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5 foods you need in your everyday diet

Turns out you need more than just an apple a day to keep the doctor away…
Mila Kunis

While we already know that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, there’s actually a whole range of foods your body needs in order to function at its best.

We’re sorry to say it, but ticking off your 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of veg, although still fabulous for you, simply won’t cut it if you want to ensure that you’re doing the best job of fuelling your body with everything it needs to take on the world.

So to help, we’ve created a list of the top 5 foods you need to incorporate in your everyday diet, and the very important reasons why you should do so.

1. Tomatoes

These glorious red gems are absolutely chock-a-block with vitamins A, C, K and B6 and the antioxidant lycopene.

The strong antioxidant power found in this carotenoid helps to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration and lung, skin, and prostate cancers.

Snack on a handful of cherry tomatoes each day to put your best foot forward.

2. Yogurt

Of course, yogurt is a wonderful and delicious source of calcium and protein, but its true power comes from the millions of live cultures that serve as probiotics or what we call ‘good bacteria’ in gut.

This beneficial bacteria not only helps to boost your immune system, but also aids in maintaining a healthy balance that can otherwise be thrown out by sugars and alcohol.

Pop some yogurt on your cereal in the morning, or swap sour cream with Greek yogurt on your soups or baked potatoes.

Yogurt doesn’t have to be sweet. Try this jerk salmon with yogurt potato recipe from our friends over at Food To Love!

3. Garlic

These delicious little bulbs contain incredible antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties – all of which help to strengthen your immune system and fight off disease.

Experts say consuming six or more garlic cloves a week can halve your risk of stomach, prostate and colorectal cancers, compared to those who only eat one clove or less.

Stop worrying about garlic breath, and be liberal with this incredible bulb!

4. Beans

The childhood rhyme got it right when they said beans were good for the heart. Not sure about the second half though…

Never mind the rich source of antioxidants, the dietary fibre found within these little legumes soak up cholesterol, helping the body to expose of it before it sticks to the artery walls.

Add a handful of beans to your salads and soups, or blend them up with feta, lemon and garlic to make a delicious dip.

Did you know that tomatoes also act as a natural protection against the sun?

5. Avocado

Not only are avocados super Instagram worthy, they’re also an incredible component to your healthiest body.

Avocados are higher in potassium than bananas, extraordinary for healthy vision, and just one half contains around 25% of your daily vitamin K intake, which is essential for healthy bones.

Try using avocado and a substitute for butter on your Vegemite toast, in salads or by itself because hey, it’s delicious!

Miley Cyrus loves avocado so much, she even got a tattoo of the fruit!

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The 5 most common questions astrologers get asked

“Can you tell what sign I am?” Puh-lease.
The 5 most common questions astrologers get asked

As an astrologer, Jessica Adams gets asked a lot of strange questions about her profession.

Her love for horoscopes began when she was a teenager and only got stronger when she bought one of her very first astrology books by Richard Sterling from The Australian Women’s Weekly.

She then kickstarted her career at Elle magazine as their astrologist and she has uncannily been predicting truths ever since.

Jessica Adams

Here, Adams, who is also an author, tells us the questions she gets asked over and over again.

How do you work out your predictions?

“I use software which shows me the positions of all the heavenly bodies, at any moment in the past, present or future. From that, I read the patterns and make predictions, using the ancient rules of astrology.”

Can you tell what sign I am?

“Maybe, mister, if I hadn’t heard that pick-up line eleventy million times.”

How can one-twelfth of the population have the same future?

“How can Australians have the same future (barbecues) on Australia Day? How can the British have the same future (bonfires) on Guy Fawkes’ Night? How can Americans have the same future (fireworks) on Independence Day?”

Did you qualify as an astrologer?

“There was no university degree offered in astrology when I was young. I graduated as a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Ancient Civilisations, Philosophy and Religious Studies instead. That way, I got to write essays about astrology.”

What’s the best prediction you ever made?

“Brexit. It was made almost a year in advance against all the opinion polls. I needed pants of steel for that one!”

Adams will be providing daily horoscopes and predictions for The Weekly website from next week (Monday July 25), so be sure to tune in right here to see the latest from her.

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Mila Kunis jokes about her second pregnancy

Mila Kunis is nothing if not honest! The actress candidly chatted about her pregnancy so far...

The 32-year-old is positively growing and is taking a significantly more relaxed approach to pregnancy the second time round.

Mila chatted to US breakfast show Live with Kelly to promote her new comedy Bad Moms.

Of course attention quickly turned to focus on the starlet’s personal experience to being a mum to 21-month-old daughter Wyatt Isabelle with husband Ashton Kutcher, while expecting baby number two.

Check out her chat in the video player below… Post continue!

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“The other day, someone asked me how far along I was and I was like, ‘I have no idea,’ ” she laughed.

“I was like, I can tell you when I’m due, and then I can do the math backwards.”

Mila seems to be at ease as she awaits for her baby.

“With [my first pregnancy], I could tell you precisely what she was developing, and what stage it was … but [with] the second one, I’m running after a toddler or I’m working, so I’m like, ‘Oh that’s right, I’m pregnant,’ ” she admitted.

Ashton’s wife also revealed her latest flick was her first project between babies one and two.

“[This is] the first time that I’ve ever left my daughter for three days. It’s rough,” the pretty brunette admitted.

“I have a thing called Nest Cam in my family room, so I totally spy on my kid eating breakfast.”

Adding, “And then I talk to her and she thinks Mommy lives in a camera, which is frightening and horrible anyway. But it’s rough. It’s hard being away from your kid.”

Mila is lapping up her pregnancy, and even opted to change her hair for a red carpet event.

The That ’70s Show actress also opened up about her current cravings – eggs, which she joked she could “eat all day!”

Unfortunately the same couldn’t be said about meat.

“I can’t eat meat. It’ll look delicious to me, and I’ll take a bite of it and I’ll be like, ‘Uh-uh. Can’t do it,’ ” the mum-of-one explained, adding that ground meat, like a burger, is completely fine while a whole piece of meat like a steak isn’t.

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Khloe Kardashian is planning Lamar Odom’s funeral

khloe kardashian lamar odom

After Lamar Odom‘s most recent outburst, Khloe Kardashian has come to the point where she’s preparing for the worst case scenario – his death.

“Khloe feels helpless,” says an insider close to the starlet.

Lamar’s been on a downward spiral for a while, but things came to a head last week after he was kicked off an flight after vomiting all over the aisles and bathroom, with onlookers claiming he was ‘wasted and unsteady.’

Just a day later, he got into a fight with a photographer while leaving a strip club at around 3.15am.

“Lamar seems to have relapsed back into drink and drugs and she doesn’t think he can get sober. She’s now saying she can’t do any more for him and that her last act of love is planning Lamar’s funeral, so his kids don’t have to do it,” a pal tells Heat magazine.

“His father, Joe, is destitute; his mom died when he was 12, and he has hardly any other family.

“Khloe is speaking with a funeral home in Queens [New York, Lamar’s hometown], and she’s got the blessing of Liza Morales [his ex and mum to his children Destiny, 18, and Lamar Jnr, 14] to do this.

“She’s also consulted lawyers about setting up a scholarship fund for the kids.”

Since Lamar nearly died after falling into a coma at a Nevada brothel last October, Khloe has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars supporting him.

She’s paid for all his medical bills, rented him a home, and has been including him in family occasions, with him even appearing on KUWTK for the first time since their 2013 split.

Things went downhill again pretty quickly though, after Lamar was spotted drinking in a bar in May. More recently, Khloe reportedly kicked Lamar out when she discovered a crack pipe in the house.

Now, Khloe’s in the process of re-filing for divorce from Lamar, after even refusing to go to rehab.

“Khloe is devastated. She can’t believe it’s got to this point,” a friend reveals.

Poor KoKo!

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The Swedish Royal Family portrait

It’s been a momentous year for the Swedish Royal Family, who welcomed two darling new members… which, of course, calls for a new official snap of the beloved Monarch.

Summery meets candid chic was the theme at hand with the entire clan looking seemingly relaxed as the photographer captured the still memories.

Watch the behind the scenes from the shoot in the video below! Post continues…

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Front and centre, seated on a white bench was King Carl Gustaf, wife Queen Silvia and their granddaughter four-year-old Princess Estelle.

Standing right behind them were her parents Crown Princess Victoria, who cradled their newborn Prince Oscar, with dad Prince Daniel on their left.

Standing directly behind the king and queen were Princess Madeleine and hubby Chris O’Neill.

While young Prince Nicolas, one, seemed calm and at ease, his big sister two-year-old Princess Leonore, on the other hand, created quite the frenzy as she ran around – much to everyone’s amusement.

Relive some the Swedish Royal Family’s biggest moments in the player below! Post continues…

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Little Leonore was running amuck…

Giggles all round!

The newest parents of the group Princess Sofia and Prince Carl Philip, couldn’t have looked more pleased making their summer holiday debut as family of three.

Baby Prince Alexander seemed very content as his mum cradled him.

While the entire family wore shades of blue, Queen Silvia marched to her own drum, looking sublime in a deep pink jacket.

The royal photos take place just as the Swedes have kicked off their annual summer vacation in Öland.

The family had a lovely day with all the kids.

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Mila Kunis reveals why she didn’t marry Macaulay Culkin

Mila Kunis may be married to hubby Ashton Kutcher now, but she’s revealed why she never married her former boyfriend of nearly ten years, actor Macaulay Culkin.

Speaking on SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show this week, Mila discussed her relationship with the child star who she started dating when she was 18, and talked about how she was never interested in the idea of marriage.

“He was huge…you couldn’t walk down the street with him,” she said, remembering how fans would react with ‘abnormal’ screams to him [Macaulay.]

Mila was always open about her lack of interest in getting married.

“Not to say that I don’t believe in it, but it’s just not something that’s important to me,” she told Blackbook in a 2009 interview.

Howard Stern questioned her about it, and asked whether it could have been because she wasn’t actually in love.

“Who knows, I honestly just don’t know,” she explained. “Since I was 16, I told my dad ‘Just so you know, I don’t believe in marriage.’ I literally was like, ‘[Marriage] is not for me!’”

But Mila eventually did tie the knot, with her That 70’s Show co-star Ashton Kutcher in 2015.

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Is Chris Hemsworth the new Bond?

It couldn’t get any better than this!
Chris Hemsworth main

There’s been so many stars linked to the upcoming Bond film and now our very own Chris Hemsworth has been named as a potential candidate.

Addressing the speculation in the August issue of Foxtel magazine, Chris said he’d gladly accept the role.

“I don’t know many who wouldn’t jump at that,” the father-of-three told the publication.

“Would it be scary and daunting [to play Bond]? Of course. But what isn’t?”

Meanwhile Idris Elba, another hot contender to take on the role, officially shut down claims he’ll be playing Bond.

“I mean, look, I’ve said it a million of times: It’s a great character and it’s an honour to be asked, but it is just a rumour,” he told E! News this week.

If Chris does indeed end up playing Bond, he’ll be the second Aussie to tackle the hearty role following in the footsteps of George Lazenby, who played James Bond in the 1969 film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

Daniel Craig resigend from the role last year after admitting he was “over it”

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Gwen Stefani almost had Angelina Jolie’s role in Mr. & Mrs. Smith

The pop star revealed that she “almost” landed Angelina’s famed role in the spy flick alongside Brad Pitt.
Gwen Stefani and Angelina Jolie

We have SO many questions!

In a telling new interview, the platinum pop icon has revealed that she was originally in the running to play Angelina Jolie’s part of Jane Smith in the Hollywood blockbuster, Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

Speaking on SiriusXM’s The Howard Stern Show on Wednesday, the 46-year-old confessed, “I feel like I almost got it. I went to a bunch [of auditions].”

Adding, “[It was] very competitive and I wanted to do it, but I wanted to do music more.”

The former No Doubt band member split from her husband of 13 years last year.

The Sweet Escape singer previously discussed her missed opportunity in a 2008 interview with Vogue magazine.

“It was between me and Angelina Jolie, and I’m like, ‘Oh, great. I got a shot here,'” she recalled.

“The whole acting thing really feels like something I could do. Whenever I’ve done it, whenever I had moments where it works, it’s just like performing. You hit a moment. And that’s what movies are: a series of moments.”

But alas, it wasn’t meant to be. As fans will know, the mother-of-two ultimately lost out to Angelina Jolie – as did actresses Nicole Kidman and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

We can’t help but wonder what would have been if Angelina wasn’t the one to land the role.

The 2005 film tells the story of a seemingly normal married couple, who have in fact been hired as assassins to take each other out.

Other than earning more than $630 million at the box office, the film famously brought Angelina together with her co-star, Brad Pitt, who later divorced his then-wife Jennifer Aniston.

Speaking to Vogue of the moment they realised they were more than co-stars, the mother-of-six said, “I think we were the last two people who were looking for a relationship. I certainly wasn’t.”

Watch the pair’s unmistakable onscreen chemistry in the video player below! Post continues…

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“Because of the film, we ended up being brought together to do all these crazy things, and I think we found this strange friendship and partnership that kind of just suddenly happened.”

But the couple didn’t act upon their feelings straight away. “It took until, really, the end of the shoot for us, I think, to realise that it might mean something more than we’d earlier allowed ourselves to believe.”

“And both knowing that the reality of that was a big thing, something that was going to take a lot of serious consideration.”

While Jennifer has since found her blissful happiness with actor Justin Theroux, Brad and Ange have been together for over a decade, and share six children together.

“Married life is so normal and fun and not much different. We felt married for so long!” Jen quipped to Harper’s Bazaar.

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Mum faked ovarian cancer to con friends out of $325K

A mum-of-three from Port Adelaide will face court over claims she faked cancer to get money off her friends and family.
Mum faked ovarian cancer to con friends out of $325K

A mum-of-three from Port Adelaide, SA, is accused of defrauding her friends and family out of $325K by faking ovarian cancer.

Kelly Smith, 38, is alleged to have used her son’s illness plus her own to con people into handing over money.

An anonymous family friend told 7News: “They gave thinking that they could change the outcome for that family and it wasn’t true.

“People have taken from their super, people have withdrawn from their home loans.

“I think when it’s someone close to you and you think they’re going to go through something so tragic, you do everything you can to make sure that doesn’t happen to them.”

The family friend added: “It just hurts everyone and there’s too many people that have given and been hurt by this and trusted her.”

Ms Smith was supposed to front court yesterday but didn’t show up.

Her next court appearance will be in September and if she doesn’t attend, an arrest warrant will be issued.

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Gas barbecue explodes as father holds baby

A Gold Coast father has recounted the traumatic ordeal he faced when a smoker barbeque exploded in his face as he was holding his baby boy.

A 27-year-old Gold Coast father was holding his six-month-old baby boy, Izack, on Tuesday afternoon when a gas barbeque exploded in their faces, throwing them over a metre away.

The blast was triggered when Elliot Slessor accidentally ignited gas that was trapped in one of the smoker’s compartments.

The father and son jumped straight in the pool to calm the burning, with burns to their arms and faces.

They were taken to Gold Coast University Hospital and were discharged yesterday.

Elliot described the horrific ordeal to Gold Coast Bulletin: “Izack was scratched up, with burnt fingers and just screaming an absolutely horrifying scream,” he said.

“I don’t want to go through that ever again.”

Elliot suffered burns to his arm

The smoker barbeque

Elliot was preparing the barbeque to begin cooking dinner when the flame kept going out because of the wind.

He switched the gas off and pressed the ignite button without realising the top compartment was full of gas.

“The fire was off but I pushed the button and it’s just blown back at us,” he recalled.

He and his son were thrown backwards, nearly hitting a wall at the back of the house.

Neighbours called for help and Elliot and Izack stayed in the pool until medics came.

Luckily, the two received non-life threatening injuries.

The little tot suffered burns to his finger and right hand, plus cuts to his face from the fall, and his father’s left arm was burned.

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