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Donald Trump boots crying baby from his rally

Trump’s tantrum about a baby crying while he was trying to speak.
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Normally politicians are all about kissing babies at rallies but not Donald Trump – he’s all about kicking them out.

While meeting voters on Tuesday in Ashburn, Virginia the Republican candidate asked a mother to remove her crying baby from the room.

The infant began to wail as the 70-year-old began to give a speech.

Initially Trump said he “loved babies” and he seemed to let on that he enjoyed the crying, but his tune soon changed.

“Don’t worry about that baby. I love babies,” Trump said.

“I hear that baby crying, I like it. What a baby, what a beautiful baby. Don’t worry, don’t worry.”

But then Trump wanted the baby gone.

“Actually, I was only kidding,” he said. “You can get the baby out of here.”

“Don’t worry, I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I’m speaking,” he added with a smirk to the crowd. “That’s O.K. People don’t understand. That’s O.K.”

But it wasn’t just noisy babies getting under the Donald’s tanned skin. The New York Times reports that silent protesters were also escorted out by staff members midway through Trump’s speech.

“…and they went silently, with peace signs over their heads,” wrote the Times.

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Celine Dion’s tattoo tribute to her late husband, Rene Angelil

The songstress has revealed her plans to ink a tattoo tribute to her beloved husband, Rene Angelil, who sadly passed away in January.
Celine Dion and Rene Angelil

Celine Dion recently sat down for a candid game of ‘This or That’ with The Scene, where she was asked to weigh in on number of topics, from fashion and Justin Bieber, to her favourite city.

When asked about her preference between tattoos or piercings, the 48-year-old confessed that she herself is considering a permanent ink tribute to her late husband.

“Since my husband passed away, they can make the tattoo as his heartbeat,” she said, tracing the pattern of Rene Angelil’s wavelength with her own finger.

“So, I might have his heartbeat on my body for the rest of my life.”

Watch the sweet moment for yourself in the video player below! Post continues…

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Up until the death of the icon’s loving husband, who lost his battle with throat cancer in January, the singer hadn’t planned to ink her body due to reservations about aging skin.

“In tattoos, I’ve seen so many people that, they have tattoos when they’re young and they get older and the name changes,” she explaiined.

“You know, it used to be ‘Louise’ and now it’s like, ‘Louis.’ You are goin’ down! It’s gravity, baby. It’s goin’ down!”

But six months on from saying goodbye, she feels that now is as good a time as any to ensure that his heart will truly go on forever.

The couple married in 1994, when Celine was 26-years-old.

Over the last couple of months, and after some much-needed family time with her three children, the singer has stepped out in good spirits as she promotes her upcoming album.

With a new stylist and the brightest smile we’ve seen in a long time, the mother-of-three is determined to move forward with her life, taking comfort in the fact that she found the man who “always made me feel that we were on our first date.”

Celine has found her smile once more.

Speaking recently of her daily battle to US talk show host Kathie Lee Gifford, who too lost her husband Frank Gifford less than a year ago, she said: “I lost the man of my life.”

“But I cannot live thinking this way. I have to say, ‘I found the best man in the world,'” she concluded just as Kathie began to tear up.

Turning to the Today show host, she added, “Like you did for yourself. We were both extremely lucky.”

Watch Celine’s brave interview on Today in the video player below.

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Tweets about kids that prove parenting is hilarious

“My son got mad at me yesterday and opened all the bananas in the house. What type of passive aggressive monster…”
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Lonely Dutch man waits for 10 days at airport for online girlfriend

The love sick man ended up in hospital with exhaustion
Singapore Changi airport

When Alexander Pieter Cirk flew from Holland to China he thought that the journey would be the start of a beautiful love story. Instead, the 41-year-old ended up in hospital.

Cirk arrived in Hunan province expecting to meet his on-line girlfriend, a 26-year-old Chinese woman, Ms Zhang.

But after waiting in vain for 10 days the love sick man was taken to hospital suffering from physical exhaustion.

Cirk told Chinese media that he met Ms Zhang, in an app two months ago and romance blossomed. He decided to fly to visit her, but when he got to Hunan no-one was waiting to meet him.

Ms Zhang has since shared her side of the story. “We had advanced our romantic relationship but later he seemed a little callous towards me,” she told Hunan TV.

“One day he sent me a photo of air tickets abruptly and I thought it was a joke. He didn’t contact me later.”

Ms Zhang also told the media that by the time Mr Cirk arrived at the airport, she was away having plastic surgery in another province and had turned off her phone.

The social media response to the story has been mixed,with unsympathetic comments ranging from “he must be stupid” to “Perhaps she did go to the airport, saw what he looked like, and promptly turned back around.”

Less brutal comments included: “Here’s a guy taking a relationship seriously, don’t play around with his feelings,” and. “If you don’t want him anymore, tell him so he can go home.”

But perhaps the story will have a happy ending after all – Ms Zhang told reporters that she would be keen to meet Cirk after her recovery, saying she was still interested in maintaining their relationship.

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New York bans sex offenders from playing Pokémon Go

Lawmakers say that the game can be exploited by paedophiles who can “lure” victims.
New York bans sex offenders from playing Pokémon Go

US lawmakers have cited the popular mobile game Pokémon Go as a potential danger, saying that paedophiles could use the app to find or lure victims.

An investigation by Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) spearheaded by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has found that some locations on the app are close to the homes of registered sex offenders.

A concerning feature of the app is that users can buy “lures” which attracts users to their area – something that paedophiles can take advantage of.

As a result, Cuomo has sought to ban sex offenders (3,000 of them) from playing the game.

“Protecting New York’s children is priority number one and, as technology evolves, we must ensure these advances don’t become new avenues for dangerous predators to prey on new victims,” Cuomo said.

The new ban will enable parole officers to visit sex offenders and get them to sign an acknowledge of receipt of the new conditions that bar them from playing.

Parole officers will enforce it by making both announced and unannounced visits to the offenders’ home and workplace.

Cuomo has also asked to enlist the help of Niantic (the game developers) to work with DOCCS in keeping them from playing the game.

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Angry fans accuse Snezana Markoski of accepting payment for Instagram posts

Some fans had enough of the reality TV star's constant brand name dropping.
Snezana Markoski

Snezana Markoski has fans in a frenzy over reports she’s being paid to promote products on Instagram without declaring it.

“How much did you get paid to plug this??” one user asked after the Bachelor Australia winner posted her latest photo.

The picture featured a snap of Snez washing her hands, a bottle of Musq Cosmetics brand hand wash taking pride of place in the shot.

Beside the photo, she wrote “I use @musqcosmetics because they care about our environment. This hand wash is my essential.”

This is the picture that offended her fans.

And it’s not the first time she’s plugged the brand, either.

She continued: “Always leaves my skin clean and senses energised. It also looks so chic on the sink #musqhaveit.”

“Over it!!” another fan posted. “The sofa was the biggest plug,” the user said of an image Snezana had posted earlier.

The pic appeared to be a candid moment between her and fiancé Sam Wood on the couch, but clearly had a shout-out and tag to Plush Sofas.

Watch Sam defend his lady love over her controversial Instagram posts in the clip below. Then, post continues!

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And this was the image that caused sofa-gate, where Snez was accused of plugging the Plush brand in the context of a personal shot.

Sam has previously jumped to Snezana’s defence when she was lambasted for posting a photo promoting a coffee body scrub alongside her daughter Eve that followers claimed was sexualising a child.

“I think that got blown out of proportion,” Sam told Today.

Sam is always quick to defend his fiancee.

Fans were upset over this post.

It’s definitely not the first time Snez has been spotted endorsing products online: she’s previously given her thumbs up to Frank Body Scrub, Musq Cosmetics (again) and Weet Bix.

But it seems like this latest post is the last straw for her followers, with several calls for her to “stop plugging” products.

Sam and Snez are still so in love! Check out their loved-up airport display in the video below.

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Princess Mary, Prince Frederik, and Prince Albert touch down in Rio

Royals excited to be in Rio!

The royals from Denmark and Monaco have arrived to join in all the festivities of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.

The royal guests of honour have arrived in Brazil!

Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark attended the opening ceremony of the International Olympic Committee session on Monday, alongside Prince Albert of Monaco.

Albert and Frederik are both participating as members of the IOC.

The Olympics are always a very special time for Frederik and Mary, as it marks the anniversary of their meeting.

The Crown Princess met her husband-to-be at the 2000 Sydney Games at a pub called the Slip Inn.

All eyes were on the royal pair.

Mary and Frederik also joined Prince Joachim and Princess Marie and their children to open a Danish pavilion on Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro on 2 August.


Everyone’s eyes were on the royal guests as they walked around meeting and greeting everyone, before taking their seats.

The Danish Royal Family’s Instagram page featured a cute snap of the royal couple, with Prince Frederik looking smart in a suit, and Princess Mary sporting an effortlessly chic floral number.

The royal pair have a jam packed schedule for this year’s Olympic Games, finishing with the Olympic Opening Ceremony on Friday, which will see the couple joined by Fred’s brother Prince Joachim and his wife Princess Marie.

Princess Mary is one busy lady! See the beautiful moment she met a 15-year-old mum on a trip to Burkina Faso. Post continues.

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Also this week, Mary and Frederik plan to see the opening of the Danish Pavillion, attend a special gala onboard a training ship called the Danmark, and grace a special IOC President’s dinner.

Prince Albert of Monaco will also be attending various engagements in his role as an IOC board member.

Prince Albert seemed thrilled to be attending the Games festivities.

He will be undertaking various tasks as an IOC board member during his 10 days in town.

But he has revealed Princess Charlene will not be accompanying him.

“First, she has decided not to go because she couldn’t stand to be away from the babies for two weeks and they’re really not old enough to support the trip,” Prince Albert told People magazine.

“She has important health concerns. She doesn’t like what she’s been reading and hearing about the Zika virus and some other health issues.”

Prince Albert explains this is one of the reasons he will be cutting his Rio visit to just 10 days.

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Salmonella outbreak linked to popular fruit

Pregnant women, infants and the elderly are being asked to take extra caution amid suspicion of a possible salmonella outbreak.

Pregnant women, infants and the elderly are being cautioned not to eat rockmelon amid suspicion of a possible salmonella outbreak.

Food Standards Australia has released a statement saying authorities are investigating cases of salmonella possibly associated with the fruit following an increase in infections.

“While we wait for further information, the best advice is that consumers, especially infants, the elderly, pregnant women or people with compromised immune systems, should not consume rockmelon,” FSANZ said in a statement.

“FSANZ will continue to work with the state and territory enforcement agencies and the Federal Department of Health and update its advice to consumers.”

Symptoms of salmonellosis include diarrhoea, fever, and abdominal cramps. They develop 12 to 72 hours after infection.

If you feel like you have become sick from eating rockmelon you should see your doctor as well as contact Food Standards Australia to assist them in their investigation.

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Australia’s oldest mum! Woman 63 gives birth

A 63-year-old Tasmanian woman has given birth to a baby girl in a Melbourne hospital but experts are calling her "irresponsible".

A 63-year-old Tasmanian woman has given birth to a baby girl in a Melbourne hospital with the help of IVF.

The first-time mum – who reportedly gave birth by c-section at 34 weeks in Frances Perry house private hospital – now holds the title of Australia’s oldest mum.

While the mother and her 78-year-old partner would likely be delighted by the birth of their child their choice to start a family has ignited controversy.

Monash University professor Gab Kovacs told the Daily Telegraph that the natural end to pregnancy was about 53 and for IVF physicians to assist anyone to give birth past that age was “irresponsible”.

“Our bodies weren’t ­designed to have children in our 60s. I don’t think any – responsible IVF unit in Australia would treat someone of that age, and it’s not a standard of medicine I would condone,” Dr Kovacs said.

He also worried about who would ‘look after’ the child for the next twenty years because Dr Kovacs said “there’s a possibility she won’t be able to do that.”

Channel 9 reports that the woman was inseminated overseas.

The previous record for Australia’s oldest mum was set by a woman who gave birth to her first child in her 60s. Earlier this year Daljinder Kaur 72, gave birth to a baby boy with the help of IVF – she is reportedly the world’s oldest mum.

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Princess Mary, Prince Frederik, and Prince Albert touch down in Rio

The royals from Denmark and Monaco have arrived to join in all the festivities of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.
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The royal guests of honour have arrived in Brazil!

Princess Mary and Prince Frederik of Denmark attended the opening ceremony of the International Olympic Committee session on Monday, alongside Prince Albert of Denmark.

Albert and Frederik are both participating as members of the IOC.

The Olympics are always a very special time for Frederik and Mary, as it marks the anniversary of their meeting.

The Crown Princess met her husband-to-be at the 2000 Sydney Games at a pub called the Slip Inn.

All eyes were on the royal pair.

Everyone’s eyes were on the royal guests as they walked around meeting and greeting everyone, before taking their seats.

The Danish Royal Family’s Instagram page featured a cute snap of the royal couple, with Prince Frederik looking smart in a suit, and Princess Mary sporting an effortlessly chic floral number.

The royal pair have a jam packed schedule for this year’s Olympic Games, finishing with the Olympic Opening Ceremony on Friday, which will see the couple joined by Fred’s brother Prince Joachim and his wife Princess Marie.

Princess Mary is one busy lady! See the beautiful moment she met a 15-year-old mum on a trip to Burkina Faso. Post continues.

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The Danish Royal Family’s Instagram page featured this sweet snap.

Also this week, Mary and Frederik plan to see the opening of the Danish Pavillion, attend a special gala onboard a training ship called the Danmark, and grace a special IOC President’s dinner.

Prince Albert of Monaco will also be attending various engagements in his role as an IOC board member.

Prince Albert seemed thrilled to be attending the Games festivities.

He will be undertaking various tasks as an IOC board member during his 10 days in town.

But he has revealed Princess Charlene will not be accompanying him.

“First, she has decided not to go because she couldn’t stand to be away from the babies for two weeks and they’re really not old enough to support the trip,” Prince Albert told People magazine.

“She has important health concerns. She doesn’t like what she’s been reading and hearing about the Zika virus and some other health issues.”

Prince Albert added that this is one of the reasons he will be cutting his Rio visit to just 10 days.

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