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93-year-old soldier reunited with his first love after 70 years apart

Norwood Thomas and Joyce Morris met in the spring of 1944, and have finally seen each other again after 70 years apart.

Norwood Thomas hasn’t seen the love of his life, British nurse Joyce Morris, since he had to say goodbye to her for the last time at a train station in London in 1944.

The young couple were forced apart by war, with Thomas leaving to fight at the Battle of Normandy before returning to his home in the US.

But this week Thomas (93) and Morris (88) were reunited for the first time after Morris tracked her former flame down and arranged to Skype him.

‘Tell me. Do you see me?’ he asked.

‘No, I can’t see properly, no,’ she said.

‘Well, I’ll tell ya, I’m smiling,’ he told her.

‘I’m sure you are,’ she said, laughing, reports The Washington Post.

Norwood Thomas and Joyce Morris spoke on Skype this week

Now a fundraising campaign has been launched to fly Thomas to Australia to be properly reunited with the woman who never forgot him.

Morris began the search a few weeks ago, while she was watching her son working on his computer. She wondered if he could use it to help her find her soldier.

He wasn’t too hard to find- Norwood Thomas had gone skydiving at the age of 88, and the story was covered by the local news.

Morris’ son, Robert, reached out to the reporter, who in turn reached out to Thomas.

“Joyce Durrant?” he said, mulling her maiden name. “Oh my God.”

The Virginia Pilot reports that he spent the afternoon searching through a stack of old photographs until he found the one his wartime girlfriend had given him before he went off to battle.

Morris has a picture of Thomas, too. Her son printed it for her, and she had it framed for her bedroom wall.

It’s the first thing she sees when she wakes up, and she says good morning to it every day.

“Just remember I will say good morning back to you,” Thomas told her when he found out. “I would love to be there to say in person.”

And that may just happen, as a Go Fund Me account has been set up in an effort to raise the money need to finally get the two back together.

It is a heartbreaking story; Thomas and Morris first met in the spring of 1944, when he was 21 and she was 17.

Thomas kept a picture of Morris from when she was just 17

Thomas, a 101st Airborne Division veteran from Virginia, America, was stationed just outside of London. He was out with a friend one day when Morris caught his eye.

“We were on a bridge crossing the Thames when we looked down and saw these two fine, young ladies,” Thomas told ABC News. “We went down, paddled around the Thames in rowboats for a bit, later got some drink and food and Joyce and I just clicked.”

They dated for a few months, and Thomas travelled to London every weekend to see his young love. He fell head over heels for her, even meeting her parents.

“I think I fell in love with the way that she smiled,” he said. “I’d always look at her and think, “My God, that is one, sweet girl.”

But the couple were soon separated when Thomas was deployed to France.

“My memory is very dim, but I remember that after the war was over and I went back to the U.S., we corresponded via letters for a little bit, and I did send her a couple of gifts,” Thomas said.

He asked Morris to join him in America, where they could be married. She declined, but she now admits that it must have been a case of crossed wires.

His letter had confused her, and she thought he was telling her he had already married.

“And that,” she says, “was the end of it.”

Or so she thought. Earlier this week, Morris’ son Robert and Thomas’s son Steven arranged for the two to see each other for the first time in 70 years via Skype.

Morris couldn’t quite wait for the arranged date though, and rang Thomas at his home.

“When she called me “Tommy,” her nickname for me,” Thomas says of the surprise call. “Oh, my God, it stirred emotions that had been dormant for a long, long time.”

Morris has a picture of Thomas too

And when the two saw each other on screen, they giggled as if they’d never spent a day apart.

They spoke for two hours, filling each other in on the last seven decades.

Thomas was married to a “very wonderful, strong woman” for 56 years before she died in 2001 from cancer, while Morris had also married and moved to Australia, before she divorced.

A few years after his wife had died, Thomas found himself thinking more and more about his younger years and the time he had spent with Morris.

“She had always been on the fringes of my thoughts this whole time,” he said. “She’d always pop up as a pleasant memory, and it turns out that she’d been thinking of me this whole time too. Her son looked me up on the Internet and contacted me. I found out she’d been living in Australia.”

Thomas is currently too weak to travel as he battles prostate cancer, but his prognosis is good and he is already looking forward to a trip to Australia.

The first thing Thomas says he will do when he sees Morris again is to give her a hug; until then, the two plan to Skype every day.

After all, there’s a lot of catching up to do.

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How your scented candle is killing you

Scented candles and air fresheners could be releasing fatal fumes into your homes.
scented candles

Scientists reveal that air fresheners and fragrant candles could be emitting a deadly cocktail of chemicals into your home reports The Sun.

Professor Alistair Lewis of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science at the University of New York conducted a series of tests on houses over five days where he tested the “volatile organic chemicals” (VOCs).

Chemicals such as benzene and alpha-pinene were present however limonene was the most common chemical released by air-fresheners, scented candles, and plug-ins.

Limonene itself is not so bad, apparently, but on exposure to the ozone the limonene molecules morph into formaldehyde, a poisonous chemical linked to causing cancer and often used in embalming and heavy industry.

Further research suggested that certain types of house plants lessened the dangerous chemicals in the air by absorbing them, but perhaps simple fresh air is the safest solution of all.

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Eat your way to a healthy vagina

Suffering from UTIs, yeast infections or dryness? Pull up a pew.
fruit vagina

While vaginal health may not be something that’s talked about very often, it can be affected by the foods you’re eating, every day.


Yeast infections and thrush, are, for the most part, unavoidable; close to 75 per cent of women will be affected at some point.

Being overweight can significantly affect your likelihood of infection, so maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is an easy, everyday way to protect yourself.

But, even then, it’s common for women to experience the burning irritation and thick discharge associated with a yeast infection; this is often caused by re-infection from the gut, where yeast otherwise lives in harmony with all of the other bacteria.

Tucking into probiotics will make it just that little bit harder for yeast to stick around – as will steering clear of yeast-heavy foods like bread, beer and some cheeses – so load up on sauerkraut, kefir and miso to keep your gut ticking over.

Cranberry juice

This one you’ve probably heard of, although no-one can quite agree on whether the results can be scientifically proven or not.

Either way, women the world over swear by cranberry juice for not only combatting urinary tract infections (UTIs), but for preventing them from reoccurring.

The theory is that an active ingredient in cranberry juice called proanthocyanidins stops bacteria from sticking around the walls of the bladder, which can lead to inflammation and infection.

And while there have been studies both proving and disproving the effectiveness of cranberry juice to fight infection, there’s certainly no harm in trying, right?


A surprise addition, perhaps, but garlic has been shown to fight the good fight against a number of UTI strains, including some multi-drug resistant ones.


If you suffer from vaginal dryness – which occurs most commonly post-menopause but does affect about 17 per cent of women pre-menopause – it could be worth upping your soy intake.

Foods like tempeh, tofu and edamame are rich in plant oestrogens, which bind to oestrogen receptor sites in the body and can prevent vaginal tissue becoming thin and dry.

This story originally appeared on Food To Love.

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Meet Bowie, the koala with two different coloured eyes

Even more reason to believe how special and unique this furry animal is.

Bowie the koala (how great is that name?) was picked up by the Australia Zoo Rescue Unit near Brendale, Queensland, last month after presumably being hit by a car.

While examination revealed she had luckily escaped major injury, it also revealed something very special about her: Bowie has an extremely rare genetic condition called heterochromia, which causes her eyes to be two entirely different colours.

As a result of a recessive gene inherited from her parents, Bowie’s right eye is bright blue, while her left eye is a more common brown. It’s mesmerising.

Luckily, the blue eye doesn’t affect her vision, treating vet Dr Sharon Griffiths said.

Pic via Australia Zoo

“In fact, her eyesight is great, exactly what we like to see in a young koala,” she said.

“Apart from being extremely lucky in avoiding injury on the road, she’s also incredibly unique as heterochromia isn’t a common occurrence in koalas; it’s more often found in domestic mammal species such as dogs and cats,” added Dr Griffiths.

Despite clearing Bowie of any major trauma, Dr Griffiths administered fluids and pain relief to help with the slight limp in her left hind leg caused by bruising and transferred Bowie to the mammals Intensive Care Unit. Bowie was also found to have mild cystitis and was administered antibiotics to aid her recovery.

The aim is to eventually release Bowie back into the wild so she can help Queensland’s vulnerable koala population survive.

We’re wishing little Bowie a speedy recovery!

A version of this story originally appeared on Australian Geographic.

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5 foods to get you in the mood

Because the cold weather doesn’t just have to mean slow-cooker lamb shanks and apple crumble.
5 foods to get you in the mood

Nearly three out of four women will experience painful intercourse at some time. (Image: Getty Images)

Chances are you’re spending an increasing amount of time inside as the mercury dips and the days get shorter.

So whether you’ve got Netflix cued on the TV or you’re planning a truly romantic evening complete with candlelight and soft music, why not start working some of these mood-boosting foods into your cooking?

You can thank us later.

Avocados: “Enough with the avocados!” we hear you cry. No, sorry, not today: with vitamin B6 and a whopper amount of minerals and monounsaturated fat, avos are a great way to keep both your energy and your sex drive up. Their omega-3 fatty acids also naturally boost your regular mood – which can then get you in the mood.

Asparagus: Believe it or not, there’s a science to aphrodisiacs, and in the case of asparagus, it’s all about the vitamin B6 and folate; both nutrients can boost arousal and orgasm, while the vitamin E these tasty vegies contain can also stimulate sex hormones in both males and females.

Oysters: You didn’t really think we were going to talk about aphrodisiacs without tipping our hat to oysters, did you? The science behind it all points to zinc, a mineral which helps to produce testosterone and helps regulate both men and women’s sexual function and libido. It may also increase sexual potency and improve sperm count, as well keeping ovary function healthy.

Chilli: Capsaicin, the chemical that can induce the release of endorphins in the brain, is present in spades in chilli peppers. That, in turn, creates a feeling of euphoria, spicing things up in more ways than one.

Chocolate: Chocoholics, rejoice. Tryptophan, a serotonin-producing chemical, hangs out in every sweet tooth’s favourite snack, making it a great mood-booster. As a bonus, your lovey-dovey feelings could get a kick thanks to another stimulant called phenylethylamine; talk about a gooey centre.

This story originally appeared on Food To Love.

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Adorable babies are getting even cuter with tiny, peachy tushes

Babies so cute we could eat them right up. Literally.
Adorable babies are getting even cuter with tiny, peachy tushes

We melted like ice-cream at the Cheerio challenge, when bored dads the world over competed to see how many pieces of breakfast cereal they could stack on their tiny, sleeping baby’s nose/ head/ belly.

But with one perfectly placed peach, the Cheerio challenge has been knocked from the top spot of Adorably Hilarious Things To Do With Babies by this.

Japanese social media users have gotten snap-happy with their bubs’ bums, holding plump, juicy peaches over their plump, juicy babies to create the most edible looking toddler tushes in the world.

The newest trend grew legs after Kodomono, a Japan-based printing company, launched a photo competition, with the winners going on to land a page in their 2017 calendar.

The company’s example? A peach covering a baby’s bum.

They accompanied their photo with a hashtag of the Japanese word for peach – #桃 for those playing along at home – and as thousands of parents got involved, our Instagram feeds got approximately 1000 per cent cuter.

Look at their little fuzzy peach butts!

We’re suggesting that Kodomono’s 2017 calendar be made up solely of a collage of these sweeter-than-a-Georgia-peach pics.

We’ll take 10, please.

This story originally appeared on Food To Love.

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This famous star believes she’s related to Duchess Kate

We’re looking back at our family tree too…

It seems a famous star has a family connection to the Duchess of Cambridge – so who is it?

Ellen DeGeneres!

She had someone dive deep into her family tree and reportedly discovered Duchess Kate is Ellen’s “14th cousin twice removed”.

Loose connection or not, she’s still related to a ROYAL. We’d tell the world that too.

There’s been no happy family reunion lately though, with the Finding Dory star confessing in an interview with ITV’s Lorraine that Kate “refuses to acknowledge it”.

Ellen added: “I’m related to Madonna and Halle Berry, and both of them embrace it, why wouldn’t Katie?”

Come on, Kate – think how happy little Charlotte and George would be to have the real-life Dory in their home!

Let’s hope they team up soon and become best friends.

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Is sugar actually making your kids hyper?

Convinced that it’s the fairy bread and lemonade causing your kids’ craziness? Think again.
Is sugar actually making your kids hyper?

For many parents, picking a child up after a birthday party kicks off an evening of hyperactivity, tantrums and, more often than not, nausea.

But psychologists say that blaming that rush of energy (and the inevitable crash) on sugary foods is wrong – and unfair.

Speaking at Cheltenham Science Festival last June, David Benton, a professor at Swansea University, said that people were mistaking sugar providing energy with feeling energetic.

“Sugar does not increase the activity of children,” he explained. “It is the expectation of the parents.

“Children get hyperactive at [a] party, running around wild and winding themselves up. That is the problem distinguishing one thing from another.”

Benton went on to say that the situation feeds itself; as parents anticipate over-energetic behaviour, they put their child on a tighter rein and interpret actions differently.

His theory is backed up with research dating as far back as 1994, when a double-blind study found that parents who were told their child had been fed sugar rather than a placebo were more likely to say their child was hyperactive – even if the child had consumed no sugar at all.

Experts are quick to point out that this shouldn’t give parents permission to ply their children with the sweet stuff; with 99 per cent of Aussie kids not getting enough veg and news that a “sugar tax” may be introduced in an effort to curb childhood obesity, it’s probably best to stick to hummus and toasted nori chips.

This story originally appeared on Food To Love.

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Did Mariah Carey photoshop this picture?

What do you think?
Did Mariah Carey photoshop this picture?

Mariah Carey has come under fire with fans accusing her of photo shopping a picture of herself.

The 46-year-old posted a candid snap as she stepped off a private plane, captioning it, “Friggin world traveller.”

However, many of her fans couldn’t help but notice she looked remarkably slimmer than in recent photos.

One of her followers simply wrote ‘Photoshop’ in the comments while others urged her not to lose any more weight.

“This is either photo shopped or from 2008 or 2013,” someone else suggested.

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17 of the quirkiest royal family stories

Like the time a guard failed to recognise the Queen!

We’re all fascinated by the royal family but what do we actually know about them as people?

We know they’ve got some quirky rules to follow and say the darndest things, but we want to get personal.

Thomas Blaikie’s book, What A Thing To Say To The Queen: A Collection Of Royal Anecdotes From The House Of Windsor, is here to help us fill in the gaps.

He’s collected the most hilarious and touching stories about the royals which will have you looking at them in a new light!

The Queen collects pepper grinders. One of her favourites, a present from a friend, came from an Italian restaurant in the shape of a plastic waiter. When you turn the head for pepper, it shrieks with a joke Italian accent: “You’re breaking my neck!” which the Queen is said to find most amusing.

The Queen drew up at the Royal Windsor Horse show in 1991 where she was greeted by a guard saying: “Sorry love, you can’t come in without a sticker.”

The Queen, unfazed by the incident, replied: “I think if you check, I will be allowed to come in!”

The guard later admitted he thought she was “some old dear” who was lost.

The Queen’s handbag contains good luck charms from her children, including miniature dogs and horses, and family photos.

Another reason it never leaves her side is because it’s used as a signalling device. Placed on the table it means she wishes to leave in five minutes. Switched from arm to arm means she must move on and talk to someone else.

Because Prince William is such a fan, a second cake made entirely of McVitie’s chocolate biscuits was served at the reception of his wedding to Kate Middleton.

After arriving in America for a state visit in 1991, the Queen found herself struggling to see over the top of a podium as she delivered her speech.

President George Bush Sr had been asked to pull out a small platform for the Queen to stand on. But as he forgot, all the crowd could see was ‘a talking hat’.

If the Imperial State Crown isn’t available (it is usually on display at the Tower of London), the Queen practises for the State Opening of Parliament with a sack of flour on her head of equivalent weight.

“The Queen will be here at teatime,” a courtier once told a young Prince Harry at Sandringham. To which he asked: “Who’s the Queen?”

As a young adult Princess Elizabeth enjoyed a breakfast of bacon and eggs with a cup of tea. Nowadays the Queen has toast and marmalade, but she offers most of it to her corgis.

Unfazed by Michael Fagan, the intruder who broke into her bedroom in 1982, the Queen settled into her bed after his removal so that she could enjoy her tea as planned.

Shortly after their marriage, the Queen and Prince Philip went to Rome for her birthday. Although she wanted to celebrate with a low-key dinner at a restaurant, Philip organised a grand Embassy party.

The Queen was so annoyed with Philip that she didn’t speak to him for several days.

The Queen was lunching at Windsor Castle with racing friends. “Boeing 747,” she said as a plane flew overhead. Then she said: “That’s an Airbus.”

As Windsor is right next to Heathrow, planes can be heard roaring past at all hours. The Queen can identify each type by its different sound.

Prince Charles often takes a nap whilst at dinner parties. Hostesses in the know continue talking and no one notices. Even two minutes ‘out’ is said to refresh him completely.

Famous for wearing colourful clothing, the Queen once remarked: “I can’t wear beige because people won’t know who I am.”

One Christmas Day, a junior footman thought the Queen was getting up from the table so he removed her chair for her.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t, and as the Queen went to sit back down she fell straight to the floor.

Surprised but unhurt, the Queen was soon as amused as the rest of her family.

“Run him down!” Princess Margaret would order her chauffeur if she saw Tommy Lascelles, her elderly neighbour at Kensington Palace.

As the Queen’s private secretary he was against her relationship with divorced Group Captain Peter Townsend. The Princess was forced to give up her lover and blamed Tommy for ruining her life.

The Queen Mother had such a wonderful collection of hats that her attendants would often try them on for fun.

She found out and told the staff: “I quite understand if you want to wear my hats and other things, but do try to put them back where you found them!”

To avoid arriving late, Prince Philip has given his valet the task of feeding him sandwiches while he drives.

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