDN :D” he wrote.

The Ginnys, Bonnie Wright and Poppy Miller, look so similar they could be related!

Fans couldn’t help but point out what an incredibly likeness Poppy Miller, the new Ginny, has to her younger self played by Bonnie Wright.

Even 36-year-old Jamie Parker cuts a strikingly similar figure to original Harry himself, Daniel Radcliffe.

Doesn’t appear Harry’s scar has faded over time…

The story of the eagerly awaited continuation of the Harry Potter story sees Albus coping with his family’s huge legacy as he starts school at Hogwarts.

In the new tale, it’s 19 years after the final battle at the magical school, and Harry has started working at the Ministry of Magic.

Ron (played by Paul Thornley) and Hermione (Noma Dumezweni) are now married.

Excited about new Harry Potter? Go behind the scenes for the upcoming movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them here! Post continues below.

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Reactions to the original cast announcements back in December caused a stir because the actors didn’t seem to have enough of a likeness to their original actors.

From the second tickets went on sale to this highly anticipated West End debut, fans clamored to snag their seats.

The show sold 175,000 tickets in just 24 hours, with many fans left empty handed.

In response to overwhelming demand, J.K Rowling announced the script of the show will be available for aficionados to purchase.

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Children climb 800m cliff to get to and from school

Is this the most terrifying school run in the world?

Next time your child wants to complain about having to catch the bus to school show them this.

In shocking new footage children in rural China are being forced to scale an 800m cliff in order to get to and from their local school.

In what is being dubbed “the world’s scariest school run” 15 youngsters – some as young as six – have to climb rickety ladders and ropes to make the journey to their remote village of Atuleer in Sichuan province, southwestern China.

A village chief said that eight people had already died making the perilous 90-minute journey, reports The Guardian.

Dramatic photographs of the children clambering the steep bluffs garnered publicity in China this week, prompting the government to take action.

According to local reports the government has announced plans to construct stairs while a longer term upgrade is being considered.

In the meantime, some children have taken to sleeping at the school, only returning home twice a month to see their families.

The 72 families who live in Atuleer are members of the Yi minority group live off less than $1 a day and and their lives mainly subsist from farming potatoes, walnuts and chilli peppers.

You can watch footage of the children climbing to school here.

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