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Confessions of an ex-Mormon

Debbie Hoad was baptised at age eight and left the church seven years ago.
Confessions of an ex-Mormon

Debbie Hoad, a federal government worker who lives in Canberra, was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 30 years.

Her parents joined when she was six, she was baptised at the age of eight, and she remained a member until 2008.

After speaking to The Weekly on the phone about her decision to leave the church, as well as the role of women in the church, she sent a long follow-up email with more of her thoughts.

We reprint parts of it here, for readers seeking more information on the thoughts and feelings of an ex Mormon.

Good things about life in the Mormon Church

There is a strong sense of community, and generally, if you are active in the Church you do feel needed. That lifestyle is quite structured and you always feel like you know what you’re doing next, whether this week or next in life. You work together with people in various roles and that tends to build strong friendships over time.

I was lucky enough to have strong, caring youth leaders and mostly good bishops. I enjoyed my teaching roles in the Church and still have a deep affection for the various students I taught over the years. There’s also no denying that I have benefited health-wise from the clean-living no alcohol/tobacco/drugs lifestyle.

Bad things

If you are comfortable with the expected life goals of Mormon life — mission (for the guys mostly), marriage, kids — then that’s fine. If you’re not, then your ability to achieve happiness in life is limited. More than one Mormon has expressed to me that they believe (or believed) that obedience to God is the goal of life, not personal happiness. It creates a very skewed perspective on what life is about.

Unless you are a youth or an investigator (a person checking out the Church to consider joining), there is little tolerance for open doubt or dissent. In that atmosphere it’s really easy to assume that everyone else belief is strong and that you are the only one with concerns.

After I left the Church and I started to tell friends about it, I was completely floored by how many of them revealed to me their own doubts and concerns and in some cases the fact that they were also considering leaving — things they had NEVER expressed to me when they thought I was an active, believing member. I still wonder what the real number is of active members of the Mormon church who are hiding their disbelief from those around them.

One last thing I’ll mention though is how difficult it is to be a single woman in the Church. Teenage girls and young adults are constantly encouraged to think of temple marriage as their goal, and culturally it is expected that people will marry young and wait very little time after marriage to have children. Once you are a single women over about 25, it’s very easy to feel less than other women at church and to worry too much about your single status.

The official word is that you are a valued daughter of God and that your life is still important, but surrounded by constant messages about the importance of marriage and motherhood, that soothing rhetoric wears a little thin (would it even be necessary to reassure single women about their value if the priorities set for women in the Church did not constantly indicate their lack of value?) None of this contributed to the reasons I left, but at times it made life in the Church harder.

Gender Roles in the LDS Church

Gender roles are very clearly defined and rigid in the Mormon church. The very traditional husband as provider, wife as homemaker and primary child carer, is still the prevalent model and considered an eternal model, in the sense that gender and gender roles are eternal and relevant to the Mormon concept of eternal life (heaven).

Increasingly over the last decade you will hear talks from church leaders that acknowledge the necessity for some mothers to have jobs outside the home, but to my knowledge there has never been one talking instead about the importance of a stay-at-home PARENT in the life of a child. The mother is still assigned the role of primary caregiver and that is considered a God-given role.

This take on gender is supported and reinforced in the temple endowment ceremony (a rite of passage in the life of adult Mormons which purports to explain the meaning of our mortal lives and involves making a lifelong commitment to God and the Church, and which members enact repeatedly as they visit the temple across their lifetime).

This ordinance, in part, tells the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and uses that origin story as a model for the mortal life of all humans. It includes the concept that because Eve partook of the fruit first, she must ‘look to her husband, as her husband looks to God’. This is something that always bothered me, because it seems to distance women from God, establishes a woman’s husband as an authority in her life and as a kind of go-between between her and God.

I asked about this in the temple and received no sound answer, but was simply told not to worry about it and that of course I can have a direct relationship with God. Bear in mind that I was also hearing this as a single woman who would not necessarily ever have a husband to play this role and I was never really certain exactly where that left me eternally. In the highest level of the Celestial Kingdom (Mormon heaven) everyone is married.

Doctrinally, you cannot achieve that level unless you are married. (Mormon doctrine includes the concept of a Heavenly Mother (God’s wife and supposedly his equal), but previous Prophet Gordon B Hinckley told the membership that it was ‘inappropriate’ to pray to her.

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This photo may prove time travel exists

A mum came face to face to the future version of her son… and the result is hilarious!

A mum was out shopping with her toddler son when she had a Benjamin Button moment by spotting the grown-up version of him!

In the hilarious photo snapped by the mum, her little boy was sitting in the trolley wearing a green shirt and blue and green check shorts – and an old man nearby was wearing EXACTLY THE SAME CLOTHES.

The amused mother shared the photo to Reddit with the caption: “I guess I know what my son will look like in 70 years.”

So uncanny!

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Hilarious office revenge for stealing ‘cream’

This woman certainly had the last laugh!

A woman got sweet revenge on an office fridge thief by playing a nasty prank on them.

After noticing that someone had been using her coffee ‘cream’ all week, she got revenge on the thief by saying it wasn’t normal milk they were drinking… it was breast milk!

She certainly had the last laugh!

A photo of the hilarious note was shared on Reddit, with the post-it reading: “Good morning! To whomever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week… Surprise!!! You’ve been drinking my breast milk. Hope you’ve enjoyed – cheers! PS. It’s organic, so no worries.”


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Mila Kunis felt shamed for breastfeeding her daughter in public

The soon-to-be mother of two has opened up about feeling shamed for nursing her and Ashton Kutcher’s daughter Wyatt in public.
Mila Kunis

In today’s edition of disappointing news, Mila Kunis has confessed to feeling publicly shamed by passers-by while breastfeeding her now 21-month-old daughter Wyatt.

Speaking candidly to Vanity Fair, the expectant mama revealed her thoughts on nursing in public.

“I support every woman’s choice in what she wants to do and whatever makes them happy, but for me, I did nurse my child and I literally breastfed everywhere,” the 32-year-old began.

“There were many times where I didn’t bring a cover with me, and so I just did it in a restaurant, in the subway, in the park, at airports and in planes.”

“Why did I do it in public? Because I had to feed my child. She’s hungry. I need to feed her whether it’s out of a bottle or out of my boob, no matter where I was,” she concluded, making no apologies.

Mila admits to receiving strange looks when breastfeeding her adorable baby girl.

The Bad Moms actress went on to explain how the judgemental stares made her and her high-profile hubby feel “a little weird”.

“It took us a little back because people actually looked at us in a shameful [way], and we were like, ‘Oh my God,’ because it’s so not a sexual act.”

“It didn’t matter to me what other people thought. If it’s not for you, don’t look.”

Watch Mila open up about how breastfeeding transformed her post-baby figure. Post continues…

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Mila isn’t the only Hollywood mum challenging nursing rights.

Earlier this year, Chrissy Teigen appeared alongside Fergie and Kim Kardashian in the M.I.L.F.$. music video, breastfeeding her newborn daughter Luna Simone.

Recalling the sporadic moment the model mum decided to nurse her sweet bub on set, John Legend’s wife quipped, “They closed down the set [because] Luna was so new.”

Chrissy was more than proud to show the beauty of nursing in the clip that has since been watched over 50 million times.

“She was maybe four weeks old. They turned off the air. They cleared people out. And it was her natural lunch time anyway.”

“It was [like], ‘[Luna’s] here, and it’s “MILF Money” — I would love to capture this moment with her,’” she says.

“I think it’s beautiful.”

We think so too, Chrissy!

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Pippa Middleton to get royal title

Move over, Duchess Catherine! There’s a new royal in town.
Pippa Middleton to get royal title

Pippa Middleton is set to get her own aristocratic title when she ties the knot with fiancé James Matthews.

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As part of a family inheritance on James’ father’s side, Pippa will become Lady Glen Affric, reports Express.

The 32-year-old’s future father-in-law is David Matthews who holds the title of Laird of Glen Affric, as well as owning a 10,000-acre Scottish estate in the Scottish Highlands.

Pippa recently stepped out with her stunning engagement ring.

His 40-year-old son James, Pippa’s fiancé, will inherit the title when David passes, which will bestow the title of Lady on Pippa as his wife.

We can’t wait for the wedding!

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Zelda Williams pays tribute to dad Robin on birthday

The comedian and actor would have been 65 years old.
Zelda Williams pays tribute to dad Robin on birthday

Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda Williams has paid tribute to her Dad on what would have been his 65th birthday.

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The 26-year-old took to social media to share an intimate family snap accompanied by a heartbreaking message.

“Still not really sure what to do on days like today… I know I can’t give you a present anymore, but I guess that means I’ll just have to keep giving them in your name instead,” she wrote.

Zelda has been getting much more involved in charity work since her father passed as a way to channel Robin’s generous spirit.

Zelda posted this throwback family photo alongside the tome she penned for Robin.

She took his birthday as an opportunity to speak about the work she’s done.

“This year, I tried to help three causes you cared about in one; rescue dogs, people suffering from disabilities, and our nation’s wounded veterans, so I donated to freedomservicedogs.org,” she explained in the message aimed at her actor father.

Zelda talks about the heartache of losing her father. Post continues.

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“They rescue pups from shelters and train them so that they can be paired with someone in dire need of their help and companionship,” she explained.

“Thought you’d get a kick out of furry, four legged friends helping change the world, one warrior in need at a time.”

“Happy birthday Poppo. Shasha, Zakky, Codeman and I all love you and miss you like crazy. Xo.”

She shared the heart-felt message alongside a gorgeous throwback family photo featuring Zelda and her siblings, Zachary and Cody, all hanging off the funnyman actor.

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day.

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NSW mum jailed for dumping baby in drain

A mother who dumped her day-old baby in a drain in 2014 has been sentenced to jail.

The 32-year-old mother who dumped her day-old baby in a drain in 2014 has been sentenced to 3.5 years jail.

The sentence was ruled yesterday, with the court hearing that she had visited the drain in the days after dumping her baby boy to hear for crying. When she didn’t, she assumed he’d died.

She plead guilty to charges of abandoning a child and recklessly causing grievous bodily harm.

Five days after the baby was left in the 2.4m-deep drain beside the M2 motorway at Quakers Hill, passing cyclists heard crying.

He was found malnourished and dehydrated, but according to his foster carers, he’s now doing very well.

The mother, who cannot be named, was found to have the intellectual capacity of a mid-primary school age child. Despite a Blacktown Hospital staff member having concerns about the woman, she was discharged the day after giving birth.

The mother told police that after catching a train to Quakers Hill with the baby, “I just saw the drain. Then I just put baby in there.”

The court heard that she became sad during her pregnancy because her boyfriend left her, and she was feared the disapproval of her family.

Judge Andrew Colefax said that the woman’s prospects of rehabilitation were high. “The perfect storm of factors which led to this shocking crime were both largely out of the control of the offender and are extremely unlikely to be repeated,” he said.

She will be eligible for parole next month as she has already served one year and nine months in prison.

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Kim Kardashian reveals North West is “struggling” as a big sister

The reality TV star says her daughter wants everything to be about her.
Kim Kardashian North West

According to Kim, young North is having a hard time adjusting to being a big sister.

Apparently since Kimye welcomed little Saint into the world in December, the adorable tot hasn’t been happy with the loss of attention.

“We talk about North being a big sister all the time,” Kim confessed.

Kim revealed that the three-year-old gets on really well with Kourtney Kardashian’s kids Penelope, Mason and Reign, her cousins, but hasn’t quite gotten used to the idea of a brother.

North West promises her mum she won’t ever grow up! Watch her cute clip below, then, post continues.

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Looks like North is a bit jealous of all the attention gorgeous Saint is getting!

“Right now, because she’s three, it’s time to talk a lot about sharing. And North is great at sharing. She’s still getting the concept of having a brother, though.

“Like, Penelope and Reign are her cousins, but Saint is here every day because Saint is her brother.”

The little tyke isn’t used to having another little person around all the time.

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star says she’s still trying different ways to try to make them closer.

“I like to bring her in to say ‘Good Morning’ [to Saint],” the 35-year-old explained.

Watch Kim relive the hilarious moment North flushed Daddy’s phone down the toilet in the video below! Post continues.

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The little princess wants everything to be about her, naturally!

“She still wants things to be all about her, because she’s three!” Kim laughed.

“But planting that seed every morning that the day starts with you and your brother, that’s how I’ve been doing it.

“And she’s getting so much better. I can’t wait until they can really start communicating – although once he’s big enough to start grabbing her toys, we’ll have to get involved in a different way.”

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Prince George’s best Royal impressions

He's known for his cheeky grin, rosy cheeks and mischievous antics, but Prince George's adorable traits had to come from somewhere.

He’s known for his cheeky grin, rosy cheeks and mischievous antics, but Prince George’s adorable traits had to come from somewhere.

And he certainly seems to be spending a bit of time with his equally cheeky uncle; there’s more than a passing resemblance to Prince George’s rough and tumble play and Prince Harry’s fun-loving nature.

From copy-catting the Queen to taking style cues from his father, it seems like the future King is on-track to pick up the very best from each of his rather famous family members.

Prince George struts his stuff in a near-identical ensemble to the one his father, Prince William, wore to the hospital on the day Prince Harry was born. The real question is, who wore it better?

Wonder where Prince George learned to do that? His cheeky moment was caught at the Trooping the Colour parade, mimicking his uncle Prince Harry doing the same thing more than 20 years earlier.

That rosy-cheeked, English rose complexion was an obvious inheritance from Prince George’s late grandmother, Princess Diana.

Prince George is following in Prince Harry’s footsteps – even down to the blue overalls situation.

The Royal wave! Prince George is learning from the best; Duchess Catherine shows the future King how it’s done.

Prince George knows how to style out a windswept-and-interesting moment, just like his grandfather Prince Charles.

But that cute-as-a-button grin definitely came from Queen Elizabeth. Looks like the young Royal is in good hands.

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Just like Dad! Prince William’s mini-me

Be still our beating hearts.

When we first saw the pictures of Prince George accompanying his little sister to her christening this morning, the team at The Weekly thought we had been transported back to 1984.

From his little red shorts, to his smocked white shirt with red stitching, and even to his tiny buckled black shoes with white socks, Prince George bore an almost perfect resemblance to his father all the way back in 1984.

Although it wasn’t the exact same outfit – Kate bought George’s from her favourite babywear brand, Rachel Riley – it was a beautiful nod to history – and to William’s mother, Diana, who picked out that little red outfit in 1984.

But this certainly wasn’t the first time George has emulated his Dad – not even the second!

Both Kate and Wills have a sweet habit of dressing George just like his dad, and we’ve got the pictures to prove it.

Take a look at our absolute favourite look-a-like moments.

With both sporting that dashing red outfit, that blonde hair and that little scowl – we’re hard pressed to tell which is which!

For George’s very first Trooping the Colour, his parents picked out this blue number that William wore in 1985. How sweet.

And what about these little overalls?

With the exception of sailboats – these little smocked babysuits are pretty similar!

On their first royal visits, both William and George wore blue shorts with their buckled shoes.

And not to mention the famous Victorian gown that has been passed down since Queen Victoria.

To see more, check out our brand new mag, Young Royals – in store now!

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