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The children of ice addicted parents in Australia

Shoes on the wrong foot, slept-in uniforms, teeth not brushed, empty lunch boxes are the classic symptoms of children with ice addicted parents, claims Primary School Principal Cheryl McBride.

Cheryl McBride had just walked into someone’s home, uninvited, to take their Medicare and Centrelink cards.

As she tip-toed around, dodging the takeout boxes and stepping over dog faeces – so old it was white – she found the woman she’d asked to meet in her office countless times.

The mother was incoherent on the floor.

“I had to sort of step over her and then I said ‘Look, I need your card. Where is your card?’ She pointed to her bag, so I pulled it out of her wallet,” says McBride.

“I just remember looking at her, then riffling through her bag and thinking, ‘I’m a principal, going through somebody’s handbag!’”

Cheryl McBride is the Chairperson of the Public School Principals Forum and has entered over 50 homes in her 37 years on the job. Just like this instance, most are because her students – as young as five years old – are being neglected by drug addicted parents.

Ice has always been the most destructive, says McBride and it’s a problem not isolated to her school.

Shoes on the wrong foot, slept-in uniforms, teeth not brushed, empty lunch boxes are the classic symptoms of children with ice addicted parents, claims McBride.

“I’ve seen other drugs have a serious long term outcome but ice seems to just diminish the humanity so quickly… there’s just this incredible need to fuel the addiction and everything else is second place,” McBride tells The Weekly Online.

“So much so that there’s no routine, there’s no regularity, there’s no expectations, no predictability. If a child is not of sufficient maturity to be able to manage themselves – and establish their own little routines, and get themselves to school – it’s completely destructive.”

More than one in 14 Australians have tried ice and almost 200,000 Australians have used the drug in the past twelve months.

Of all illicit drugs, ice poses the highest risk to the Australian community according to the latest report from the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) on The Australian methylamphetamine market: The national picture.

An Australian Senate Committee last year claimed authorities have seized 2.9 tonnes of the drug smuggled into Australia in the last financial year compared to 1.8 tonnes the previous financial year.

And a 2013 National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS) revealed the country’s ice use has more than doubled, increasing from 22 per cent in 2010 to 50 per cent three years later.

Sarah* – whose mother McBride stepped over – is one of the many children who have felt the impact of their parent’s rapid decline thanks to the drug.

In just year two, Sarah would walk herself to school every morning and sit in class attentively but it took the teachers, and McBride, weeks to discover why she wasn’t learning.

The hearing aids Sarah required had been misplaced and – most importantly – not replaced by her single mother, whose ice addiction took priority over the four children she’d given birth to. And she’d failed to tell the school Sarah was hearing impaired.

A call from McBride to the local hearing center, a trip to Sarah’s mother’s home and an appointment at the surgery revealed the seven-year-old not only needed hearing aids, but an operation on her ear.

“We are in talking to the doctor, and he starts asking the standard questions. He asked, “What nationality?”

“I looked at [Sarah] and said, ‘What nationality are you?’

“The doctor looked puzzled and queried: ‘You’re not the mother?’ And then we gave the whole spiel,” says McBride.

“He arranged all of the surgery – accepted my permission, accepted the nurses referral – and went on to give those services for nothing, so there was no gap. He arranged an anaesthetist and for somebody else to donate money to cover the entire stay.”

While McBride has often stepped out of the school yard to take care of vulnerable students, the drug has entered the playground, too, hand-in-hand with violence.

“We always tried to have that philosophy of – not exclusion of the community but – welcome of the community when it was acceptable,” says McBride, who ran Sarah Redfern primary – a school in Minto of Sydney’s Western suburbs.

At the time, community violence was high.

“So whatever was happening out there the kids knew ‘when I walk in that door, I’m safe, I’m cared for, I’m clothed, I’m warm, I’m comfortable and secure in my teacher’s care,'” McBride says.

“But sometimes [the violence] would come in, and I deeply resented that but you just had to deal with it at the time.”

One afternoon, when McBride was watching the students go home at 3pm, a father “came flying down the playground” and – dodging the children – hid behind the Principal.

“He was holding me by the shoulders when another dad who was ‘off his tree’ came flying down with a golf stick, ready to hit the guy behind me,” McBride tells The Weekly Online.

McBride is sitting in the office of her Western Sydney school – the fourth school she’s run.

She is just over five feet tall, petite, with a blonde bob, donning a tracksuit as it’s ‘sports day’ on Fridays.

“I just put my hands up and said ‘Stop, there’s kids around. Stop. Stop…’ And he did. But I was really fearful I was going to get hurt, or the children would get hurt,” she recalls.

“It was like nobody else existed in this world except the guy behind me.”

The man behind McBride, and the man in front of her were ice addicts, and the latter was accusing the former of reporting him to government services.

“When they’re incoherent, they automatically think ‘it’s my next door neighbour,’” says the Principal.

Months later, the man hiding behind McBride was punching a wall in her office in a violent rage, while the Principal and her staff hid his partner and children in a safe room on another occasion.

“We’d just call the police. He was very subject to those rages and I was used to him. After a while – it sounds ridiculous – but you sort of become callous to that behaviour,” says the Principal.

Another young couple in their early twenties who McBride witnessed the ice-provoked downward spiral eventually had their three children lifted, but not without resistance.

The father-of-three threatened to kill their newborn with an axe while government services stood outside.

The kids were lifted and placed with a new family.

“They were quite culturally different. They were Arabic,” says the Principal. Thankfully the children no longer arrived at school with their shoes on the wrong foot, and their lunch boxes were full. They recovered almost instantly.

“I think they were just so happy to be safe, and predictable – lunch, dinner and all the rest of it,” says McBride.

But where were government services when Sarah needed hearing aids?

“You’ve got to remember in a lot of cases government services resources don’t go very far and we do so much now in supporting children that sometimes you don’t even bother contacting them. If kids are not bringing lunch to school, we just give them something from the canteen,” says McBride.

“If they haven’t got proper shoes or it’s low level neglect we just deal with it.”

After entering 50 homes of students whose lives have been caught in the crossfire of ice, lower-level drugs, domestic violence and sexual abuse, McBride has surprisingly, never felt in danger.

“There was often a person who would pop open a window and say ‘Hey, I’ll look after your car while you’re there, Mrs McBride,’” says the Principal, smiling.

“There’s times when you realise you’re the sole carer for a child, and when you realise, the human spirit often rises to the occasion and teachers go beyond their strict role.”

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Ten common dreams and what they mean

The dream you had last night could reveal a lot about you.

Ever woke up and thought “why in the world did I dream about THAT?”

Well, it’s probably linking back to your recent life experiences and what’s going on in that head of yours.

According to dream analyst Jane Anderson, your dreams can reflect what’s happened in your life in the last one to two days.

“The value of interpreting a dream is to discover your unconscious beliefs and feelings, which then effects how you see your life and how you respond to it,” she says.

“One helpful way to look at dreams is as analogies for what’s going on in your life.”

Here, Jane shares the 10 most common dreams people have and what they symbolise.


You may dream of falling when things are changing and you’re scared of what’s to come, when you’ve just let go of something, or you’re scared to do so. But Jane says that change can be good. “What if there’s a soft landing, or you find you can fly?,” she asks.


Jane wants you to ask yourself these questions – “How do you feel when you fly in your dream? Are you excited to fly high?” If this is the case, there might be something exciting in store for you, and as Jane says, you might be “reaching a higher potential in your life”.

Trying to escape your dream may link to an issue in your life you’re not addressing. If you feel at peace when soaring through the clouds, Jane says: “You may be rising above a stressful situation, viewing it from a higher perspective. Be guided by how you feel in your dream.”

Naked in public

Yep, this is an awkward one.

In your dream you may be fully or partially naked, or trying to cover up. You might dream this when you’re feeling exposed, not physically, “but perhaps you feel your character has been exposed, your true intentions, your thoughts, your fears, your feelings,” Jane tells us.

“You may feel vulnerable, thinking that people can see through to the real you, or you may feel a wonderful freedom at not hiding behind an image, at being your authentic self,” she says.


Jane says that people don’t often talk about these dreams as it may reveal an attraction to the dream sex partner. It can also make work super stressful – not to mention awkward – if that person is a colleague or your boss.

But it’s not always what it seems! “Take a deep breath, and be assured that these dreams do not reveal your hidden fantasies,” Jane assures us.

“Which three words would you use to describe your dream sex partner’s personality? You may be bringing one of these aspects into your own personality or approach to life.”

Celebrity friends

Oh, how we wish these dreams were reality! According to Jane, these dreams link back to your daily life. “Think about that celebrity. In waking life you don’t really know them, but you have built a picture of what you think they’re really like, or you’ve formed an opinion about what they must be going through.”

“On some level you relate to this celebrity,” she says. “Maybe you relate to issues you feel they are going through, fears they face, or relate to their perspective on life. Your dream sheds light on your own issues and views.”


If the car is out of control, this might be how you feel in a situation in real life. Jane wants you to ask yourself these questions: “Are you scared that things are going fast, and worried that you’re caught up in it all and won’t be able to stop? Are gripping that steering wheel of life, trying to regain control?

This might be an indication that you can sometimes be too controlling. Take a step back and see where it takes you!

Losing teeth

Try and remember how you felt in the dream. If you felt embarrassed, this could link to a an uncomfortable situation you experienced in the last 1-2 days.

Dreaming of losing your teeth could be linked to feeling a sense of loss in life. As Jane puts it, this could be blocking you from being able to express yourself in the way you really want to, or you could be finding it hard to get your message across.

Back at school or sitting an exam

You’re probably going through similar emotions now as when you were in school.

“Perhaps you’re feeling stressed about success or failure or you’re having issues of responsibility. Maybe you’re being treated like a child, or there are issues of dealing with authority or punishment,” says Jane.

“This kind of dream can help you to see that an issue goes back to your school years, and helps to shed light on it. When you heal or resolve that issue from your past, it no longer bothers you in your present.”

Looking for a toilet

You’re likely dreaming of this because you actually need to go to the toilet during the night, but as Jane tells us, that’s not always the case!

If you dream about not finding a toilet, or perhaps it’s locked, filthy, or the walls and doors are missing so you’re exposed, “this comes up when you’re feeling you can’t find the privacy and space to let go of what you no longer need in your life,” says Jane.

“This is like an emotional letting-go. If you successfully and happily relieve your bladder or bowel in a dream, you’ve let go!”


“Do you run away from your dream tsunami, freeze in fear on the spot, or bravely dive under it? A tsunami, in life and in dreams, is an overwhelming and life-threatening body of water looming towards you. It can feel like there’s no escape,” says Jane.

“This kind of dream can come up when you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, or overwhelmed by what life seems to be throwing at you.”

There could be something big looming, and you might feel like there’s no escape. Jane says that once you identify the problem that’s causing these issues, you’ll be able to restore the calm.

Words by Jacqui King

Trending video: Fifi Box finally reveals Grant Kenny is Trixie’s dad!

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Three more US police officers killed

Three police officers have been gunned down in the same city where Alton Sterling was shot dead by white police just 12 days ago.

Three US police officers have been shot and killed, and three injured in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

It was just 12 days ago when Alton Sterling was shot dead by white police in the same city.

The gunman was shot dead at the scene, and according to CNN, he has been identified as 29-year-old Gavin Long from Kansas City, Missouri.

The shooting occurred on Airline Highway at 8.45am Sunday (11.45pm Sunday AEST) when police responded to a call about a “suspicious person walking down Airline Highway with an assault rifle.”

According to reports, he started shooting when police arrived.

The three officers who died include 32-year-old Montrell Jackson, 41-year-old Matthew Gerald, and a 45-year-old who is currently unnamed.

Matthew Gerald

Montrell Jackson

One officer is in a critical condition, while two others are in a stable condition.

CBS News reports that two men have been detained and are being questioned as ‘people of interest’.

The gunman was allegedly a former marine and was honourably discharged six years ago.

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U2’s Bono had to be evacuated during the Bastille Day terror attack in Nice

The singer was saved by anti-terror police and had to be lead out with his hands over his head.
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Lead singer and rock legend Bono had to be evacuated from a nearby restaurant during the Bastille Day terror attack in Nice.

The 56-year-old singer found himself caught up in the horror while dining on the terrace of La Petite Maison.

When the mass murderer drove his lorry into crowds watching the fireworks nearby, Bono and the other diners in the restaurant froze in fear.

The owner of the upmarket restaurant spoke out about the awful events that night.

“Suddenly I saw people running, without shouting,” said Anne-Laure Rubi. “It was a silent panic, it was extraordinary.”

The singer had been dining nearby when the chaos unfolded.

The restaurant staff pulled down the shutters, and instructed everyone to hide and remain calm.

It took 30 minutes of crouching in fear before the police came to evacuate and rescue the patrons.

“It took around half an hour for the police to get us out,” said another diner.

“Like everybody else, Bono had to put his hands on his head, and was told to remain calm. The police were clearly very worried that terrorists might still be at large, and everybody was under suspicion.”

Bono was also nearby when the Paris terror attacks occurred.

Bono owns a house in the nearby town of Eze and had been out to dinner with a group of friends.

It’s the second time the singer has found himself close to a major terrorist attack.

Bono pays an emotional tribute to victims of the Paris attacks in the clip below. Post continues.

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He was rehearsing for a concert nearby in Paris when ISIS attacked the Bataclan theatre killing 89 people in November.

The musician ignored advice to leave the French capital, instead making their way to the theatre where the attack occurred to pay their respects.

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Going for gold! Jana Pittman’s exciting baby news

The champion athlete exclusively reveals to Woman’s Day that she has another sperm donor baby on the way.
Jana Pittman

Jana Pittman has accepted she won’t be winning an Olympic medal this year.

Instead, she’s expecting her third child!

The champion athlete only wants to race after her kids!

Jana is Australian sporting royalty

She is using the same sperm donor with whom she had daughter, Emily – and she couldn’t be happier.

“I’ve got a bit chubbier this time around,” laughs the former world champion, who is also mum to son Cornelis, nine, with her ex-husband, and 15-month-old Emily.

Watch the 33-year-old in action in the video player! Post continues below…

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Last April, Jana welcomed her treasured daughter Emily via IVF.

In 2014 the athlete chatted to us about the joys of parenthood and the hurdles she faced conceiving, which resulted in her turning to IVF.

“I feel extraordinarily lucky. I can’t wait to meet my baby girl – she’s my little miracle,” she said at the time.

Pick up a copy of Woman’s Day magazine to see the former athlete’s stunning shoot and to read her full story

Jana can’t wait for her little one to join son Cornelis and Emily.

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Grant Hackett’s boozy weekend with a mystery blonde

Just as Grant Hackett escaped one scandal, the former Olympian seems to be swimming right into another!
Grant Hackett

Despite vowing to seek help again to “get off the booze”, Grant Hackett’s best intentions looked 
as if they might have fallen by 
the wayside when he was pictured hitting the bottle with a blonde friend at Palazzo Versace last weekend.

In April the swimming legend was questioned by police in Melbourne following an on-flight altercation.

The 35-year-old was on a Virgin Australia flight from Adelaide to Melbourne on Sunday morning when he allegedly grabbed a passenger by the nipple “quite forcefully” after a passenger reclined their seat backwards.

His recent outing suggests the incident was far from his mind.

According to sources, Grant and his friend knocked back more than a few drinks over dinner at the Gold Coast hotel’s waterside eatery Vie last weekend.

“They’d both had quite a bit to drink and got quite loud – she was hard to ignore,” an onlooker noted.

Click through to check out Grant’s day out!

Grant Hackett and a blonde friend had a blast at Palazzo Versace last weekend.

The former swimming great certainly looked very smitten as the pair drank up a storm, despite Grant vowing to seek help again to “get off the booze”. Check out Grant’s latest drama in the video in the next slide!

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Grant’s blonde friend bears a similar resemblance to his ex-wife, Candice Alley.

In April, the 35-year-old was on a Virgin Australia flight from Adelaide to Melbourne when he allegedly grabbed a passenger by the nipple “quite forcefully” after they reclined their seat backwards.

The dad to twins Jagger Emilio and Charlize Alley said in a statement, “I seriously and genuinely regret my poor behaviour. I have stuffed up more than once and am working on these issues. I just have to sort a few things first so I can be as frank and open as I need to be. I apologise for the inconvenience.”

Grant and his companion put on an amorous display.

Onlookers say the pair were “quite loud.”

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Duchess Catherine, Prince William and Prince George honour SAS heroes

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the event to mark the 75th anniversary of the Special Air Service.
Duchess Catherine

They’ve always enthusiastically supported the efforts of the military, but today Prince William and Duchess Catherine attended a very special service.

The Duke and Duchess joined thousands of soldiers to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Special Air Service.

And it was a family affair, with Prince George also in attendance for his second official royal engagement.

Catherine and William unveiled a statue at the SAS base honouring those who’ve served.

Duchess Catherine and Prince William, pictured here attending a service for troops who went to Afghanistan, have long been supporters of the military.

The event was reportedly an impressive one, including a Red Arrow display and Spitfire fly-by, which Prince George was apparently very impressed with.

Prince George already loves his planes! Check out his day out at the Royal International Air Tattoo. Post continues.

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The young parents and their little prince took their time, as they spoke to veterans who served in the original SAS in World War II.

Five thousand troops both past and present attended the lavish ceremony.

Kate is no stranger to supporting the troops. Check out her stunning style when she presented shamrocks to an adorable army dog! Post continues.

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Duchess Catherine presented medals to soldiers in Victoria Barracks back in 2011.

Photos were not allowed of the royal party attending the event, nor of the statue, which was called The Pursuit of Excellence.

An attendee of the event, Donna Gunn, took to social media to express her excitement about the event, and meeting little George.

It was little George’s second official royal engagement.

“My children played with George. He’s so handsome and Kate is stunning,” Donna gushed.

“She’s a fantastic down to earth mummy, she plays with him and she’s very hands-on.”

An SAS source revealed: “It was a fantastic occasion. Soldiers were not allowed to take photographs of the Royal party or the statue, which was of two troopers and an Army working dog.”

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Grant Kenny joins Fifi and Trixie Box on holidays in Fiji

Fifi Box and Grant Kenny enjoy a secret Fijian escape with their beloved daughter Trixie.
Fifi and Trixie Box

For the past few weeks the beloved presenter has been enjoying a well-deserved break with her mini-me daughter in Fiji.

And as the new issue of Woman’s Day reveals, Grant, 53, secretly flew into the country to spend five blissful days with the pair.

“He had a great time in Fiji with the two of them, and it was very daring of him to throw caution to the wind and just do it, because Grant is just not like that,” a source explains.

Fifi, 39, took to social media to post a candid holiday snap of daughter Trixie jumping into the arms of her dad during their family holiday.

“Leap of faith with no floaties!” Fifi mused alongside the image.

Although the mother-of-one didn’t name Grant in the caption, it didn’t take long for eagle-eyed fans to point out the similarities.

“With her dad, precious,” one used remarked. “And into Dads arms, How AWESOME! Onya Grant,” another penned.

Grant was on hand to teach Trixie how to swim.

In April The Project beauty, who has always remained silent on who Trixie’s father is, finally addressed the matter in a series of telling photos featuring her darling daughter playing with her dad at her third birthday party.

“Bouncing castle daddy cuddles,” Fifi mused.

Fifi and Grant secretly dated in 2012 but broke up just before she revealed she was pregnant with her first child.

The pair have never commented on their tryst. Trixie is often spotted with her look-alike half-siblings Jamie, 26, Morgan, 23 and Jett, 19, who Grant shares with former wife Lisa Curry.

Trixie and Grant Kenny

In April, Fifi finally confirmed Grant is Trixie’s father with this heartwarming photo.

During their trip, Trixie and Fifi met with local students in Fiji.

Meanwhile, it hasn’t just been pool-side shenanigans during Fifi and Gran’ts escape.

The radio presenter has also taken Trixie along to volunteer at a local school. In a particularly cute Instagram snap, the blonde tot sits at a desk with a group of students covering her eyes.

“This is Trixie letting me know she has no interest in ever going to school,” Fifi joked.

To find out more details on Fifi and Grant’s secret Fijian holiday and their plans for the future, be sure to pick up the latest issue of Woman’s Day, on stands now!

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Princess Josephine steals the show during photo call

And the rest of the kids can't seem to stop playing around at the annual official photo call.
Princess Josephine Prince Frederik, Prince Vincent Princess Mary Princess Isabella Prince Christian Queen Margrethe

Talk about genetically blessed!

Crown Princess Mary and Prince Frederik gathered their family for their annual summer photo session, and boy did they all look pretty as a picture.

But it was the children, Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Princess Josephine and Prince Vincent, who undoubtedly stole the show.

While the adults remained all business, the royal kids couldn’t help but frolic about in front of the cameras.

Watch as the royal tots steal the show in the video player below! Post continues…

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Little Josephine couldn’t keep still!

Royal duties can be serious proceedings, but the youngest royals, Vincent and Josephine especially, injected a sense of fun into the photo call.

Josephine laughed uproariously as she played fetch with the family dogs, throwing the ball as far as her little arms could.


Prince Vincent adores his family pets.

And Vincent couldn’t resist getting in on the action, chasing after the pampered pooches as they chased after the soggy tennis ball.

But that wasn’t all.

The littlest princess couldn’t stop playing!

When they royals were finally assembled for their picture perfect shot, the five-year-old littlest Danish Princess couldn’t stop dancing!

She wiggled around, waving her hands in the air like she just didn’t care.

At one point Mary, 44, had to take Josephine aside and ask her to keep still.

Keep still, missy!

But the telling off of his youngest siblings then gave 10-year-old Prince Christian a fit of the giggles.

Meanwhile, nine-year-old Isabella remained serene and calm while the photos were being taken, trying to set an example for her brothers and sister.

Princess Isabella is so used to remaining chill during photo calls. Watch her work her magic below, then post continues.

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Christian couldn’t help but laugh when his brother and sister finally started to stand still.

The family looked gorgeous, as usual, in all the final photos.

The portrait session is an annual tradition organised by Queen Margrethe each year in summer.

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Drew Barrymore files for divorce from husband Will Kopelman

The star makes her separation from her husband official three months after their separation.
Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore has officially filed papers to divorce husband number three, Will Kopelman.

The legal move comes three months after the couple first announced they were calling it quits.

According to the New York Daily News, the actress filed all the necessary paperwork in the Manhattan Supreme Court on July 15 to officially dissolve her third marriage.

Reports out of the US suggest that it will be an amicable separation.

Did this interview foreshadow Drew Barrymore’s divorce? Watch below, then post continues.

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Drew and Will were always super affectionate in public and the split came as a shock.

The Daily News says the papers “suggest there will be no messy fights between the two”.

As it stands, the divorce is currently “uncontested”.

Drew admits she put her children before her marriage. Watch the startling revelation in the video below, then post continues.

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Drew, pictured with Frankie, has vowed to put all her energy into her children now.

The 41-year-old Blended star began dating her estranged husband in 2011 after being friends for years.

They married at her lavish Montecito, California estate in 2012.

Drew is said to have thought Will truly was the One, so the divorce comes as a blow.

When Drew and Will announced their separation, they put out a joint statement.

“Sadly our family is separating legally, although we do not feel this takes away from us being a family.”

“Divorce might make one feel like a failure, but eventually you start to find grace in the idea that life goes on. Our children are our universe and we look forward to living the rest of our lives with them as the first priority.”

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