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Bec Judd’s on air snub leaves sports reporter red faced



Bec Judd said goodbye to her 9NEWS team before going on maternity leave last night but her exit was one that will be remembered.

The media personality, who is expecting twins with her husband Chris Judd, was in the middle of bidding adieu to Melbourne news anchor Peter Hitchener when sports reporter Tony Jones thought it might be nice to say his goodbyes on air too.

Among the pleasantries Jones, who had his arm around Judd, leaned in for a kiss but just before the his lips could make contact with Bec’s cheek she turned away in a terribly awkward snub.

Later a red faced Jones turned to Twitter to highlight his embarrassment but a cheery Bec assured him there was no love lost.

But this isn’t the first time Bec has rejected Tony live on air.

In 2013 after Judd telling viewers they were in store for a “nice and sunny for the weekend” Jones suggested the weather presenter “come round for a barbie”.

“No thanks,” Judd said a giggly Judd.

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Princess Beatrice quits ANOTHER job for a new career

But rumours swirl the royal was fired, after she turns her back on her fourth job in five years.
Princess Beatrice

Princess Beatrice has reportedly resigned from her New York job to make a bid at launching her own start-up company.

The daughter of Prince Andrew and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson Duchess of York has grand plans to become a business consultant and has given up her steady job to branch out on her own.

It’s the fourth job she’s left in the past five years, but this time she reportedly has a firm plan in place to embrace her “entrepreneurial ambitions”.

Dealing witht he change well, the Princess is enjoying a luscious holiday in the Greek Islands with a group of friends, following a previous sojourn a few weeks ago to the south of France.

Beatrice plans to become a business consultant with her own venture.

The Daily Mail have reported that the redheaded royal was “let go” from her New York based role, back in June, but this was denied by her aides who said she’d only been in Britain because of a “work project” and to attend Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday celebrations.

They also claimed that Beatrice had not been to her work for two months and her employers Sandbridge had said she was no longer with the company.

Close insiders have now revealed the young royal is pursuing her start-up business with the full backing of her former workplace and bosses.

Beatrice is thrilled to be starting her own consultancy and striking out on her own.

“She is creating a start-up consultancy backed by, and in association with, the group she worked with.

“She and some other people have set up a consultancy business under the auspices of Sandbridge Capital,” the source confessed.

How she’s grown! Watch the hilarious moment 18-year-old Beatrice tells her mum she plans to do better than her in business. Post continues.

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The friend of the Princess reiterated that she had not been sacked, saying: “She was working, she resigned and is now concentrating her efforts on this start-up.

“She wanted to be more entrepreneurial, so she has set up her own unit within the group, but as a separate unit.”

Another friend lashed out people gossiping about the job status of the Queen’s granddaughter.

“Beatrice is a young girl making her own way in the world and finding her feet,” the friend explained. “She should be applauded for striking out on her own, not vilified.”

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Shannen Doherty reveals her breast cancer has spread

The actress delivered the heartbreaking news in a very emotional television interview.
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Devastating news for Shannen Doherty amid her battle with breast cancer.

The actress revealed that her cancer has spread in a heartbreaking interview with Entertainment Tonight.

Watch Shannen talk about her emotional journey and the moment she knew she had to shave her head in the video below. Post continues.

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Shannen revealed she’s frightened for her future in her sit-down interview.

“I had breast cancer that spread to the lymph nodes, and from one of my surgeries we discovered that some of the cancer cells might have actually gone out of the lymph nodes,” the Charmed actress told ET.

“So for that reason, we are doing chemo, and then after chemo, I’ll do radiation.”

The news comes after the brave actress took to social media to unveil a series of photographs of her shaving her head.

“I didn’t want someone taking a picture of me coming out of the grocery store and going, ‘Oh god, look at her,'” the 45-year-old explained.

“I wanted to put it out there the way that it felt the best for me to put it out there.”

The actress shared the moment she shaved off her locks with family and friends, before posting it on social media.

Shannen also confessed that she’d had a single mastectomy back in May, and says getting fitted for a new bra was much harder than she’d imagined.

“It was traumatic and horrible, and I didn’t think anything of it at the time, then my mom went with me and I broke down crying in the dressing room and ran out,” she recalls, now able to laugh about it. “And then sat in the car crying.”

Shannen is determined to stay public with her battle to help others who might also be fighting the disease and to raise awareness.

The 45-year-old says the bit that worries her most about her cancer battle is not knowing what’s going to happen.

“The unknown is always the scariest part,” she confessed. “Is the chemo going to work? Is the radiation going to work? You know, am I going to have to go through this again, or am I going to get secondary cancer?”

“Everything else is manageable. Pain is manageable, you know living without a breast is manageable, it’s the worry of your future and how your future is going to affect the people that you love.”

See Shannen’s raw, honest comments about her cancer diagnosis in the emotional clip below.

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Michael Douglas’s son Cameron released from prison after nearly seven years

The actor is thrilled after his son’s extended sentence is cut short.
Cameron Douglas Michael Douglas

Michael Douglas’s son Cameron has finally been let out of prison after nearly seven years of being locked up.

The eldest son of the actor wasn’t supposed to be released until next year, but Page Six reports that his sentence has been cut short.

The 37-year-old was arrested back in 2009 for possessing and selling drugs, and was sentenced to five years.

His term was then extended after he was caught smuggling drugs into prison.

Michael Douglas and his ex-wife Diandra Luker were devastated when their son was sentenced.

What made a bad situation worse for Cameron’s family is that his two-year extension was to be served in solitary confinement, meaning he could have no visitors.

Watch Michael talk about how cancer and his son’s solitary confinement nearly broke him in the clip below. Post continues.

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Michael and Catherine have always been supportive of Cameron, even after his arrest.

Michael’s son with his ex-wife Diandra Luker is reportedly planning on writing an expose book on his time in the correctional facility.

“Cameron will talk about his struggle being the son and grandson of Hollywood icons, and then his bad decisions which led him to jail, and then solitary confinement,” a source close to the family confessed.

“He is staying low-key after his release and plans to spend time with his father and mother. He believes this is a new start, and a chance at a new life.”

After not being able to see Cameron for two years, no doubt Michael will be spending all the time he can with his son now.

Michael spoke about his son’s treatment at the hands of the prison system in his 2013 acceptance speech for Behind the Candelabra.

“At first I was certainly disappointed with my son, but I’ve reached a point now where I’m disappointed with the system,” he said.

“If you happen to have a slip, they punish you. In my son’s case, he has spent almost two years in solitary confinement.”

Cameron talks about his strong bond with his dad in the video below.

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Why Paris Hilton fears she is a “definite target” for ISIS

I’m constantly moving around from one country to another and I’m a famous person who could be a definite target for an attack.
Paris Hilton.

Reality TV personality and hotel heiress Paris Hilton has revealed she fears she is a “definite target” for terror group ISIS.

Hilton, 35, who found fame on TV show The Simple Life, told a newspaper in Ibiza (where she is currently moonlighting as a DJ), ‘Diario de Ibiza’, that she fears she is on the proverbial hit list for the group.

“What’s happening is horrible. The recent attacks in Nice and Germany are terrible,” said Paris when she was asked if she felt safe travelling. “It’s something that disgusts and worries me. I travel a lot and I get frightened when I think about things like this.”

“I’m constantly moving around from one country to another and I’m a famous person who could be a definite target for an attack and that is something that sometimes terrifies me,” she said.

“But I’m also a very free person who tries not to be afraid of anything. I just make sure I always watch my back,” she continued. “I always go out alone and without security. Many celebs have ten bodyguards but I like to go out with my friends and be normal because I want to be like everyone else. I’m not going to give up anything.”

Unsurprisingly, Hilton used the same interview as an opportunity to endorse US presidential candidate Donald Trump, calling him a “good friend” and an “extraordinary businessman”.

“Donald is a very famous person who is in the eye of the storm,” said Paris, “I don’t know who will win the elections but I just want it to be the best person, whoever it is.”

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Mum of toddler left to die of his injuries denied bail

The 27-year-old was denied bail to prevent her from interfering with other witnesses.
Mason Jett Lee.

The mother of the 21-month-old boy who was found dead in his home with ‘head-to-toe injuries’ has been denied bail after being deemed a ‘flight risk’.

Anne-Marie Lee, 27, has been formally charged with the manslaughter of her 21-month-old son, Mason Jett Lee, who was allegedly left to die of his ‘horrific’ injuries after being badly beaten.

The 27-year-old faced the Toowoomba Magistrates Court today where judges deemed her at risk of not appearing for her future court dates. The court also heard Lee was at risk of interfering with other witnesses if granted bail.

Lee was charged alongside two other men, who police believe to be involved in the death of Mason Jett, Lee’s former partner Andrew O’Sullivan, 35, and another man, Ryan Robert Hodson, 17. Both men have been charged with manslaughter.

Police handling the case have alleged that the three Caboolture residents failed to provide Mason with the medical attention he needed, despite his injuries being “obvious”.


“Police will be alleging that the child died as a result of peritonitis due to a ruptured duodenum,” Detective Inspector Paul Schmidt told 9News.

“The injuries would have been obvious, would have been deteriorating and would have been significant over a period of time leading up to his death.”

Police have yet to confirm who caused the injuries that led to Mason’s death, but the boy was reportedly found with “widespread injuries including scarring and bruising to his legs, abdomen and head”, that the trio of suspects allegedly failed to treat or provide medical attention for.

Anne-Marie Lee is expected to appear in court again on August 16. Hodson and O’Sullivan will reappear in court on September 28 and August 8, respectively.

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Skydiver falls 25,000 feet without a parachute and lands safely

Now that's one brave man!
Skydiver Luke Aikins lands in a safety net.

A US skydiver and adrenaline junkie, Luke Aikins, has become the first person to jump out of a plane and land without a parachute.

The 42-year-old skydiver leapt from the plane at a staggering 25,000 feet (or 7.6 kilometres), fell at 193 kilometres per hour and landed safely in a 10,000-square-foot net in Simi Valley, California.

Speaking on his death-defying fall, during which he ‘free fell’ for more than two minutes, Aikins was stunned at his own incredible feat.

“I’m almost levitating, it’s incredible,” said the father-of-one, “The thing that just happened. The words I want to say I can’t even get out of my mouth.”

“All of these guys, everything that made it happen … It’s awesome.”

Aikins has completed more than 18,000 skydiving jumps in his life and runs his own skydiving school.

Watch the incredible video below!

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How a $10 wheelie bin sticker could save a life

These life saving, lifelike and life-size wheelie bin stickers could encourage drivers to stay alert, slow down and stop being complacent on the roads.

Ten dollars is a small price to pay if it could save a child’s life. That’s the message being touted by road safety activists asking Australians to put life saving, lifelike and life-size stickers of running children onto their wheelie bins to encourage drivers to slow down, look twice and not become complacent on suburban roads.

It’s a simple idea for a crucial cause. In the last twelve months alone there have been 1269 deaths on Australian roads; the highest figures seen since 2012.

According to the experts this is at least in part due to drivers thinking, ‘I know this area like the back of my hand,’ instead of acknowledging that risk could always be just around the corner.

To counteract this trend countless neighbourhoods across Australia have already transformed their curbs into warning-signs for motorists. And so far it appears the campaign is working, with most drivers hitting the brakes upon passing the sticker-clad bins.

Having the stickers on the side of the bin allows for adequate time for the driver to sight the graphic.

Russell White is the CEO of the Australian Road Safety Foundation, the organisation distributing the stickers. He has spent over 25 years working in road safety and says the campaign is stronger than others because communities see it as a simple and cheap way to encourage drivers to slow down and stay alert to the possibility of children being on or near the roads.

More than 30 per cent of crashes occur in suburban streets where speed limits are under 60 km/hour. This is because drivers go into autopilot mode when close to home, Mr White says.

“We find a lot of crashes occur in a small radius of where someone has just left. That’s because road-users start to mentally make the leap to their next task as they are getting closer to home.

“They begin to relax a bit and think about what they are going to do once they get there. The negative side of that familiarity is they can get a bit complacent.”

The stickers were first introduced in April as part of a small pilot program in Queensland. Their real-time risk reminder resonated so strongly with locals that they have now been rolled-out nation wide.

Many councils have even put in bulk orders to distribute to their neighborhoods, Mr White says, causing the ASRF to consider expanding the sticker range to animals, the elderly or other vulnerable groups too.

Some critics have raised concerns that drivers will become desensitised to the stickers if driving past the same bins frequently, but the ASRF are confident that driver perception will change as the bins are wheeled on and off curbsides before and after rubbish-collection days.

Research indicates the stickers will also increase situational awareness, brake performance and reaction time, ensuring the benefits– particularly around school zones– far outweigh any ‘shock value’, Mr White says.

The stickers have been designed to raise the general awareness of vulnerable road users in local streets.

“Sometimes people get overwhelmed at how one person can make a difference when it comes to road trauma. What the stickers do is allow them to show support and make a contribution in a really visual way.

“Whole neighborhoods are doing it and the sense of community ownership they have is incredibly powerful. We want to try and wake people up to the level of risk in our own suburban streets and driveways.”

You can purchase the stickers and encourage your friends and family to get on board too here. It’s worth it to save a life.

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Fishermen thought this huge floating thing might be a monster from the deep

What exactly is that?
Whale carcass off Bunbury coast.

Mark Watkins must have thought he’d landed in an episode of The X-Files when he encountered this monstrous object floating near his boat. The object was huge, pink, fleshy and bobbing along with the waves. The Bunbury fisherman soon figured out that it was not a hot air balloon, nor an abandoned blimp, nor a capsized boat, but the floating carcass of a dead whale.

“It‘s stomach was full of gas so it was all bloated up,” Watkins told The West Australian, “When we got closer we realised it had to be a dead whale because of the smell.”

Watkins, 36, had been out fishing with his dad about 25 miles out from the south west coast of Bunbury on Wednesday morning when he came across the carcass. The behemoth whale was already being eyed off by a few circling sharks.

“We actually did have a 3.5 to 4m white pointer around our boat that day – it seemed more interested in our boat than the whale,” said Mark.

The two fishermen noted that the whale was decidedly less bloated on their second sighting of it, after the sharks had gotten their fill.

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Harry Potter stars who transfigured into magical hotties!

Harry Potter

Professor McGonagall taught us that “Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts…”

It’s been 15 years since the first Harry Potter movie premiered back in 2001, some of our favourite wizards and witches have become bonafide hotties.

And thankfully, the magic doesn’t end with JK Rowling releasing another installment of the beloved wizarding world: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

Before you submerge yourself into the next generation, check out the original cast that turned into spellbinding visions!

There’s Harry Potter without the man himself, Mr Daniel Radcliffe!

She beauty, she’s grace, she’s Emma Watson! The Hermione Granger starlet is one of Hollywood’s finest.

Rupert Grint portrayed Ronald Billus Weasley… #FireEmoji

Not even the Mirror of Erised could foresee Neville Longbottom becoming… THAT! Matthew Lewis, we thank you for everything.

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Ahhh the Weasley twins… be still our beating heart for James and Oliver Phelps

Domhnall Gleeson may have played werewolf Bill Weasley but he is leaped into becoming a major Hollywood hottie!

Alfie Enoch AKA Dean Thomas is one of the most magical creatures to come out of Harry Potter!

Submerge yourself into the next generation, and pick up a copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

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