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Have you seen these three children?

The siblings have been missing since Wednesday evening.
Search missing children christies beach Adelaide

A search is underway for three children last seen at Christies Beach in Adelaide’s south.

Siblings Ethan Lawson, 12, Jayden Lawson, 10, and Sienna Dodd, six, were dropped off to football training at Bice Oval at 6pm on Wednesday night but are believed to have run off and have not been found despite an extensive search of the area.

“It is believed they intended to go to their father’s house in Hackham West and police are making inquiries with family and friends in the area to find the children,” police said in a statement.

“Police have concerns for the children’s welfare.”

Anyone with information is urged to contact the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.

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Hornsby shooting: Police defend tactics

Three people suffered gunshot wounds after police opened fire at a knife-wielding man at a Westfield shopping centre in Hornsby, Sydney’s south yesterday.
Hornsby shooting: Police defend tactics

The actions of police are under scrutiny after police shot at a knife-wielding man at Hornsby Westfield yesterday, injuring three innocent shoppers in the process.

Police have launched a critical incident investigation into the shooting which will be carried out by the Parramatta Local Area Command, news.com.au reports.

The main issue to be investigated will be why a Taser or other options were not used by the officers.

“The officers have fired shots at the offender, he was wounded several times, unfortunately some bystanders were also injured with other bullet or fragment wounds,” Assistant Commissioner Denis Clifford said of the moment psychiatric patient Jerry Sourian, 23, ran at them, armed with a large carving knife.

Via Nine news.

“If a Taser was available a decision was made by those officers in a life and death situation.”

“This occurred in a matter of seconds … there was a matter of metres in it in the confined space of a shopping mall.”

Mr Sourian is in a serious but stable condition at Royal North Shore Hospital and two women, aged 82 and 65, are in stable conditions, ABC News reports.

Another woman, aged 60, is at Westmead Hospital in a stable condition.

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New portrait of the Danish royal family released

In celebration of Queen Margrethe’s 76th birthday, the Danish royals sat down for a stunning new portrait.
Danish Royal Family

The Danish palace has released a colourful new portrait marking the 76th birthday of Queen Margrethe.

The impeccably symmetrical snap, which was taken in the palace by photographer Steen Brogaard, shows the Monarch sitting beside her husband Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark.

Standing regally either side of the two are the couple’s sons and daughters-in-law.

Our very own Mary rests her hands contently on the back of her mother-in-law’s chair, as does her handsome husband Frederik, and beside him stands Prince Joachim who bears an identical smile to his mother.

And if the outfits look familiar, it’s because they are! The post from the Danish royal family’s Facebook page reveals that this happy snap was taken just moments after the six waved to onlookers from the balcony of the Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen.

The stunning portrait was taken just moments after the royals stepped out to wave at onlookers.

The 76-year-old celebrated her birthday on April 16 which funnily enough sits days before Queen Elizabeth’s on April 21.

“She’s wonderful. I really admire the way she has lived her life, the way she continues to live her life. She’s so dedicated and she has a marvellous sense of humour,” Margrethe said to the Telegraph of her fellow Monarch.

“I’m lucky enough to know her privately and I do enjoy that sense of humour.”

Watch Queen Margrethe chat candidly about Queen Elizabeth in the video player below! Post continues…

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While the two Queens have their titles and colourful style in common, they also differ in a few ways.

Queen Margrethe is known among the royals as the life of the party who takes a rather candid approach when it comes to royal events, compared to her comrade Elizabeth II who usually remains stoic in public.

The Monarchs are longtime pals.

The 76-year-old loves a good time!

Meanwhile this week Princess Mary traded in her tiara for something a little more practical.

On June 5, the Tasmanian-born royal became one of 5,000 volunteers at the Bülows Barracks in Fredericia town to train with the Denmark’s National Guard.

Dressed in head-to-toe camouflage, the 44-year-old spent two days undergoing rigorous drills, naval manoeuvres and target practices.

The future queen of Denmark, who also holds the rank of First Lieutenant, proved that she sure is one tough cookie as she joined in with all the activities.

The future Queen showed off her skills at the two-day training session.

She even had time to mingle with the other volunteers!

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Mum’s powerful letter to doctor who said she should abort DS baby

“Emmy is proof that children with special needs are worthy and can change the world. She’s doing it right now.”

For Courtney Baker, the light in her life is her beautiful daughter Emersyn. She’s a giggly, happy 15-month-old baby girl.

“Emersyn has not only added to our quality of life, she’s touched the hearts of thousands,” the Florida mother said.

But when she was pregnant with Emersyn and learned that her unborn child would have special needs, she was told to seriously consider terminating the pregnancy.

The doctor seemed to assume that it would be an unwanted burden on Courtney and her partner’s life.

Courtney has never forgotten that conversation between herself and the doctor, and she has now written a powerful letter straight from the heart to share how wrong it was to question her decision to keep Emmy.

She delivered the letter in the mail (with some help from little Emersyn!) at the end of last month and said: “I have no idea how the doctor might have reacted to my letter, but I do have faith that God can work any miracle and he can change any heart.”

Pic via Parker Myles.

“Emmy is proof that children with special needs are worthy and can change the world. She’s doing it right now.”

In the heartfelt letter to the doctor, she hopes that they be caring when seeing a Down syndrome baby “lovingly tucked in her mother’s womb.”

Pic via Parker Myles.

Read the full letter below

“Dear Doctor,

A friend recently told me of when her prenatal specialist would see her child during her sonograms, he would comment, “He’s perfect.” Once her son was born with Down syndrome, she visited that same doctor. He looked at her little boy and said, “I told you. He’s perfect.”

Her story tore me apart. While I was so grateful for my friend’s experience, it filled me with such sorrow because of what I should have had. I wish you would have been that doctor.

I came to you during the most difficult time in my life. I was terrified, anxious and in complete despair. I didn’t know the truth yet about my baby, and that’s what I desperately needed from you. But instead of support and encouragement, you suggested we terminate our child. I told you her name, and you asked us again if we understood how low our quality of life would be with a child with Down syndrome. You suggested we reconsider our decision to continue the pregnancy.

From that first visit, we dreaded our appointments. The most difficult time in my life was made nearly unbearable because you never told me the truth. My child was perfect.

I’m not angry. I’m not bitter. I’m really just sad. I’m sad the tiny beating hearts you see every day don’t fill you with a perpetual awe. I’m sad the intricate details and the miracle of those sweet little fingers and toes, lungs and eyes and ears don’t always give you pause. I’m sad you were so very wrong to say a baby with Down syndrome would decrease our quality of life. And I’m heartbroken you might have said that to a mommy even today. But I’m mostly sad you’ll never have the privilege of knowing my daughter, Emersyn.

Because, you see, Emersyn has not only added to our quality of life, she’s touched the hearts of thousands. She’s given us a purpose and a joy that is impossible to express. She’s given us bigger smiles, more laughter and sweeter kisses than we’ve ever known. She’s opened our eyes to true beauty and pure love.

So my prayer is that no other mommy will have to go through what I did. My prayer is that you, too, will now see true beauty and pure love with every sonogram.

And my prayer is when you see that next baby with Down syndrome lovingly tucked in her mother’s womb, you will look at that mommy and see me then tell her the truth: “Your child is perfect.””

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Ed Sheeran sued for $26 million over song Photograph

The two-time Grammy Award winner is being sued a very hefty amount for allegedly copying a song off his latest album.
Ed Sheeran

The 25-year-old songwriter has been hit with a very large lawsuit from Martin Harrington and Thomas Leonard, who claim that Ed’s song Photograph is a “note-for-note” copy of their 2009 track, released by UK X-Factor winner Matt Cardle.

The plaintiffs and their publishing company HaloSongs are being represented by attorney Richard Busch, who represented Marvin Gaye’s family during their recent case over Robin Thicke and Pharrell’s single, Blurred Lines.

“My clients are professional songwriters,” the lawyer told The Hollywood Reporter.

“Their work is their life, and I am honoured that they have trusted me with this very important case.”

“We set out the facts in the lawsuit in great detail.”

Compare the two tracks for yourself in the video player below! Post continues…

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According to Martin Harrington and Thomas Leonard, “The chorus sections of Amazing and the infringing Photograph share 39 identical notes – meaning the notes are identical in pitch, rhythmic duration, and placement in the measure.”

“The songs’ similarities reach the very essence of the work. The similarities go beyond substantial, which is itself sufficient to establish copyright infringement, and are in fact striking.”

At age 25, Ed is expected to be worth a whopping $76 million.

“The similarity of words, vocal style, vocal melody, melody, and rhythm are clear indicators, among other things, that Photograph copies Amazing.”

While Ed or his rep are yet to comment on the lawsuit, the pair are seeking compensation of $20 million USD ($26.7 AUD), as well as statutory damages and any ongoing royalties.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments!

The ginger talent is best pals with 10-time Grammy Award winner Taylor Swift.

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NSW baby dies after doctors refused to listen to mother’s intuition

The parents of a six-month-old who died are fighting to introduce a law that validates a parent’s intuition with medical professionals.
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A mother’s intuition is everything, but tragically, it didn’t help in saving her six-month-old baby boy’s life.

Naomi and Grant Day urged doctors to do further tests on their sick son Kyran but he sadly died in October 2013 due to lack of oxygen flow to the brain, as a result of an obstructed bowel.

The parents told Seven News that they’ve pledged to introduce a law to ensure a parent’s intuition for their child is taken seriously by medical professionals.

A similar law is in place in Queensland, called Ryan’s rule.

Kyran was diagnosed with gastroenteritis after being taken to Shoalhaven Hospital in October 2013, but Mr and Mrs Day knew there was something more going on.

Naomi and Grant Day

Despite rejected pleas to doctors for further tests to be done, little Kyran’s health rapidly deteriorated over the next 30 hours.

When doctors finally realised he had an obstructed bowel, he was rushed to Sydney Children’s Hospital.

Mr Day said: “He died from the mismanagement and the mistreatment, the treatment that didn’t happen.”

“The deterioration from the night before was horrific. I told my Mum… he’s severely dehydrated, he’s pale, they’re not doing anything.”

The doctor involved in Kyran’s case told Seven News that he apologised to the family and is waiting for the coroners report.

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Richard Simmons denies reports he’s transitioning

The renowned fitness instructor has slammed reports he’s now living as a woman called Fiona.
Richard Simmons

Richard Simmons has lashed out at the National Enquirer’s latest cover story, which alleges the 67-year-old is in the process of a gender transition.

“It’s not true. He is not transitioning into a woman. He has decided to live quietly the last few years,” the star’s rep Tom Estey told US Weekly.

The report has emerged off the back of Richard being admitted to Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in LA last week for reportedly displaying “bizarre behaviour.”

Following his hospitalisation, he released a statement reassuring fans he was on the mend.

“Thank you to everyone who has reached out with love and concern after hearing I was in the hospital. I was dehydrated and needed some fluids and now I am feeling great! Summer is here -drink plenty of liquids. Big hugs and kisses for caring,” it read.

The explosive magazine cover.

Meanwhile alongside photos of Richard allegedly dressed up as Fiona, The National Enquirer claims the weightloss expert has led a secluded life over the past few years as he undergoes the transition with “breast implants, hormone treatments and medical consultations on castration.”

Richard, who made a name for himself thanks to his Sweatin’ to the Oldeis aerobics empire, has never addressed his sexuality.

Listen to Richard’s denial about being kidnapped in the player below. Post continues after the video…

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It’s not the first time Richard been rocked by wild claims.

In March the New York Daily News ran a story which alleged he was being held captive in his Hollywood Hills mansion by his housekeeper, Teresa Reveles, through the power of witchcraft.

Richard, who has not been seen in public since 2014, vehemently denied the story.

Richard’s rep has vehemnelty denied the National Enquirer’s report.

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New portrait of Princess Mary and family released

Princess Mary looks stunning a new portrait released to celebrate Queen Margrethe II’s 76th birthday

The Danish palace has released a beautiful portrait of Crown Princess Mary alongside her family.

The official portrait was taken at Queen Margrethe II’s 76th birthday by Photographer Steen Brogaard.

Writing on its Facebook page, the palace said the portrait was taken shortly after the family appeared on the balcony at the Queen’s birthday celebrations.

Saturday the 16th of April marked the Queen of Denmark’s 76th birthday, so to celebrate the special occasion, members of the Danish royal family came together.

Taking a break from the celebrations, the family stood on the balcony of the Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen.

Crown Princess Mary was seen waving and flashing her pearly whites, wearing a stunning magenta coat adorned with a glittering broach over a white blouse and a black skirt.

Standing alongside her was Crown Prince Frederik, who looked more than happy to be celebrating his mother’s milestone birthday.

The couple’s four children, Prince Christian, 10, Princess Isabella, eight and their youngest, five-year-old twins Princess Josephine and Prince Vincent also joined in with their grandmother’s festivities, smiling and waving to the crowd.

The family were joined by her majesty herself, who stepped out to acknowledge and thank onlookers, wearing a bright blue dress and long matching coat.

Prince Henrik, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie were also in attendance.

It had been a big week of proceedings for Prince Frederik and Princess Mary, who grew up in Tasmania.

The Crown Princess braved the April chill to welcome the Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto and his wife, Angelica Rivera to Helsingor, to Denmark.

Later that evening, the Australian-born royal and her husband attended a formal state banquet at Fredensborg Castle, to officially welcome the Mexican President and the first lady.

To honour Queen Margrethe II on her 76th birthday, Enrique Peña Nieto stood to deliver a message of praise in a touching speech.

“Denmark is an advanced country led by a great woman: Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II,” he said in his native tongue.

“Thanks to your political vision and sensibility, the Danish people rally around you and have respect [for you]. The people recognise their [the monarchy’s] intellectual background, artistic talent and their willingness to help Danes.

The Spaniard continued, “Their international leadership and ability to bring the Danish people together is recognised throughout the world.”

The Danish monarch celebrates her day of birth just days before Queen Elizabeth II turns 90.

“That is an extraordinary occasion, isn’t it?” Queen Margrethe said to the Telegraph of the British monarch, who is her long-term friend.

“She’s wonderful. I really admire the way she has lived her life, the way she continues to live her life. She’s so dedicated and she has a marvellous sense of humour.”

“I’m lucky enough to know her privately and I do enjoy that sense of humour.”

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My battle with insomnia

It’s a topic often swept under the rug but Kerri Sackville opens up about her battle with insomnia.
My battle with insomnia

When I was a child, and I couldn’t sleep, my mother would stroke me on my head and reassure me.

“Just rest if you can’t sleep,” she would say. “Resting is just as good.”

She was doing the right thing, trying to ease my concern. I say similar to my own kids when they can’t sleep at night.

But even then, I knew she was wrong. Resting isn’t as good as sleeping. And sleep deprivation can have serious consequences. At best it can make you headachy and foggy. At worst, it can cause health problems, intensify anxiety and depression, increase the risk of accidents, and affect your ability to function.

Recently, Kim Cattrall – best known as Samantha from Sex and the City – revealed that she withdrew from a starring role in a London stage play due to chronic insomnia. The actress was operating on three hours sleep a night, which made her feel like there was a ‘three-ton gorilla on my chest’.

Her admission was incredibly courageous. After all, our society still doesn’t readily recognize ‘invisible’ health issues such as anxiety and depression. Though we support people living with physical illnesses, those with mental illness are expected to just battle on quietly. It is no surprise that when Cattrall dropped out of the play it was generally assumed that she had cancer. We don’t consider the possibility of mental illness. It is barely acknowledged as being real.

But anxiety and insomnia are very real, and the consequences can be devastating. I have suffered from long periods of insomnia, and it has reduced me to a blubbering wreck. When my first babies were born, I became so anxious about their night waking that I would be unable to fall asleep after their feeds. I would lie awake in anguish for hours as they slept, and walked around in a fog the next day. I couldn’t have gone to work at that point; I barely functioned as a parent. I developed post-natal depression which took a good two years to resolve. And if my mother hadn’t helped me out by caring for the kids so I could sleep during the day, I am not sure how I would have survived.

So often in life we are encouraged to push through, no matter what demons we are fighting. Anxious? Stop worrying and get on with it. Depressed? Pull yourself together. Not sleeping? Soldier on anyway.

But anxiety and depression and insomnia are real, and sometimes – as Kim Cattrall has so bravely demonstrated – we just can’t push through. Sometimes we have to take time out to deal with our mental health, just as we would for any physical health problems.

My insomnia still rears its ugly head from time to time, but it is rare. I have reduced most of the stressors that intensified my anxiety, and have numerous techniques up my sleeve from my years in therapy. I’ve also arranged my life so that I can have an afternoon nap if necessary, so that I can be as productive as possible. I know how important sleep is, and I know that rest just isn’t as good.

Not everyone can adjust their lives as I have, and not everyone has the resources of Kim Cattrall. Still, our suffering is the same, and the awareness that we are not alone in our experiences is powerful.

But the knowledge that there is hope is the most powerful of all.

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EXCLUSIVE: Meet the British Royal Family’s favourite butler

He served royalty for over a decade and now Grant Harrold is sharing his fascinating story.
Grant Harrold and The Queen

The 37-year-old sat down with Woman’s Day Online and spoke about his time with Princes Charles, Duchess Camilla, The Queen, Prince William and Kate and the ever-charming Prince Harry.

Talking to the Royal Butler, it’s clear his time living with the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall in Balmoral was simply spectacular.

As a royal enthusiast, I had to find out his most treasured memory (and let’s just say it sparkles more than the crown jewels!)

“There were so many… but my fondest has to be dancing with The Queen,” he smiled fondly.

The 37-year-old is in Australia with Stayz.com

“It was at the Ghillies Ball. In fact, I remember I used to watch it when I was a kid.”

“After a year working with them, they [Charles and Camilla] asked me if I’d like to go. At the time I was really young and in my spare time I took dancing lessons, because an instructor had come up to the area,” he recalled.

Continuing, he laughed, “I remember I felt like such an idiot!”

“One night I was in the drawing room and they both asked me if I was going to go to the ball. I remember hesitating and saying I’m not sure because I don’t really know anybody. And they insisted that I must go.”

“Then the Duchess said ‘you can come with us!’ before she added, ‘and if you come, I’ll dance with you,'” Grant explained of Camilla, who he confirmed has a fantastic sense of humour.

And that was the end of it! True to their word, Grant was invited to the ball and was shown the time of his life by the generous couple.

We knew it! Apparently the Duke and Duchess have a wild sense of humour.

Dressed in his kilt, he drove to the ball with the lady in waiting.

“I felt like their adopted son for the night. I walked in and tried to keep out the way and I remember thinking the Duchess would forget about the dance,” he chuckled.

“And then she spotted me across the room and made her way towards me. She comes right up to me and says, ‘Shall we dance?’ before leading me to the dance floor.”

The scene that followed is like something out of a fairy tale.

“People just parted as we danced across the floor. I recall how hard I tried to dance her around the room. I kept asking ‘Are you OK?’ I was just so nervous and so excited,” Grant fondly remembered.

“But she was so kind, and just made me feel at ease, saying, ‘You’ve got to enjoy this. It is such a great experience for you!’”

As their waltz ended, Grant expected to leave the dance floor but soon discovered another lady was waiting to be twirled… The Queen.

Grant with the Woman’s Day Online team.

“I remember telling the Duchess I was going to go sit and she just smiled, shook her head and motioned for me to turn around.”

Laughing out loud, he remembered the utter shock when he realised Britain’s head of state was standing right behind him.

“I just bowed a little and said, ‘Your Majesty!’”

“Soon the music started. I can’t remember what she said; I think I was just shocked!”

“Suddenly she was on one side; The Duchess took my other hand, while the Prince was opposite me. We all linked up hands and started dancing the Eightsome Reel [Watch what the dance looks like in the video player below… Post continues!]

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“It was absolutely amazing! It felt like something out of the movie.”

And his story does read like a Hollywood film. Growing up in Scotland, Grant came from humble beginnings.

Living with his parents in a council home he always dreamed of bigger and better things.

“Around the time when I was 12, I began this fascination with the royal family. My mum recalls me saying I really wanted to marry them or work for them,” he mused.

Balmoral, where Grant worked, has been a part of Charles’ life since the very beginning.

It wasn’t until he was 17 that he was thrust into the intriguing world of butlers.

Describing it as fate, he told us, “My mum got a job as a housekeeper where they had butlers. I went in one day to help her and saw a private jet fly past. I found out the butlers were in it and I thought ‘Oh wow! I should look into doing this!’”

Soon, the sprightly teen underwent a two-week apprenticeship and the rest is history.

About five years later in 2003, Grant heard a job was available in Prince Charles’ household. Following an intense six-month interview process, he scored a face-to-face chat with the heir to the throne.

Watch Grant teach us the proper way to curtsy. Post continues…

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“I remember he was with the Duchess and they invited me for a cup of tea. We chatted for some time and then he said we’d get in touch. At the time I thought it seemed promising because I remember Charles saying after our chat, ‘I’m sure we’ll work something out!’”

A week later, Grant received an official job offer. He went on to work with the family for over seven years.

In fact, it was the notion of family that brought Grant to our sunny shores with the accommodation booking site Stayz.com.

The stunning Stayz.com mansion is fit for royalty!

The etiquette specialist was flown out to meet the lucky winners of a competition, where they were given the chance to live like royalty in one of Stayz.com’s fabulous properties (To all the reality TV fans out there, you’ll recognise the place from Beauty and the Geek.)

Speaking to us about the experience, Grant mused, “They [the British royals] are very much a family unit, which is what I love about Stayz.com – it’s what they represent.”

“My job was about how the royal family utilised all the rooms in their home, and I got to help show this to the winners.”

Watch Grant in action in the video player below!

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