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Eva Mendes opens up about her heartache over her brother’s death

The actress farewelled her sibling in the same week her second baby was born.
Eva Mendes

Eva Mendes is normally very guarded in the press about her family life, but the star has opened up about the pain of losing her brother.

The 42-year-old revealed that her brother Carlos Mendes passed away just days before she gave birth to her second child Amada Gosling.

The Latina actress says she wouldn’t have gotten through that tough time without the love and support of her family.

“Losing my brother brought our family closer, and we were already close to begin with,” she admitted.

Carlos lost his battle with cancer at the age of 53.

Eva says her brother’s death brought her already close-knit family even closer together.

“So to just see everybody be there for one another and show up, I feel so lucky to have them,” she explains.

And baby Amada, her second child with Ryan Gosling after Esmerelda, was born just 12 days after Carlos passed away.

“We had a funeral service for him and that same week I had the baby. It was really, really intense and obviously beyond heartbreaking, but also kind of beautiful.”

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Eva and Ryan both had a hard time with the two emotional events so close together.

The brunette beauty admits she still hasn’t had the time to process her grief yet.

With two little girls in tow, both under two, she doesn’t really have much time.

“My older little girl is not yet 2 years old. My little one is still an infant, and right now it’s really about surviving those nights and trying to enjoy this time as much as possible with them, and start the bond between Esmeralda and Amada,” she explains.

“It’s a really, really special time. I’m loving it.”

“I live with angels!” Watch Ryan GUSH about his gorgeous family in the clip below. Post continues!

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The actress explains that both Esmeralda and Amada were named after special members of Eva’s family.

“My grandmother’s name is Amada, and Esmeralda Amada is the name of our oldest,” she says.

“We had a few names picked out for our new baby, and when she was born, we didn’t feel like those names were her. We came up with a few more, even that morning, and tried them out. We were like, ‘What about Viviana?'” she explains.

Eva revealed opened up about her personal life for Latina magazine.

The mother of two has also been super busy with her new clothing line.

But she says even though her eldest was already using the name Amada, they just kept coming back to it. “In true Latin fashion, we reuse names all the time. I used to know five sisters that were all Maria del Carmen, Maria Elena, Maria liliana,” Eva says.

“So we went with Amada because it was something we kept going back to. And it was an emotional time with the passing of my brother. We thought how beautiful to go with what made us emotional and with what felt like her. When we looked at her, we thought, ‘Aww, Amadita.'”

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Justin Bieber takes sides in the Kanye West and Taylor Swift drama

The young heartthrob declared his support for Yeezy in an explosive Instagram post.
Justin Bieber

Looks like Justin Bieber is getting in on the Tay Swift/Kimye drama.

The singer posted a photo to Instagram of himself FaceTiming with Kanye.

But it wasn’t so much the picture but the caption that threw major shade at Tay-Tay.

Alongside the black and white photo, the 22-year-old wrote: “Taylor Swift what up”.

The exact meaning of the message remains somewhat cryptic, but Kanye seems super pleased, grinning from ear to ear in the snap.

We bet Taylor’s gonna be mad when she sees this.

Taylor Swift

It seems there’s a lot of people Tay has bad blood with these days.

Fans of Bieber immediately took it to mean Justin was taking sides, and rubbing his relationship with the controversial rapper in the blonde singer’s face.

“Ooh you are going to make headlines for this, boy!” one of his followers wrote.

See Justin’s epic Taylor throw-down in the clip below. Post continues.

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Justin and Taylor had a falling out when she became besties with his ex, Selena Gomez.

Minutes later, the hashtag #TaylorSwiftWhatUp was trending on social media.

One user wrote: “Justin really did that, huh? #TaylorSwiftWhatUp.”

A surprising number of celebrities have been taking Kimye’s side in the drama.

The throwdown comes just after Kim Kardashian leaked a Snapchat video which purported to show Taylor allegedly approving the lyrics to Kanye’s Famous.

The Bad Blood singer had previously denied ever approving any lyrics.

It’s thought that Justin and Taylor have been on the outs with each other for a while, as Justin’s ex Selena Gomez is a high-profile member of Tay’s squad.

Check out Kanye’s mega Taylor Swift diss while he takes the stage with Drake in the clip below. Ouch!

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Shannen Doherty reveals her breast cancer has spread

Our thoughts are with Shannen and her family at this time.
Shannen Doherty.
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Just months after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, actress Shannen Doherty has revealed that her cancer has spread to her lymph nodes.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Shannen spoke candidly about both her diagnosis and her prognosis.

“I had breast cancer that spread to the lymph nodes, and from one of my surgeries we discovered that some of the cancer cells might have actually gone out of the lymph nodes,” she said, “So for that reason, we are doing chemo, and then after chemo, I’ll do radiation.”

“The unknown is always the scariest part,” she told ET, “Is the chemo going to work? Is the radiation going to work? You know, am I going to have to go through this again, or am I going to get secondary cancer? Everything else is manageable. Pain is manageable, you know living without a breast is manageable, it’s the worry of your future and how your future is going to affect the people that you love.”

A week ago Shannen shared these personal images of her journey through shaving her hair.


Shannen also spoke out her experience with her chemotherapy treatments, which she says have been incredibly tough.

“I am in bed and it is a rush to the bathroom,” she told Entertainment Tonight, “It’s, you know, you’re throwing up every single second. After my first treatment I lost 10 pounds, instantly. You’re throwing up and the last thing you want to do is be in a car. You don’t want to be moved, you can’t eat. But my husband has to, you know, pick me up. He puts me in the car, he buckles me in, and he drives me to my oncologist and they hook me up to an IV and I get hydrated… There’s nothing going in my body, it’s all going out.”


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Grandparents celebrate 63 years of marriage with gorgeous photoshoot

This will bring a tear to your eye.

A married couple from the US have celebrated 63 years of marriage with a beautiful photoshoot. The couple, Wanda and Joe, had these images taken by their granddaughter, photographer Shalyn Nelson, whose series, ‘Love, The Nelsons’, aims to “show lovers around the world that true love still exists”.

“I knew I wanted to create something special, and celebrate what true love was to me. And that for me, was my grandparents,” Shalyn told Buzzfeed, “[My Mamaw] loved every minute. It was so cute to see how excited she was to get all dolled up. I went to Macy’s to try to find my Mamaw a dress, and ended up stuffing the top with my coat at the time to make sure there was enough room in the dress for her.”

“They are without a doubt the best people I know. I call them my heroes.”

During the shoot, Shalyn asked Wanda and Joe to each write a letter about their love to read aloud to each other. Joe’s letter is a heartwarming read: “Dearest Wanda, it’s been a long time since I have written you a letter. I think it was when I was working in Canada, that I wrote you last. Anyway, I still love you just as much, probably more.”

“The years have gone by fast. One morning you just wake up and you are OLD. Anyway, I wouldn’t trade them for all the gold in Alaska. We had 3 great kids and lots of fun raising them. Most of the time. We carried them to movies, playgrounds, swimming, ballgames, parties, etc. I wish that we could bring back some of those days. Now they have kids of their own which we have watched them grow, and some now with kids of their own. We must be real old. The days we had at the Freez-It at Fairfield and The Dixie Queen at Jewett and built the Rocket Drive-In with a 30’ rocket ship on the roof, those were the very hard years with lots of hard work and no vacations. I still worked my engineering job in Houston thru the week, and weekends at the drive-in businesses. Later, we got smart and got out of the drive in business. Later I retired, and we moved back to Jewett. We got into the ranching business. We made a lake and called it Hidden Lake Ranch. Found out that was a lot of hard work too. Now that we are in our Golden years, I think that we have turned to rust with all the Dr.’s we see. Anyway, I will close this letter to you saying I love you as much today as the day I married you. And just think, the license only cost $2.00. The best bargain I ever made. With all my love for you, Joe.”

Click through to see all the gorgeous pictures, via ‘Love, The Nelsons‘.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

Image via Buzzfeed.

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Hilarious new Twitter trend shows how hard it really is to fold women’s clothes

If only they knew!
Laundry basket.

A new viral Twitter movement is helping to highlight one of the many difficult aspects of being a woman… folding your clothes! Whilst undies and fitted sheets are commonly acknowledged as laundry nuisances, many around the world don’t realise what a pain it is to fold lady’s laundry, especially when it comes to little straps, lacy bits and fancy draping.

Dozens of tweets and images have been posted from all around the world showing men attempting to fold women’s clothes. Naturally, to little success.

“Have you ever tried folding women’s clothing? So many items are shaped in unidentifiable ways and fabrics so heavy #wtf,” wrote one confused user.

Whilst another wrote, “I don’t help fold my wife’s clothes because it’s like trying to fold an octopus sometimes.”

“Marriage has taught me a lot of things, for instance, women’s clothing is impossible to fold,” said one.

Check out our favourite tweets below!


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Weekend Sunrise’s Talitha Cummins welcomes a baby boy

Congrats to the happy couple!
Talitha Cummins and Ben Lucas.

Congrats to the happy couple!

Congratulations are in order for Weekend Sunrise’s Talitha Cummins, who has given birth to her first child, a baby boy.

The reporter announced the happy news via her Instagram, where she shared this sweet snap of her new bub.

“Here’s finally here.. Hello baby! Meet Oliver Paul Lucas. Born last night at 5.50pm, a very healthy 3.87kg. Mum and Dad are completely in [love],” the new mum wrote.

Talitha welcomed little Oliver with her husband of two and a half years, Ben Lucas, co-founder of Flow Athletic, who also shared a few cute pictures of his new son.

“Our little mate Oliver Paul Lucas has arrived. Our little blessing entered the world it 550pm last night weighing 3.9kg and 50cm long. @talithacummins is doing phenomenal and @wilburthespaniel the pumped to meet his little bro,” he captioned this one.

He posted this snap with the cheeky caption, “Oli getting ready for the next #flowafterdark #yogasilentdisco.”

Talitha announced her pregnancy news in February with a image of her sonogram. “Hey baby! #Regram of what’s happening in my womb right now. [Ben] and I are expecting a baby yahoo!!!! Such exciting news and feeling very proud and happy. Been trying to hide the bump on Weekend [Sunrise] for a few weeks now!! And a special thanks to the Sunrise peeps who have already guessed it. In [love]”.


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7 health risks for women that may surprise you

They’re affecting more Australian women than we all realise.
Women's health risks

Certain health conditions are well-publicised, but some seem to get swept under the rug and turn into silent epidemics that it’s become taboo to talk about. Well, not anymore. We’re putting these seven women’s health issues where they belong, front and centre, because the very fact that we’re women means we’re at risk.

Heart disease

The leading cause of death in Australian women over the age of 45 is coronary heart disease (CHD), but only 29% of us are aware of that. It’s caused by a cholesterol build-up which narrows your arteries, meaning your heart has to work harder to pump blood around your body. Many women can live with it for years without any direct symptoms, but it can ultimately be fatal. You’re at risk of developing CHD if you smoke, have high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or diabetes.


A new case of diabetes is diagnosed every five minutes. Whilst men have a slightly higher chance of developing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes is becoming more common amongst pregnant women. You’re more at risk if there’s a family history of Type 2, if you’re overweight, have PCOS or are an Indigenous Australian. Good news: you can easily assess your risk of developing diabetes by testing your blood glucose levels at your local Amcal pharmacy.


Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australian women. Whilst there are several different types of dementia – such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and vascular – they all affect the brain’s ability to function. Typically it affects those aged 65 or over, which can make it tricky to diagnose as forgetfulness is a natural part of ageing. A recent study highlighted that people with diabetes are at a 65% higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s.


Endometriosis sufferers have uterus tissue growing outside of the womb which causes excruciating pain and, in some cases, reduced fertility. Just as harrowing as it sounds, unfortunately the source of the condition remains unknown. However retrograde menstruation – where the womb lining flows back through the fallopian tubes instead of leaving the body as a period – and genetics are thought to play a part. One of the main symptoms is very painful periods, so see your GP if you’re concerned. Don’t suffer in silence.


The third leading cause of death in Aussie women is cerebrovascular disease. The medical term describes conditions that affect the blood supply to the brain, like a stroke. Factors such as smoking, being overweight, a poor diet and lack of exercise put you at a higher risk. A stroke requires urgent medical assistance so familiarise yourself with FAST diagnosis: the Face may drop, they may not be able to lift their Arms, their Speech may be slurred and Time is of the essence so call triple zero.


Over 1 million Aussies have osteoporosis. The common condition causes brittle bones leading to a higher risk of breaks or fractures in people over 50. The musculoskeletal disease is particularly prevalent in women post-menopause as lower oestrogen levels cause bones to lose calcium faster. Low vitamin D levels and coeliac disease put you at a higher risk of developing it, but you should also request a bone density scan if you’ve ever been on any medications that affect bone strength.


Women are more likely to experience depression and anxiety. Major life events such as pregnancy and menopause are thought to be key contributors with 1 in 10 women developing mental health issues during pregnancy and 16% of Aussie women suffering from postnatal depression. If you’re tired all of the time, feeling withdrawn and have been sad for a prolonged period, speak to your GP. The beyondblue online checklist can also help you measure your mood and work out the next steps.

Brought to you by Amcal

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9 celebrities living with diabetes

We’ve rounded up the A-listers who are flying the flag for diabetes and using their star power to raise awareness for the condition.
Mariah Carey

Fact: diabetes can often go left untreated, flying dangerously under the radar. And considering more than 1.7million Australians have some form of the condition, this is a worrying realisation.

Similarly, these stars feel the same. At various points in their lives, they’ve been diagnosed with the health condition – be it pre-diabetes, Type 1, Type 2 or gestational diabetes – and now they’re turning their diagnosis into a conversation starter, raising awareness as they go.

This National Diabetes Week, scroll through this list of A-listers who are flying the flag for diabetes and using their star power to raise awareness for the condition.

Halle Berry was 19 when she fell into a diabetic coma that culminated in a type-2 diabetes diagnosis. It initially caught the actress off-guard, but she now takes daily insulin injections and sticks to a clean, healthy diet, telling the LA Times that she opts for “lots of vegetables; no breads… and lots of water.”

Mariah Carey

When Mariah Carey was pregnant with twins Monroe and Moroccan, now four, she was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. Mariah recalls that it was “a really difficult pregnancy” and has openly said that she won’t be expanding her brood. Only time – or Mariah’s World – will tell.

Tom Hanks takes full responsibility for his Type 2 diabetes. He told the Radio Times: “I’m part of the lazy American generation… I was heavy. You’ve seen me in movies, you know what I looked like. I was a total idiot.” The actor is now working towards a target weight set by his doctor so he can reduce the risk of complications linked to diabetes.

Delta Goodrem’s ex, Nick Jonas, found out that he had Type 1 diabetes as a teenager. He co-founded Beyond Type 1, a non-profit charity that offers support, shared stories and information to those affected by the disease. He’s vocal about living healthily, even when your lifestyle is hectic.

Rob Kardashian was rushed to hospital late last year and diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. When big sis Khloe appeared on Good Morning America, she confirmed that he was taking the diagnosis seriously and said it had given him a reason to “jumpstart his health journey”.

Marcia Hines has lived with Type 1 diabetes for almost 30 years. The Aussie music icon manages it with regular exercise, a healthy diet and the occasional treat. In 2010, she starred in Sweet Talk – My Life with Diabetes in a bid to build awareness and education around the common health condition.

Salma Hayek had gestational diabetes whilst pregnant with her daughter Valentina, now eight. Not that she knew it at first: “I didn’t know whether I was feeling bad because I was pregnant or whether something was seriously wrong. I was nauseated for nine months, which can be one of the symptoms,” she told American Baby.

TV tradie Rob Palmer found out that he had Type 1 diabetes when he was just seven-years-old. The super-smiley chippie is typically upbeat about his health, saying speaking up about the condition is the best thing you can do. Despite taking home the title on Dancing with the Stars in 2010, he admits that the show was challenging for him: “I checked my blood glucose levels more than usual, required more insulin and ate less food.”

Cathy Freeman’s pre-diabetes turned into Type 2 after the birth of her daughter, Ruby, now five. Despite a family history of the disease, the diagnosis came as a shock to the Olympic gold medallist who believed she would be safe from “lifestyle” diabetes. Cathy’s since been committed to raising awareness that Indigenous Australians are three times more likely to develop the disease.

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Is this the reason that women orgasm?

It appears science may have finally cracked the female orgasm.

In more ‘science is a bit behind when it comes to women’s bodies’ news, it seems that the mystery of the female orgasm has finally been cracked. Well, sort of.

Women’s orgasms have long baffled scientists. Men need to orgasm in order to release sperm and further the human race. However, modern women do not need to orgasm in order to be impregnated by them. The female orgasm has no obvious purpose, other than pleasure of course, and so science has struggled to understand why the exist at all.

However, no researchers in the United States think they have worked out where they come from and why we have them, which is quite a claim.

So…why do we have orgasms? Drum roll please…

Apparently it’s all rooted in evolution. The authors of a new study, published in the Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B Molecular and Developmental Evolution, think orgasms developed to cause hormonal surges which would make reproduction possible.

Mihaela Pavličev, who co-authored the study, said ‘it’s important to stress that it didn’t look like the female orgasm looks now.’ It’s all about the ‘hormonal surge’ that, the study concluded, may have been ‘modified further in humans’ since.

Along with her co-author, Günter Wagner from the University of Yale, Pavličev looked at the anatomy and behaviour of other mammals in an attempt to solve the mystery of the female orgasm.

They found that hormonal surges occur during sex amongst cats and rabbits, letting the female’s ovaries know that it’s time to release some eggs. They call this ‘male-induced ovulation’.

However, humans don’t function in this way. As we know all too well, we ovulate at a specific and individual time once a month. This is otherwise known as ‘spontaneous ovulation’.

Pavličev and Wagner looked at this phenomenon throughout the evolution of various species and concluded that ‘male-induced ovulation’ came before ‘spontaneous ovulation’ which, they think, came about around 75 million years ago.

This lead them to conclude that human female orgasms could be rooted in this mechanism, by which eggs are released during sex but became redundant as we evolved beyond it and developed ‘spontaneous ovulation’, releasing an egg once a month.

The researchers also compared the genitalia across the ‘placental mammalian species’ by which they mean animals like us, primates, cats and rodents who have uteruses in which their young grow and feed off a placenta during pregnancy. They concluded that the position of the human female clitoris has also changed over time. It was once located in the ‘copulatory canal’ (the bit that the penis is inserted into), but over time, as we evolved to ovulate ‘spontaneously’ it moved further away. This, they think, confirms their theory that the orgasm was once needed cause a hormonal surge which would release an egg during sex.

As to whether or not this finally explains the purpose of the female orgasm Pavličev said ‘there is a lot of discussion about whether it could have any functions like in bonding behaviour and things like that – so we cannot exclude that it actually has co-opted some other function after it lost its function in reproduction’.

So, there you have it, this might be the evolutionary reason for the female orgasm but, it might not. Women’s bodies are, as ever, still a bit of a mystery to science.

This article was originally published on The Debrief.

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The sanctuary for retired zoo and circus animals

Zambi Wildlife Retreat is providing homes for the animals that need it.
Zambi Wildlife Retreat

Most people sell old furniture and cars on Gumtree.

But someone in Australia recently tried to sell two miniature ponies on the site. The ponies were in a terrible state; their hooves were overgrown and they could hardly walk.

It seemed to be a last minute ditch of the gorgeous animals. They were too much hassle and clearly, getting treatment for them was going to cost too much money.

So, where do the animals who no longer have a home actually go?

It’s probably something you’ve never thought of – from retired animals in entertainment industries to the greyhounds who will no longer be racing. Where do they go?

Well, that’s where Zambi Wildlife Retreat comes in.

Zambi provides homes and rehabilitation for retired animals and one fully operational, will be the only facility of its kind in Australia.

Donna and Kibulu

And what makes this non-for-profit organisation so special and unique is that they not only look after exotic animals, but farm animals and domestic animals, too. It becomes a sanctuary for animals of all shapes and sizes, to live out a quiet, happy life.

Located in Sydney’s west, Zambi cares for over 100 animals, including lions, tigers, dingoes, reptiles, birds, horses and monkeys, with the hope to bring in more.

The retreat is the brainchild of Donna Wilson, Traci Griffiths and Silke Bader, who formed the non-profit animal welfare charity in 2012. Their testimony is to help, rehabilitate, re-home and give shelter to misplaced, abused, injured, aged or homeless animals.

“My dream was to have a sanctuary for retired zoo and circus animals,” says Donna, who has worked with exotic animals for over 20 years.

Traci and monkey Lewy

Silke, who had known Donna for years, brought the idea to life. “She said to me: ‘Remember that dream of yours, I’m about to make it happen for you’,” remembers Donna when Silke called her and told her of her plan.

From there, the three women teamed up and began Zambi.

Donna is the operations manager, taking care of the animals and managing the facility, Silke is the business brains and Traci is on the creative side.

“Our goal is for the animals to come, retreat and live the rest of their lives in retirement – happily and peacefully,” Donna says.


Some of the animals need constant care which Zambi provides, and others are brought to the retreat after being mistreated by their owners.

As Zambi has grown such a name for itself for the incredible work they do, people in (or out of) the area approach them to provide a new home for animals that need it.

The three women have seen animals in awful conditions but, as Traci puts it: “we don’t care how big or small they are, all animals lives matter.’’

However, like many not-for-profit organisations, funding is an issue. They rely on donations, with 100 per cent of proceeds going to maintaining and developing the retreat.

The retreat is run with the help of volunteers and they’re always looking for tradespeople to volunteer their services at the property – like electricians, plumbers, builders and welders. To help out, click here.

Some of Zambi’s volunteers

Currently, Zambi is not open to the public, but Donna is trying to change that. They’re constructing an exhibition on the property, and hope to turn the grounds into a training facility for students to learn the ins and outs of caring for animals.

They’re soon opening up facilities on the property for international and interstate students to come and stay for two to four week blocks.

“Education is a big thing, especially for the captive care industry,” says Donna. “There’s always going to be animals in zoos and captivity so you want the best people looking after them. The students will come here and meet the lions and see how beautiful they are.”

Traci, an animal activist, hopes that seeing the majestic creatures up close will encourage people to become more aware about animals and the dark futures they face. “They might think twice about that fur coat and canned hunting,” she says.

There are currently 24 big cats that Zambi care for, some of which Donna has hand-raised. Naturally, she loves them like they’re her own children.

Children with mighty big claws and teeth, that is…

“I’ve worked with big cats for so long and I know them so well, so I don’t really have a fear. I’ve been put in hospital because of tigers. I know what it feels like to be bitten, so I don’t have a fear of that. It’s that fear of not knowing and being scared of the bite. Yes, it bloody hurts but that’s ok,” Donna laughs.

The one exhibit you might not see anytime soon at Zambi? Spiders.

“I’m scared of spiders. Not snakes and reptiles, they’re fine, but I can’t do creepy crawlies,” says Donna.

Fair call, Donna!

If you’d like to donate, volunteer or sponsor one of the beautiful animals at Zambi, head to their website here.

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