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Melbourne Zoo baby elephant future uncertain

Zoo staff are working hard to care for a baby calf born on Wednesday who is unable to stand due to a rare condition.

An Asian elephant at Melbourne Zoo has been born with a rare condition and is currently unable to stand.

The female calf was born on Wednesday and when she came out, two of her feet were curled backwards.

She has been diagnosed with congenital carpal flexure, which is rare in Asian elephants but can occur in horses.

She can’t walk and therefore hasn’t been able to feed from her mum Num-Oi (pictured above), so instead, keepers are bottle feeding her.

This method of feeding will only be sustained for a couple of weeks as elephants struggle to feed on artificial formula. This means that vets will have to move asap to resolve the little calf’s condition.

Dr Michael Lynch, head vet at Melbourne Zoo, said they’re now trying to treat the baby elephant by putting casts on both her legs, meaning they’ve had to separate mother and daughter. Num-Oi is rightfully in a sad state as she’s not with her baby.

Dr Lynch said: “It’s not a great situation, while in many other species you can bottle raise them, in elephants especially Asian elephants there’s very low success in bottle feeding a baby.”

“Our aim is that we can correct this condition and get her back with her mum as soon as possible, because that’s really her only chance of long-term success.”

He said that while the calf is getting the best care possible, the outcome is still uncertain.

Let’s hope the little baby makes a speedy recovery.

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Katie Holmes shares sweet photo of Suri

Looks like Suri Cruise has a career in the making!

Looks like Suri Cruise has a career in the making – film directing!

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Mum Katie Holmes shared this sweet photo to Instagram of the two of them on set, with 10-year-old Suri in the director’s chair.

Holmes, whose ex-husband is Tom Cruise, captioned the cute photo: “My sweetie,” with a heart emoji, followed by “#setlife #gratitude.”

Holmes is currently filming The Kennedys: After Camelot in Canada, and this is her second time playing late former First Lady Jackie Kennedy.

Katie Holmes as Jackie Kennedy

Katie and Suri live in New York.

VIDEO: Katie Holmes talks about daughter Suri

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How Nicole saved Keith from a lifelong battle with drugs

In a telling new interview, country music star Keith Urban opens up on his tumultuous past with drug addiction, and how his wife of ten years helped him to become a better man.
Nicole Kidman Keith Urban

While it would appear from the outside that Keith Urban lives the good life with his wife and kids in their Nashville manion, the country music star’s road hasn’t always been so smooth.

“They know me now as being married to Nic. They’ve seen me on TV. And they just sort of think, ‘He’s the luckiest guy in the world.'”

Speaking to Rolling Stone Australia, the 48-year-old candidly spoke about the tumultuous life he led before he met his now-wife, admitting that “there’s just so much s— underneath all that that you didn’t see.”

“When I was onstage, I felt good, but if I was not onstage, I was very, very insecure,” he said referring to his time in the spotlight during the ‘90s.

The star, who admitted to dabbling with drugs a few times in his early career, recalls one particularly crushing breakup as the turning point that sent him spiraling.

The star, pictured here in 2001, has been sober for ten years.

“I was on the phone with this girl I was dating. She’s trying to break up with me. I’m saying, ‘What the hell? What’s going on? What’s happened?’ And eventually she said, ‘For F—‘s sake, can’t you see that the novelty of you has worn off?’”

“You might say, ‘Big deal.’ But I was feeling insecure, and the fact that me and my accent would be a novelty to somebody cut me to the core. Oh, my God. Really bad. It devastated me.”

“It was a turning point. After that, s— started to really go awry. I stepped up my drinking. I started doing more drugs. Yeah, man. The whole back end of the Nineties were just awful.”

“I felt like I didn’t have much of anything to offer.”

Flash forward to 2005 – the year the Aussie’s life changed forever when his met the love of his life at G’Day LA, an event honouring Australians.

It was a fairytale romance but the couple, who this week celebrated their 10-year anniversary, began their marriage on a less than solid foundation.

Keith had checked into rehab twice in the years prior to his nuptials, but when Nicole staged an intervention four months after they said “I do” in 2006, the star left home on a three month journey to sobriety.

The couple pictured in their hometown of Nashville, Tennessee in 2007.

“I caused the implosion of my fresh marriage,” he recalled.

“It survived, but it’s a miracle it did. I was spiritually awoken with her. I use the expression ‘I was born into her,’ and that’s how I feel.”

“And for the first time in my life, I could shake off the shackles of addiction.”

Head to Rolling Stone Australia to hear Keith’s full story.

Watch Keith talk about his first encounter with Nicole in the player below.

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The couple are the proud parents to two beautiful daughters, Sunday Rose and Faith Margaret.

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The reason why coffee might kill you

Bad news, coffee lovers.

Attention coffee lovers – we’ve got some bad news for you.

New research has linked very hot drinks to cancer – so maybe it’s best to stick to the iced lattes from now on.

The UN’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that water heated above 65 degrees celcius induced tumours of the oesophageal nature in animals, which points to liquids above that temp is ‘probably’ carcinogenic to humans.

IARC director Christopher Wild said: “These results suggest that drinking very hot beverages is one probable cause of oesophageal cancer and that it is the temperature, rather than the drinks themselves, that appears to be responsible.”

The agency looked at 1000 scientific studies on the possible cancer-causing properties of coffee, plus yerba mate, the popular South American herbal infusion.

When the last evaluation was conducted in 1991, both of these elements were classified as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”.

With further evidence, the IARC determined this not to be true, but it is instead the particularly high temperature of the drink that may cause cancer of the gullet.

The IARC said: “Studies in places such as China, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkey and South America, where tea or mate is traditionally drunk very hot (at about 70C) found that the risk of oesophageal cancer increased with the temperature at which the beverage was drunk.”

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Does menopause have to mean the end of your sex life?

Menopause has finally crept its way into your life. But what does that mean for your sex life?
Does menopause have to mean the end of your sex life?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that when menopause hits, we can kiss goodbye to our libido and, therefore, our sex lives. At least, it used to be. But in an age of hormone replacement, progressive beliefs and medical interventions, is that still the case?

As I forge my way rapidly and irreversibly through my forties, I am hoping like crazy the answer to that is no. I like sex. I’m not ready to whither on the vine just yet.

But it’s not just hormones we have to worry about. It’s true that when menopause hits, we go through some pretty serious hormonal changes, but in most cases these can be treated with either a traditional medical approach, or alternative treatments such as herbs or acupuncture.

But we need to look beyond hormones to what else is going on in our lives if we want to get to the bottom of a loss of sexual desire. Some important questions you might like to ask yourself are:

  • Am I getting enough rest?

Sleep is the cornerstone of everything in life. Get enough sleep, and you have the energy to take care of your diet and exercise regimen. And ‘rest’ also includes down time throughout your day. If you’re busy being superwoman all the time, and running around after everyone else, it’s entirely possible you’ve forgotten how to take care of yourself. Meditation is great, if you’re into it, but if not, finding ways to relax throughout your day can help. Catch up with friends, have a cup of tea under a beautiful tree, read a magazine. Slow down and breathe.

  • How do I feel about my relationship?

Negative feelings can creep into your relationship over time, especially if you’ve been together for many years. Resentment, guilt, and other negative emotions are not aphrodisiacs. And if your kids have grown up and left home, you could have a whole new sort of relationship to define as you get to know each other again in your roles as something other than parents. Try talking any issues out or seek counseling to help you untie those relationship knots and see the positives in each other again. And it’s important for your partner to understand the changes your body is going through as you navigate menopause so he understands that those hormonal changes don’t mean you’ve lost interest in him.

  • How do I feel about myself?

If you don’t feel good about yourself, it’s hard to feel comfortable accepting love and pleasure from someone else. Menopause is a time that we often experience changes in our bodies, including weight gain and wrinkles. Try to resist comparing yourself to others – or even your younger self – and enjoy your body for what it is capable of and the incredible journey you’ve shared together so far.

Things in my house are finally slowing down, as my kids grow and need me less. My career is stable and comfortable and I have more spare time than I have had in decades. Having a partner who is patient, willing and still keen as mustard is a bonus.

Menopause can be a time of reawakening for many women and I, for one, am putting my hand up for that option. I might need some more time to get into the right mood, and some changes in technique may be required, but I am all in.

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Prince William shares his biggest fears for Prince George and Princess Charlotte

"As Catherine and I started our family a few years ago, I was alarmed about the increasing reports of online bullying that were making headlines around the world.”
Prince William shares his biggest fears for Prince George and Princess Charlotte

At the London 2016 Founder Forum, Prince William discussed his fears for his children in the future.

The father of Prince George and Princess Charlotte discussed the downside of the internet in terms of cyber bullying and trolling.

“As Catherine and I started our family a few years ago, I was alarmed about the increasing reports of online bullying that were making headlines around the world,” he said.

“From the girls developing eating disorders after being subjected to a campaign of abuse on social media, to the teenage boys who took their own lives following constant targeting – as a parent myself, I was appalled.”

“What we were seeing was that social media and messaging had transformed bullying from something that was not only the torment of the classroom and playground, but something that followed you home as well – to the one safe haven that children should have.”

The Duke of Cambridge praised the technology industry for their efforts in combating cyber bullying, however he singled out Apple who are yet to get on board.

“We have a lot of work ahead of us, but by this time next year we expect to have a plan in place to achieve fundamental improvements in online safety for bullied children.”

“To school-age children today, there is no difference between their online and offline lives. Bullying is bullying, wherever it happens.”

However, it wasn’t all negative with him acknowledging that technology has achieved some amazing things.

“I must admit, like most people my age, I’d struggle without my smart phone – for news, sports, music and the odd bit of gaming. And technology is a big part of my working life, too. As an air ambulance pilot, I love the fact that the helicopter I fly is fitted out with some of the life-saving medical equipment; and I consider social media to be central to how the Royal Family communicates in the 21st century.”

“But while new technology can of course create new problems, it is my belief that innovation in technology is a force for good, and that these advancements can do a lot more good than the harm that is often talked about.”

WATCH: Prince William speaks at Founders Forum in London

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Google responds to hilariously polite grandma

This story just gets better and better.

The world has been giggling quietly for the past few days about a grandma who’s very sweet Google search went viral.

May Ashworth from the UK typed something into the search engine and didn’t forget her manners – she started it with ‘please’ and ended with ‘thank you’. So sweet!

And as any millennial would, her grandson, Ben, snapped a pic and posted it to Twitter when he saw.

Ben told the BBC: “I asked my Nan why she used ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and it seemed she thinks that there is someone — a physical person — at Google’s headquarters who looks after the searches.”

“She thought that by being polite and using her manners, the search would be quicker.”

Turns out her polite courtesy didn’t go unnoticed by Google UK.

They responded: “Dear Ben’s Nan. Hope you’re well. In a world of billions of Searches, yours made us smile. Oh, and it’s 1998. THANK YOU.”

Even the official Google Twitter account caught on!

Is this not the cutest story you’ve ever seen?!

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The maths question baffling the internet

Can you solve it?
The maths question baffling the internet

On first glance, it looks like a simple maths problem.

However, the puzzle, which was posted to Facebook page Trending in China, has left internet users around the world baffled.

The puzzle has three lines showing what different combinations of flowers add up to.

However, the final answer has left people divided with some people confident it’s 102 or 110 whilst others claim it’s 25 or 27.

Yet many believe the answer is in fact 81.

The puzzle explains that the red flower is 20, blue flower with five petals is five and two yellow flowers are worth two.

In the final line, there is one yellow flower added to one red flower multiplied by one blue flower with four petals, making the equations 1+20 x 4.

Voila! You have your answer.

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It’s Ramadan at Kirribilli house

During his first Iftar dinner for Ramadan as prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull has urged unity with Muslims in face of terror attacks following the Orlando massacre.
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Last night during his first Iftar dinner for Ramadan as prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull has urged unity with Muslims in face of terror attacks following the Orlando massacre.

Guests at the Ramadan dinner at Kirribilli House included The Project host Waleed Aly and his wife Susan Carland, head of the Australian Multicultural Foundation Hass Dellal, Muslim community leader Dr Jamal Rifi, and Reverend Glenn Davies, Archbishop of Sydney.

Iftar is the meal eaten by Muslims after the day’s fast, traditionally eaten after the sun sets.

Turnbull – who is the first Prime Minister to host such an event – said in front of the 60 guests: “The aim of extremists including those committing violence through a warped and nihilist interpretation of religion is to divide us and to turn our citizens against each other — but we will not let them win.”

“Acts of terror like Sunday’s massacre in Orlando are perpetrated to divide us along lines of race, religion, sect and sexuality — but that kind of hatred and division must not prevail.

Waleed Aly and wife Susan attended

He continued: “We must stand together like we do tonight as one Australian family united against terrorism, racism, discrimination and violence.”

Malcolm making his speech

But the night is being overshadowed by the presence of Islamic preacher Sheik Shady Al-Suleiman at the event, who has previously spoken out against the gay community. He has called AIDS a “divine punishment” and wants women who have sex out of wed-lock to be stoned to death.

Turnbull, however, condemned Al-Suleiman’s views, telling the Herald Sun: “Views like this are wrong, unacceptable and I condemn them.”

“Mutual respect is the key to the success of our diverse, tolerant, multicultural society.”

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Operation underway on Sydney Harbour Bridge

A police operation is underway on the Sydney Harbour bridge after a person was seen sitting atop the iconic landmark.
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The man allegedly walked out of a taxi before climbing the structure, causing police to shut down three lanes of traffic, 7News reports.

Currently, three citybound lanes are closed and there is a large police presence causing heavy congestion.

A Traffic Management Centre spokeswoman said traffic was heavy and advised motorists to avoid the bridge or use the Sydney Harbour Tunnel as an alternative.

More to come

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