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Axe murder ‘survivor’ confesses to killings

He told police he had miraculously survived his family’s brutal axe murders – then he handed himself in to police.

Eighteen months after he “survived” the brutal attack that killed his parents and brother, a former Perth student has confessed to their murders.

Henri van Breda, 21, has reportedly been arrested near Cape Town 18 months after the murders of his parents and older brother Rudi, 22.

Martin and Teresa van Breda – who raised their family in Western Australia for several years before returning to their native South Africa – and their eldest son were killed in their Stellenbosch mansion on January 27, 2015.

Their daughter Marli, 16, narrowly escaped death after being left with a severed jugular and fractured skull, while Henri escaped with only superficial injuries.

Martin and Teresa van Breda we killed in January 2015.

Marli miraculously survived the attack.

Three of the five members of the family were brutally murdered.

Henri told police an unknown intruder had attacked his family members with an axe before throwing the weapon at him, knocking him unconscious, a story Marli was unable to contradict as her injuries had left her with severe amnesia.

Suspicion first fell on Henri when the doctor who treated him told police he suspected his injuries were self-inflicted but the case stalled and Henri has been free until he handed himself in this week.

He has reportedly been charged with three counts of murder and one count of attempted murder.

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Woman with dementia overjoyed hearing late husband’s voice

The voice was recorded inside a teddy bear.
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This will fill you with the warm and fuzzies.

A grandmother in the UK was overjoyed after hearing a recording of her late-husbands voice inside a teddy bear.

The happy moment was filmed by 27-year-old Abbie Webb, who had the voice-recording bear repaired for her 83-year-old grandmother, Jean Walters.

Ms Walters – who has suffered from dementia for 11 years – lost her husband Dennis to lung cancer.

“To say she was ecstatic is an understatement,” Ms Webb told the Bristol Post.

Once the bear broke, Ms Webb was told it would not be able to be fixed.

However, she tracked down a specialist company to repair the bear.

“The thing is with her, with her dementia, she gets quite confused with emotion and sometimes she loses track of things, so I imagined should was just going to say thanks,” she said.

“It shocked me and all of my family that she was that taken aback by getting it back.

“It was nice to see her so happy.”

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East coast bracing for another super storm

Australia’s east coast is about to be hit by another damaging storm.

The clean-up from the last storm is barely complete but residents of Australia’s east coast are being warned to prepare for another deluge.

Early forecasts for this weekend are predicting another dangerous tempest, potentially resulting in heavy rainfall and high winds in Queensland and NSW, with up to 150mm of rainfall expected to fall within 24 hours.

Higgings Storm Chasing says a low pressure trough is on track to collide with a strong upper level trough, producing wild weather across western and south-west Queensland on Saturday and central and western NSW on Sunday.

On Monday, another low will potentially hit the NSW coast between Wollongong and Port Macquarie on Sunday evening, continuing into Monday.

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Sydney is expected to be hit at around 4pm on Monday.

It’s bad news for thousands of people still cleaning up from the last big storm, which caused more than $50 million in Queensland, NSW and Tasmania earlier this month.

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Chow down: The best foods to eat before and after your workout

Because you wouldn’t want to undo all of your hard work on a post-run burrito, now would you?
Gwyneth Paltrow

If you’re one of those people who tend to reward yourself with a big ‘ole burger after Bikram Yoga, then perhaps you need to learn something today.

Put it this way – there’s no point in going for that early morning jog if you plan on having a pop tart for breakky, and while we all have weak moments and sometimes accidentally have to eat a Kit Kat after climbing 12 flights of stairs (what? Don’t judge!), it’s much better to know the best fuel to put in your body which will compliment the all the hard work you just performed.

It may sound obvious, but the food you feed your body before and after your workout is actually part of the crucial formula to losing weight, building lean muscle and getting the most out of your training.

So without further ado, here are our top tips for what to eat before and after you hit the gym.

Although excersise is NOT Adele’s favourite thing to do, the star has embarked on her own mission to slim down.

Why you should eat before a workout:

Just because science has discovered that the body can burn the same amount of fat on either a full or empty stomach, it doesn’t mean you should skip breakfast.

When the body has no protein to burn, it turns to your muscles for fuel – meaning that if you choose to work out on an empty stomach, your body will likely lose the abs you worked so hard to gain in the first place.

To prevent this as well as any tiredness and muscular fatigue, you’re going to want to fuel up the right way before you hit the gym.

For a power-packed pre-workout smoothie, try this almond and avocado protein smoothie from our friends over at Food To Love!

What you should eat before a workout:

Try and include some form of complex carbohydrate, as well as a protein.

For breakfast, this can include a piece of whole wheat toast with almond butter, cinnamon and banana or a goodness-packed smoothie with berries, yogurt and bran.

Or for a savoury option, try crackers with hummus or brown rice with baked sweet potato, broccoli and olive oil.

Avoid mid-workout grumbles with a healthy fuel up.

Why you should eat after a workout:

After finishing a sweat session, your body is looking for some kind of energy source to replenish the glycogen you just used up in your last star jump.

Since this is usually the time those fried food cravings set in, it’s important to have something small on hand to tide you over.

Experts recommend munching on a small amount of carbohydrates shortly after exercise such as a small sandwich, banana smoothie or a handful of popcorn and then indulging on a proper meal 45 minutes later.

Check out Chrissy Teigen’s recipe for healthy Vietnamese rice paper rolls in the video below! Post continues…

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What you should eat after a workout:

Eating lean proteins and healthy fats 45 minutes after a workout will give your body the best chance to build lean muscle, refuel and recover for your next session.

Try a green leaf salad with avocado, egg, chickpeas and baked potato for an easy lunchtime whip-up.

And for something a little bit more hearty, try baked salmon with veggies and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Happy eating!

For a healthy post-workout dinner, try this salmon with shaved cauliflower salad!

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Who does Princess Charlotte look like most?

She's the "lady like" princess whose cuteness has won over the world - but where does she get it from?
Who does Princess Charlotte look like most?

She’s the “lady like” princess whose cuteness has won over the world – but where does she get it from?

Over the weekend, little Charlotte graced the Buckingham Palace balcony for the very first time in celebration of Trooping the Colour.

And many royal fans noted how much the tot reminded them of Her Majesty when she was a little girl. From her sweet pink dress, brunette locks and her twinkling eyes!

The fourth in line to the throne has grown so much since we last saw her, with the angelic bub embodying features from both her mother, father and big brother.

Earlier this year, the Palace have released four new stunning portraits of Princess Charlotte to celebrate her first birthday.

It’s easy to see Charlotte has inherited her mother’s hair colour and she has much darker locks than her blondie older sibling, George.

But what else has she inherited from her loved ones? Click through the gallery to find out!

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day.

Princess Charlotte made her very first Buckingham Palace balcony appearance over the weekend at Trooping the Colour. Many royal well-wishers note how much the 13-month-old reminded them of the lady of the moment, Queen Elizabeth!

Mum, Catherine, certainly loves dressing and styling her little one to match Charlotte’s Gan-Gan.

Both girls share a sweet disposition and those famous royal cheeks!

The tiny tot has one thing down pat, the Queen’s royal wave!

In celebration of Princess Charlotte’s first birthday, her mummy Duchess Catherine shared four new snaps of the little royal… And can we just say how much she reminds us of her big brother Georgie! Look at those matching pensive looks and divine cheeks.

Clearly blue eyes run in the family… Charlotte also reminds us of her dad, Prince William when he was a bub.

Cherub cheeks and the sweet almond eyes… these siblings sure have the cute factor in spades!

Curiosity runs in the family!

There’s no doubt the little Princess has similar features to her two-year-old brother! The pair share the same bow lips and button noses however the prince has much lighter hair than his little sis.

Last year at Charlotte’s July christening, it was hard to tell George (main, pictured at his 2013 christening) and her (inset) apart!

Cheekiness certainly runs in the family! The resemblance between a young Prince William (L) having a chuckle is eerily similar to his daughter.

It looks like the six-month-old has mum Catherine’s (right) brunette hair and big, doe eyes. While there’s no denying she has inherited an array of traits from her family, she’s certainly her own little person! Prince William describes his only daughter as “a little joy of heaven” and that she is becoming very “ladylike.”

Where as Prince George has inherited Wills’ blonde locks! It seems his little sis is the perfect mix of everyone, while having her own distinct look.

It’s a royal flush! We got Déjà vu when we saw Charlotte at her christening (L). She looks so much like her big brother George, when he got christened back in 2013 (R)

We can not wait to see Princess Charlotte grow before us. We imagine she’ll take after her beautiful mother, Catherine, pictured here at age five.

Siblings that love to share! Both George and Charlotte were cradled in the same crochet blanket when they made their hospital debut.

Duchess Catherine, pictured with sister Pippa, shares an incredible bond with her siblings, and we can’t wait to see that mirrored in her two kids.

You can already see how much big brother, George simply adores his little sister.

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The truth about married life after kids

Husband. Wife. Roomates?

A mum’s brutally honest post about married life after children has gone viral.

In a blog post entitled Husband. Wife. Roomates?, Mel Watts reflects on how her marriage has changed since welcoming her children into the world.

“The other night I lay there crying,” she wrote. “He was snoring his busy week away and I was wide awake thinking of all the things we used to be.

“The long date nights have gone. The sleep-ins are non-existent. The surprise weekends away, we can no longer afford them.

“The late nights are now laying there silently with our backs to each other hoping the other one will get up for the crying baby.

“The text messages that used to be about how much I love you are now more likely to read: ‘Babes got my period, get pads – wings. And whatever you and the kids want for dinner. Can’t cook dying.’”

But while these changes sometimes bring her to tears, Mel insists the romance isn’t dead in her marriage.

“Things have changed. Have they changed for the worse? No. I don’t think so. I am still very much in love with my husband. It’s just a different kind of relationship now.

“Is the romance dead? No. It’s very much alive but it also has another three humans involved it’s not as easy anymore.

“Nothing is going to be easy forever. Nothing is going to stay the same. And that’s okay. It’s about becoming together and staying together during the good, the ugly and the children.”

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Oscar Pistorius ‘a broken man’ who should not be jailed

A psychologist has told a court in South Africa that Oscar Pistorius is a “broken” man who should not be jailed for the murder of his girlfriend.
Oscar Pistorius ‘a broken man’ who should not be jailed

The 29-year-old “Blade Runner” faces a minimum 15-year jail term after his manslaughter conviction for the 2013 killing was upgraded on appeal.

However, Jonathan Scholtz, a psychologist called by Pistorius’ lawyer Barry Roux, told the court that Pistorius was on medication for depression, anxiety and insomnia, ABC reports.

“One would describe him as broken. In my opinion his current condition warrants hospitalisation,” Mr Scholtz said before adding that Pistorius was not in the right frame of mind to testify.

Oscar and Reeva in 2012.

“Since 2013, he becomes traumatised when he hears the sound of gunfire.

“He never wants to touch a firearm again.”

However, Prosecutor Gerrie Nel questioned the claims that Pistorius was not fit to testify, saying he had given a TV interview which is due to air on June 24.

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10 per cent of people shoplift at self-service checkouts

Are you one of those people?

The self-service checkouts at Woolworths and Coles may be favoured by customers but it seems they’re abusing it.

In fact, 10 per cent of shoppers have revealed they deliberately don’t pay for items, and 17 per cent of people in their 30s have admitted to stealing while at the check out.

Even people in their 70s (two per cent) have stolen in the scan and bag area.

The stats were configured by Canstar Blue and found that the ratio of people who like self-serve checkouts to those that don’t is almost 50/50.

According to News Corp, Coles has increased security to tackle the issue, and Woolworths have said that they closely monitored check-outs.

Head of Canstar Blue, Megan Doyle, has discovered in the research the frustrations of customers over the technology.

“When they work properly, and customers use them properly, self-service checkouts are clearly a convenient option for many shoppers,” she said.

“But when something doesn’t go the way you want it, they can be hugely frustrating.

“They are designed to make the checkout process quicker, so anything that causes a delay is clearly defeating the purpose.

“That includes standing around waiting for an assistant to help correct an issue which can sometimes be the most frustrating part of all.”

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Gunman was a ‘regular’ at Orlando gay club

The shooter had attended the nightclub before the attack and used a popular gay dating app.

The gunman who killed 49 people at a Florida nightclub had attended the club before had been using a popular gay dating app for more than a year.

Pulse nightclub regular Kevin West said he had been chatting to Omar Mateen for around 12 months prior to the shooting on gay chat app Jack’d.

A least four other Pulse regulars told the Orlando Sentinel they had seen Mateen in the club at least a dozen times before.

“Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent,” said Ty Smith, who also uses the name Aries.

“We didn’t really talk to him a lot, but I remember him saying things about his dad at times. He told us he had a wife and child.”

Mateen entered Pulse with a high-powered assault rifle in the early hours of Sunday morning, opening fire and killing 49 people and injuring dozens more. He was eventually killed by police.

Islamic State has claimed Mateen was a member and sympathised with its philosophy.

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Fast, healthy lunchbox ideas the kids will love

Take the stress out of making the kids’ lunches with these quick, easy and nutritious options.
Kids school lunchbox

If grand plans of elaborate lunchboxes often morph into a frantic, early-morning fridge raid, these quick and easy ideas will appeal. Hassle-free and healthy, they also get top marks for taste, ensuring your kids will love them.

Pasta salad

A hearty pasta salad is the perfect lunchtime meal for little ones. It gives kids heaps of slow-release energy for afternoon classes and after-school clubs, plus it’ll fill up grown-ups too if you only want to make one lunch. You can pack it full of almost anything, easily getting four out of the five recommended food groups into one dish. Just be sure to adapt any recipes to include wholemeal pasta, which is healthier, and remove any nuts or spices.

Savoury muffins

Pumpkin and Feta Muffins will please even the fussiest of eaters. The two cheeses – parmesan and feta – boost kids’ dairy intake and cleverly disguise the taste of veggies. If you want to up your child’s veggie count further, just add in some spinach, sweet potato, capsicum or zucchini, too. In under an hour you’ll have a batch of muffins that will last lunchboxes all week; and with little prep time, they’re easy to bake with the kids around.

Pita pockets

Soggy sandwiches never go down well so skip them in favour of pita pockets instead. Just like a wrap or sandwich, you can fill them with pretty much anything, but turkey and corn pockets always prove popular. As a lean protein, you know you’re giving your child the healthiest option with turkey and the salad features corn, carrot and cucumber: three easy-to-eat, nutritious veggies that will round out your child’s lunchtime diet nicely.

Tuna “sushi”

Sushi is a great go-to lunch for kids and adults alike, but if you’re worried about how fresh it keeps in a lunchbox, opt for sushi-style sandwiches instead. Way more interesting to kids than a regular sandwich, it’s packed with the goodness of tuna, carrot and cucumber ticking lots of nutritional boxes. They’ll take no more than 10 minutes to make – the key is flattening the wholegrain bread (with a rolling pin or your hand) so it’s easier to roll up.

Vegemite cheese scrolls

Guaranteed to get the kids’ seal of approval, Vegemite and cheese scrolls make a good lunchbox or after-school snack. You only need six ingredients – chances are you’ll have them all in the pantry or fridge already – and a bit of spare time after the kids have gone to bed to whip up 12 delicious scrolls. If you can, try to use wholemeal self-raising flour and if you have any leftover for the weekend, serve them warm for a winter treat.

Sweet wraps

If your child isn’t as into fruit as you’d like, disguise it in a dessert wrap. This banana, honey and raspberry roll will appeal to sweet tooths, but you can still be safe in the knowledge that it’s healthy and nutritious. Best of all, it won’t take you ages to prepare. Simple mash up a banana, spread on a little honey, add in some raspberries and roll it up. Voila! Dessert is served, your little Highness.

Brought to you by Mission Foods

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