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Why I only see my kids every second weekend

A mother-of-two has revealed the reason she decided to leave her two children with their father so she could move to another city for work.
Why I only see my kids every second weekend

Kristal Kinsela, 35, moved to Sydney four months ago which means she only sees her nine-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter every second weekend.

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A descendant of both the Jawoyn and Wiradjuri nations, Kristal’s decision goes against the Aboriginal culture she was brought up in.

“There were very few jobs for someone like me in Port Macquarie, unless I wanted a really mediocre job,” she says on tonight’s episode of Insight.

Kristal explains why she only sees her children every other weekend

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After her marriage ended in 2012, she and her husband decided to share the care of their children 50/50 until just four months ago when she decided to move to Sydney.

“My kids told me they loved both parents but they found the weekly changes over from house to house was too much,” Kristal, a supplier diversity expert, said.

“They enjoy living in the one home and their happiness is the most important thing.”

She hopes that her work will set a good example for her children but she worries “about what people think of me as a mother.”

“I want to set an example for them and make a change for other Aboriginals.”

Kristal will appear as a guest on Part 2 of Insight’s special on mothers who leave, tonight at 8:30pm on SBS.

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Mum embarrassed to discover what teen daughter’s ‘drugs’ really are

A paranoid parent thinks her daughter is doing something dangerous – and is proved to be oh so wrong.

Every parent’s nightmare is finding drugs in their teenager’s room when they’re out – but this mum found something completely innocent!

A 16-year-old teenager named Ashley Banks screengrabbed the text exchange between her and her mum and it’s gone viral.

Ashley texted her mum asking her to find her calculator and put it in the mailbox so someone can pick it up.

But her mum was looking for it, she is furious to find a clear zip lock bag with coloured pills in it.

“Ashley Carol I will not have drugs in my house,” she angrily texted her daughter.

She demands Ashley to come home ASAP and that she’s grounded but Ashley can’t stop laughing.

She tells her to put the pills in water and see what’s happen.

Her mum seems reluctant at first, but she finally concedes.

Turns out, the tablets were actually ‘grow your own dinosaurs’.

So funny!

The mum gets a little defensive and says “I thought you were 16 not 7?”


VIDEO: See how the pills turn into colourful dinosaurs

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Instagram bans pictures of breastfeeding babies

A childbirth photographer was heartbroken after her Instagram account was banned.

A childbirth photographer is heartbroken after her Instagram account was banned.

Through Elle Wickens page Earth Babes, she shares incredible photos of newborns and women breastfeeding and giving birth.

Last week, however, she was shocked to learn that her account had been removed.

The Blue Mountains-based photographer wrote: “Having my page deactivated has shaken not only my love for Instagram but my faith in community.”

“Why must women struggle to be seen, why can’t you see us for what we are, powerful, wild, loving humans.”

“Why is it okay for our bodies to be seen as a sexual object but not for what we truly are.”

“I created earth.babes to show the world and other women the beauty and power of birth.”

Pic: earth.babes

It took 24 hours for her page to reactivated, she told Daily Mail, and she had to appeal to Instagram twice before it got back up and running.

She told Daily Mail that she instead received a generic message from Instagram saying her page wasn’t compliant with their community guidelines – which they stipulate as no nudity being allowed, expect for “photos of mastectomy scarring and women actively breastfeeding”.

Pic: earth.babes

According to Ellen, Instagram wrote to her in an email saying that her page was taken down by ‘accident’.

When she shared her back and forth with the social media site with her near 7,000 followers, she was blown away by the level of support she got.

Pic: earth.babes

“It seemed to start this uprising of women who felt that way,” she said.

Elle has been a photographer for two years now and believes that “Showing people the truth about birth I think is something that could help the world.”

“It’s honestly electric in a birthing room, it’s beautiful,” she said.

“There’s so much support, power and love you can just feel it.

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Bachelor Richie has found love on The Bachelor!

The blonde beau has confirmed his new happiness after handing out his final rose in Bali last week.
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Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Australia’s fourth Bachelor Richie Strahan confirmed the news that he had indeed found love on the popular dating show.

“I’m definitely happy,” the 30-year-old hunk began. “This has been such an unreal, crazy rollercoaster ride and I’ve loved every moment of it.”

As the down-to-earth rope technician confirms that he handed out his final rose whilst shooting in Bali last week, hearts collectively break across the country for the loss of what is undoubtedly one of Australia’s best catches.

And while the reality show star basks in the happiness of finding new love, he also fears that the identity of the lucky lady will be leaked before the show hits the small screen this winter.

The WA local is quite the catch.

Over the weekend it was reported by The Daily Telegraph that Channel Ten producers had called in the Indonesian military to keep paparazzi from snapping shots while they filmed the final episode in the tropical location.

“Keen paps even tried to hire helicopters once they had touched down on the Indonesian island, only to be told ‘all choppers are grounded for maintenance for two days,'” wrote the publication.

Despite the show’s attempts to keep the outcome under wraps, it is understood that photographers still “got the money shot” and know the name of the winning lady.

While Richie came in third on Sam Frost’s season of The Bachelorette, her happy ending was spoiled by leaked photos.

Speaking out on the reports, Richie shared his desire to keep the identity of the winner a secret for the public’s enjoyment.

“Everybody worked so hard to create something and it’s an amazing journey,” he said.

“It’s like when you watch Game of Thrones every week and you’re biting at the bit to see the next episode. And for someone to spoil that? You’re like, ‘No! Why? I wanted to see it.”

“With The Bachelorette, towards the end we were all in and out of cars which felt very spy-ish. But when you think about being overseas and getting into cars with umbrellas just in case … It’s been absolutely crazy.”

Season four of The Bachelor is expected to his our screens in the coming months.

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Keeping up with the Kardashian booty takes a matrix!

The Kardashians know how to keep their bodies looking on point. Whether it is thanks to a diet (here’s looking at you Kim) or the latest pair of Yeezys – the famous sisters are the fittest siblings out.

But the core of their phenomenal bodies is credited to their insane workout regime.

Introducing the man behind showbiz’s most famous bodies – the Kardashian’s trainer Don aka Don-A-Matrix.

Khloe and Kourtney have been killing the fitness game, thanks to this machine of a trainer!

Check out some of the crazy workouts in the video player below. Post continues!

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The personal trainer, who crafts circuit workouts that target the legs, butt, and arms, works with Hollywood’s fittest including Kanye West, Fergie, Josh Duhamel, Will.i.am and David Boreanaz.

The lifestyle coach not only has a science degree in Health, Physical Education and Recreation but also certificates in a range of workout regimes.

Don, who goes by DB, developed the Matrix Method combining his skills as a fitness educator and principles learned as a lifetime athlete and coach.

The LA based trainer’s clients love his “sports game” inspired method which features four quarters. Each quarter has 3 sets of two different exercises, combined with rest or relief periods after each quarter.

Don certainly knows how to make these ladies sweat…

But clearly they’re loving the results!

Anyone who watches the Kourt or Khloe’s Snapchat will know these ladies love working out with their machine of an expert… Even if it is SERIOUSLY intense!

The sisters train with the expert 3-5 times a week and workout for anything between 45 minutes to an hour.

Speaking to E!News Don revealed it was Kourt who first discovered him.

“I was on tour with the Black Eyed Peas and Kourtney attended a concert while in NYC, and she loved how I had Fergie’s body looking,” he said.

Watch Don talk about working out. Post continues!

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In fact it was her trainer that whipped her revenge body back in shape following the birth of her third child, Reign.

Understandably, the 37-year-old, who is in the best shape of her life, “swears by the program.”

“Along with weight loss, her body fat percentage and fat mass has decreased tremendously and lean muscle mass has increased. Most people think it’s just weight loss to achieve the desired physical goal, but toning while achieving weight loss will help you get to the physical goal faster,” Don explained of the changes in the hot mama’s body.

So what does the reality star love to do?

“The plank is a favorite, but we take it to another level opening and closing the legs like scissors while at the same time raising and dropping the hips! So not only are you strengthening the core but also timing the hips, thighs and waist.”

Continuing, “[We also do] the trunk twist along with a back row using the bands. The benefit of this exercise will give you flat abs and coke bottle obliques while removing those fat handles from the back and arms.”

We’re officially putting down the chocolate and heading to the gym. STAT.

Try keeping up with that bod!

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8 foods to help heal your headache

Head pounding? Before you reach for the painkillers, try nibbling on some of these nutrient-loaded foods.
8 foods to help heal your headache

Not all headaches are caused by the same thing – hangovers, we’re looking at you – which means that not every headache can be cured the same way.

But identifying why your head is pounding can help you decide which nutrient your body is craving, and which of these healing foods you should be tucking into.

Baked potato: Yes, it’s time to get carb-y, especially if your headache is alcohol-related. If you indulged in one too many wines last night, you’ll not only be dehydrated but could also have lost plenty of electrolytes – like potassium. Loading up on foods packed with potassium (a baked potato with skin on contains 721 mg of the stuff) can set you on the path to recovery, quicksticks.

Watermelon: Dehydration is usually to blame when your head starts pounding, so upping your water intake is an important first step. Nibble on water-rich foods like the aptly named watermelon, as well as cucumber, melon and tomatoes. Delicious watermelon and mint granita is a soothing hit of hydration.

Watermelon and mint granita

Whole-grains: Sticking with the carbohydrate theme: if your diet has been low on carbs lately, you may have depleted your glycogen stores. That, in turn, triggers an increase in fluid losses, which can lead to dehydration. Plus, healthy carbohydrates help your body release serotonin, which will improve your mood. Win-win! Start your day with a warming bowl of apple and banana porridge.

Almonds: Nuts are being increasingly celebrated for their health benefits and almonds are no different. They’re packed with magnesium, which relaxes blood vessels and soothes headaches; grab a 30 gram handful for a headache-healing snack.

Yoghurt: Your brain needs calcium to function efficiently, so your headache could be your body’s way of telling you it needs more of this essential nutrient. Yoghurt is also a great source of probiotics, which helps to keep your gut happy, too.

Spinach: Get some greens on your plate! Spinach and other leafy green vegetables have been shown to decrease blood pressure – and may even prevent hangovers. Spinach is rich in anti-oxidants as well, and is a great way to up your iron intake if you follow a meat-free diet. Whip up pasta with spinach, mushrooms and almonds.

Sesame seeds: Not only are these crunchy little nuggets another great source of magnesium, they’re rich in vitamin E, which can help prevent migraines during menstruation. If you find your head pounding while you have your period, try nibbling on ginger and sesame seed logs.

Coffee: No, we’re not giving you permission to spend the day sinking soy lattes, but coffee can relax blood vessels and alleviate a headache. Don’t go overboard though; too much java can lead to dehydration. Kick the headache with one, delicious cup and then sip on plenty of water.

This story originally appeared on Food To Love.

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Victoria Beckham doesn’t look like this anymore

Vic has undergone a big change!

Victoria Beckham has been rocking her signature long brunette locks for some time now, but now that summer has hit those in America, the designer has decided it’s time for a change.

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Yep, she cut off all her hair! Well, not all, but a fair chunk of it.

She’s gone for a lob (a long bob) and we think it looks incredible!

Vic debuted her fresh cut on Instagram, complete with a daisy chain and all.

What do you think of her new ‘do?

It’s a big change for Posh Spice – look how long her hair was in this Instagram pic from last month!

She recently attended her good pal Eva Longoria’s wedding to Jose Antonio Baston.

Vic acted as the witness to the intimate at-home ceremony and even designed Eva’s dress for the big day!

VIDEO: See Victoria and husband David tear up the dancefloor at the wedding below:

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Why Renee Zellweger quit Hollywood for six years

She starred in 20 movies between 2000 – 2010 but then, she vanished.
Why Renee Zellweger quit Hollywood for six years

She’s starred in some of the biggest films of all time – from Cold Mountain to Bridget Jones’s Diary – but Renee Zellweger called it quits from Tinseltown six years ago.

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“I got sick of the sound of my own voice: it was time to go way and grow up a bit,” she told British Vogue.

Renee in 2004 when she won the Academy Award for best Supporting Actress for Cold Mountain

The 47-year-old found she needed to take a break from the glitz and glam of Hollywood in order to do her job well.

“I found anonymity, so I could have exchanges with people on a human level and be seen and heard, not be defined by this image that precedes me when I walk into a room,” she told the publication.

“You cannot be a good storyteller if you don’t have life experiences, and you can’t relate to people.”

Renee, who starred in 20 movies between 2000 and 2010, is returning soon to our screens for Bridget Jones’s Baby.

WATCH: Trailer for Bridget Jones’s Baby

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“I put on a few pounds,” she said of her role.

“I also put on some breasts and a baby bump.”

“Bridget is a perfectly normal weight and I’ve never understood why it matters so much. No male actor would get such scrutiny if he did the same thing for a role.”

Renee on the set of Bridget Jones’s Baby

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Lauren Brant and Barry Hall reportedly spotted kissing

The unlucky in love starlet may have found a fresh romance with her former I’m A Celeb co-star!
Lauren Brant and Barry Hall

According to a report from The Daily Telegraph Lauren Brant and AFL star Barry Hall, who starred on last year’s I’m A Celeb, enjoyed a cosy night together at Brisbane hotspot Beat Megaclub over the weekend.

“They were very cuddly, touchy feely and kissing,” a witness claimed to the publication.

Meanwhile a rep for the club confirmed the reality stars were indeed at the venue. “I let them through security at the front door,” the spokesperson said.

While Lauren, 27, and Barry, 39, are yet to comment on the claims, the former Hi-5 songstress shared a photo from their night out to her Instagram account.

“This is me in a very happy place!!! With these two beauties,” the singer penned alongside a snap of her with Barry and their fellow I’m A Celeb pal, Joel Creasey.

Last year, Woman’s Day revealed Lauren had split with her fiance Warren following her affair with Beau Ryan.

“This is me in a very happy place!” Lauren penned alongside this snap with Joel and Barry.

In our exclusive, Warren explained he discovered his wife-to-be was cheating after he unearthed text messages on his phone.

“It’s kind of a punch in the stomach. I felt completely sick,” Warren admitted at the time.

Meanwhile footy star Beau has never confirmed the details of his relationship with the children’s entertainer, only speaking out on the subject to request privacy.

“Firstly, I just want to apologise to all the people that have been hurt recently,” Beau said during his grand final appearance on The Footy Show last year.

“It’s been really, really hard for myself and my family, and everyone involved. But, I’m not here to talk about my private life,” the father-of-one revealed.

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Inside Simon Baker’s $3m Bondi penthouse

What incredible views!
Inside Simon Baker's $3m Bondi penthouse

Simon Baker has sold his incredible North Bondi penthouse for an undisclosed sum just nine days after putting it up for sale between $3.3 – $3.5 million.

The Mentalist actor and his wife Rebecca Rigg sold their apartment though McGrath Estate Agents in Edgecliff within two weeks of it being advertised, The Daily Telegraph reports.

The couple also purchased a $6.5 million, three-bedroom family home in Bronte last year.

Click through to see the amazing North Bondi pad – we wouldn’t mind spending a summer’s day on that patio!

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