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Do women’s periods actually synchronise?

As ever science is a bit behind when it comes to women’s bodies. Scientists aren’t sure whether or not women’s bodies actually sync up during menstruation.

As ever science is a bit behind when it comes to women’s bodies. Scientists aren’t sure whether or not women’s bodies actually sync up during menstruation.

The phenomenon of period-syncing, first documented in 1971, is also known as menstrual synchrony. Despite what science says, more or less anyone who’s ever had a period will have experienced it.

So why can’t scientists agree about whether or not women’s periods tune into each other? The main reason is that, truthfully, science isn’t completely sure how women’s bodies work.

What is menstrual synchrony?

Back in the 70s when this was looked into for the first time, Martha McClintock, who authored the study, found that ‘social interaction’ amongst women was the reason behind all the synching up. Another study in 1998 supported her hypothesis and concluded that pheromones were involved, with women signalling to one another via invisible airborne chemicals.

However, both of these studies have been heavily criticised because of how they analysed data and dismissed because they were too small and did not observe the cycles of a large enough number of women. McClintock’s only reported based on a sample size of 135 women.

So, why do women get their periods at the same time?

Another one of the main theories about menstruation and synchronisation is that it’s rooted in evolution. The idea is that it was beneficial to the human race for all the women to be fertile at the same time for several reasons. Some people think this is because no particular female was fertile at a particular time, and singled out by the males as a result. Others think that it was so that prehistoric women could retreat together during menstruation and stay safe from predators.

Today there’s actually a school of thought which says that the power of menstruation can be harnessed as a force for good, think of the recent discussions about ‘period leave’.

Writing on Mystic Mama, Clarissa Pinkola Estes says that modern woman can use her menstrual cycle to her own advantage by seeing it as a message from her body:

‘Women from ancient times as well as modern aboriginal women set a sacred place aside for this communion and inquiry. Traditionally, it is said to have been set aside during women’s menses, for during that time woman lives much closer to self-knowing than usual; the membrane between the unconscious and the conscious minds thins considerably. Feelings memories, sensations that are normally blocked from consciousness pass over into cognizance without resistance. When a woman takes solitude during this time, she has more material to sift through.’

‘However in my exchanges with tribal women from North, Central and South America, as well as female progeny of some of the Slavic tribes, I find that ‘women places’ were used anytime, not just during menses, and more so, that each woman often had her own ‘woman place’, consisting of a certain tree, place at the water’s edge, or some natural forest or desert room or ocean cave.’

‘Much of modern woman’s premenstrual crankiness is not just a physical syndrome but it equally attributable to her being thwarted in her need to take enough time away to revivify and renew herself.’

The truth is that nobody knows whether or not period synchronicity is ‘a thing’. Scientists can’t even agree on whether or not pheromones exist, let alone how they work!

Science aside, what’s certain is that many women report, anecdotally at least, that their periods have synched up with their friends, colleagues and flatmates and we can make of it what we will.

Words: Vicky Spratt. Story via The Debrief.

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Heath Ledger’s father blames his son for accidental overdose

Kim Ledger has recalled his son’s tragic death, describing the fatal overdose as “totally his fault."
Heath Ledger

Health Ledger’s father Kim has spoken out on his son’s tragic death.

Speaking to Daily Mail Australia, the 66-year-old recalled haunting details of the actor’s final hours, while warning others against the prescription painkillers that ultimately led to the beloved Aussie’s untimely end.

“It was totally his fault. It was no one else’s – he reached for them. He put them in his system. You can’t blame anyone else in that situation.”

“That’s hard to accept because I loved him so much and was so proud of him,” he went on, revealing that Heath’s sister Kate had begged him not to mix opioids and sleeping pills just hours before his death in 2008.

“His sister was on the phone to him the night before telling him not to take the prescription medications with the sleeping tablets.”

“He said, ‘Katie, Katie, I’m fine. I know what I’m doing.’ He would have had no idea.”

The actor passed away aged 28.

At around 2:45pm on 22 January 2008, the Dark Knight star was found dead in his fourth-floor loft apartment in Manhattan, New York. He was just 28.

The beloved Aussie had overdosed on a fatal combination of painkillers, anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills.

“Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine,” the New York City medical examiner’s report read.

“We have concluded that the manner of death is accident, resulting from the abuse of prescribed medications.”

The handsome actor began dating actress Michelle Williams after meeting on the set of Brokeback Mountain. Their daughter, Matilda Rose, was born on in October 2005 in New York City.

Kim believed that the pressures and demands of his son’s life in the spotlight played a role in his overdose.

The star had just concluded his iconic role as The Joker in The Dark Knight, and was in the midst of filming his last role as Tony in The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.

In a now-harrowing interview, Heath described this time as exhausting.

“Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night,” he told The New York Times in November 2007. “I couldn’t stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going.”

Kim Ledger says Heath’s daughter Matilda is just like her daddy. Watch the sweet clip in the video below! Post continues…

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Speaking of the fatigue that drove his son to self-medicate, the concerned father said, “In the case of someone with a higher profile it’s often a case of ‘what do you want’ instead of ‘what do you need.’”

“There’s so much pressure on them to perform so even though your body is telling you that it’s not good and needs time, it’s like ‘just take these painkillers and keep going’”.

“That was the case with Heath. He had to be back on set to finish (the next day).”

And eight years on, the world is still reeling from the loss of one of the greats.

Earlier this year, the father-of-one’s friend Jake Gyllenhaal opened up about the devastating impact the death of his fellow Brokeback Mountain star had on him.

“Personally, it affected me in ways I can’t necessarily put in words or even would want to talk about publicly,” he explained to Entertainment Weekly.

“In terms of professionally, I think I was at an age where mortality was not always clear to me.”

Jake is the godfather of Heath’s 10-year-old daughter with Michelle Williams, Matilda.

Watch him talk about his pals death in the video player below.

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“I am the mother of the most tender-hearted, high-spirited, beautiful little girl who is the spitting image of her father,” said Michelle after Heath’s death.

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NT News’ powerful front cover

The NT News has produced a powerful front cover following the shocking allegations of youth abuse in juvenile detention centres in the territory.

The NT News has produced a powerful front cover following the shocking allegations of youth abuse in juvenile detention centres in the territory.

In bold, thick writing the paper reads, “Sack the lot of them”, referring to the NT Government.

Wednesday’s July 27 cover accuses the Territory government of ignoring a report from the Children’s Commissioner “detailing systematic abuse of young prisoners in detention”.

The report handed to officials 11 months ago “was built around the very same videos that aired on national TV on Monday night,” claims the paper.

Adding: “The Government ignored the report and even pushed for tougher measures.”

Following the Four Corners report earlier this week the PM yesterday called for a Royal Commission into the mistreatment of children in youth detention centres.

The cover has drawn much attention on social media with both comments of praise and condemnation.


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Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna are working things out after vicious fight

Things reportedly turned physical just before Rob deleted all photos of her from Instagram.
Rob Kardashian Blac Chyna

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna are reportedly back together again after a nasty argument drove a wedge between them.

The explosive pair have reportedly patched things up, despite the fact that this fight was said to be one of their worst ever.

So bad, in fact, that Blac left her mark on Rob, literally.

The reality star was reportedly furious after Blac scratched her long, sharp nails down his arm, drawing blood.

See the evidence of Rob’s injuries in the startling video below. Post continues.

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Blac took to social media to flash her ring about post fight.

“Rob and her have been getting into little tiffs and Blac Chyna flipped on Rob,” a source told E! News. “He was so p*ssed at how she spoke to him, so he deleted everything about her to hurt her.”

But Rob’s baby mama still has all the shots he tried to get rid of on her own Instagram account.

He tried to get rid of these pictures, but Blac has them posted all over her account! Here’s a loving shot of Rob with Blac’s baby bump.

It’s pretty hard to erase photos from the internet.

She took to social media to flash her engagement ring about after the fight, clearly not willing to give up without a fight… hopefully one that doesn’t get physical this time.

Looks like Rob has a temper too. Watch him try to force Kim Kardashian to speak to Blac in the clip below. Post continues.

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According to E! News, the mother-to-be is extremely paranoid that Rob is going to cheat on her, because of past experiences.

A source close to the couple says they are now fine, and are “back in love and have spoken through their fight.”

The Kardashian brother has yet to upload any of his deleted images.

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Prince Andrew and Fergie reunite on wedding anniversary

The couple would have been celebrating their 30th year together.
Prince Andrew Sarah Ferguson

The former royal couple would have divorced 20 years ago, but that doesn’t stop them spending time together.

In fact, their most recent outing together coincided with a very special occasion: the day they would have been celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary.

The Duchess of York spent time during the day with Andrew and her daughter Eugenie at the races at Ascot.

But clever royal watchers took note that the date of the reunion was exactly 30 years since the Prince and the Duchess said their vows at Westminster Abbey.

Relive the splendour of Fergie and Andrew’s wedding (and get a glimpse of tiny Princes Harry and William!) in the video below. Then, post continues.

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Sarah and Andrew looked so happy on their big day.

“She and Andrew were going to spend time together in the evening to mark their anniversary,” an insider told the Daily Mail. “And then Andrew invited her along to Ascot to enjoy the day.

“He was representing the Queen, who was in Scotland,” the source explained.

The Duchess of York spent time in the royal box with her daughter Eugenie.

And because the Duchess of York was there on Prince Andrew’s invitation, it would explain why she was allowed into the royal box for the first time in years.

The pair have made no secret of remaining good friends since their split, and continuing to share parental responsibilities of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

And their bond of friendship has always remained strong, despite many of life’s ups and downs.

Despite the split, the pair are usually happy to get together and spend time with their daughters.

Fergie and Andrew were besotted with each other before they wed.

And Fergie has had more than a few downs in recent years.

The cash-strapped Duchess has been forced to hawk products on the shopping channel, and rumours were flying earlier this month that she’s gearing up to sue the media over the sting that caught her allegedly selling “access” to Prince Andrew.

See Fergie’s awkward shopping channel stint in the video below. Post continues.

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But she has always maintained strong ties to her beloved family.

In fact, a friend confided that the Duchess, who reportedly plans to apply for Swiss residency, is now spending more and more time at the Windsor lodge with her family.

“The truth is that Sarah is spending more and more time back at the Royal Lodge, where she lived for years, and less time in Switzerland.

“She misses Andrew and her daughters.”

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Justin Timberlake gets slapped by a fan at the golf

JT didn’t take it lightly either, and the fan was arrested shortly after.
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Justin Timberlake copped a nasty surprise when he was walking through the crowds at a golf tournament recently.

The star was walking with his security team at the at the American Century Celebrity Pro-Am in Lake Tahoe when a fan came up to him and slapped him!

And boy was Justin unimpressed.

Video of the incident, obtained by TMZ, clearly shows a hand come into shot and slap the singer on the back on the neck.

He didn’t look very impressed. (Image/TMZ)

He turned around angrily, yelling, “Why would you do that?”

After the incident, JT walked off but that wasn’t the end of it.

Although the 35-year-old neglected to press charges over the incident, security was later seen talking to the culprit.

JT is currently promoting his film Trolls with Anna Kendrick. Watch their heart-meltingly amazing song together below, then post continues.

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He recently attended a panel with Anna for Comic-Con.

Apparently, he was an overzealous fan who just wanted to touch the megastar and got a little carried away.

He reportedly also got a little carried away when staff attempted to escort him from the property, appearing very intoxicated and un-cooperative.

He was then arrested for disorderly conduct.

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Did Jennifer Aniston’s husband Justin Theroux just confuse alleged NT youth abuse victim with art?

Jennifer Aniston’s husband Justin Theroux has made a cryptic comment on social media about the alleged mistreatment of youths in NT detention centres.

Jennifer Aniston’s husband Justin Theroux has made a cryptic comment on social media about the alleged mistreatment of youths in Northern Territory detention centres.

In an Instagram post on Tuesday evening the 44-year-old Irish actor posted a still picture of Dylan Voller – a former NT juvenile inmate who was shown restrained and hooded in a chair in footage obtained by ABC’s Four Corners.

Mr Theroux captioned the shot:

“’Dylan Voller’ c. 2015 -artist unknown #notaNVG… YET. #melbourne #dylanvoller”

The ambiguous post seemed to have many wondering if Mr Theroux did confuse the picture for an artwork because of the previous National Gallery of Victoria images on his account. The hazy reason for the post has caused many to vent outrage and demand further explanation.

“That’s shameful of you @justintheroux,” one commenter remarked.

“This is not an artwork, this is what’s happening within juvenile justice centres in Australia as we speak… NOT ACCEPTABLE AT ALL…” wrote another.

However the “#notaNVG” could allude to the star is using his 262k follower-strong platform to raise awareness, and highlight the possibility that in the future the shocking picture could come to stand as a symbol of how our nation treats kids in detention.

On Instagram pundit seemed to sum up the sentiments of many following the revelations: “Ashamed to be an Australian if this is how we treat kids.”

The PM has called for a Royal Commission following the Four Corners’ report.

The Weekly is trying to reach Mr Theroux for comment.

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Police reportedly called to Lindsay Lohan’s home amid drama with Egor Tarabasov

The Hollywood star reportedly woke up her neighbours as she screamed for help during an early morning argument at her London home.
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Lindsay Lohan allegedly roused her entire street in London with her calls for help during a heated argument at 5am on Saturday with her partner, Russian millionaire Egor Tarabasov, as she accused the 22-year-old of trying to strangle her.

According to several reports, the actress could be heard screaming at Egor from the balcony of her Knightsbridge apartment, allegedly shouting, “He just strangled me. He almost killed me.”

The Sun reports that the 30-year-old star began yelling her name and address for everyone to hear, before telling Egor to leave her house.

“Please please please. He just strangled me. He almost killed me. Everybody will know. Get out of my house,” a woman can be heard yelling in video footage obtained by The Sun.

“I’m done. I don’t love you anymore. You tried to kill me. You’re a f—ing psycho,” Lindsay reportedly shouted.

This latest incident comes as Lindsay took to Instagram to shame Egor for not coming home.

After Lindsay’s neighbours contacted the police in a panic, officers arrived at the apartment and smashed down the door, only to find the residence empty. No arrests were made.

“She woke our whole house up with her screaming. I was really concerned about her safety – it sounded like she needed help,” one neighbour told The Sun, while another said, “The silence of night was broken with this dreadful shouting and swearing and crying.”

Addressing the latest drama, Lindsay took to Instagram to ask for calm.

“I would appreciate if these speculations regarding my personal life would respectfully come to a halt. Unfortunately, a private matter has become more public than I can control and I would be extremely grateful if my fiancé and myself could discuss our personal matters on our own,” she penned just mere hours after publicly calling him out on social media.

“There are more important things going on in the world than our relationship. Please leave us be to solve our personal matters,” she concluded alongside a photo of a cloud in the shape of a heart.

The news of the fracas comes after Lindsay took to social media to slam her boyfriend for partying with other women at a nightclub.

“I guess I was the same at 23… S—-y time-it changes at 26/27 @e2505t thanks for not coming home tonight,” she wrote, tagging Egor in a now-deleted photo on Instagram. “Fame changes people.”

Later, she posted another photo of Egor at a nightclub, accusing him of being with a “Russian hooker” who she seemed to identify as fashion designer Dasha Pashevkina.

“Wow thanks #fiance with Russian hooker,” she captioned the picture, seemingly very angry at the pair.

Lindsay then posted a cryptic message that hinted she might be pregnant.

She posted a link to the poster of her 2009 movie Labor Pains with the words “Lindsay Lohan Labor Pains Trailer – I am pregnant!!”

This story originally appeared on Woman’s Day New Zealand

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Jennifer Lopez reveals the secret to her incredible body!

At 47, the hot mama is in the best shape of her life!
Jennifer Lopez

This week, Jennifer Lopez celebrated her 47th birthday alongside A-list pals, wearing a stunning, barely-there outfit.

The figure-hugging jumpsuit drew attention to all the right places, with peek-a-boo panels that showed off each one of the mother-of-two’s enviable curves.

With a demanding career as an actress, dancer, singer, performer, producer and American Idol judge – not to mention her full time role as a mother to two adorable kids, we can’t help but wonder how this superstar manages to find time to work on her seemingly flawless bod.

It’s all about hard work!

Well, we did some digging and as it turns out, J.Lo’s curvaceous yet toned figure can be credited to a range of healthy foods and a few well-aimed punches.

“I always liked it,” the brunette beauty quipped of her passion for boxing while promoting her television show Shades of Blue. “It’s very hard, but it’s always been a good workout.”

Speaking to News.com.au of her long-time love for combat as a form of fitness, Jenny from the Block revealed, “When you learn how to do something real well, like for me, I was taught how to box for a movie called Money Train, in the ’90s, you never forget it.”

“I also learned Krav Maga for the movie, Enough (2002). So, I’ve always loved those different kinds of techniques and I’ve always been athletic in that way.”

Running around after eight-year-old twins certainly helps to keep the singer in good shape!

But as the years pass by (despite the fact that she hasn’t aged a day since 20), Jennifer admits that she’s had to switch up her fitness regime to accommodate for her age.

“I’ve started to do more weights which you need to do as you get older because you lose muscle,” she explained.

“You have to realise that what works for you in your ’20s doesn’t necessarily work in your ’40s. But when it comes to ageing, I don’t put limits on myself. I don’t think to myself, ‘can I do what I’m doing now in two years?’ I don’t think like that.”

Watch J.Lo work out in the video player below! Post continues…

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And the Maid in Manhattan actress knows that when it comes to fitness, it’s all about that healthy balance.

Speaking of her Olympian mentality when it comes to keeping her figure, the star believes that you need to fuel up to work hard.

“Staying in shape is like being in training. It’s like being an athlete. You have to eat for power and for what you need.”

Now THAT’S a dress!

In a recent interview with People, Jen’s trainer, Tracy Anderson, revealed the all-organic diet responsible for the quadruple threat’s daily energy.

“I have her eating very clean because she needs really good fuel for all the things that she’s doing,” the celeb trainer explained to People.

“It’s all organic and it’s all very well thought out, with the balance of very high quality proteins and a lot of nutrient-dense food.”

But diets and workouts aside, Tracy believes that her client’s true beauty and confidence comes from her inner happiness.

“What’s going on inside of us is a really reflection of what’s going on on the outside of us, and she’s very a happy person and that just translates into beauty.”

“She loves life, and loving life is taking care of her body.”

Watch the stunning singer talk about positive body image in the video player below.

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Michelle Obama: ‘I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves’

Michelle Obama delivers a speech for the ages at the Democratic National Convention.

When Michelle Obama took to the stage of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia on Monday she used the occasion to endorse the Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, as well as deliver a powerful speech that touched on her family’s historical eight-year tenure in the White House.

“I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my two black daughters playing with their dogs on the White House lawn,” Mrs Obama reflected to a packed crowd at the Wells Fargo Center. “Because of Hillary, my daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States.”

Mrs Obama then went on to give a glowing recommendation for the former New York Senator, Secretary of State and her FLOTUS predecessor.

“I’m with her,” Obama sated before saying that 68-year-old Clinton had the “guts and grace to keep coming back to put those cracks in the glass ceiling.”

Michelle Obama looked radiant in a lapis knee-length dress as she delivered her powerful speech to a packed crowd in Philadelphia.

In her stirring address – which brought many to tears – an unflappable Mrs Obama took aim at the Republican presidential nominee. Without naming him, she draw a sharp and scathing portrait of Donald Trump and his campaign slogan, “Make American Great Again.”

“Don’t let someone tell you this country isn’t great — that we need to make it great again,” Obama told the crowd. “Because, right now, this country is the greatest country on Earth.”

“When you have the nuclear codes at your fingertips and military at your command, you can’t make snap decisions,” Obama warned.

“You can’t have thin skin or a tendency to lash out. You need to be steady and well-informed. I want a president with a record of public service, someone who’s life work shows our children we don’t chase fame and fortune for ourselves.”

“I’m with her”: Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton.

When Mrs Obama finished the crowd rose to give her a standing ovation.

President Barack Obama took to Twitter to praise the First Lady after her powerful address.

“Incredible speech by a incredible woman,” the president tweeted about his wife. “Couldn’t be more proud & our country has been blessed to have her as FLOTUS. I love you, Michelle.”

Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton and urges Democratic party to unite

Vermont Senator and presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders, the man who started a movement, also had his fans in tears.

While the 74-year-old acknowledged his supporters helped him run a very strong race he conceded to play the role of healer.

“I understand that many people here in this convention hall and around the country are disappointed about the final results of the nominating process,” Sanders said. “I think it’s fair to say that no one is more disappointed than I am. But to all of our supporters — here and around the country — I hope you take enormous pride in the historical accomplishments we have achieved.”

He then went on to urge his supporters to unite and support Hillary Clinton in a bid to keep the Republicans out of the White House.

“Based on her ideas and her leadership, Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States,” Sanders said. “The choice is not even close.”

While there was mixed emotion in the room about his endorsement Senator Sanders warned that if the Democratic party couldn’t come together then they could be stuck with a far worse alternative come November.

“If you think you can sit it out, take a moment to think about the Supreme Court justices that Donald Trump would nominate and what that would mean to civil liberties, equal rights and the future of our country,” Sanders warned.

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