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Michael Turnbull reckons he knows who wins The Bachelor

Michael Turnbull not only revealed that former Bachelorette contestant Richie Strahan was this year’s Bachelor BEFORE the official announcement was made, but now he even reckons he knows who will take away the prize of Richie’s heart.

Yep, 2015’s Bachelorette runner-up likes to be a spoil sport, but this time he’s just speculating, because the identity of Richie’s lady is strictly in lock down!

“I know Richie. I know the type of girls he typically likes,” Michael blabbed to the Daily Mail on Thursday.

“I know he likes blondes and I know he likes tall, fit girls. Tiffany looks tall and fit. I think she is going to win,” he predicts.

Tiffany is a 29-year-old training administrator from WA, conveniently hailing from the same state as Richie. And Michael’s right about the fit part – she defs has a toned figure by the looks of her washboard stomach in the promo photo!

“I think she has better abs than Richie. Richie is going to have to pick up his ab game,” Michael joked.

Michael’s even predicted the runner-up ladies – adding that he thinks Megan and Keira will stay until the very end.

Maybe you should become a psychic Michael?

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Bec and Lleyton’s children make modelling debut

The kids are all grown up!

Bec and Lleyton Hewitt’s kids are all grown up!

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The couple’s eldest children – son, Cruz, seven, and Mia, 10 – have made their modelling debut, with proud mum Bec sharing their pics on her Instagram.

The two kids are showcasing the spring line for brand Pavement – Mia is a little stunner and Cruz is Lleyton’s mini-me!

It looks like the couple’s youngest child, five-year-old Ava, didn’t take part in the shoot, but we’re sure there’s big things to come from her.

Little Ava

The family-of-five are living in their $15 million Port Phillip Pad in Melbourne now that Lleyton’s retired from tennis.

VIDEO: Lleyton Hewitt’s life after tennis

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Judi Dench gets first tattoo at 81

Well, we guess this means you’re never too old to get inked.

Dame Judi Dench has seized the day and gotten her first tattoo at 81 years old.

The legendary actress got ‘carpe diem’ inked on her right wrist as a birthday gift from her daughter, Finty, according to The Sun.

“That’s my motto: Seize the day. Finty gave it to me for my 81st birthday — she’s wonderful with surprises,” she said.

“Mind you the company of A Winter’s Tale, which I was doing at the time, used to say that it said fish of the day.

Dench has been thinking about it for a while, telling Surry Life last year: “I am tempted to have a tattoo to mark my birthday. Finty’s very keen on me having one.

“There’s an Indian symbol that I like which supposedly represents life and love and everything.

“One of the cameramen who worked on The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel told me what it meant, but I’m a bit nervous in case I’m being set up … It might be unbelievably rude!”

The James Bond actress is quite the jokester, playing a prank on Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and pretending she gotten a tattoo of his name on her bottom.

“He still thinks it’s tattooed. My make-up lady painted it on. He didn’t believe me so I showed him,” she said.

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Divorce, Frozen Embryo’s and the women who heal me

When life took a different turn, Mel Greig booked herself into a health retreat. However, she didn't know just how life changing it would be.
Divorce, Frozen Embryo’s and the women who heal me.

Even though I just returned from Hawaii, I found myself with another week of impending holidays. Holidays that I had booked in at the start of the year so I could spend time in Adelaide implanting for my first child with my husband, we were hoping the timing would fall on his 30th birthday which was on Monday. Instead, I found myself pondering what else to do on my holidays because the husband is now my soon to be ex-husband and the Embryos will remain frozen with an uncertain future.

Do I dare be cheeky and book an exotic overseas holiday even though I had just come back from Hawaii? In my fairness, my soon to be ex-husband was on the holiday too with other couples for a joint 40th birthday. I could look for a holiday romance and enjoy a summer fling? It worked for Sandy and Danny in Grease and they enjoyed frolicking on the beach and doing sing-alongs and I do love a pair of black leather pants. Or do I stay in Australia and just enjoy no commitments for a week and acknowledge that I should probably take some time out for my mental health and just relax at a retreat for a couple of those days?

As much as I wanted some summer lovin overseas it was more important to switch off from even worrying about guys and just get some Mel time in.

I booked myself into Solar Springs in Bundanoon in NSW, a retreat with all the things a woman could want.

I could have my massages, yoga, hikes, meals prepared for me and still enjoy a cheeky wine or 2 at dinner. Everything has been fabulous, I couldn’t have picked a more perfect place to unwind and refresh my mind. But the biggest surprise came from the other guests, I didn’t expect to come to a retreat and feel empowered.

There are about 30-40 guests staying here at the moment and the average guest is a 50 year old woman travelling alone.

I don’t know about you, but I do get a little bit of anxiety travelling alone and I often don’t want to engage in conversation with strangers. But at meal time it’s communal and phones are to be left in the room, I was about to have 2 days of good old fashion communication. Conversation at the dinner table. I remember the first time I walked into the dining room, I looked at the menu and dribbled slightly because we were having crab salad as the entrée and salmon for the main YUM.

I then gazed around the room, the individual tables were taken and I had to join a group. Within seconds I had a lovely woman flag me over to her table, she encouraged me to join them.

Over the next 10mins I watched her do this for any solo woman walking into that dining room (which was nearly everyone), I don’t remember the last time I saw someone so concerned for everyone else and embracing them in this manner. Has it really been that long since I have seen women supporting women?

It turns out that this lovely lady has been coming to the retreat for 30 years, she makes sure no matter what that every 6 months she takes time out for HERSELF.

I got talking to the other women and they had similar stories, this wasn’t their first time and they made sure that they took time out for themselves.

It soon became clear to me that I had hit the jackpot, I was surrounded by a group of independent and resilient women that knew how to not only look after themselves but they thrived on bringing women together and embracing the company. We talked and laughed for hours, I didn’t even think about my phone or how many likes my last post got or if there was a Fabio on a beach somewhere for me that I was missing out on.

This retreat not only refreshed me, it inspired me and restored my faith in kindness. When was the last time you put your phone down and just had a conversation with someone? When was the last time you saw someone at a function that was alone and decided to approach them for a conversation? We need to do this more, I found 30 women who wanted to lift each other and I would choose that environment over a seedy bar any day.

Now please excuse me because I am due for my Swedish massage in 10mins and I need to put my fluffy white robe and slippers on.

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Brooklyn Beckham spends quality time with mum Victoria

He may be swept up in his whirlwind romance with girlfriend Chloe Moretz, but the eldest son of David and Victoria Beckham always has time for his number one lady, his mama.
Victoria Beckham Brooklyn Beckham

Amid a series of seemingly never-ending, loved-up snaps between him and Hollywood girlfriend Chloe Moretz, Brooklyn Beckham has shared a sweet moment with the number one woman in his life.

Standing on a jetty before a picturesque bay behind them, the eldest son of David Beckham posed with his fashion designer mum Victoria.

The 17-year-old shared the photo to his 7.5 million followers, simply captioning it with a love heart.

The mother-of-four has given her son her very important approval on his new relationship.

The candid snap gave fans of the Beckhams an intimate look at the close dynamic between the mother and son, who have been spending less time together lately as Brooklyn travels by the side of his high-profile girlfriend.

Earlier this week, Brooklyn, who aspires to be a photographer, was pictured snapping away arty pics of the blonde beauty while she attended a photoshoot in the Brit’s namesake borough in New York.

The couple, who met at a SoulCycle class back in 2014, have been dating on and off for two years.

Clearly besotted with his beautiful leading lady, the teen simply couldn’t keep his hands to himself.

The pair later continued their love-swept date at New York’s Junior’s restaurant, where Chloe opted for Brooklyn’s lap instead of her own seat.

The teens played the part of the overly-affectionate couple as they hugged and kissed, paying no attention to the other customers in the bistro.

Sharing a paparazzi snap from the cuddly encounter on her Instagram account, Chloe wrote, “I think I’ll keep him :)”

Brooklyn was in awe of his stunning girlfriend as she worked her look for the cameras.

Too cute!

Their whirlwind trip to New York was fleeting, as the ‘it’ couple were snapped arriving back at LAX the following day, hand-in-hand of course.

And while it was difficult to notice anything other than the adoring smiles of affection they have for each other, we couldn’t help but see the matching rings worn that symbolise an unspoken level of commitment from both parties.

Watch Chloe talk about her boyfriend in the video player below! Post continues…

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As David Beckham’s son resides in London, Chloe recently admitted to People that “trust and communication” are the keys factors that help get them go the distance.

“You have to have a model of trust and leave it up in the air and make sure you can hope for the best,” she said.

“Make sure you’re both invested, then you’re good to go.”

The couple seem to be getting serious.

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Your last-minute election cheat sheet

Not sure who to vote for? Paula Matthewson has summed it up for you.
Your last-minute election cheat sheet

It’s time. After eight long weeks of politicians gabbling at journalists and tripping over everyday people in shopping centres and schools as they campaigned for Australia’s vote, it’s now your turn to have a say.

By lodging a vote on Saturday July 2, you can help decide whether Bill Shorten’s Labor or Malcolm Turnbull’s Coalition will run the country for the next three years.

During the election campaign, the two men showed they have different priorities for Australia, and different approaches to ensuring these priorities are delivered to voters.

Shorten’s approach is best explained in one of his campaign slogans: “putting people first”. The Labor leader has argued it is more important to spend money now on improving health and education services than on repairing the budget. He also believes a healthy workforce and educated community will lead to economic growth and the creation of more jobs in the future.

But in the short term this means Labor’s budget bottom line will be worse than if the Coalition remained in government.

Malcolm Turnbull

Shorten has also promised to bring on a parliamentary vote on same sex marriage as soon as he is sworn in as prime minister, whereas Turnbull will proceed with a peoples’ vote – or plebiscite – on SSM if he is re-elected.

In contrast to Labor, the Coalition aims to repair the economy with tax cuts for business, starting off with cuts for smaller businesses in the next three years, and then increasingly bigger companies over the next ten years.

Turnbull argues the companies that receive tax cuts would use the additional money to expand their businesses and take on additional staff. Accordingly, his approach is also contained in an election campaign slogan, namely the one about having “a plan” for “jobs and growth”.

There’s a lot more detail from both alternative governments, of course, including different approaches to child care, family violence, roads, public transport, tax avoidance by big companies, national security and asylum seekers.

After giving voters so much to think about before deciding who to support, it’s a shame both sides then resorted to insulting our intelligence with blatant scare campaigns about their opponents.

Bill Shorten

Labor has tried to make us anxious about Turnbull wanting to sell off Medicare, while the Coalition wants us to believe a Labor government would bring hordes of asylum seekers to our shores.

Neither accusation is anywhere near the truth.

So it’s no wonder that voters who are fed up with being treated as fools by the two major parties are looking at other voting options for this weekend.

Almost one third of voters have told opinion pollsters they’ll vote for Green, minor party or independent candidates this time around.

And if enough of these crossbench candidates are elected, leaving Labor and the Coalition with less than the 76 votes they need to form government in their own right, they would hold the deciding vote – or balance of power – in the new parliament.

This would make Labor or the Coalition dependent on the crossbenchers to remain in government, just as former Labor PM Julia Gillard was in 2010. This could be a good or a bad thing, depending on what type of demands the crossbenchers make in return for their support.

They might want restrictions on poker machines, as independent MP Andrew Wilkie did in 2010, or the introduction of a price on greenhouse gas emissions, as the Greens did in the same year. Or improved access to better internet through the NBN, which was one of the demands from country independents Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott.

Wilkie and the Greens are likely to be re-elected this time around, and although Windsor and Oakeshott are in the running there is less chance they’ll be successful. It’s possible though that one of Nick Xenophon’s candidates, Rebekha Sharkie, will be elected. If she is, Sharkie will want the new government to protect jobs in South Australia.

This means our new parliament could take a number of forms after the votes are counted on Saturday night.

What’s important is that it will be the parliament that we, as voters, have chosen by exercising our democratic right to vote. Be sure to add your voice to that decision-making process by voting on July 2.

You can locate the nearest polling booth by entering your postcode at the Australian Electoral Commission website.

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Is it time to ban changing rooms mirrors?

52 per cent of women feel ‘down’ after seeing their reflection in a changing room mirror. But is getting rid of the mirrors really the answer to eliminating poor self esteem?
Are mirrors in changing rooms to blame for poor body image?

When I was 28 I tried to squeeze myself into a pair of skinny jeans. They were all the rage and I wanted in on the trend. But being voluptuous and vertically challenged (short and fat) it was never going to happen. I couldn’t even get the wretched denim over my thighs.

It wasn’t my finest moment, but at least I got to experience it alone in the privacy of a tiny changing room. I didn’t escape my reflection though – face flushed and body contorted – it wasn’t a pretty sight.

We’ve all been there. In fact, a recent survey from the UK found that more than half of women feel ‘down’ after seeing themselves in a changing room mirror.

In response to this research, Hammerson, one of the UK’s leading retailers has decided to remove the mirrors from four of its shopping malls. They hope that this will help to boost the confidence of female shoppers and create a more pleasant shopping experience.

Alex Thomas is the regional marketing manager for Hammerson. He told the Telegraph that he hopes the scheme will make women trying on clothes feel “comfortable and confident.”

“We hope that women in particular will try something on and feel gorgeous and glamorous. Hopefully this will be a success and we can roll it out across our shopping centres for the summer,” he said.

According to the research, rather than facing their own reflection many women prefer to trust the opinion of a friend or shop assistant (because they will always tell you the truth about how you look?)

I can see that Hammerson’s heart is in the right place (although a more cynical person might wonder if this ridiculous plan will result in a sales boost.) However, if fashion retails really want to improve women’s self esteem a better bet might be to actually address the source of the body image crisis.

I asked psychologist Mandy Edkins where she thinks our body image issues come from. She tells me that it is a complex subject.

“Female body image issues often result in a comparison between ourselves and what we believe to be ‘the norm’.

“If what we see in the mirror compares favourably with the images we are taking as our standard then we’re happy; if not then many women may quickly assume that their body is ‘wrong’,” Edkins explains.

Edkins notes that the images we perceive as ‘normal’ come from mainstream TV, movies, music videos, celebrities and retail advertisements that appear in clothes shops.

“The problem with this is that it is a body shape and size that has been created entirely for the medium of advertising or marketing. It is very unusual and, often very unhealthy and difficult to maintain,” she says.

And yet, because we are constantly exposed to these images we aspire to the ‘ideal’ and stop looking at the women we are surrounded by in the real world.

Edkins says that this is particularly dangerous for teenagers and young women because they are at a stage where the need to ‘fit in’ and be accepted is overwhelming.

However, poor body image isn’t a problem that is limited to teenagers and young women – as the Hammerson mirror survey demonstrates.

So will removing mirrors help to combat the issue? Edkins doesn’t think so. She tells me that mirrors are less to blame than the perceived expectation of what we should look like.

If retailers are serious about turning the tide of poor body image then a better approach might be to use a broader range of body shapes in their advertising.

Edkins agrees that it would be a good place to start. “Normalising difference in body types is important to build women’s confidence and self-esteem,” she says.

“It’s important that women see styles on different sized models before they try clothes on, so that they don’t receive that unpleasant shock feeling when their reflection in the changing room mirror does not resemble the airbrushed image in the advertising material,” Edkins explains.

Taking the mirrors away wont improve poor body image, it will just keep it at bay. Nobody can avoid their reflection indefinitely.

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Prince William and Duchess Catherine move into Princess Diana’s old apartment

Yet another way the young royals plan to carry on her legacy.
Prince William, Duchess Catherine, Princess Diana

Princess Diana would be proud of all the ways her sons Prince William and Harry, and now Duchess Catherine also, have continued to keep her philanthropic spirit alive through all their charity work.

And now, Prince William and his wife will follow in Diana’s footsteps and move back into Kensington Palace along with their two children, George and Charlotte.

The family-of-four, who have spent the last three years living at Anmer Hall, will reside in the newly-renovated Apartment 1A at Kensington Palace.

The adorable family-of-four are moving back to Kensington Palace!

The 20-room lot has undergone a two-year renovation, which cost over $8 million.

It also happens to be where William and Catherine hosted the Obamas during their recent visit, and where the priceless photo of Prince George shaking hands with the US President while wearing his tiny white robe was taken.

Relive the adorable moment Prince George met Barack Obama in his PJs in the clip below. Post continues.

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But it’s what William and Catherine, as well as Harry, are planning to do with Diana’s old flat, Apartment 8, that would make her proud.

The royal “trio” are set to use Apartment 8 – which has also undergone a multi-million dollar face lift – as an office headquarters where they’ll carry out their charity work.

Watch as Prince Harry gushes about his late mother in the clip below. Post continues

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Royal author Ingrid Seward told Mail Online William and Harry would understandably want to use the space as “a way of them keeping Diana’s memory alive.”

The young princess were introduced to the piano by their late mother, Princess Diana, in Apartment 8 back in 1985.

Although the move will mean a shorter commute for William and Kate, as Apartment 1A is just across the lawn from Apartment 8, it’s said the move will be a somewhat reluctant one for the prince.

Their lavish 10-bedroom Anmer Hall estate was a wedding gift from the Queen, and would have made a perfect space to raise George and Charlotte up in privacy and away from the spotlight of Kensington Palace.

But the extra room could come in handy if William and Catherine plan for more children, which we could only hope for!

The charitable trio will be carrying on Diana’s legacy at Kensington Palace.

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Kate Hudson dares to bare her derriere in a gorgeous nude photo

The actress shared the artsy flashback picture for her Instagram followers.
Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson’s still got it.

The actress proved she’s inherited her famous mother Goldie Hawn’s genes when it comes to looking gorgeous, sharing an intimate throwback snap on social media.

In the image, Kate bares her derriere in a stylish pose, artfully silhouetted in front of a curtained window.

In fact, looking at this saucy snap, it’s hard to believe that Kate is a mother of two children.

Kate shows off her amazing bod.

She captioned the snap “#LOVE” and “#PrettyHappy”

Her Instagram feed seems to be the place where the Mother’s Day actress shows off all her hard work on her fitness regimen.

Wanna know the secret to Kate’s fab figure? Then you’ll want to watch the clip below. Post continues.

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Kate’s looking more and more like her superstar mum Goldie Hawn every day!

She’s even recently become an author, publishing a book all about staying healthy.

The 37-year-old actress has never been body shy, frequently posing in pictures designed to show off her amazing figure.

Check out Kate’s latest read… oh and her AMAZING tummy!

Very cheeky, Miss Hudson!

Earlier this year she posted an amazing swimsuit shot showing her toned, tanned tummy under the guise of showing off the book she was reading this summer.

And she’s also starred in more cheeky shots before, with her stylist Sophie Lopez posting another nude shot earlier this year.

If we had even half of the body confidence of this sexy star, we’d be happy forever!

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Father of slain daughters was left alive by mother ‘so he would suffer’

The mother who murdered her two daughters had a long history of mental illness, and police had been called to their home for 14 separate occasions since 2012.

The mother who shot her two daughters dead in the street outside their Texas home committed the horrific crime to “punish” her husband.

Christy Sheets killed daughters Taylor, 22, and Madison, 17, on Friday after arguing with her husband Jason, family friend Madison Davey told local TV station KTRK.

Davey said Christy and Jason had argued on Thursday, prompting Christy to call a family meeting on Friday afternoon.

When Jason and the girls were seated, she reportedly pulled out a gun she had hidden in the couch. Jason tried to protect his daughters but Christy refused his pleas, insisting she had to kill them to “punish” him.

“He told Christy, ‘Just shoot yourself. Make it easy on all of us, just shoot yourself,’ and she said, ‘No, that’s not what this is about, this is about punishing you,’” Davey said.

Ford Bend Country Police said in a news conference on Thursday that Jason “felt Christy wanted him to suffer,” believing that she could have killed him at any time when the daughters were not around but she decided not to.

Taylor, 22, and Maddison, 17

Christy then chased her daughters out onto the street where she shot them both. One died instantly while the other died a short time later in hospital.

She then ran back into the family home to get more ammunition to shoot Jason too, but a neighbour saved Jason’s life by letting him hide in her house.

Christy was subsequently shot by police when she refused to lower her weapon when they arrived on the scene after a concerned neighbour called 911.

The disturbing distress call heard Jason in the background screaming “Please don’t shoot. Please, I beg you. Please don’t point the gun at us.”

Jason with eldest daughter Taylor

The two daughters were hysterical in the background.

Police said of Jason: “This is something he is going to have to live with for the rest of his life. She accomplished what she set out to do, which is to make him suffer.”

Christy had a long history of mental illness, and was hospitalised several times in the past after suicide attempts.

Shockingly, police had been called to the family home for 14 separate occasions since 2012.

Taylor with her fiance, who she was due to wed this week

Tragically, 22-year-old Taylor would have been married this week. She was reportedly due to wed her boyfriend of four years in a small ceremony.

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