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Tech-savvy Queen Elizabeth personally tweets 90th birthday thanks

Forget letter writing! The Queen's choice of thank you card was very modern indeed...
Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth has proven she’s the very model of a modern monarch by sending out her birthday thanks in a very tech-savvy way.

Instead of the usual handwritten letter, the Queen has taken to Twitter to thank people for her wonderful 90th birthday celebrations!

Writing from a desk more fancy than we’ve ever used, from a computer tablet propped up on a stand, the 90-year-old thanked everyone for her birthday messages.

She wore a bright-pink floral ensemble to mark the occasion.

How tweet is this? Queen Elizabeth gets her royal Twitter on.

“I am most grateful for the many digital messages of goodwill I have received,” the monarch wrote.

“I would like to thank you all for your kindness. Elizabeth R.”

Queen Elizabeth has always seemed wary of technology, until now.

Don’t worry, it won’t bite!

And just incase no one believed Elizabeth really wrote the tweet herself, Kensington Palace posted a hilarious follow-up tweet.

“This tweet was personally sent by Her Majesty The Queen.”

Check out another tech-savvy royal, Prince William, talking about his fears for the future when it comes to the internet. Post continues.

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The message was shared alongside a photo of the Queen performing her technological triumph.

And the post was a huge success.

Her thoughtful message has been “favourited” more than 3000 times in one hour, with several followers expressing how thrilled they were.

Queen Elizabeth, pictured with her husband Prince Philip, had a marvelous time at her birthday celebrations, and wanted to thank everyone.

“Oh my god, Queenie,” one follower wrote. “I love you.”

“God bless you, Your Majesty,” another said. “A true inspiration and the greatest servant of this Realm.”

It seems many of the royals are breaking with tradition and embracing modern times.

Just last week Prince William made history by being the first royal ever photographed for the cover of a gay magazine, Attitude.

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Princess Isabella can’t resist snapping a photo with a famous singer

And she totally kept her cool while doing it!
Princess Isabella Denmark

Princess Isabella has proved she’s just like us!

The young royal she couldn’t resist snapping a photo when she met a US singer and songwriter Brandon Beal.

But instead of freaking out or fan-girling, the nine-year-old remained totally chill.

So chill, in fact, that even the singer was impressed.

How totally cool, calm and collected does Isabella look?

Princess Isabella aka queen of cool.

“This little princess is exactly that… a ‘little princess’,” the star captioned his sweet instagram snap.

“What a pleasure and an honour to meet Princess Isabella.”

He continued gushing about the nine-year-old royal, who’s looking so grown up these days.

FLASHBACK! Proof Princess Isabella has always kept her cool in front of cameras. Post continues.

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“I must say,” Brandon said, “If every princess was as cool, down-to-earth and outgoing as her, I think the world would be a better place.”

And it seems selfies run in the family, with her mother Princess Mary only too happy to snap a picture for fans she runs into.

Say royal cheese!

Like mother, like daughter… Neither of these two are shy about posing with fans!

A selfie containing Princess Mary peeking into the left of the shot was posted to social media recently, showing the Crown Princess only too happy to smile for her young fan.

We wish we could be as cool as the Danish royals!

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Cheating scandals that rocked Hollywood

From sports stars to movie stars, the world's most famous relationships have been rocked by some of the biggest cheating scandals of all time.
Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Iggy Azalea and Nick Young, Elin Nordegren and Tiger Woods, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

From sporting legends to movie stars, the world’s most famous relationships have been rocked by some of the biggest cheating scandals of all time.

Kristen Stewart was caught cheating on Robert Pattinson with a married director, while Tiger Woods was dobbed in by one after another of his many mistresses.

We take a look at the worst Hollywood love rats and where things went so wrong!

Iggy Azalea and Nick Young Earlier this week, Iggy officially called time on her engagement to Nick and moved her belongings out of his house. The NBA star was reportedly caught on tape admitting to his team mate D’Angelo Russell that he’d cheated on his then-fiancee. The Fancy rapper shared a note on her Instagram page on Monday confirming the split. “Unfortunately although I love Nick and have tried and tried to rebuild my trust in him — it’s become apparent in the last few weeks I am unable to,” she wrote.

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher Now married to Mila Kunis with a second baby on the way, Ashton hasn’t always been the devout family man. The actor was caught cheating on his then-wife Demi with a blonde named Sara Leal and her girlfriends in a hotel hot tub. They ended their marriage two months later. Meanwhile, actor Scott Eastwood accidentally revealed on a talk show last year that one of the girls Ashton had slept with was his girlfriend at the time!

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale These days, Gwen Stefani is blissfully in love with new beau Blake Shelton. But the singer’s 13-year marriage to Gavin was rocked last year when reports surfaced of his affair with their nanny Mindy Mann. According to Access Hollywood, the Bush front man reportedly left Gwen’s hospital bed following the birth of their son Apollo to be with Mindy.

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren The former golden child of golf’s life was turned upside down in 2009 when his wife Elin exposed his infidelity. News first broke of Tiger’s affair with night club hostess Rachel Uchitel in the National Enquirer. As more and more of the golfer’s mistresses came out of the woodwork, it was clear the 40-year-old’s marriage wouldn’t survive. He reportedly admitted to sleeping with 120 women while married to Elin. The pair have two children, Sam, nine, and Charlie, seven.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart They were the it-couple at the time, with their every move closely monitored by paparazzi and Twlight fans. In 2012, photos emerged of Kristen getting a little too close to Rupert Sanders, the director she’d been working with for Snow White and the Huntsman. At the time, the 44-year-old director was married to Liberty Ross, with whom he shares two children. Speaking of the scandal in last year’s Marie Claire magazine, Kristen explained, “I lit my universe on fire and I watched it burn. Speaking very candidly, it was a really traumatic period in my early 20s that kick-started something in me that was a bit more feral.”

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Domestic violence myths that need to be busted

Despite growing awareness of domestic violence in Australia there are still lots of myths around the issue. The Weekly Online talks to experts from BaptistCare to find out more.

MYTH: The victim can see the problem

Mary Thomas thought that she was going crazy. Her charming husband was adored by their rural community, and yet behind closed doors he was hostile and abusive.

Years of abuse was taking its toll. Mary’s husband was controlling and narcissistic. He belittled and degraded her and when he lost his temper he lashed out physically, punching, kicking and throwing her to the ground. Her once buoyant self-esteem was in tatters.

But despite the years of abuse Mary couldn’t see that she was the victim of domestic violence. “I thought it was all my fault. I felt really ashamed,” she says.

Sadly this is a common scenario among victims of domestic violence.

Diane Coleman is a program manager at BaptistCare and chair of NSW’s men’s behaviour change network. She says that it is often hard for women in abusive relationships to acknowledge the reality of their situation.

“It messes with the woman’s mind when he’s calling her all sorts of names, telling her that she’s useless or worthless. She gradually starts to think that she’s crazy.

“He denies her experience by saying things like, ‘I’m not treating you badly’, ‘I’m not yelling at you’. She starts to believe that what he is saying is true. It makes it so hard for her to acknowledge reality because he is denying her reality,” Coleman explains.

Like Mary, many women in abusive relationships also experience shame. “It’s very hard to admit that you are in an abusive relationship,” says Coleman.

MYTH: Men can’t be victims of domestic violence

Some men do experience abuse as well. However, according to Coleman, the reality is that when men are abused, 80% of victims are abused by another male.

And in 50 to 60 per cent of cases, the man is not the primary victim. This means that after years of abuse his victim has started to retaliate. “Most of the time [the man] is the perpetrator He needs to look at what he’s been doing in his relationship,” she says.

Coleman notes that of course if the man is the primary victim then he needs assistance. But we need to listen to his story very carefully.

MYTH: There’s nothing we can do

Rob Ellis, General Manager Community Services at BaptistCare, says that domestic violence is a community issue.

“When we think about the network of relationships and families that are impacted by violence it actually has a ripple effect out on the whole community.

“It impacts workplaces in terms of productivity, and in terms of friendships, women are often withdrawing from their communities – they’re isolated by the violence,” he explains.

Ellis notes that even if domestic violence isn’t happening in your immediate circle it is happening in your community.

“It is a community issue. We need to work together to change the story,” he says.

Ellis says that we need to start with everyday behaviour that demeans the way that women are portrayed. This can be as simple as calling out sexist jokes.

Diane Coleman agrees, she says that our culture of gender sterotyping creates a breeding ground for inequality between men and women.

“Equality is a myth. If you go to a typical business meeting you’ll find that a man’s voice will still be heard more than a woman’s voice – even if she’s saying the same thing. If a woman stands up to a guy then she’ll be a ‘bitch’ or ‘nagging’ – but he is just being a man”

On top of this, Coleman notes that as a society we need to challenge our model of masculinity. “Most of the men in our culture are schooled to ‘man up’,” she says.

This includes ideas such as ‘boys don’t cry’ and ‘men shouldn’t show their feelings’. But Coleman says that we need to reject this idea of masculinity.

“We need a model of masculinity where men can be proud of themselves as men and be totally committed to being respectful, no matter what.”

If you or anyone you know needs support, call 1800-RESPECT on 1800 737 732 at any time.

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Spice Girls to Spice Women: 20 years of fame

See how much they've changed over the years.
Spice girls then and now

Can you believe it’s been 20 years since the Spice Girls blasted onto the music scene with their hit single Wannabe?!

Posh, Sporty, Scary, Baby and Ginger have come a long way since their first days on the stage and these pictures show their transformation from pop starlets to glamorous mums and savvy businesswomen.

Who is your favourite?

The Spice Girls in 1997.

The Spice Girls in 1997 and 2012.

Victoria Beckham (nee Adams) in 1997 and 2012.

Geri Halliwell in 1997 and 2012.

Mel C in 1997 and 2012.

Emma Bunton in 1997 and 2012.

Mel B in 2000 and 2012.

The former band onstage at the premiere of new musical Viva Forever.

The Spice Girls in 1998.

The girl group in 1997.

The Spice Girls in 1997.

The group in 1998.

Scary, Sporty, Baby and Posh in 2000.

Scary, Sporty, Baby and Posh in 2000.

The group announcing their 2007 reunion tour.

Victoria Beckham looked very different in 2007.

The band performing at the London Olympics closing ceremony.

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Chelsy Davy reveals she’ll ‘always be good friends’ with Prince Harry

Six years after their famous Royal romance ended, the 30-year-old insists they will always have a close bond.
Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry

Chelsy Davy’s high-profile relationship with Prince Harry ended six years ago, and the blonde beauty has revealed they remain good friends.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, the Zimbabwe-born star said, “I think we will always be good friends.”

Chelsy was Harry’s first serious girlfriend, and the pair dated for seven years before calling it quits.

The lawyer and aspiring jewellery designer told the publication she found the constant media attention “tough” on their relationship. “I found it tough,” she admitted. “It’s not something you get used to.”

Relive Chelsy and Harry’s romance! Post continues below.

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Chelsy was Prince Harry’s first serious girlfriend and the pair dated on and off for seven years.

Although she’s no longer dating the Prince, Chelsy has remained within the same social circle and attends the same Royal parties as his family members and friends.

Meanwhile, the 31-year-old Prince’s name has come up in conversation elsewhere, as actor Alexander Skarsgard reveals he may have spooned Harry during a charity trip to the South Pole.

Lucky lad! Alexander Skarsgard recently revealed he may have spooned with Harry during a charity trip to Antarctica.

Speaking to Andy Cohen, the True Blood actor recalled sharing a tent with the Kensington Royal during their Walking With the Wounded ski trip a few years back.

“I was in the tent with PH,” the actor said. However, he remained coy when asked if there was spooning involved. “Maybe… What happens in Antarctica stays in Antarctica.”

Check out Alexander and Harry’s quality time together in the South Pole below.

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New study finds DNA links that can improve migraine treatment

Migraines might soon be a thing of the past…
Queen Elizabeth

Migraine sufferers, everywhere, rejoice!

Australian researchers have just made a discovery that could drastically improve the treatment of the debilitating condition.

Led by Professor Dale Nyholt, researchers at the Queensland University of Technology’s Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation compared 8 million DNA variants of 60,000 participants with the aim to better understand the world’s third most common disorder.

Through their extensive research, they found 44 independent DNA variants that directly link to the onset of migraines.

38 of these were shown to be associated with migraines, and a whopping 28 of those regions had not been previously reported in migraine susceptibility.

The study has made a crucial step in migraine research and treatment.

While the study hasn’t found a foolproof cure, a better understanding of the condition ranked seventh in the most disabling of diseases worldwide after stroke and dementia, can only lead to more effective treatments.

“The exact causes of migraine are unknown and there are no recognisable, diagnostic, pathological changes, however, twin and family studies indicate that migraine has a significant genetic component,” Professor Dale Nyholt said to SMH.

“We don’t know what the biology is and what is triggering migraine headaches but we know genetics are involved. We were looking for if a particular DNA variant that was more common in migraine cases compared to controlled groups.”

“This gives us biological insight and we can then look at groups to see if we can target this specific pathway then we can have a better treatment.”

While directing Gone, Baby, Gone in 2006, Ben Affleck suffered such a bad migraine that he was hospitalised. “I just kept on going and going and hardly slept.”

As it stands now, existing medications such as Triptans only effectively help about 40 per cent of sufferers. But now with this new breakthrough, scientists will have the ability to re-purpose and adapt the current medications to better suit the patient, leading to a more effective treatment.

“We now know more about the biology, what genes, what pathways are associated with a migraine headache and therefore it has given us real targets to organise and work out which pharmaceutical will target those pathways.”

“It’s not going to be an overnight solution but we’re well and truly on the road to finding new things and new treatments.”

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Breast cancer breakthrough could prevent some cases

New research could help prevent the formation of breast cancer in women who carry the BRCA1 gene.

Australian researchers claim they’ve found a potential preventative for breast cancer in women carrying the BRCA1 gene – an existing medication.

The drug is currently used to treat osteoporosis and will soon be tested in human clinical trials.

If proven right, it could allow women with a high risk of the disease an option to delay or prevent it without having a mastectomy.

A sobering statistic is that women with the BRCA1 gene have a 65 per cent chance of developing the disease – and there aren’t many preventative measures out there.

Using breast tissue donated by women with the gene, researchers at Melbourne’s Walter and Eliza Institute have been able to identify pre-cancer cells.

With existing medication called Denosumab, this could help doctors inactivate them before they turn into cancer.

Professor Geoff Lindeman, medical oncologist at The Royal Melbourne Hopsital, said the discovery was an important one.

“We are very excited by these findings because it means we’ve found a strategy that might be useful to prevent breast cancer for high risk women, particularly BRCA1 mutation carriers.”

However, any potential roll-out won’t happen for years.

“They’ve certainly discovered a mechanism that could be potentially switched off or reduced by the use of an existing drug, but that drug would still need to be tested in those women over a very long period of time to make sure that it behaves as expected in clinical samples versus a laboratory test,” said Cancer Council Australia CEO, Professor Sanchia Aranda.

The use of Denosumab is currently under clinical trial.

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Shooting up Paulina’s skirt – not good sport

Just today, a Fox cameraman honed in on the skirt of Paulina Gretsky, the fiancée of US Open winner, golfer Dustin Johnson. But how many times has this happened to the male partners of female athletes, ask Kerri Sackville.
Why are women sexualised in sport?

When was the last time you saw a close up picture of a male athlete’s bum? Probably not recently; male athletes are acclaimed for their sporting prowess rather than the shape of their bodies.

And what about the male partners of female athletes? Can you recall any honed in photos of their groins or legs?

No, of course not. Because men are not routinely sexualized in our society.

But this week, not one but two females in the sporting world have had pictures of their bums plastered all over the media.

The first was US gymnast Carly Patterson. Fellow Olympian gymnast Louis Smith posted a zoomed in photo of her bottom on his Instagram account with the caption: ‘My sport has its moments’, complete with lurid winking face emoticon. Patterson was sixteen years of age at the time the photo was snapped.

And today, a Fox cameraman honed in on the short skirt of Paulina Gretsky, the fiancée of US Open winner, golfer Dustin Johnson. The cameraman followed Gretsky up the stairs, coming dangerously close to up-skirting her in the process.

WATCH: Paulina Gretzky’s skirt shot divides internet

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The sexualization of women in sport is nothing new. Google ‘female athletes’ and the top five search returns will be ‘hottest female athletes’. (Google ‘male athletes’ and only two of the top five relate to looks.) Female athletes are revered for their appearance rather than their sporting abilities – consider tennis player Anna Kournikova, for example, who was the most searched sportswoman in the world, despite never having won a singles title.

And female athletes are treated differently to male athletes by journalists. Men are asked about their performance and strategies. Women are questioned about their weight, their outfits, their love lives, and even their body hair. One tennis player, Canadian Eugenie Bouchard, was even famously asked to ‘twirl’ after a match so that the audience could see her dress.

WATCH: If male athletes were interview like females

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Many sporting bodies recognize that sex appeal sells, and so it’s inevitable that some women in sport will use this to their advantage. Some, like Ronda Rousey, pose on the cover of magazines in bikinis. Many take sponsorship deals that feed off their sex appeal. Others, such as Paulina Gretsky, manage their own Instagram accounts filled with glamour and lingerie shots.

However, this doesn’t justify their being sexualized by journalists or by other athletes out of the context of a photo shoot. Because with any sort of sexual behavior, and with any sort of sexual image, choice and consent is key.

Carly Patterson did not choose to be sexualized, and she did not consent to a close up picture of her bottom being posted on Instagram with a lascivious comment. Paulina Gretsky did not choose or consent to a camera honing in on her bum whilst she was at a sporting event to support her finance.

If it is not acceptable to photograph a random woman’s backside, it is not acceptable to photograph it simply because she is in the sporting world. And if it is not acceptable to photograph a male athlete’s bum, it is not acceptable to do it just because the athlete is a woman.

It seems astonishing that we need to keep repeating this, but women deserve the same respect and freedom as men. And until female athletes can focus on their sport and not their outfits, until sportswomen are rewarded for achievement rather than looks, and until women in sport can go out without being up-skirted by a cameraman, we still have a long way to go.

Paulina with her husband Dustin and son, Tatum

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Cindy Crawford’s son Presley takes after his mum on the runway

With parents like these...

It looks modelling skills and good looks run in the family!

Cindy Crawford’s 16-year-old son Presley Gerber owned the runway when he walked for fashion powerhouse Dolce & Gabbana at Milan’s Fashion Week over the weekend.

He’s got his mum’s chiselled, sultry look and even the trademark mole!

He wasn’t the only famous face in the Spring/Summer 2017 show – he was joined by Jude Law’s 19-year-old son Rafferty.

Presley first made his runway debut last week at Jeremy Scott’s Moschino Resort show.

But it’s not just Jude and Cindy with model children making it big in the fashion biz – click through for more!

Presley Gerber, son of Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber

Rafferty Law, son of Jude Law and Sadie Frost

Dylan Lee, the son of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee.

Dylan Bronson, 18-year-old son of Pierce Bronson

Lila Grace Moss Hack, daughter of Kate Moss and Jefferson Hack

Dylan Penn, 24-year-old daughter of Sean Penn and Robin Wright

Ireland Baldwin, 20-year-old daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger

Brooklyn Beckham, 16-year-old son of Victoria and David Beckham

Romeo Beckham, son of Victoria and David Beckham.

Kendall Jenner, 20-year-old daughter of Kris and Caitlyn (formally Bruce) Jenner

Kaia Gerber, 14-year-old daughter of Cindy Crawford

Lily-Rose Depp, 16-year-old daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis

Patrick Schwarzenegger, 22-year-old son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver

Tali Lennox, 22-year-old daughter of Annie Lennox

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