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Kerri-Anne backs Sonia Kruger following “appalling” backlash

“I think it’s appalling — with freedom of speech — where people have an opinion and everybody else finds the need to slam someone.”
Kerri-Anne backs Sonia Kruger following “appalling” backlash

Kerri-Anne Kennerley has come out in support of Sonia Kruger urging her to “stay brave” following an intense public backlash due to her comments over banning Muslim immigration.

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“This is just appalling beyond belief,” Kerri-Anne told Daily Mail in reference to the online trolling Sonia has faced over the past week.

“I think it’s appalling — with freedom of speech — where people have an opinion and everybody else finds the need to slam someone.”

“We are living in a democratic country. We do need people to have varying opinions and it should be treated with respect so therefore everybody should have their freedom of expression.”

WATCH: Sonia’s comment on Today

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On a panel discussion on Today, Sonia said there’s a correlation between the number of Muslims in a country and the number of terrorist attacks.

“Personally, I would like to see it stop now for Australia – because I want to feel safe as all of our citizens do when we go out to celebrate Australia Day,” she said.

While she did note she had a lot of “very good friends” who were Muslims, she said “there are fanatics.”

She noted that Japan has a population of 174 million people and 100, 00 Muslims and they’re yet to suffer a terrorist attack.

Co-host David Campbell disagreed with Sonia, saying freedom of religion and freedom of speech were important.

“We’re talking about immigration, David,” she replied.

“I would venture that if you spoke to the parents of those children killed in Nice, then they would be of the same opinion.”

When asked by Lisa Wilkinson if Sonia would want the borders closed to Muslim migrants, Sonia replied, “Yes, yes I would.”

“For the safety of our citizens here, I think it’s important.”

Video: Waleed Aly: Sonia Kruger isn’t evil

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Can pets really see Pokemon IRL?

The Japanese theory our pets might be able to see Pokemon in real life with a secret super sense.

You don’t need us to tell you that Pokémon Go has pretty much taken over most areas of most people’s lives. Remember the guy who quit his job to catch Pokémon (yes, it is a time consuming habit?).

It turns out that no part of our lives is sacred anymore. Not even our pets. Because according to a bizarre theory circulating in Japan, our pets might be actually able to see the Pokémon, in actual non-augmented reality.

The game was released in Japan last Friday and according to Mashable, since then users have noticed that their pets seem to be looking in the direction of the Pokémon they’re trying to catch, in real life.

Sure it sounds utterly crazy but the photo evidence is actually really convincing…

But the questions remain: How? Why? What is this sorcery? Unfortunately we don’t have any answers for you, but if you could give it a go with your pets at home (we don’t have any, sob) and let us know whether you think they do have some kind of Poké intuition, it would be very much appreciated.

Story via: The Debrief.

Photo: Via Twitter/ @masaiai6

Photo: Via Twitter/ @masaiai6

Photo: Via Twitter/ @tabasa_uran

Photo: Via Twitter/ @shiba_momota

Photo: Via Twitter/ @hashimoto_shogo

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Stuart Kelly, brother of Sydney one-punch victim, dies

Our thoughts are with his family during this incredibly difficult time.
Stuart Kelly, brother of Sydney one-punch victim, dies

Stuart Kelly, the teenage brother of one-punch victim Thomas Kelly, has sadly died.

The 19-year-old passed away in Mona Vale, Sydney on Monday.

“It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of an Old Boy of the School, Stuart Kelly (’15),” The King’s School school’s headmaster Dr Tim Hawkes said in a statement.

“This is the second great tragedy to affect the Kelly family,” he said.

“The exact circumstances surrounding his death are not known, however, it is enough to know that we have lost a member of our community and therefore our thoughts and prayers go out to Kathy and Ralph Kelly and their daughter Madeleine.”

Thomas Kelly

Thomas was randomly punched by Kieran Loveridge in Kings Cross in July 2012.

He was 18 when he passed away in hospital.

Police said there are no suspicious circumstances around Stuart’s death.

Our thoughts are with his family during this incredibly difficult time.

Readers who need any assistance can call Lifeline on 131114 or beyondblue on 1300224636.

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Why I’m glad the new Disney Princess doesn’t have a prince charming

Like Merida (Brave) and Elsa (Frozen), Moana doesn’t need a prince charming to complete her story.
Why I’m glad the new Disney Princess doesn’t have a prince charming

How many of us grew up thinking that we needed to find a ‘prince charming’ in order to ‘live happily ever after’?

I know I did. And yes, as I got older I realised that there was more to life, but as a young girl I definitely spent an inordinate amount of time dreaming up my own personal fairly tale.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with day dreaming – but when you grow up thinking that your future happiness depends on another person, well that’s an issue. And it’s an issue that I want my daughters to avoid.

So when I read that the new Disney protagonist doesn’t have a love interest I was thrilled. Like Merida (Brave) and Elsa (Frozen), Moana doesn’t need a prince charming to complete her story.

Moana is a story about self-discovery. Set in ancient Oceania, the film follows a Polynesian princess named Moana, who sets sail in search of a fabled island. During her journey she teams up with Maui, a character inspired by one of the great heroes of Pacific mythology.

This is great news for a generation of girls who will inevitably look to popular culture for their role models.

While you may not think that Prince Charming does any harm, recent research shows that traditional Disney media reinforces dangerous stereotypes.


A study published in Child Development, found that preschool aged girls who engaged with Disney media were more likely to show female gender-stereotypical behaviour.

“We know that girls who strongly adhere to female gender stereotypes feel like they can’t do some things,” Said professor Sarah M. Coyne who led the study.

“They’re not as confident that they can do well in math and science. They don’t like getting dirty, so they’re less likely to try and experiment with things.”

Coyne thinks that characters such as Merida from Brave make much better role models for young girls. “I took my daughter to see it, and afterward we had a great conversation about how strong, brave and independent Merida was in the movie,” she says.

In Moana, Disney has definitely given us a new strong female heroine. But have they gone far enough?

Last year, a Californian mum gathered more than 55,0000 signatures in a petition calling for a Disney Princess with a learning disability.

She said: “Disney does a great job of depicting right from wrong. It has long providing wonderful moral lessons that teach our children to be good people – but sadly, the company comes up short in one critical area.

“Its movies have almost no representation of disabled people, those often bullied and looked down upon by their fellow children.

“What wonderful lessons of diversity, compassion, and acceptance Disney could teach our kids if they promoted disabled characters as heroes and heroines in their beloved movies!”

Likewise, gay activists lobbied Disney to make Elsa a lesbian in the Frozen sequel. Actress Idina Menzel who is the voice of Elsa gave her support to the #giveelsaagirlfriend campaign telling Entertainment Tonight: “I think it’s great. Disney’s just gotta contend with that.”

Over the years Disney has also been criticized for a lack of Indigenous characters.

It’s great to see that in characters like Moana Disney is giving our girls a strong independent heroine that they can emulate. But there is a still lot of room for improvement.

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PM calls for Royal Commission following alleged NT juvenile detention abuse

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has voiced his disgust about footage which shows youths in Darwin detention centre allegedly being tear-gassed and abused.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has joined many Australians this morning in voicing his disgust about ABC footage which shows youths in Darwin detention centre being allegedly beaten, tear-gassed and abused.

Amoung the shocking CCTV footage aired by Four Corners on Monday night was the scene of one youth at the Don Dale youth detention centre in the Northern Territory stripped, hooded and restrained on mechanical chair.

Another boy appeared to be taunted by laughing guards who bragged about what was going on. The guard was heard saying to a coworker, “I’ll pulverise the f—er”.

There were also multiple instances depicting other young boys being beaten and mistreated by guards.

The video footage has been liked to that of prisoners at Abu Graib and after the report finished an online petition calling for an investigation was launched. It has thus far received more than 9000 signatures.

The PM this morning said he was “shocked and appalled” by what he saw.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

“I support the concept of a royal commission,” Mr Turnbull told reporters on Tuesday morning. “I think it’s got to go wider than just Don Dale. We’ve got to work out why 90 per cent of those kids in prison up there are Aboriginal.”

“Let’s have another intervention and put an administrator in the Northern Territory because it looks to me like they’re incapable of managing anything up there.”

Professor Gilllian Triggs on Q&A on Monday night.

Following the Four Corners’ report the president of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Gillian Triggs, has also called for an inquiry into juvenile detention.

While sitting on the panel of the ABC’s Q&A program on Monday night, Professor Triggs said that the situation needed a “proper inquiry”.

“If one of us were to have been found to have treated our children in this way we would probably be charged with a criminal offence and the children taken away from us,” said Professer Triggs.

“I certainly think we need some kind of government-based independent commission, whether it’s a full royal commission or not I don’t know.”

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Bindi Irwin talks marriage to boyfriend Chandler Powell

Australia’s wildlife princess has opened up about when she’d like to tie the knot with her loving beau.
Bindi Irwin, Chandler Powell

She’s fallen head over heels for the American wakeboarder, but in a telling new interview Bindi Irwin reveals she won’t be walking down the aisle just yet.

“I don’t think I’m at a point in my life where marriage and getting engaged is really a huge priority right now for me,” the 18-year-old said to Entertainment Tonight.

“Maybe in five years, but right now I’m really happy with where I’m at.”

She went on: “I’m really happy with our relationship and I think we’ll just continue to have fun. It’s just nice to have someone there no matter what.”

The loved-up couple met in 2013 when Chandler visited Bindi’s home, Australia Zoo, on a competition tour.

“When the two of them met he was obviously awfully impressed,” the 19-year-old’s grandfather recently confessed to Woman’s Day adding, “Enough that he wrote a letter to the zoo and said ‘would it be all right if I wrote to her?’”

It’s easy to see the love between these two, although the star admits that there’ll be “no engagement or marriage just yet!”

After some good old fashioned correspondence, the teens took to Skype and Facetime in a bid to stay in touch, and it wasn’t long before their friendship turned into something more.

Speaking of how she and the college student make long-distance work, Bindi quipped, “It’s nice when you find somebody who’s just endlessly kind and understands you and is really like-minded. I always get really excited.”

“I’m really blessed and grateful to have him in my life.”

“I’m so glad that my family loves him too!”

And although there won’t be a Zoo-themed wedding just yet, you can be sure Chandler has mum’s tick of approval!

“They may even love him more than I do,” the brunette beauty joked, referring to her younger brother Robert and their mum Terri.

“I have my family and then Chandler has become a part of the family. He just understands us, he loves wildlife, loves wild places and is just ready to try.”

Watch Bindi and Chandler tell the ADORABLE story of how they met in the video player below! Post continues…

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Over the weekend, the Dancing with the Stars winner celebrated her milestone birthday by her boyfriend’s side back where it all began at Australia Zoo.

Taking a moment out of the fun-filled day to pay tribute to his sweet girlfriend on Instagram, Chandler shared, “I’m amazed by everything you have already achieved and I can’t even begin to imagine everything you’ll accomplish from this point on.”

“I’m very blessed to have you as such a huge part of my life and I’m beyond thankful you’ve let me be a part of yours. I hope today is as amazing as you are!”

The couple are completely smitten!

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Jennifer Aniston cries as she talks about heartbreak

Raw, emotional and completely candid. It's a side to Jennifer Aniston the public usually doesn't get to see.
Jennifer AnisJennifer Aniston moved to tears as she speaks about heartbreakton moved to tears as she speaks about heartbreak

But the 47-year-old couldn’t help but speak openly and honestly when a young jury member at the 46th Annual Giffoni Film Festival asked the starlet if she ever woke up in the morning and questioned who she was.

“Yes, that moment has happened to me. There’s not enough fingers and toes in this entire room to count how many times that moment has happened,” a visibly moved Jen responded.

“We’re all human beings at the end of the day, whether we’re a waitress or we’re a baker or we’re a student – whatever we are, at the end of the day, you can kind of hit walls and think ‘I can’t go any farther’ or ‘This is too much, my heart can’t take it’ or ‘The pain is too great’ or ‘Am I good enough?’ or, ‘Will I survive?’ “

Adding, “And you just have to sort of, somehow, miraculously overcome. You just go, ‘I can.’ Yes, you can.”

The starlet happily spoke from the heart at the festival.

Her incredible response brought the entire auditorium to their feet, as all the teens in room had a moment of mutual understanding with the Hollywood superstar.

Jennifer, who married Justin Theroux last year, was caught off guard by the question, but it was clear the profound words resonated with her.

Addressing the kids, she reinforced her views on insecurities.

“Also know that your actors, your idols, your icons – whatever you call them – have all had that experience or that moment in their lives, many many times,” she mused.

“There’s nothing that separates us from you because we all started at the same place,” she said.

“We all came out of nowhere… don’t punish yourself, if you feel that.”

The pretty blonde has always been icon for empowerment and standing up for yourself.

She famously once mused to Diana Sawyer, “I think once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kind of falls into place.”

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day.

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Jennifer Aniston moved to tears as she speaks about heartbreak

Raw, emotional and completely candid. It's a side to Jennifer Aniston the public doesn't usually get to see.
Jennifer Aniston

But the 47-year-old couldn’t help but speak openly and honestly when a young jury member at the 46th Annual Giffoni Film Festival asked the starlet if she ever woke up in the morning and questioned who she was.

Watch how the seemingly innocent question brought Jen to tears in the video player below… Post continues!

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“Yes, that moment has happened to me. There’s not enough fingers and toes in this entire room to count how many times that moment has happened,” a visibly moved Jen responded.

“We’re all human beings at the end of the day, whether we’re a waitress or we’re a baker or we’re a student – whatever we are, at the end of the day, you can kind of hit walls and think ‘I can’t go any farther.’ Or ‘this is too much, my heart can’t take it.’ Or ‘the pain is too great.’ Or ‘am I good enough?’Oor, ‘Will I survive?'”

Adding, “And you just have to sort of, somehow, miraculously overcome. You just go, ‘I can.’ Yes, you can.”

The starlet happily spoke from the heart at the festival.

Her incredible response brought the entire auditorium to their feet, as all the teens in room had a moment of mutual understanding with the Hollywood superstar.

Jennifer, who married Justin Theroux last year, was caught off guard by the question, but it was clear the profound words resonated with her.

Addressing the kids, she reinforced her views on insecurities.

“Also know that your actors, your idols, your icons – whatever you call them – have all had that experience or that moment in their lives, many many times,” she mused.

Watch Jen’s hubby speak fondly about their love in the video below! Post continues…

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“There’s nothing that separates us from you because we all started at the same place,” she said.

“We all came out of nowhere… don’t punish yourself, if you feel that.”

The beloved TV icon has always been a figure for empowerment and standing up for yourself.

She famously once mused to Diana Sawyer, “I think once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kind of falls into place.”

Jen found happiness in hubby Justin Theroux.

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Has Rob Kardashian broken up with baby mama Blac Chyna?

Rob Kardashian has sent fans into a frenzy after he deleted all photographic evidence of his wife-to-be, Blac Chyna, on social media.
Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna

What does this mean?!

They’re engaged and expecting their first child together, but now a shadow of doubt had been cast over the status of their relationship after the 29-year-old removed every photo of Blac from his Instagram page.

At present, the sock designer has no posts on his Instagram account and he is no longer following the model. Interestingly, Blac Chyna is still following Rob.

Meanwhile a new report from The Mirror claims Rob broke up with Blac – real name Angela Renée White – after discovering “suspicious” text messages on her phone.

However People claim the pair, who are currently filming their own reality show Rob & Chyna, are simply going through a rocky patch and won’t split for good.

Watch Rob and his sisters discuss his whirlwind engagement in the video below. Post continues after…

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“They filmed over the weekend and had an argument. Rob tends to blow up and react very fast. They have rushed their relationship so much,” the insider revealed to People.

The source also explained Rob is very much looking forward to becoming a father and “it would take a lot for him to break up with her.”

In March the controversial couple were rocked with break-up whispers when Rob once again when on a deleting rampage.

“Chy and I are not broken up we just feel like it would be a lot healthier for our relationship if we kept a lot more to ourselves,” the Kardashian brother explained at the time.

Rob and Chyna have been together since January.

“It’s impossible to have a positive relationship with so much negativity from the media and outsiders and we would appreciate it if everyone respects that.”

It’s been a whirlwind romance for the duo. After getting together in January, Rob popped the question just three months later. Shorty after Chyna, who shares three-year-old son King Cairo with her ex Tyga, announced her pregnancy news.

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Wife-killer Gerard Baden-Clay spied on Allison with baby monitors

Gerard Baden-Clay spied on his wife Allison with baby monitors and controlled her with systematic emotional and financial abuse, her cousin claims.
Allison Baden-Clay, Gerad Baden-Clay

Gerard Baden-Clay spied on his wife Allison with baby monitors and controlled her with systematic emotional and financial abuse, her cousin claims.

Allison Baden-Clay’s cousin, Jodie Dann has come out to accuse her slain relative’s husband, and eventual killer, Gerard Baden-Clay of eavesdropping on his wife with baby monitors, limiting her access to money and taunting her about her weight during their marriage.

Ms Dann’s revelations to Woman’s Day come as Queensland prosecutors prepare to return to the High Court to have Baden-Clay’s murder conviction reinstated after it was controversially downgraded to manslaughter late last year.

In an explosive interview Ms Dann claims Allison was abused and tormented by her husband years before her dead body was discovered dumped in a creek bed on April 2012, just 14kms from the Brisbane home she shared with Gerard and their three daughters.

“She said, ‘Allison is missing,’” Jodie told the magazine of the day her daughter rang to tell her cousin had vanished. “I’ll never forget that moment for as long as I live.”

Allison had wed Gerard in 1997 but Ms Dann said that throughout the couple’s 15-year marriage the former real estate agent had an “insatiable appetite” for extra-marital affairs and systematically made his wife feel “worthless” so she wouldn’t leave him.

Allison married Gerard in 1997 and was married to him for 15-years before it all ended in murder.

Ms Dann said some members of the family were aware of the tactics the convicted wife-killer would use to trap his spouse.

Apart from cutting her off from those who cared for her Gerard had another sneaky method of closely monitoring his wife when she did have family and friends over.

“Gerard had this baby monitor and he would put it around the house and listen to Allison from the other rooms,” Ms Dann tells Woman’s Day.

“If her parents were there, he would listen to their conversation from another room.”

Apart from the chilling eavesdropping, which Ms Dann labelled “unbearable”, that was just part of it.

“Allison was controlled in every aspect of her life,” tells her cousin. “He wouldn’t let her have her banks cards and would only give her bits of cash to spend.”

Gerard also kept Allison feeling low with constant attacks on her self-esteem.

“He was always at her about getting fat,” says Ms Dann. “She felt worthless, and she was taunted by his infidelities.”

Jodie says her cousin never left her husband because “she was so broken – and broke – that she thought she couldn’t leave.”

One year after Allison’s death her parents Geoff and Priscilla Dickie along with other friends and family penned an open letter remembering Allison as the “wonderful woman” and “model mum” she was.

Gerard Baden-Clay reported his wife missing from their home at Brookfield in Brisbane on April 20, 2012.

Allison was missing for 10 days before her badly decomposed body was found and Gerard was charged with her murder in June 2012. After a six-week trial in 2014 he was convicted of stabbing his wife to death and later sentenced to life in prison.

The Court of Appeal’s controversial decision last December to downgrade the murder conviction to manslaughter was the result of Baden-Clay’s defence team arguing that there was no proof Gerard intentionally killed Allison.

A full bench of the High Court is set to hear the case to reinstate the conviction on Tuesday, July 26.

In documents filed to the court Queensland prosecutors have accused Gerard’s lawyers of creating “imaginary possibilities”.

Despite his successful 2015 appeal Gerard Baden-Clay has remained in prison since his 2012 conviction.

You can read Jodie Dann’s full interview in Woman’s Day, on sale now.

RELATED VIDEO: Allison’s legacy

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