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Pregnancy horror: Woman lured by stranger who cut her baby out of her womb

"I could feel my intestines outside my body": Michelle Wilkins was eight months pregnant when a stranger attacked her and her unborn child.

Expectant mother Michelle Wilkins had ticked almost everything off her list. She’d had a baby shower, decorated the nursery and brought enough baby clothes to last for her child’s first year.

There was just one final thing for the 27-year-old to do – buy a cot. She searched second hand sites on-line and a Craigslist advert caught her eye. She sent a text enquiring and got one back the next day.

There was no reason to think that anything was amiss. But tragically, Wilkins was walking straight into the hands of a psychopath.

Dynel Catrece Lane was so desperate for a baby that she had been faking her own pregnancy, reportedly telling her husband David Ridley that he was going to be a father.

When Wilkins arrived to look at the cot Lane had advertised everything seemed normal. The two women talked in the living room for about an hour. “She seemed so normal,” Wilkins told the Mirror.

But when Wilkins tried to leave, Lane persuaded her to go to the basement to look at some baby clothes. And then she attacked, allegedly coming at Wilkins from behind.

“She grabbed me by the sweater. I was yelling ‘what are you doing?’

“She pushed me pushed me into one of the nearby bedrooms. She wrestled me on to the bed, got on top of me and tried to start smothering me with a pillow.”

Wilkins says that Lane then smashed a lava lamp over her head before stabbing it into her neck.

“I remember thinking ‘I have to survive for Aurora’,” she told the Mirror.

“But then everything went black and the next I knew, I woke up on the floor.

“I tried to stand but I couldn’t feel my legs, so I fell forwards. Then I became aware I could feel my insides through my pants, I could feel the blood seeping out.

“When I felt my intestines through my stomach, I hoped that was Aurora, that it wasn’t my gut.”

The unthinkable had happened. Lane had cut Wilkins baby daughter from her uterus and then fleeing to hospital (she claimed that she had suffered a miscarriage), Wilkins was literally left for dead.

It was close; Wilkins heart stopped and she needed to be resuscitated. She pulled through, just.

Wilkins was eventually reunited with her tiny deceased daughter in the hospital and was able to dress and sing to her.

“It shouldn’t be anyone’s first moments with their daughter, holding, dressing and singing to a cold body,” she said.

Lane was sentenced to 100 years in jail for six counts relating to the case including attempted first-degree murder, assault and unlawful termination of a pregnancy.

At the time of sentencing, Wilkins said that she doesn’t hate Lane, but understandably, she is angry.

“I am angry for all the pain she has caused, the deceit and for her selfishness.”

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The Real Housewives of Sydney: ‘It’s going to get bitchy’

Someone pass us a drink because the Real Housewives of Sydney have been unveiled and we cannot keep up with the drama! Filming hasn’t even started and already it’s turned into a total bitchfest, with shots being fired between the seven powerhouses.

So who are the women forging cracks in the Opera House with their earth-shattering quips?

Artist and jewellery designer Athena X Levendi, model/real-estate agent Krissy Marsh, media commentator and entrepreneur Lisa Oldfield, beauty expert Matty Samaei, actress, model and singer Melissa Tkautz, former Miss Australia and event business owner Nicole O’Neil and beauty product owner Victoria Rees.

But the women aren’t taking aim at just each other, Lisa’s already taken aim at the Real Housewives of Melbourne cast, saying she wouldn’t compare herself to any of the women down south. “The benchmark is so low. The best thing about Melbourne is their upside-down river, which is heavily polluted.” Ouch!

But the Melbourne babes are no shrinking violets, with Gamble Breaux hitting back. “Blood-sucking ticks like you wouldn’t survive in Melbourne,” she blasted. “I have a better looking mop at home that I clean my floors with!”

And that is just the beginning! Meet Sydney’s sassiest homemakers…


“Nicole is Switzerland!” Krissy tells us of the former Miss Australia winner’s gentle spirit, but Nicole, 37, doesn’t expect her ride to be confrontation-free.

“So far [the cast is] all friendly… but some people take sarcasm or wittiness in a different way,” she explains. “I don’t go out seeking drama.”

The brunette beauty has been living in Dubai and London with her family for the past eight years and has returned Down Under to film the show. “I bring the international flavour to the group,” she says.


A troubled past has shaped Athena, 40, into the humble housewife she is now.

After losing her home in the recession and watching her mother pass away in her arms, Athena’s outlook on life has changed. “Materialism is just fun – it doesn’t define you,” she explains. “Most reality stars are shallow and superficial and I can’t connect with them. I want to inspire people and make people feel good.”

She’s certainly bringing the humble pie to the party.


Looks are deceiving when it comes to ’90s pin-up Melissa, 42 – the ARIA Award winner, model and actress has covered more magazines than you can count, but you can erase any suggestion that she’s a diva!

“I’m a bit of an introvert, believe it or not, so I think [becoming a Housewife] is going to be good for my self-esteem,” she says. “I know who I am, but I don’t know how it’s going to fit in with these other women.”


Don’t get too hung up on the sequins and the glossy pout – she may be a Miss World judge, but “40-something” Matty is taking her role on the show seriously.

“I’ve earned it,” she tells NW. “I love the Melbourne cast – I’m a bit of a Gina [Liano] wannabe. She’s strong, says it how it is, and has inspired me.”

So it’s safe to say we can expect a BS-free approach to her new Housewives family.


You’ll first notice Krissy, 45, for her beauty and style – “She was born in sunglasses and a Dior dress,” laughs Nicole – but it’s her sharp tongue that you’ll remember her for.

“I’m having fights every two seconds, then you move on,” she tells NW. “I’m the one who causes all the trouble – and one of those under-the-radar comments could really do it for you.”

We’ll be waiting!


Warning to all the other Housewives – cross Lisa, 41, and you will regret it.

“I’m a loyal friend, an entertaining companion, and a ferocious enemy,” she tells NW. “I will never start a fight, but I will finish them.”

The media commentator likely picked up some of her fight from her hubby, former politician David Oldfield, and has put it to good use. “I’m a bully of the bullies. I look after the little guys, but if you’re starting a fight with me you picked the wrong person!” We’re going to need some aloe for that burn!


She’s recently divorced, has a 12-year-old son, and calls herself the funny one, but make no mistake – Victoria, 52, is not someone you want as an enemy.

In fact, Lisa tells NW that Victoria’s the first to stir the pot. “Victoria’s bitching about me already,” she says, just an hour after their first meeting.

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It’s an honour to be the recipient of a donor organ

By Megan McManus

I was thirteen, when doctors at the Royal Children’s Hospital discovered that I had some scarring to my kidney and an enlarged spleen. But although it meant that I could no longer play contact sport, nothing really changed.

I completed year 12, got a job, my license and celebrated my 18th and 21st birthdays. I was completely healthy.

Then my health started to deteriorate.

While I’d been able to eat lots of food and remain slim, I gradually gained a significant amount of weight, reaching 80kgs. I also developed more of a yellow tinge to my eyes.

Instead of going to the doctors (as my mum kept suggesting) I applied to do the Cohen’s diet, which is based on blood type.

When the results of my blood test came back though, they rejected me and told me to take my results to the doctors.

I turned to the Internet and googled my results, diagnosing myself with Wilsons Disease, which is a build up of copper in the body.

But in late 2006 I took myself to Geelong Hospital Emergency Department and broke down, telling them that I had Wilson’s disease.

Following a number of blood tests, I started diuretics for the fluid and lost almost 20kgs. It was then that doctors decided to refer me to the Austin Hospital to the transplant Clinic. And, just like that my transplant journey began.

Not only was I seriously ill, I was now acutely aware that I had a ticking bomb inside my body.

I had many symptoms of liver disease, and the obvious yellowing of my skin and eyes. I also endured diuretics with debilitating cramps, and took anti-itch drinks to stop the itching from the toxins inside my body.

I remember going to the doctor’s days before I got the call and the doctor telling me I needed to be the next transplant. I think as I presented so well I was kind of unaware of how sick I really was.

Life waiting for a kidney was much harder. I’d survived the liver transplant and was doing well and was healthy, but my kidney suddenly failed. It meant I had to do dialysis and I trained to do this at home so I could continue to work.

Unlike the five months I waited for my liver, I waited three years for a kidney transplant – they were the hardest 3 years of my life.

There was no escape. I needed to have dialysis at least three times a week. It was mentally the toughest thing I’ve ever had to do.

For me, the ultimate definition of success and my long-term dream was to become a mum. I remember asking the doctors when I was first diagnosed if I’d be able to have children and they said yes.

I had an uncomplicated pregnancy with Marlee and carried her until 35.6 weeks. Even though I could have had her naturally, I didn’t want to risk my health, so instead I had an elective C-section.

I didn’t go into motherhood blindsided. I know that people die waiting for a transplant and I know that people die after a transplant. It’s not a sure thing, but hopefully I live a long and healthy life and, regardless, my daughter will be surrounded by love.

In the future, I know there will be times when I have to put myself first and I might need a hospital stay, but we have a great support network to help us out should that happen.

When she is old enough, I will discuss my transplants openly with my daughter; it’s not something I will hide. I want her to know that she’s a little miracle.

Being a recipient of an organ transplant is beyond mind blowing on so many levels, particularly as someone’s life had to end for me to live and while their family grieves, ours celebrate.

I see donors and their families as the heroes behind all great transplant stories. As a recipient it’s an honour that should not be underestimated because it’s given me a chance at life and opportunities.

If I could say anything to the donor’s family, I would say thank you for my life and thank you for the opportunity to live.

I would say sorry for your loss, but through your loved one I’ve lived and I’ve done all I ‘ve ever wanted with my chance to live. Then, I would introduce them to my daughter.

Because of my experience, all my family and my friends will go on to be organ donors. Naturally, so will I.

This DonateLife Week (31 July – 7 August) Australians will be urged to join the Australian Organ Donor Register online to help end the wait for those in need of a life-saving transplant. For more information about DonateLife Week visit donatelife.gov.au.

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When home beauty treatments go wrong

“All visions of myself slinking around the pool on holiday next week have dissolved entirely, unlike this wax,”

With beauty salons charging as much as $30 for a bikini wax it’s tempting to skip the appointment and opt for a do it yourself home treatment.

But, as Mumsnet user whatabloodyidiot discovered, there is a reason that we pay professionals to handle our most intimate grooming requirements.

Posting a plea of help in the popular parenting forum, the desperate mum asked “[Am I being unreasonable] to ask for your help with my bikini line?” before describing her unfortunate circumstances.

“I have waxed my own bikini line with the dire-est of consequences,” she begins.

“The top bit has come away beautifully but the wax has stuck firmly to both sides, I’m assuming at this point the wax cooled down, hence now it is stuck fast, red, and very very angry.”

The desperate mum then says that she has never had syphilis, but imagines that this is what it looks like.

“All visions of myself slinking around the pool on holiday next week have dissolved entirely, unlike this wax,” she writes.

Begging other mumsnet users for advice, she then lists the things that she has already tried, including; scrubbing it with a face washer, soaking it with hot water and rubbing it with an exfoliating cloth.

“Short of sanding it off I’m losing hope.

“The box says ‘excess wax will wash away with warm soapy water’ THIS IS NOT TRUE!” she adds.

It’s not the first time that home beauty treatments have gone wrong.

Sophie* also had a disastrous experience with a home waxing kit.

“I left wax on too long and I didn’t hold my skin tight like you’re supposed to,” she told The Weekly Online.

“I had such severe bruising to my ‘lady garden’ I couldn’t walk properly for days.”

The bruising was so severe that Sophie couldn’t attend the spa day that she had planned.

Sarah had a disastrous experience when she tried to wax her own armpits.

“I ended up with an armpit full of blood blisters. It was like a scene from a bad horror movie.” She says.

Of course, it’s not just home waxes that have caused pain.

Kerri * told us that she burned “a very intimate” part of her body while using hair removal cream.

“It really smarted,” she says.

But the best, worst home treatment story comes from an anonymous Australian male.

“I was at my girlfriend’s house and when I went to the bathroom I saw an epilator. People have always made fun of me for being so hairy, so I decided to give myself a trim.

“I turned it in and applied it straight to my public hair. Unfortunately the epilator couldn’t cope with the sheer amount of hair and got caught up. It was very painful.

In the end the man had to use nail scissors to cut himself free. But the worst was yet to come.

“It turned out that the epilator belonged to my girlfriend’s mother,” he confesses.

“She discovered it burnt out and full of pubic hair in her bathroom cupboard.”

“Needless to say, I wasn’t very popular.”

Considering all of these cautionary tales, $30 for a visit to the beauty salon doesn’t seem so steep after all.

  • surnames have been withheld

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Sarah Jessica Parker: “I am not a feminist”

The Sex and the City star has fans confused after weighing in on the hot topic of feminism.

Of course, Sarah Jessica Parker looks stunning on the cover of the September Issue of Marie Claire, but it’s the star’s controversial comments on today’s real issues that has fans getting very carried away.

When asked whether she identifies as a feminist, the mother-of-three says, “I am not a feminist. I don’t think I qualify.”

Explaining her reasoning why, she added, “I believe in women and I believe in equality, but I think there is so much that needs to be done that I don’t even want to separate it anymore. I’m so tired of separation.

“I just want people to be treated equally.”

Just so we’re all on the same page, the Oxford Dictionary’s definition of the word feminism is “The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.”

Just saying…

The star’s latest show Divorce premieres in October.

Sarah also had something to say about the gender pay gap – where in Australia alone women are generally paid 17.3% less than men for performing the exact same job.

“I would like all of that nonsense to end,” she says. “I would like women to get paid for the value of their contributions, not by old-fashioned ideas about gender.”

Watch Sarah Jessica Parker surprise brides with shoes in the video player below. Post continues…

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But despite the comments, that left many scratching their heads, the 51-year-old wants her fans to know that she does, however, support the many Hollywood names who proudly declare themselves feminists.

“Listen, Jennifer Lawrence deserves every bit as much as her male counterpart. It’s indisputable. Emma Watson is an amazing young woman, and it’s important for her to talk about women’s issues,” she said of the actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador.

“She isn’t concerned about herself. Women are paying the bills, getting it done, getting the kids here and there. The more we address that, we are all going to be better.”

“I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men,” said UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson, while former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell seems to think otherwise, saying, “For me feminism is bra-burning lesbianism.”

SJP isn’t the only Hollywood A-lister to eschew the term.

In 2007 Geri Halliwell, who proudly once preached the words “Girl Power” throughout her career, dispelled that motto when she told The Guardian, “For me feminism is bra-burning lesbianism. It’s very unglamorous. I’d like to see it rebranded. We need to see a celebration of our femininity and softness.”

Upon receiving the Billboard award for Woman of the Year in 2012, Katy Perry announced, “I am not a feminist, but I do believe in the strength of women.”

And perhaps even more confusing were the words spoken by Miss Independent singer, Kelly Clarkson, who famously rejected the feminist label for being “too strong.”

“I think when people hear feminist it’s just like, ‘Get out of my way I don’t need anyone.’ I love that I’m being taken care of, and I have a man that’s an actual leader.”

Proud feminist Chris Hemsworth uploaded this image on International Women’s Day with the touching caption: “Happy #internationalwomensday to my mum, daughter, wife and all the other incredible, strong , amazing , intelligent women out there.”

While the above comments may induce a disappointed sigh, you can be sure that there are plenty of names in the spotlight that are standing up for gender equality in their industry, and in every other.

Chris Hemsworth, whose role as a male receptionist in the female-led remake of Ghostbusters was considered to be a game changer, recently declared himself a proud feminist when speaking to RadioTimes.

“Oh yeah, for sure,” the father-of-three replied when asked if he identified with the label. “My mum’s a big feminist. I think that my views on things, as far as respect for women and so on, came from my mum.”

“My dad has a very balanced and respectful view on a lot of things too. They were huge positive influences in my life,” he continued.

The Aussie actor also expressed his sincere hope that one day both males and females will be respected in every industry equally.

“I think the balance has been tipped for a long time heavily in the men’s direction,” he said.

“But it’s a funny conversation to even have, because of course it should be that way. Of course it should be equal.”

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Daniel Morcombe’s killer Brett Cowan attacked by inmate

The man who murdered Queensland schoolboy Daniel Morcombe has been taken to hospital after a fellow inmate reportedly threw boiling water on him.

The man who murdered Queensland schoolboy Daniel Morcombe has been taken to hospital after a fellow inmate reportedly threw boiling water on him.

Brett Peter Cowan reportedly received burns to his head and chest after he got a “hot shower” – a prison term for pouring a bucket of hot water on someone.

Cowan, who was convicted in 2014 of murdering Morcombe after an eight-year investigation, is believed to be at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital receiving treatment for his burns.

Daniel Morcombe.

A Queensland Corrective Services spokesperson this morning confirmed there was an incident and a prisoner was taken to hospital.

“About 9.15am, correctional officers discovered that the 46-year-old male prisoner was injured and immediately contacted the Queensland Ambulance Service,” the spokesperson said.

“The prisoner was conscious and lucid and was conveyed to a Brisbane Hospital for treatment. An update on his condition is not known at this stage.

“Another prisoner is being interviewed in relation to the incident. The matter is being investigated by the Queensland Police Service’s Corrective Services Investigation Unit and the QCS’s Office of the Chief Inspector.

“As the matter is the subject of a police investigation, QCS can make no further comment.”

In February Cowan was integrated with other inmates after death threats kept him in isolation for nearly two years.

Earlier this year the Brisbane High Court refused to grant Cowan permission to appeal his murder conviction. He is serving a life sentence for killing the 13-year-old schoolboy.

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Rozelle fire: Adeel Khan has been sentenced to 30 years in jail

Khan deliberately set fire to his shop in Rozelle, in Sydney’s Inner West which led to a catastrophic explosion

Convenience store owner Adeel Ahmad Khan has been sentenced to 30 years in jail for the murder of Chris Nobel and manslaughter of Bianka O’Brien and her baby son Jude.

In September 2014, Khan deliberately set fire to his shop in Rozelle, in Sydney’s Inner West which led to a catastrophic explosion.

Three people died in the explosion; 27 year old Chris Nobel, who lived in the apartment above Khan’s store and Bianka O’Brien and her 11-month-old son Jude who lived in the apartment next to the Phone Life shop next door.

After the explosion, Khan was found buried under rubble and a commercial fridge. He said “I’m so sorry” to a paramedic who helped him, but denied repeatedly saying, “I didn’t mean it.”

When Khan was found guilty in June this year, Chris Nobel’s mother Liz said she was disappointed with the manslaughter verdict.

“What a dreadful waste of three young lives that should have been safe sleeping in their own beds in Rozelle, as they were 21 months ago; lives taken so callously by the act of a man focused only on his own perceived needs,” she told the SMH.

“Chris was loved by so many people. He was a great young man with a wonderful, fulfilling and happy future ahead of him.

We will miss everything about him every day for the rest of our lives.”

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Sasha Obama lands a totally normal summer job

Like her dedicated mother and father, the First Daughter isn’t afraid to put in some hard yakka.

Would you like fries with that?

Barack and Michelle Obama’s 15-year-old daughter has scored a summer job at Nancy’s, a popular seafood restaurant in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

Sasha, who allegedly wears a badge adorned with her full name, Natasha, spends her four hour shift processing orders at the takeout window, while simultaneously waiting tables.

“She’s been working downstairs at takeout,” a Nancy’s staffer told the Boston Herald. “We were wondering why there were six people helping this girl, but then we found out who it was.”

The fellow employee was, of course, referring to the six Secret Service agents, who reportedly sit outside the café on the tables, or wait for the teen to finish her shift in a large SUV.

And while we’re sure that after eight years in the Whitehouse, Sasha is enjoying some time living and working like a normal teenager, the summer gig won’t last much longer.

According to the publication, the President’s youngest daughter is only rostered on to work until Saturday, when her parents are expected to arrive for their two-week vacation.

Along with Sasha’s first job, the Obamas have been celebrating another family milestone this week.

As the doting dad turned 55, his loving wife shared what could quite possibly be the sweetest tribute we’ve ever seen.

Sharing a candid snap of the two on Instagram, the First Lady wrote, “55 years young and that smile still gets me every single day. Happy birthday, Barack. I love you.”

Watch Barack Obama endorses Hillary Clinton for President in the video player below!

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Fears over mosquitos and possums spreading flesh-eating bacteria through Melbourne


Experts are warning that cases of a flesh-eating ulcer have spiked in Victoria with 45 cases reported this year.

Doctors in the state diagnosing patients with the dangerous Buruli, or Bairnsdale ulcers have more than tripled in five years, with occurrences moving from coastal towns on the Mornington and Bellarine peninsulas, and Phillip Island, to the outer suburbs of Melbourne.

According to the World Health Organisation the Buruli ulcer is a chronic debilitating skin and soft tissue infection that can in extreme cases lead to amputation of affected areas.

PHOTO: Wikipedia.

Globally, there is no solid evidence of how the disease is transmitted, but experts suspect the Victorian cases have been spread through contact with bodies of water, mosquitos and even possums.

“It’s possible that there’s some kind of shuffle going on between the possums and the humans via mosquitos or other biting insects,” said Professor Paul Johnson, from the infectious diseases unit at the Austin Hospital, in Melbourne, told the ABC.

“I think the big question now is why has it moved from one area to another.”

According the ABC, “there were 32 cases in Victoria in 2010 but the numbers grew to 106 cases in 2015 and 45 cases have been diagnosed so far this year.”

This year Dr Jan Smith of the Mornington Peninsula had an ulcer that went misdiagnosed for a month before the gangrenous flesh-eating wound on her ankle was properly diagnosed and treated.

“The longer the bacteria go, the more of your flesh they eat, the more capillaries they destroy and the more they suppress your immune system,” Dr Smith told the ABC.

“They go in deeper. Mine went to the bone.”

The 72-year-old mother-of-three believes she contracted the disease from working in her garden and was facing surgical removal of the dying flesh but is now being treated with strong antibiotics.

“I’m now able to walk and do the dressings myself and the skin’s growing back,” she said.

“There may be plastic surgery further on down the track.”

In 2014, 2200 new cases were reported by 12 of the 33 countries with known cases, most of those infected are children, says the WHO.

Victoria is the only non-tropical climate that has recorded cases of the Buruli ulcer.

According to the WHO as there is “no knowledge of how Buruli ulcer is transmitted, preventive measures cannot be applied” but health officials in Victoria have previously warned people to avoid touching possum faeces because of the risk of being exposed to the ulcer-causing bacteria.

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Sarah Jessica Parker declares: “I am not a feminist”

The Sex and the City star has fans confused after weighing in on the hot topic of feminism.
Sarah Jessica Parker

Of course, Sarah Jessica Parker looks stunning on the cover of the September Issue of Marie Claire, but it’s the star’s controversial comments on today’s real issues that has fans getting very carried away.

When asked whether she identifies as a feminist, the mother-of-three says, “I am not a feminist. I don’t think I qualify.”

Explaining her reasoning why, she added, “I believe in women and I believe in equality, but I think there is so much that needs to be done that I don’t even want to separate it anymore. I’m so tired of separation.

“I just want people to be treated equally.”

Just so we’re all on the same page, the Oxford Dictionary’s definition of the word feminism is “The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

Just saying…

The star’s latest show Divorce premieres in October.

Sarah also had something to say about the gender pay gap – where in Australia alone women are generally paid 17.3% less than men for performing the exact same job.

“I would like all of that nonsense to end,” she says. “I would like women to get paid for the value of their contributions, not by old-fashioned ideas about gender.”

Watch Sarah Jessica Parker surprise brides with shoes in the video player below. Post continues…

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But despite the comments, that left many scratching their heads, the 51-year-old wants her fans to know that she does, however, support the many Hollywood names who proudly declare themselves feminists.

“Listen, Jennifer Lawrence deserves every bit as much as her male counterpart. It’s indisputable. Emma Watson is an amazing young woman, and it’s important for her to talk about women’s issues,” she said of the actress and UN Women Goodwill Ambassador.

“She isn’t concerned about herself. Women are paying the bills, getting it done, getting the kids here and there. The more we address that, we are all going to be better.”

“I think it is right that socially, I am afforded the same respect as men,” said UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson, while former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell seems to think otherwise, saying, “For me feminism is bra-burning lesbianism.”

SJP isn’t the only Hollywood A-lister to eschew the term.

In 2007 Geri Halliwell, who proudly once preached the words “Girl Power” throughout her career, dispelled that motto when she told The Guardian, “For me feminism is bra-burning lesbianism. It’s very unglamorous. I’d like to see it rebranded. We need to see a celebration of our femininity and softness.”

Upon receiving the Billboard award for Woman of the Year in 2012, Katy Perry announced, “I am not a feminist, but I do believe in the strength of women.”

And perhaps even more confusing were the words spoken by Miss Independent singer, Kelly Clarkson, who famously rejected the feminist label for being “too strong.”

“I think when people hear feminist it’s just like, ‘Get out of my way I don’t need anyone.’ I love that I’m being taken care of, and I have a man that’s an actual leader.”

Proud feminist Chris Hemsworth uploaded this image on International Women’s Day with the touching caption: “Happy #internationalwomensday to my mum, daughter, wife and all the other incredible, strong , amazing , intelligent women out there.”

While the above comments may induce a disappointed sigh, you can be sure that there are plenty of names in the spotlight that are standing up for gender equality in their industry, and in every other.

Chris Hemsworth, whose role as a male receptionist in the female-led remake of Ghostbusters was considered to be a game changer, recently declared himself a proud feminist when speaking to RadioTimes.

“Oh yeah, for sure,” the father-of-three replied when asked if he identified with the label. “My mum’s a big feminist. I think that my views on things, as far as respect for women and so on, came from my mum.”

“My dad has a very balanced and respectful view on a lot of things too. They were huge positive influences in my life,” he continued.

The Aussie actor also expressed his sincere hope that one day both males and females will be respected in every industry equally.

“I think the balance has been tipped for a long time heavily in the men’s direction,” he said.

“But it’s a funny conversation to even have, because of course it should be that way. Of course it should be equal.”

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