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BREAKING: Man diagnosed with Zika virus in Queensland

A man in far north Queensland has been diagnosed with Zika virus after returning from a trip to Mexico.
Man diagnosed with Zika virus in Queensland

While there is no immediate risk of anyone else contracting the virus, the Mackay Public Health Unit says a mosquito control team will travel from Townsville to Mackay.

Authorities will assess an area in South Mackay to see if there are populations of Aedes aegypti, a mosquito which can transmit Zika.

Once the inspection has been completed, further advice will be provided to the public.

Director of Public Health Dr Richard Gair says it’s important people do not panic as there has never been a case of locally acquired Zika virus in Australia.

Mackay in Queensland.

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Babies with celeb lookalikes

Some of these little bubs could easily pass as doubles for famous celebrities!

From baby Jay-Z to tiny Tiger Woods, these little lookalikes are insanely accurate!

After a picture of this little bub who looks exactly like chef Gordon Ramsay was posted to social media, it inspired a whole bunch of other mini-me’s to come forward.

Click through to see these infants and their celebrity doubles – some of them are so uncanny!

Chef Gordon Ramsay

Singer John Legend

Beyonce’s husband, Jay-Z

Famous golfer Tiger Woods

Gandalf (AKA Sir Ian McKellen) from Lord of the Rings

The late David Bowie

Actor Danny DeVito

Actor Simon Pegg

Russian president Vladimir Putin

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The chilling mystery behind this family portrait

It looks like an innocent snap from a family album – but this photo hides a murky secret.

Do you notice anything odd about this image?

It looks like your bog standard family portrait from the 1980s – but this image has made headlines around the world.

Why? Because it has been offered up as “proof” Scientology leader David Miscavige’s wife Shelly – who hasn’t been seen in public since 2005 – is alive and well.

David’s father Ron unveiled the happy snap on Good Morning America on Monday, while promoting his new book about Scientology Ruthless.

It’s the first photo of Shelly since she vanished from the limelight 11 years ago, but many internet commentators just don’t believe it is a recent image.

Even Leah Remini – a high profile Scientology defector who officially reported former friend Shelly missing in 2013 – has her doubts about the photo.

“It’s obviously from when ‘The Love Boat’ was a big hit but I’m just guessing,” she told news.com.au when asked what she thought of the picture.

Leah first became concerned about Shelly when she failed to attend the Scientology wedding of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in 2006. She claims she questioned church leaders about Shelly’s whereabouts and was abused for her impertinent questions.

She cites Shelly’s “disappearance” as one of the major factors that precipitated her departure from the religion. In 2013, she officially reported her friend missing to the LAPD, who subsequently closed their missing person’s case after allegedly speaking to Shelly herself.

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The kid from Liar Liar doesn’t look like this anymore

His floppy hair has definitely gone!

Who could forget the gorgeous little kid from Liar Liar with all his floppy hair and that cheeky smile?

It’s almost been 20 years since we saw Max make his wish of his on-screen dad Jim Carrey never to tell a fib again.

But nine-year-old Justin Cooper is all grown up!

Here’s what he looks now:

After appearing in a few TV shows up over the next few years, he gave up acting. He’s now a radio producer on Fox Sports in the US.

And apparently, his colleagues won’t let him live down “the claw.”

Watch little Max, his liar dad and ‘the claw’ below:

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Why porn doesn’t often work for women

If you’re finding porn doesn’t quite do it for you, you’re not alone says sex therapist and educator Jacqueline Hellyer.
Why Porn Doesn’t Often Work For Women

I’m often asked questions like this one I received through Women’s Health Magazine:

My boyfriend wants to watch porn with me, and I have nothing against porn, but I haven’t found any that turns me on – the women tend to be all fake-tanned and fake-nailed, and the sex is so staged. Can you make any recommendations on porn that appeals to both men and women?

And my response to enquiries like this tend to be along the lines of:

If you’re like most women, porn won’t do it for you, even so-called “female friendly” porn – close-ups of genitals, ham acting, no plot – turn me off, baby!

Porn is designed to be visually titillating to men, they have an arousal “on / off” button and porn can be one way to turn it on.

Female arousal works quite differently: ours is a slow build and the blatancy of porn can short-circuit that and turn us cold.

Better to find your erotic turn-ons elsewhere: in books, movies, food, poetry, clothing, music – create experiences that really turn you on, from the inside out.

Seek seduction, not sleaze; pleasure, not porn; sensuality not superficiality; fun, not fake.

If you and your boyfriend look for real connection and deep eroticism you’ll be enjoying yourselves, lost in sensation, way more than you ever could watching bodies on a screen bumping against each other.

Of course, there are some women who do like the blatancy of porn, and some men who find it unappealing.

As you know, I don’t buy into the “men-are-like-this” and “woman-are-like-that” polarised view of the sexes.

This is one area though, where there’s a difference, porn just doesn’t do it for most women.

There’s nothing wrong with the porn, or with the women – No, you’re not frigid! – it’s just not a match.

And I know that scientific studies have been done where women watch porn, while instruments in their vaginas measuring their physiological response indicate they are responding physically to what they’re watching.

Maybe they are, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are enjoying it.

Women lubricate and can even have orgasms while being raped, that doesn’t mean they’re enjoying it.

Physiological response does not always indicate enjoyment.

Personally, I’ve tried to find porn that is in some way arousing for me and I’ve never found anything, and yet I’m a highly sexual women!

I much prefer a classy erotic movie with a plot, soft lighting, and no sections that look like an anatomy lesson. But that’s me.

As I say, there’s no right or wrong, if you like it great, if you don’t, great! Just don’t think there’s something wrong with you or your partner if you don’t like it. There will be plenty of other activities that you will both love.

This story first appeared on LoveLife.

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Nephew scammed dying aunt out of savings while pretending to care for her

A thief has been labelled the “scum of the earth” after stealing thousands from his dying great aunt.

A man has been arrested after stealing money from his dying great aunt for almost a year and pushing her into debt.

When Gillian Kirk, 74, was diagnosed with cancer, she became close to her great nephew Daniel Money, 24, but it was all a ploy by him.

She was paying him £100 a week to visit her and in return, he’d take her out shopping and such.

But Daniel, from Luton, England, was also raiding her bank account and helped himself to £16,000 (AU $31,826).

He bought a BMW on finance from her account and tried to get another one before he was caught and arrested.

Gillian unfortunately died three months after he was busted in March 2014, and she had once called him the “son she never had”.

Barclays Bank clued onto the suspicious bank account activity when they saw the 74-year-old had applied for finance for a second time in three months.

His family have called him the “scum of the earth” for his ultimate betrayal.

“She was a very intelligent woman and she felt betrayed and humiliated. To think it was her carer – the son she never had – who had treated her in such a way,” a family member said.

“He wanted money but didn’t want to have to work for it.”

Daniel had been allegedly keeping banking statements from Gillian, and made excuses that ATM receipts weren’t printing.

“Gillian Kirk never gave her permission for the defendant to buy things or make transactions,” said prosecutor Adam Pearson.

“The only reason he had access to her card was to check her balance.

“This defendant, her great nephew, visited her home regularly.

“She relied on him. He was there nearly every night. He would get her food, sit and watch TV with her and do shopping for her.”

Despite denying he’d taken money out of her life savings for nearly a year, he was found guilty and jailed for four years.

Judge Philip Bartle QC explained in court that she could have ended up bankrupt for what Daniel was doing.

He said of Daniel: “You betrayed that trust in an exceptional way. You took thousands of pounds from her for your own selfish greed, without a thought for this lady who you knew was dying of cancer.

“What an astonishing way to repay her love. All the while she was believing that you were the angel who was caring for her. The effect on her was devastating.”

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No more schnitzel please

Kerri Sackville had mastered her dinner menu for her kids. So when one of them asked for “something different,” it really threw a spanner in the works.
No more schnitzel please

My son was very polite about it.

“Mum, is there any way you could cook something different? I just don’t think I can eat schnitzel or spaghetti bolognaise again.”

I tried to conceal my surprise. Of course, I’d noticed that he had lost interest in dinners, which was uncharacteristic because he’s seventeen and ravenous all the time. Still, I’d assumed he’d just eaten too much after school. It didn’t occur to me that he was tired of my cooking. After all, my fifteen-year-old still ate everything on her plate, and the eight-year-old happily existed on air, and neither of them had complained.

But once he mentioned it, I realised there was a problem.

I have been cooking the same few dishes for my kids since… well, forever. Schnitzel, spag bol, chops, sausages, roast chicken, crumbed fish, and the occasional burgers or home-made pizza just to spice things up.

And I was quite happy with my repertoire. I never felt the need to expand it. I mean, I enjoy great food as much as the next person, but I’m very easy to please. I’m a functional eater; I eat to satisfy my hunger, and if a gourmet meal isn’t available I will be just as happy with toasted cheese or a couple of poached eggs.

And to be perfectly honest, I don’t particularly enjoy cooking. I can do it – I’ve pulled together nice meals for dinner parties – but I’d rather spend my time working or reading or interacting with my kids than hanging in the kitchen.

But I couldn’t ignore my son’s request. I suppose I could have told him to cook his own meals, but he works incredibly hard at school and at his part time job, and whilst he’s still a kid, I feel it’s my job to look after him.

And so I hit the recipe books and got to work.

In the first few days alone, I made my kids a beef and vegetable stew, a roast duck with apples, honey chicken nuggets, and corn and feta fritters served with salad. It took organisation. I had to plan my meals ahead, which I had never done before. I had to make proper shopping lists, instead of just grabbing whatever was in the fridge. And I had to start cooking early. Generally, I just wait till 6pm and throw a something under the griller, which really doesn’t work when your duck requires four hours in the oven.

Surprisingly though, it didn’t take much more effort than my usual haphazard meal prep. Being organised actually saved me time in the evenings, because much of the washing up was done before dinner was served. And I felt less stressed without the nightly panic of what to feed my kids.

Most of all, I felt a tremendous satisfaction seeing my kids enjoy my food. I didn’t expect to. I didn’t think that was important to me. I was wrong. My son ate with gusto, complimenting the meals and making appreciative noises. My big girl tucked in happily, declaring the food to be ‘delicious’. My eight-year-old still ate nothing but air, but that left more for the rest of us!

I’m not sure that I will become a Masterchef-quality cook. I am still frightened of exotic-sounding ingredients and won’t cook anything that requires more than a couple of steps. But I have discovered that there is joy beyond schnitzel and spag bol.

And my son is eating like a champion again. It is astonishing what joy that can bring to a mother’s heart.

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Prince Albert attends event with daughter Jazmin Grace Grimaldi

They're rarely seen out together in public but Prince Albert of Monaco has attended a lavish bash with his daughter, Jazmin Grace Grimaldi.
Prince Albert of Monaco and Jazmin Grace Grimaldi

"Not having had that figure around, I missed that. It's wonderful that it happened when it did, and we've been enjoying a great relationship ever since," she says.

She’s the oldest child of the Prince’s and although she’ll never inherit the throne because she was born out of wedlock, Jazmin is clearly being welcomed into the royal family with open arms.

Over the weekend, the 24-year-old was invited to the glitzy Formula One gala dinner, which was held in Monte-Carlo, Monaco.

Jazmin stunned in a chic black evening gown while her blonde locks were swept up into an elegant bun.

Meanwhile her dad Prince Albert, 58, looked dapper in a tuxedo. His wife Princess Charlene and their twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, were not in attendance.

The pair arrived separately to the event but the fact Jazmin is now mixing in the same circles as her once estranged father shows just how far they’ve come.

Jazmin and her father Prince Albert both cut stylish figures as they attended the gala dinner.

Last week the striking blonde, whose grandmother is famed Hollywood starlet, the late Grace Kelly, sat front row at the Amber Lounge party in Monaco.

Jazmin first rose to fame at the tender age of 14 when her father publicly acknowledged her as his daughter.

Speaking to Harper’s Bazaar in her first ever interview last year, the aspiring singer revealed she’d formed a strong bond with Prince Albert since their first fateful meeting when she was 11 years old.

Talent clearly runs in the family! Watch Jazmin perform in the player below. Post continues after the video…

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“I was 14, getting ready to go to high school, when it hit the media that my father had a daughter, and it was me. It’s a difficult time for any young adult, and it was an adjustment to have that attention. But I knew it was going to come someday,” she reflected of the dramatic turn of events.

“I wanted that moment to connect with my father, to get to know him, and to have him get to know me,” she said.

Before revealing: “Not having had that figure around, I missed that. It’s wonderful that it happened when it did, and we’ve been enjoying a great relationship ever since.”

Social circuit: In recent times, the 24-year-old has started to make more public appearances.

Jazmin, whose mother is Tamara Rotolo had a three week fling with the Prince during a holiday to the French Riviera in 1991, isn’t the only child of Prince Albert.

Albert is also the father to Alexandre Coste, 12, who he welcomed in 2003 after a secret six year relationship with flight attendant Nicole Coste.

Meanwhile Jazmin has loved playing the doting big sister to the twins.

“I can’t wait to be a sister to them and watch them grow up. They have these beautiful, big blue eyes – and they are both already so well behaved,” she told Harper’s of her half-siblings.

Jazmin says she adores her half-siblings Jacques and Gabriella.

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Secrets of a flight attendant: the 10 most annoying things passengers do on flights

An ex-hostie reveals what makes cabin crew roll their eyes when you’re not looking. Here's what not to do when you hop on a flight to your summer holiday destination.

Photo: Getty Images

1. Abusing the passenger call button

By all means press it if you need to – but don’t treat it like a novelty servant bell. Imagine working a 10-hour shift of non-stop requests accompanied by the noise “Ding. Ding. Ding” constantly ringing in your ears. If you’ve just had drink, food and a movie, and you don’t need emergency medical treatment, give the bell a break.

2. Trying to sneak into business class

You might slip through the curtain, sink into the back row and think you’ve got away with it. But trust me, you haven’t. The crew have a passenger list that tells them exactly who is sitting where. If you get an upgrade, that’s fine, but otherwise don’t take what you haven’t paid for. And beware the walk of shame as you’re marched back to your rightful seat.

3. Making last-minute special requests

Once you’re on the plane, it’s too late to inform the cabin crew that you need a low-sugar, gluten and dairy-free, Kosher vegan meal. Make that request when you book. Ditto special medications (the ones in the first aid kit are for emergencies) and extra bathroom products (apart from the toothbrush in your complimentary wash bag).

4. Patting/pinching the hostie’s bottom

It’s kind of funny as depicted in those 1960’s cartoon postcards. It may be your little private fantasy. But it’s not ok. It’s patronising and it makes us feel uncomfortable. Not flattering or sexy. And while we’re at it, slipping your business card into our pockets isn’t going to work either. Put your wedding ring back on.

5. Clicking fingers to get service

Yes, it’s a service industry but you are not a member of the Saudi royal family and hosties aren’t your slaves. You may have a gin and tonic with ice and lemon but please use manners and ask respectfully, otherwise you might have some tomato juice “accidentally” drop onto your shirt. We don’t respond to whistles either.

6. Handing us a bag of vomit/dirty nappy

Try the bin in the bathroom instead, unless you’re really incapacitated. Ask yourself: would you do this in a restaurant, movie theatre, train or shopping centre? It’s worth remembering your crew are food handlers – do you really want to risk cross-contamination?

7. Watching crew eat in the galley

You are not at the zoo. Flight attendants get very little break time and everyone needs to eat. If the curtains are drawn, allow them a few minutes to refuel. Yes, our crew meals may look slightly different from yours but trust me, they’re no more interesting or better than what you’ve just eaten.

8. Stacking up items on the food tray

You may think you’re being helpful or even entertaining by stacking the plastic containers on top of one another when you’ve finished your meal – but you’re not. The tray will not fit back into the trolley until your hostie has unbuilt your little castle. Just leave it.

9. Refusing to abide by safety regulations

Maybe you’re cranky, sleep-deprived or just don’t like being told what to do – but the primary reason your flight attendants are on the plane is to ensure your safety. Telling you to put your seatbelt on, seatback upright, armrest down and bags underneath the seat in front of you isn’t us on a power trip – it’s for your own good. Just do it.

10. Joining the mile high club

It may sound exciting at first but getting intimate in a cupboard-sized toilet that’s likely crawling with germs from the other 50 people who have emptied their bladders or bowels in there before you isn’t easy or especially considerate to others. Dirty, yes. Sexy, not really.

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David and Victoria Beckham show off AMAZING dance moves at Eva Longoria’s wedding

We love them even more now – like that was even possible!
David Beckham and Victoria Beckham

Proof Posh Spice has still got it!

We already knew Victoria Beckham has amazing dance moves (her extensive career as a Spice Girl gave that away), but did you know that her hubby David also has a few smooth steps up his sleeves?

New clips shared on US host Mario Lopez’s Instagram show our favourite Hollywood couple cutting loose at the wedding reception of VB’s long-time friend, Eva Longoria, and well, you just NEED to see it.

Watch the couple let their hair down in the video player below! Post continues…

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As Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up blasts through the speakers, David shows off his best dad-moves, clicking his fingers and swaying side-to-side as he lip-syncs along to the cheesy ’80s track.

In another incredible clip, Victoria can be seen owning a dance circle, flailing her long limbs around as she bounces happily along to the Wham! track Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go whilst bride Eva takes the spotlight on a table.

It’s a pretty rare sight to see the couple let out their playful sides when they usually put on such a stoic display for the public.

The blushing bride partied into the night with her guests.

As well as the invaluable contribution she made to the party, Victoria played a vital role in the Desperate Housewives stars’ big day.

As her best friend and bridesmaid, the mother-of-four was given the honourable task of designing both the bride’s wedding gown, and her more informal reception dress.

Sharing a happy snap with her 10.9 million Instagram followers, the proud fashion icon said, “@evalongoria the most beautiful bride. I am honored to have created your wedding dress X Thank you for asking me!!! X We love u! X”

The gal pals were inseparable on the A-lister’s big day.

The happy couple pledged their undying love for each other in late May in front of 80 relatives and close friends, including more than a few famous faces.

The nuptials took place in a sunset ceremony at the gardens of a house Jose owns in Valle de Bravo, an exclusive and sought-after holiday spot on the edge of Lake Avandaro in Mexico, according to Hello magazine.

“They married on an altar under lots of little lights,” a source told People magazine. “It was very romantic. Eva wore her hair down and smiled during the ceremony. He was in a grey suit.”

The newlyweds are still on their honeymoon, which is said to last until June 9.

The happy couple shared their day with friends including Ricky Martin and Jaime Camil.

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