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Celine Dion flawlessly impersonates Cher, Rihanna and Sia

The star showed off her incredible talent in a game of musical impressions with Jimmy Fallon.
Celine Dion

Celine Dion certainly knows how to work, work, work the stage when it comes to performing, and her appearance on the The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon was no exception!

While we all knew at home that she would absolutely nail it, the 48-year-old had some reservations.

“I’m so scared!” She quipped before drawing the combination of Cher singing Frère Jacques.

“Not fair… She’s my friend,” she hesitated before pulling off a flawless delivery of the French lullaby with the singer’s signature twang.

Watch Celine totally own the stage in the video player below! Post continues…

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The mother-of-three then kicked it up a notch, with a down-and dirty rendition of Row, Row, Row Your Boat, sung in the style of Rihanna’s Work.

“There are children watching!” Jimmy called out as the blonde beauty surprised the audience by twerking with a rhythm that would make the Barbados-born songstress proud.

Just like any superstar, the My Heart Will Go On hitmaker saved her best performance for last.

Belting out a near-perfect version of Hush, Little Baby sung in Sia’s squeaky pitch, Celine flipped her hair over her face for dramatic effect while Jimmy understandably lost his cool watching on.

It was an incredible sight to see the icon in such good spirits, despite the tragic loss of her loving husband, René Angélilto, to throat cancer earlier this year.

Getting into character, Celine even made sure she had Sia’s hair down pat.

Speaking recently of her daily battle to US talk show host Kathie Lee Gifford, who too lost her husband Frank Gifford less than a year ago, she said: “I lost the man of my life.”

“But I cannot live thinking this way. I have to say, ‘I found the best man in the world,'” she concluded just as Kathie began to tear up.

Turning to the Today show host, she added, “Like you did for yourself. We were both extremely lucky.”

Fighting back tears, Kathie Lee added, “We’re all going up someday.”

Celine broke the news of her husband’s death to her kids in the most beautiful way.

The TV host was, of course, making reference to the touching way Celine broke the news of Rene’s death to her five-year-old twins Nelson and Eddy.

In a previous interview with ABC News, the brave mother revealed that she utilised the family favourite Disney movie, Up, to notify the kids of his passing.

“Before I told them that their dad was not there, I talked about when we, everybody, gets sick. Then I said, ‘Do you remember the movie Up?'” She said of the 2009 Disney feature length animation.

“‘Oh,’ they said, ‘Yes, Ellie went up. You know, she, with the balloons.’ And I said, ‘Well, yeah. You know, today Papa went up.’”

The Canadian songstress explained that whenever she heard her children refer to where their father had gone, she wanted to hear them say “up”.

“Up is good. Up is uplifting,” she explained.

The singer has stepped out in good spirits as she promotes her upcoming album.

She then explained that she took the children outside for a private family ceremony that involved sprinkling “pixie dust” and releasing balloons up into the sky.

“We’re gonna say ‘Papa we love you. Have a good up’ and we’re gonna spread this and it’s gonna go to him,” she remembers telling them.

Watch Celine’s brave interview on Today in the video player below.

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Brisbane woman who went missing playing Pokemon GO found dead

A Brisbane mother who vanished while playing Pokemon GO has been found dead.

A Brisbane mother who vanished while playing Pokemon GO has been found dead after her family took to social media to recruit other gamers in the search for her.

Catherine Stalker, 29, was out playing the augmented reality mobile game in the Brisbane area but had not made contact with family since about 1.30pm on Friday, reported the Courier Mail.

Following Cate’s disappearance her twin sister, Fiona Stalker asked other local Pokemon Go players to keep an eye out for the mother-of-one.

Cate Stalker / QLD Police.

Sadly, on Sunday the family confirmed that the mother-of-one’s body had been found and police said her death is not suspicious.

“Our Cate has been found. She has taken her own life,” Fiona Stalker wrote on Facebook.

“Thank you to everyone who helped, we feel supported and loved. Please now care for yourself and those around you.”

It is unclear who made the grim discovery.

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Ghost filmed following man into taxi

This is spooky!
Ghost filmed following man into taxi

A ghost has been captured on film following a man into his taxi.

The man can be seen walking to the taxi rank and as he moves towards the cab, a black shape moves behind him.

Many believe it is indeed a ghost while others believe it’s just a clever camera trick.

Have a watch and decide for yourself.

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How I coped with meeting my mum’s new boyfriend

No matter how old you get you will always be your parents’ child - even when they announce that they want to introduce you to their latest squeeze.

As I get closer to the agreed meeting place I realise that I’m nervous. I feel a bit sick, my left leg has that fuzzy feeling it develops when I’m about to speak in front of a crowd of more than two people, the pressure on my forehead is unbearable and I’m picking at my cuticles.

I’m not going to a job interview, nor am I going on a date. I’m about to meet my mum’s boyfriend for the first time. I’ve been an ACOD (Adult Child of Divorce) for almost four years and although there have been men on and off in my mum’s life since she and my dad separated but none of them have stuck – which was fine by me as I didn’t approve of any of them. And that’s why I’m nervous now.

In recent years the number of people getting back into the dating game later in life aged 45 to 64 has increased so I expect other adult children have found themselves in situations similar to mine.

There is nothing more unnerving than being single at the same time as your mother perhaps with the exception of being on Tinder at the same time as her. What I learned when I found myself in that situation last year was that, no matter how old you are, dating sucks. It’s fraught with unanswered messages, highs, lows, triumphs and rejections. Trying to find someone you like an above average amount is just as much, if not more, of an emotional rollercoaster in your 50s as it is in your 20s.

Watching your own mother ride that rollercoaster is much harder than holding your friends’ hands in the queue, before and after dates. Equally, it turns out, meeting their new partner is a lot harder than meeting a friend’s new squeeze.

When it came down to it, meeting mum’s boyfriend of six months for the first time wasn’t quite what I expected. I’m an adult (apparently) so it shouldn’t have been a big deal but as I approached their table in the pub it dawned on me that it was. Sitting opposite mum, drinking a pint of beer and looking sharp in a dark blue suit and pale blue shirt, accessorised with a plain gold ring on his right hand, was a man who looked a little too much like my father for comfort and was about the right age to be him.

Make no mistake, I’m glad that my parents are no longer together. It sounds like a cliché to say it but it really was for the best. Clichés exist for a reason; if they’re overused it’s generally because they are sometimes the only phrase that will do. Those six words allow me to tell you all you need to know about their relationship. But, inevitably, I felt like I was somehow betraying my dad.

I’m too old to need ‘parenting’, so there was no question of him taking on any sort of surrogate father role. I no longer live at home so who my mum has a relationship with doesn’t affect me on a day to day basis. So, why did I feel so uneasy? I’d briefly met some of the other people she had dated, but I always felt like they were no good and it never went well.

She seemed to really like this one, and somehow that put the pressure on. I’d already spoken to him on the phone a few times (he sounded nice), all I could think as I walked through the wood panelled bar was ‘Oh god what if I don’t like him? What if he’s like someone’s awkward casually unthinkingly racist uncle at Christmas after two wines? What if he’s totally sexist? What if he voted FOR Brexit?’ Then something else dawned on me, ‘what if I say the wrong thing and he doesn’t like me?!’

‘Look at you!’ he said as I arrived at their table ‘what do you want to drink?’. I wasn’t really quite sure what he meant, he seemed a bit nervous too. Which was reassuring, I wasn’t the only one who thought this was an important meeting

For hours we chatted over a few drinks and dinner about everything: his two dogs, his job, my job, my younger sister, Brexit (he voted in), Kate Moss (special thanks to Kate for being such excellent common ground).

The thing is, no matter how old you get you will always be your parents’ child, what changes is that as they get older you start to become more and more protective of them. You realise that they aren’t invincible. You begin to realise their flaws and see their fragility.

In that past I’ve found myself constantly worrying about mum getting hurt, not really knowing what to say when she did and being enraged when people treated her badly to the extent that I want to call them and explain why their behaviour is inappropriate. Going into meeting mum’s new boyfriend I had all of this on my mind, plus there was the whole, inescapable, ‘ick’ factor. Let’s not even go there.

After dinner, as we said our goodbyes he gave me the sort of hug that only a dad can give, which was as emotional as I had feared it would be. I wasn’t upset because he was horrible, I was relieved that he was so nice, so warm and so welcoming. I realised I had been worried that he would try and fail to live up to my dad.

Thankfully he didn’t. I’ve had my dad for nearly thirty years, he’s been there through everything and knows all there is to know about me. He knows what I’m thinking without me having to tell him. He is irreplaceable. Nobody will ever be a father to me other than my own dad. This man knew that and he navigated the entire situation with tact, thought and respect.

You might not be best friends with a parent’s new partner instantly and you shouldn’t expect to be. It’s early days but seeing a parent happy is, I imagine, similar to having a child and watching them find the sort of love you’d like them to find. Seeing a parent in the honeymoon period of a new relationship is reassuring and heartening.

If my mum’s going to have someone in her life they have to meet certain standards – the same rigorous standards, I expect when it comes to how my friends are treated by their partners. So far, this guy has passed the test and I’m sure he’s as relieved as I am by that.

This story was originally published on The Debrief.

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The Georgie Effect: The Prince’s sweet clothes sell out

Birthday boy Prince George may have just celebrated turning three, but mums everywhere are rejoicing over his sweet casual chic style.

The adorable little tyke, who usually is sporting traditional style clothing or even vintage items for official pictures and appearances, showed his casual side in a series of new royal portraits.

The four snaps were released by Kensington Palace on Friday, and show the future king in the grounds of his Anmer Hall home in Norfolk, where he lives with his parents Prince William and Duchess Catherine, sister Princess Charlotte, hamster Marvin and of course his portrait co-star and partner-in-crime pet dog Lupo.

The first image shows Georgie walking through the gardens at his home.

The three-year-old is dressed in one of Catherine’s favourite designers, a Pepa & Co outfit.

The adorable nautical look includes a striped whale print jumper that is currently on sale for $58.98, taupe shorts that retail for $63, and the look is completed with his favourite $26 navy Hampton Nantucket canvas shoes from Trotters.

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Of course Georgie’s sweet look is already selling like hotcakes!

The three other portraits show the youngster wearing a Sunuva blue and white stripe t-shirt with contrasting stripe pocket that has been reduced to $16 in the sale.

Mum Catherine matched the top with navy shorts and had his blonde hair slicked to one side.

Emily Cohen is the brand’s co-founder and couldn’t be happier with George rocking her clothing.

“We know Kate is passionate supporter and promoter of young British brands and we are thrilled and hugely flattered that the Sunuva stripe T-shirt has been included in the official pictures of Prince George on his 3rd Birthday,” she said.

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“He just looks like a normal, sweet 3-year-old in a casual T-shirt and a pair of Burmudas.” Adding, “Kate has impeccable taste and as always Prince George looks absolutely adorable.”

The casual clothing matched the relaxed snaps, taken by Matt Porteous.

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere,” he said about the snaps, which were taken in mid-July.

Matt was honoured to snap the future king.

“I’m honoured that they have decided to share these images with the public to mark his third birthday.”

While the Prince George effect may have taken ahold of the children’s clothing market, his parents have made a stake in outdoor furniture!

The sweet photo of George standing barefoot on a swing engraved with the words “William and Catherine” has everyone completely smitten… and swinging to their phones as they try to find it.

The darling Prince and his cheeky smile have captured the world!

The sentimental item, made from solid oak, natural rope and hanging from a tree in the sprawling gardens of Anmer Hall, was a wedding gift to the couple.

“It was a wedding gift for Wills and Kate,” an employee at The Oak & Rope Company, where it was purchased more than five years ago, told People.

“We are very pleased. Our phones have been very busy today, and not surprisingly, mostly for swings!”

While George usually dons his daddy’s old clothing…

Catherine was clearly inspired by one of Will’s throwback looks! Stripes, canvas shoes and adorable swing – tick, tick, tick!

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Parents arrested after boy drowned while they packed car

Five-year-old Charlie Dunn went with his big sister to a nearby park, but when his parents called, only his sister came back.

Police have arrested the parents of a five-year-old boy who drowned in a lake while his parents packed the family car after a day out.

Pregnant mum Lynsey Dunn, 28, and her partner Paul Smith, 35, were loading up the car after a day at Bosworth Water Park when Charlie asked his stepdad if he could go to a nearby playground.

Paul agreed and Charlie and his eight-year-old sister Rebecca walked off in the direction of the playground.

A short time later, Paul called the children to return to the car but only Rebecca came back. He ran over to the playground to search for Charlie just in time to see another boy pulling his lifeless body from the nearby lake.

Paramedics fought to save him but he later died in hospital after his life support was switched off.

A short time after his death, police arrested Lynsey and Paul and they remain in custody.

Lynsey and Paul have a one-year-old daughter together and Lynsey in three months pregnant with their second child.

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Why this photo of Prince George got an official warning

Yes, this adorable image sparked a national controversy for the most ridiculous reason.

The 22nd of July marked Prince George’s third birthday, so the Royal family generously released some adorable portraits of our favourite prince.

But one of the photos in particular has prompted an official warning. Yes, really!

Upon seeing the adorable pic, England’s RSPCA issued a statement warning about the dangers of feeding certain ‘human foods’ to dogs.

“It is lovely that Prince George is trying to help keep his family dog, Lupo, cool in these high temperatures,” the RSPCA said in a statement.

“We would advise to be cautious when giving their dogs food meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate, can be highly toxic to dogs and dairy items can be difficult for them to digest.”

Okay everyone, calm down. Lupo probably didn’t even lick the icecream. And if he did, it was probably the one lick he gets a year for cute family portraits. It’s highly unlikely the pooch is tucking into a bowl of Ben & Jerry’s every night.

Speaking of things that melt, how about our insides. Because the new photos of George – four in total – are just the cutest dingin’ thing we ever did see. Enjoy them, like Lupo the dog enjoys the odd lick of an icecream. Everything in moderation.

This story was originally published on Cosmopolitan.

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Refugee kills pregnant woman with machete

The mum-to-be was just walking down the street when she was attacked.

A pregnant woman has been killed in a crazed machete attack on a German street.

The woman was reportedly walking down the footpath in the city of Reutlingen when she was attacked by a passer-by, reportedly a 21-year-old Syrian refugee.

The man then attacked two other people, a woman and a man. The pregnant woman died at the scene, while the other two victims are fighting for their lives in hospital.

The attack eventually ended when a passing motorist ran him over, knocking him to the pavement, where he lay motionless until he was arrested.

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The hidden dangers of reading

In theory, reading is a great way to relax. Any bookworm will tell you that curling up with a good book and a hot cuppa is the stuff weekends are made of. But is fiction always good for you?
The hidden dangers of reading

It’s 3am and I’m wide-awake. It’s been hours since I put my book down and turned off the light, but I can’t stop thinking about the fictional characters that have been occupying my head.

I know that it’s just a story – but I am invested. Something awful is unfolding and I can’t put it out of my mind. I spend the night tossing and turning and wake up exhausted.

While reading is often a good way to unwind, it’s not always good for us as psychological therapist Annie Gurton explains.

“When we are reading we enter into another world, and, strange as it may seem, our brains are actually unable to tell the difference between fiction and reality.

“When we read about love and passion, the same parts of our brains are activated as when we experience love and passion ourselves. The same for fear and danger, courage and excitement,” she says.

According to Gurton, this means that someone who is prone to anxiety should avoid reading horror stories.

“Using our imagination [through reading] can be catastrophic when it is being misused, such as to think about plane crashes or other disasters. In fact, the inappropriate use of our imagination is behind many mental disorders, particularly anxiety,” says Gurton.

Anna Spargo-Ryan is an author and mental health advocate. She is also a prolific reader. I asked her whether fiction can impact on a person’s mental health.

“It depends on the nature of the fiction, and on the nature of the mental health,” she says.

“Fiction can take a person out of their immediate concern, that much is definitely true. It can be a wonderful distraction, an enrichment, a diversion from the everyday. All of this bodes well for improved mental health.”

However, Spargo-Ryan also notes that sometimes fiction can be detrimental to a person’s mental health. “[Fiction] can explore issues in very immersive ways that may be problematic for readers,” she says.

Despite this, Spargo-Ryan says that although some fiction can be challenging for readers, on the whole reading is still a positive experience.

“I write stories that include lots of the less happy facets of life, and a big part of why I do that is to teach empathy and offer insight. Fiction and other fictionalised writing forms like poetry, plays, films, etc. have always been a way to communicate experiences outside of the reader’s immediate understanding.

“The beauty of reading is choice – if a reader wants to expand their understanding, choosing to include stories with sad or stressful (but important) subject matter can be a profoundly eye-opening experience,” she explains.

So what should you do if you find that your reading material is stressing you out? Spargo-Ryan says that she has skipped over sections of books because they were having a negative impact on her mental health.

“Sometimes that was because the mental illness in the book was so well-rendered, but other times it was just because it was so absorbing and transporting that it broke my consciousness a bit,” she explains.

Likewise, Gurton says that the key is to read appropriately and not reading indiscriminately.

“Both fiction and non-fiction can give you ideas about how your life could be better, and ways in which you can live better and be the best version of yourself,” she says.

“Provided you use discretion over the subject matter and don’t read too much that is negative or toxic, reading is definitely good for you.”

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Inside Bindi Irwin’s 18th birthday celebrations

Australia's favourite wildlife princess celebrated her milestone birthday surrounded by family, friends and crocs in the place she calls home.
Bindi Irwin

On Sunday July 24, Australia Zoo was transformed into the ultimate party zone in celebration of Bindi Irwin’s 18th birthday.

Almost 6,000 guests joined the birthday gal for the action-packed ‘camping with the stars’ themed bash.

And, of course, the khaki Queen was joined by mum Terri, younger brother Robert and her wakeboarder boyfriend Chandler Powell, who flew to the Sunshine Coast all the way from the US to be by her side.

And since no birthday party is complete without a surprise guest, Bindi put on a show for her supportive fans with a live feeding of Graham, one of the Zoo’s scariest crocs.

After blowing out her campfire cake, Steve Irwin’s daughter thanked her fans with a message from the heart.

“I can’t predict what life will have in store for me. All I know is that I will try my very best to make a difference in this world with each moment that I’m given.”

Click through the gallery to see all the best moments from Bindi’s special day!

The 18-year-old started the special day with a heartfelt message to her 1.2 million Instagram followers. “Life is constantly evolving and I’m determined to find the light and love around every corner and share this with everyone who is a part of my story.”

The birthday girl arrived to her party in style on the back of an open-topped jeep beside proud boyfriend Chandler Powell.

Also by her side was mum Terri and brother Bob, who clung tightly to the family’s cherished pooch Stella. Watch Bindi greet her fans in the next slide!

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Bindi arrives at her 18th birthday bash!

And there’s no doubt papa Steve would have been so proud of his darling daughter. Sharing a message of love on social media, the blonde beauty wrote: “Since this photo was taken, 18 years ago, one life ingredient has remained, unchanged, unbreakable. That is the unconditional love that is shared between my beautiful little family and the loyalty we have to eachother and everyone else who has taken this journey with us.”

As thousands of excited fans watched, Bindi blew out the candles on her 18th birthday cake.

Before feeding one of the Zoo’s largest crocs! As you do… Watch Bindi maker her birthday wishes in the next slide!

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Bindi blows out the candles on her 18th birthday!

Fans were absolutely delighted to meet their idol and her supportive beau, who shared his very own message of love on his Instagram account.

“I’m amazed by everything you have already achieved and I can’t even begin to imagine everything you’ll accomplish from this point on. I’m very blessed to have you as such a huge part of my life and I’m beyond thankful you’ve let me be a part of yours,” he wrote.

Special guests Lisa Curry and boyfriend Mark Andrew were also in attendance, as were some of the Zoo’s most dangerous inhabitants!

It sure was a day to remember.

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