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Stephanie Scott murder: Cleaner planned on killing 12yo girl

New details in the case have emerged.
Stephanie Scott murder: Cleaner planned on killing 12yo girl

Stephanie Scott's body was found burnt in scrubland just one day before her wedding.

In chilling new details, school cleaner Vincent Stanford planned on attacking a 12-year-old female student the day he killed school teacher Stephanie Scott.

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The Daily Telegraph reports that Stanford would have attacked the 12-year-old, who livened near the local area, had she not been away on the weekend of the killing.

Instead, he raped and murdered Ms Scott to which he pleaded guilty to yesterday.

Ms Scott, 26, was last seen on Easter Sunday in April 2015 at her workplace, Leeton High School, where she had gone to prepare lesson plans for the time she would be away on her honeymoon.

Her body was discovered in some burnt-out scrub in Cocoparra National Park the following Friday, the day before she was due walk down the aisle to marry partner Aaron Leeson-Woolley.

VIDEO: Vincent Stanford pleads guilty to murder of teacher Stephanie Scott

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Miranda Kerr engaged to Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel

He liked it so he put a ring on it!
Miranda Kerr is engaged to Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel!

Snapchat founder and tech whiz Evan Spiegel has proposed to Aussie model Miranda Kerr… and she said yes!

The gorgeous brunette posted a photo of the massive ring on social media to announce the happy news.

The image features Miranda’s delicate hand intertwined with Evan’s, showing the ring front and centre.

The mum of one even composed a custom filter featuring cartoon characters of themselves renacting the proposal scene to overlay the photo.

Alongside the photo was the message “I said yes!!!”

“They are extremely happy,” a spokeperson for Snapchat told The Daily Mail.

Miranda’s new fiancé is only 26, but is one of the world’s youngest self-made billionaires.

He founded Snapchat while he was studying at Stanford University, and Forbes estimates he is worth about $2.1 billion.

Snapchat itself is worth $16 billion.

The 33-year-old former wife of Orlando Bloom says she and Evan didn’t hit it off straight away.

“We were really good friends for a long time before we started dating,” Miranda confessed, when she was asked how her and Evan came together.

And Evan didn’t meet the former Victoria’s Secret Angel’s child with Orlando, Flynn, until six months in.

She said: “[My ex and I decided] that we had to know the person for six months and feel good about them [before introducing them to Flynn].

“Evan met Flynn, so yeah, things are going well.

“Orlando thinks he’s great. We’re just a modern family now!”

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day.

RELATED VIDEO: Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel’s PDA is too cute

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Lady Gaga speaks out after her split from fiancé Taylor Kinney

The heartbroken star is still hoping for a resolution.
Lady gaga

Lady Gaga has spoken out for the first time following news breaking of her split with former fiancé Taylor Kinney.

The emotional singer posted a heartbreaking throwback picture of her and Taylor in happier times, accompanied by a heartfelt message.

“Taylor and I have always believed we are soulmates,” she began.

“Just like all couples we have ups and downs, and we have been taking a break,” Gaga said, confirming the two had indeed separated but that all hope was not lost.

Lady Gaga posted this hopeful picture of the two in happier times.

She admitted the couple were on a break, but that all hope was not lost.

“We are both ambitious artists, hoping to work through long-distance and complicated schedules to continue the simple love we have always shared,” the Born This Way singer explained.

“Please root us on. We’re just like everybody else and we really love each other.”

They can’t be over! Watch Taylor and Gaga gushing over each other in happier times. Post continues.

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Their crazy schedules seemed too much at this point in their lives.

The pair have apparently separated to take stock of their lives following gruelling schedules for each of them.

Living life in the public eye has also reportedly strained the relationship.

Check out everything you need to know about the shock split in the video below. Then, post continues.

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Gaga is going solo for the time being, to focus on her music.

A source close to the American Horror Story: Hotel actress spoke out, admitting the two had found it hard trying to make it work.

“She started really writing and working on her album and he went back to work in Chicago,” the insider confessed to Us Weekly.

“They just kept going weeks without seeing each other.”

The insider reveals the couple are “super bummed” about taking a break but also said “they absolutely could get back together”.

We have our fingers crossed.

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Miranda Kerr is engaged to Snapchat founder Evan Spiegel!

The billionaire businessman and the Aussie model are set to tie the knot after just one year of dating.
Miranda Kerr and Evan Spiegel

Introducing Mr and Mrs Spiegel.

He liked it so he put a ring on it!

Snapchat founder and tech whiz Evan Spiegel has proposed to Aussie model Miranda Kerr… and she said yes!

The gorgeous brunette posted a photo of the massive ring on social media to announce the happy news.

And in true cross-promotion style, the pair were even given their very own Snapchap filter!

Check out that sparkler! We’re blind.

The two are over the moon at the announcement.

The image features Miranda’s delicate hand intertwined with Evan’s, showing the enormous ring front and centre.

Alongside the photo was the message “I said yes!!!”

Watch the loved up pair pack on the PDA below. Post continues after the video

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Miranda has previously said she feels so lucky to call Evan her partner. Fiance now!

“They are extremely happy,” a spokesperson for the couple told The Daily Mail.

Miranda’s new fiancé is only 26, but is one of the world’s youngest self-made billionaires.

Miranda’s tech-whiz husband to be made his fortune while still at uni.

The pair have been dating for a year.

He founded Snapchat while he was studying at Stanford University, and Forbes estimates he is worth about $2.1 billion.

Snapchat itself is worth $16 billion.

The 33-year-old former wife of Orlando Bloom says she and Evan didn’t hit it off straight away.

The perfect pair were just friends before they embarked on a love affair.

And apparently even Miranda’s ex Orlando likes Evan!

“We were really good friends for a long time before we started dating,” Miranda confessed to the Sydney Morning Herald, when she was asked how her and Evan came together.

And Evan didn’t meet the former Victoria’s Secret Angel’s child with Orlando, Flynn, until six months in.

Evan will be step daddy to little Flynn Bloom

She said: “[My ex and I decided] that we had to know the person for six months and feel good about them [before introducing them to Flynn].

“Evan met Flynn, so yeah, things are going well.

“Orlando thinks he’s great. We’re just a modern family now!”

They really are! Watch Orlando talk about how close he still is with Miranda and her family in the video below.

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“My baby girl’s head was shaped like a football”

When doctors said there was no cause for alarm after her baby girl was born with a head shaped like a football, a Queensland mum knew she had to take matters into her own hands.

A mother’s instinct means everything, and for Amanda Locke, it changed her daughter’s life.

When her little girl Imogen was born, Amanda knew something wasn’t right.

Imogen was delivered with an egg-shaped head. Amanda’s doctors said that this wasn’t anything to be alarmed about and that it should rectify itself soon enough.

But despite reassurances by medical staff, Amanda knew there was something seriously wrong with the shape of her daughter’s skull.

“She was a C-section baby, there was no way her head should have been the place it should have,” she recalled.

Amanda said that her little girl’s head was so deformed, it was the shape of a football.

“Her head was shaped like a football. You could see and feel the ridge,” she said.

“It was obvious that something wasn’t right and if that was going to self-correct itself in six weeks, then I was also going to win lotto. There was just no chance,” she explained.

While her last pregnancy scan showed that Imogen’s ear-to-ear measurements over the face were small, no alarms were raised over her child’s health.

Amanda, like any mother, began raising questions – Is there something wrong? How do we fix it? What can we do?

Imogen’s head at 14 weeks

For Amanda and her family, seeing the doctor was a tough task. She lives in central Queensland, her obstetrician and closest hospital is 1.5 hours away, and the regional hospital, Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, is all the way in Brisbane. So it’s fair to say her resources were limited.

Amanda raised the issue with her local GP, but he hadn’t had much experience of the condition and was baffled.

So with no other option presenting itself, she was forced to do what a parent shouldn’t have to – self-diagnose her own baby girl.

She researched and researched and finally came across a condition to which all the symptoms matched that of her newborn daughter – sagittal craniosynostosis.

“The Google images frightened the life out of me,” Amanda said.

Imogen’s skull was fused prematurely which meant her head would be forced to grow long and narrow, not wide. As a result, the brain’s growth is restricted and often creates an abnormal head shape. The condition occurs in one out of every 2000 live births.

Amanda was referred to a paediatrician so they drove three hours for an appointment where Imogen had a CT scan. After the scan, her paediatrician confirmed the diagnosis.

The only treatment for her little girl was to undergo major surgery. This entailed removing her scalp, cutting the skull away, removing and remodelling her forehead and her occipital bone (rear of her head) – all at five months old.

Before and after surgery

“We were sent to Townsville, chose to travel to Brisbane and also consulted via Skype with the LCCH neurosurgeon to amass as much information and opinions as possible. We were way out of our depth,” said Amanda.

It was through further research on the internet that she came across a Facebook support group for mums with cranio-affected children.

Amanda had an influx of parents suggesting to get in touch with a unit in Adelaide dedicated to treating facial deformities. This is when she came across a man named Professor David David who founded the Australian Craniofacial Unit (ACFU) in Adelaide.

The ACFU is the only one of its kind in the country, and there is just one other in the world – Texas. When he founded it in 1975, Professor David recognised the need for specifically trained multidisciplinary treatment for people who are born with deformities such as little Imogen, and also victims of facial injuries.

After Amanda contacted him via email, he called her that afternoon and little Imogen was booked in for surgery the next week.

The ACFU is a multi-disciplinary unit, as it looks after the skull and therefore every body part linked to it. Prior to the op, the family saw an ear, nose and throat surgeon, training doctors, a neurosurgeon, and an eye doctor – all ensuring Imogen had the greatest care available.

It was quite an intense surgery for anyone to go through, especially a little bub.

Little Imogen and Professor David

Imogen now

“Her eyes swelled shut, she couldn’t see for a few days. It was difficult to pick her up because her head hurt. They cut away a part of her skull and it grew in 12 weeks. You could literally feel the brain under the skin. That was the scariest part.”

It’s now been 12 months since the surgery and little Immy, now 16-months-old, is doing remarkably well. The family will be going back every year for check-ups until Imogen‘s 16 or 17, but Amanda is incredibly proud of how well her daughter is doing.

Immy’s scar (from ear to ear in a zig-zag line) is barely visible beneath her beautiful blonde locks, and Amanda describes her as a bubbly, happy child.

“She’s brilliant. We call her Dora because she just explores every day. She’s a typical, normal little girl. Her head’s perfect. Everything is as expected,” Amanda says.

Amanda with her son Kobi, 6, and Imogen

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We found her starving, flea-ridden and shaking

Each year, thousands of animals are mistreated and abandoned and, more often than not, it’s happening in your neighbours’ backyard. So what do you do when you see it in real life?

When I was told I was going to visit the home of a “skinny” dog, I didn’t know what to expect. Would the dog be ok? What would the owners be like? Would the house be the ugliest, trashiest on the block?

I mean, if someone can’t look after a dog, how can they look after themselves?

The house was in the Western Suburbs of Sydney; it was a quiet, well-kept street with big impressive houses lined up next to each other. The letter boxes all looked the same and despite the temperature already hitting 30 degrees at just 10 o’clock in the morning, the grass was incredibly green. No dry patches to be seen.

The house we were visiting was clean, neat and simple: it was painted blue with a garden gnome welcoming me on the doorstep.

However, their side fence was falling apart and the grass was unkempt. It was apparent their respect for their house did not transfer to the yard where their animals were kept.

I was visiting the house with an Animal Inspector named Ian who works at the Animal Welfare League – he deals with reports of animal cruelty within the Sydney region.

Ian knocked on the door but as there was no response, we let ourselves into the backyard to check-out the dog.

And really, she was hard to miss.

Never in my life had I seen a dog look so ill. The gorgeous honey-coloured pup had the skinniest abdomen I had ever seen. Her ribs were visible, the skin was hanging off her frail body and she was flea-ridden.

The poor thing was in a state no animal should ever be in.

Yet, despite her horrible condition, she was ecstatic to see me and Ian. Immediately, she ran up to us, sniffing us out.

Another dog was also kept in the same yard but in a separate area. He was clearly happy and healthy, with a fully filled bowl of water and food sitting in front of him.

And we could hear yapping from inside the house – there was obviously a third dog inside.

The owner clearly had double standards for his pets.

“We’re going to need to seize this dog,” said Ian.

“This dog” – who I affectionately referred to as “Gorgeous” all day – was just one of the thousands of animals rescued from homes in NSW by the Animal Welfare League (AWL) each year.

Natalie with “Gorgeous”

Inspectors, like Ian, are the people you can call when you’re worried about an animal’s welfare – be it a skinny dog, birds being kept in too-small cages or a pet shop that may be mistreating the animals.

All calls are treated seriously and there are serious fines for the mistreatment of animals. Last year alone, AWL Inspectors attended to over 500 reports of animal cruelty in NSW.

If you feel that:

-An animal is being neglected and

-You’re concerned for the welfare of the animal or

-You have witnessed an act of cruelty being committed

you can submit a cruelty report or call your local Animal Welfare League.

As with the case of Gorgeous, a neighbour had left an anonymous call on the Inspectors phone, saying they had noticed the dog was skinny. And in doing so, they may have saved her life.

After we removed Gorgeous from her home, we took her back to the AWL’s shelter in Kemps Creek. Here, they have a veterinary clinic where she was attended to by the team of vets who are currently running blood work to find out if there are any other medical issues.

“Things can only get better for her from here,” Ian told me.

And it’s true – Gorgeous’ life can only get better from this point onwards.

It’s somewhat reassuring to know that even if you do see an animal that’s been mistreated, by reporting it, it can make a world of difference for their life.

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The best movie kisses of all time


Oh, movie kisses. From the silver screens of old school Hollywood, to the new age rom-coms we’ve come to know and watch secretly in our bedrooms, heart-stopping kisses are a tradition.

Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable kicked it off with their scorcher in Gone With the Wind and Hollywood has followed its lead: Kristen Dunst and Toby Macguire’s upside down kiss in Spiderman! Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdam’s kiss-in-the-rain in The Notebook! Crawling in denim cut offs in Dirty Dancing!

As we recount our favourite film smooches, we pay homage to the kisses that stole the show (and it’s the closest we’re ever gonna get to kissing a young Burt Lancaster on the beach in nothing but a bikini).

Anyone who’s ever gone to a pottery class knows this kiss is not as easy as it looks. Bravo to Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze in Ghost.

Nobody puts Baby in a corner. Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze did the dirty in Dirty Dancing.

“One… two… two-and-a-half… three!” Macaulay Culkin and Anna Chlumsky were a perfect match in My Girl.

The movie kiss to end all movie kisses would have to go to Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable in Gone With The Wind.

Followed closely by Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr in From Here To Eternity.

A rough drover in a white suit and a posh Englishwoman in sleek red dress? That’s the recipe for a good kiss in the rain. Just see Australia.

Whilst most of us wanted to be Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s because of her wardrobe, her hot smooch with George Peppard isn’t a bad incentive, either.

Now, that’s a good kiss. Richard Gere and Julia Roberts heat it up in Pretty Woman.

Okay, so they didn’t actually kiss in this scene, but for the 1800s, this was just as good.

For some, watching Drew Barrymore’s iconic smooch on the baseball field in Never Been Kissed is as important as their own first kiss.

It might not have been an ‘in love’ kiss but it certainly was a show-stopper! Harrison Ford and Alison Doody in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusader put one in the books.

The bow of a cruise ship, the wind in your hair, Leonardo DiCaprio’s arms wrapped around you, Celine Dion playing softly in the background – what more could a girl want?

Even with Cary Elwes’ wispy moustache, we still rate The Princess Bride up there with the best.

What could be more romantic than Claire Danes in angel wings and Leonard DiCaprio in shining armour kissing underneath twinkling lights? Nothing, we tell you, nothing.

It might have been tricky to pull off, but Kristen Dunst and Toby McGuire still set hearts a-racing in Spiderman.

Our sixteenth birthdays certainly didn’t involve Michael Schoeffling sweeping us away in his red convertible, but who are we to complain.

Everyone’s favourite stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder put the moves on Princess Leia in Star Wars.

Rachel McAdams is one lucky woman. Her kiss with Ryan Gosling in The Notebook was a heart-stopper.

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Crystal Hefner removes breast implants after they “slowly poisoned” her

Hugh Hefner’s third wife has had her 34D breast implants removed after they caused her debilitating pain.
Crystal Hefner Hugh Hefner

Playboy model Crystal Hefner has taken to Facebook to share the real reason why she went under the knife in June earlier this year.

The third wife of the Playboy mogul admitted that she had her breast implants removed after she realised they were causing her immense pain, and ruining her quality of life.

In a lengthy post titled, My breast implants slowly poisoned me, the 30-year-old explained that over the years her symptoms worsened from fatigue and back pain, to memory loss, bladder pain and intolerance to food and drink.

“I’ve felt such despair knowing life was happening all around me but I couldn’t participate,” she admitted, revealing that the pain took over her life in more ways than one.

“The fatigue was so severe that I could barely leave the house or drive.”

Crystal went under the knife in June after finally discovering the cause of her pain.

After years of suffering in silence the blonde beauty was diagnosed with Lyme disease, but after confessing her illness on social media, she was bombarded with an influx of comments from fans who said her symptoms closely resembled breast implant illness.

“I found a Breast Implant Illness website and Facebook group with almost 3,000 members. My symptoms matched theirs,” she recalled.

Watch as Crystal takes us on a tour of the Playboy mansion! Post continues…

“Over time, implants break down and wreak havoc on your body. The shell on silicone and saline implants is comprised of silicone and over 40 other toxic chemicals: tin, zinc, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, formaldehyde and talc to name a few.”

“Your immune system is constantly fighting them, leaving you vulnerable to other illnesses.”

The blonde beauty admits that she had a bank of spare photos that allowed her to “keep a facade of normalcy while working to figure out what was going on with my body.”

On June 15, Crystal went under the knife to have her implants explanted, and it was only a matter of hours before she saw dramatic improvements.

“Instantly I noticed my neck and shoulder pain was gone and I could breathe much better.”

“I know I won’t feel 100% overnight. My implants took 8 years to make me this sick, so I know it will take time to feel better,” she concluded.

“Breast implants are not lifetime devices. The longer you have breast implants, the more likely it is that complications will occur and you will need to have them removed,” says the National Institute of Health.

RELATED VIDEO: Crystal Hefner tours the Playboy Mansion

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The Queen hosts a splendid summer party

To celebrate their impending vacation to Balmoral, Her Majesty and Prince Philip hosted a cocktail hour with their nearest and dearest.
The Queen

Elizabeth and Philip organised a final get-together at Drapers’ Hall.

The iconic London venue has hosted countless royal parties and was founded more than 600 years ago.

Watch the royals talk about The Queen’s fabulous parties… Post continues!

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Guests at the event included their daughter Princess Anne, her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, Princess Eugenie, the children of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent – Lady Gabriella Windsor and her brother Lord Freddie Windsor.

No doubt the Queen is excited to have some downtime. 2016 has been exceptionally busy, with her huge 90th birthday celebration taking up most of the year.

“How I will feel if people are still singing Happy Birthday to me in December remains to be seen,” she joked at her Patron’s lunch in June.

The royal couple are preparing to depart London to spend the summer in Scotland. Balmoral has a special place in the royal family’s life fabric.

Now 90, Queen Elizabeth’s earliest beloved memories are from her time in the green countryside.

“It’s the most beautiful place on earth. I think Granny is the most happy there,” Princess Eugenie once mused.

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The Queen is her happiest when she is in Balmoral.

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By George! The Prince turns three

In celebration of Prince George's third birthday - we've rounded up his most memorable moments.
Prince George

... And so does Prince George.

It’s hard to believe it’s been three years since Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge (and his gorgeous chubby cheeks) entered the world on July 22nd, 2013 – effectively ending the first #GreatKateWait until little Princess Charlotte came along.

It’s been a jam-packed three years for the charming tot, who in his short time has become a loving big brother, a fashion icon, the world’s number one spirit animal thanks to his huge range of sweet faces, plus he’s travelled to Australia and New Zealand, starred in an historic photoshoot for The Queen’s 90th and stepped up his official royal duties.

Phew! Not bad for your first few years.

So while Catherine is keeping it casual with a low-key tea party at Anmer Hall, we’ve decided to go all out and celebrate this royally awesome Prince!

Happy third birthday Prince George! Click through the gallery to check out his cutest moments.

To commemorate his third birthday the royal family have released these stunning new shots, taken by Matt Porteous. In this image, George plays on a swing that has his parents’ names engraved on it. (Image/Matt Porteous)

Prince George

The young Prince tries to feed the family dog, Lupo, some of his ice cream! “I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere,” Matt Porteous explained. (Image/Matt Porteous)

Prince George

The beautiful shots, which were shared on the Royal Family’s official Facebook page, were taken at the Cambridge’s Norfolk home in mid-July. “The Duke and Duchess hope that people will enjoy seeing these new photographs. They would like to thank everyone for all the lovely messages they have received as Prince George celebrates his third birthday,” the official statement explained. (Image/Matt Porteous)

The charming tot recently attended his second ever public engagement with mum and dad by his side at the Royal International Air Tattoo.

Prince George

Prince George couldn’t get enough of the planes at this year’s Trooping The Colour.

Curious George couldn’t help but peek over the balcony! The Queen looked a tad concerned but dad Wills was supervising closely. Watch the Cambridges at Trooping the Colour in the next slide. Post continues after the video!

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Trooping the colour

Prince George starts school

He’s a big boy now! Earlier this year, Prince George started nursery school at the Westacre Montessori School.

Who could forget his first official engagement at Government House in Wellington, New Zealand in 2014.

George was chuffed when he was given an oversized wombat from the Australian Governor-General Peter Cosgrove during the Cambrdige’s tour of Australia two years ago.

“He’s got quite a strong grasp, so we were worried about [him meeting the bilby in Australia],” Catherine laughed.

Cuddles galore! Little Georgie is a doting big brother who loves giving kisses for his darling sister, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge.

He certainly has mastered the royal wave.

And his Gan Gan simply adores him.

While grandfather Prince Charles enjoys gardening with him.

In 2014, the Royal Family presented the world with the cutest Christmas gift of all – this official series of snaps featuring Prince George casually hanging out in the courtyard at Kensington Palace.

Is there anything sweeter than father-son dressing in coordinating blue ensembles?

The cutie from Cambridge is always ready for adventure.

Aunt Pippa has admitted: “It’s wonderful. He’s amazing. He’s a very, very dear boy. And he’s brought a lot of pleasure and fun for all of us, the whole family. He’s very characterful. He’s sort of brought us all together, and we love spending weekends with him. He’s very funny.”

As a bub, Prince George had the most scrumptious chubby cheeks.

The George effect! Shortly after the Cambridges released this family photo for Mother’s Day, parents flocked to buy jumpers with their little one’s name emblazoned across it, just like the one George wears by designers My1stYears in the happy snap.

According to Uncle Harry, George “looks like a young Winston Churchill.” While Wills sees himself and his younger brother. Either way, little George has mastered his best angles.

Sometimes, it can all get a bit too much! George has a cry at his sister’s christening in 2015.

“She always leaves a little gift or something in their room when we go and stay and that just shows her love for her family,” Duchess Catherine has revealed of The Queen.

George also has a close bond with his nanny, Maria Borrallo.

Everywhere he goes, people are drawn to him!

Crawling in the deep… Meet the real Curious George.

According to mum Catherine, George is obsessed with anything that has wheels.

“Come along, mother! We’ve got places that need to be explored!” Relive young George’s first three years of life in the next slide. Post continues after the video

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Woman’s Day wishes Prince George a very happy 3rd birthday

Kisses for Charlotte! Shortly after her birth in 2015, George showed off his impressive big brother skills in these touching portraits.

The third in line to the British throne has inherited his dad’s love of helicopters.

Prince William, Prince George, Obama

George looked adorable in a bespoke dressing gown with his name on it when he met President Obama in April this year.

Look at me go! George showed off his rocking horse skills as Duchess Catherine proudly clapped him on. The toy was given to George from The Obamas when he was born.

Prince George

Prince George, future King of England, current King of the Sassy Face. Bow down!

And the ULTIMATE Duke of Funny Faces.

“Right, left, right!” Wills admitted that Prince George “never stops moving.”

The cherubic bub at his 2013 christening.

The Cambridges

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge want their kids to have a normal upbringing.

The first official family photo of the Cambridges, which was released in August 2013 and taken by Michael Middleton.

No doubt the adorable siblings will get up to all sorts of mischief on the Prince’s birthday.

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