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A $9000 gym membership and a cute nickname for her mum: Princess Eugenie’s revealing interview

Princess Eugenie has decided to give the world a glimpse into the day-to-day lifestyle of a modern royal.

Princess Eugenie of York has decided to give the world a very revealing glimpse into the lifestyle of a modern royal.

Not one to be locked away in a castle, this contemporary member of the British monarchy details her day-to-day routine as she poses up for US fashion mag, Harper’s Bazaar.

In a lengthy interview the Queen’s 26-year-old granddaughter told of her humdrum lifestyle – which wouldn’t normally include the $12,800 Alberta Ferretti gown and Harry Winston jewels she wore for the shoot.

Princess Eugenie candidly talks make-up, moving back from New York and how she manages to juggle a career with her royal family obligations…

She works a 9-5 job

Since spending two years in New York working at auction house, Paddle8 Eugenie is now an associate director for contemporary-art gallery Hauser & Wirth – a firm she says are “very accommodating and understanding” with her after-hours royal duties.

Princess Eugenie tells Bazaar: “I’ll work until 5 P.M., then leave to do the engagement. My sister, Bea, and I have charities we’re patrons of. We also try to support Granny and Grandpa in any way we can because that is what family is for.”

She doesn’t mind getting photographed in the same thing twice

“I love trying new looks,” says Eugenie. “I don’t want to be pigeonholed. You wear the same thing twice? Great. If you don’t, great! And if that means wearing a green Sandro dress, great. I wore that to Granny’s birthday parade, with a Vivien Sheriff hat. I also wore this amazing red Eponine dress for Granny’s 90th-birthday service at St. Paul’s.”

Princess Eugenie with her sister, Princess Beatrice of York.

Princess Eugenie with her grandmother, Queen Elizabeth.

She likes to work out first thing – sometimes at a very fancy gym

Eugenie says she bounces out of bed after less than seven hours sleep to start working out at about 7am.

“I go to the park from 7 to 8. I do circuits, which I love because they’re quick: burpees, squat jumps, lunges, the whole lot,” she says. “It’s much better, as I can’t run for a long time. Or I go with my best friend to this amazing, women-only gym called Grace Belgravia.”

By-the-by, Grace Belgravia costs a pretty penny – about £ 5500, or $9000 AUD.

Princess Eugenie with her mother, Sarah, the Duchess of York.

She loves her “mumsy”, Sarah, the Duchess of York, but doesn’t always listen to her

Eugenie says that often times her mother, Sarah, the Duchess of York is the first person she speaks to in the mornings – after she looks at her personal emails of course. Eugenie jokes her mother warns that doing this “can ruin the first few hours of your morning” – but she does it anyway.

Eugenie says she treasures her mum: “My mum always says that we’re the only ones who know exactly what’s going on in each other’s lives.”

The princess is a fashion fan – and is happy to wear luxury brands, as well as high street labels.

She does her make up on the run too

“I do my makeup in the car,” says the down-to-earth royal of her morning routine. “I’m really good at doing it on the move! I use Charlotte Tilbury and Bobbi Brown—Charlotte’s mascara and Bobbi Brown bronzer. They are geniuses.”

She’s not a fan of wearing heels to work

“I wear a dress and boots to work,” Eugenie explains. “I’ve started wearing high heels, which is so grown-up. But they’re painful by the end of the day. I look at people wearing heels in movies and I’m like, ‘How do they do that?'”

Princess Eugenie’s interview appears in the latest issue of Harper’s Bazaar US, which features Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on the cover.

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Man reveals girlfriend’s 10 ‘psycho’ rules for his Spanish holiday without her

Rules six, seven and eight all revolved around avoiding the opposite sex.

If you’re looking for a relaxing, wholesome summer holiday, Magaluf probably shouldn’t be top of your list – although the rest of Mallorca is an absolute dream.

Known as the destination for post-A Level celebrations, hen’s parties, buck’s dos and it’s general ethos of debauched behaviour, it’s pretty clear that if you’re going on holiday to Magaluf you’re not looking for a ‘quiet one’, although authorities are starting to clamp down on drinking.

More recently Spanish police have been ‘raiding’ party boats to keep them in check but one man didn’t need the police to be keeping an eye on him – he was going to be under the watchful surveillance of his girlfriend.

Kieran Lumsden recently headed to the island for a trip away without his lady but before leaving he tweeted what his girlfriend, Whitney, had given him as a going away present: a set of 10 rules to abide by, saying that had ‘took psychoness to a new level’.

  1. Make sure your phone is charged at ALL times! Phone me at least once a day (2 mins)

  2. No girls whatsoever. Don’t look. Don’t talk. Do not touch!!!!!! (Cheat and I will destroy everything Celtic, I will also make your life a living hell. Kim will be told too.)

  3. Do not follow girls on social media.

  4. TATTOO = NAW, you’ll be checked when you get home

  5. DON’T mix drink! “DRUGS ARE FOR MUGS”

  6. If on boat party, no drinking games with the opposite sex.

  7. Stay in your own bed!

  8. Dinny buy girls drink. That money can be spent on me.

  9. Text Kim every day! She’ll be worrying.

  10. You tell every girl about me ok – if someone flirts, WALK AWAY


This all sounds very healthy.

In case you’re wondering how Kieran’s holiday went, we’re judging by the following that he had a pretty great time.

Story via: The Debrief

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Would you let your older kids watch you give birth?

Jamie Oliver and wife Jools told followers that their eldest daughters were present at the birth and that the girls, 14-year-old Poppy Honey and 12-year-old Daisy Boo, cut the cord.

Jamie Oliver and his wife Jools have welcomed their fifth baby (yet to be named). Posting on Instagram the celebrity chef told his followers that Jools was “really really amazing” and “unbelievably” composed.

Later, Jools posted that Jamie was her “hero” and that the two of them were feeling “very happy” and “blessed.”

But along with the birth announcement the couple also told followers that their eldest daughters were present at the birth and that the girls, 14-year-old Poppy Honey and 12-year-old Daisy Boo, cut the cord.

Although having older children at the birth of younger siblings isn’t right for everyone, it’s not unusual.

Liz Wilkes, practicing midwife and spokesperson for Midwifes Australia says that there are several reasons that mothers want to bring their older child or children into the birthing suite with them

“Regardless of whether the birth takes place in a hospital, birth centre or at home, having an older child present can eliminate any separation anxiety for the mother and the child”.

“For others, bringing an older child to the birth of their younger sibling is a necessity – if their families are far away and they don’t have friends in the area. Or if the labour progresses very quickly.”

36-year-old Kylie Hill wanted to have her daughter, who was two at the time, present when she gave birth to her second child.

“I wanted Willow to feel close to her baby brother, and I thought that having her at home with me during the birth would be a great start to their relationship,” she says.

Hill says that she spent a lot of time preparing Willow for the birth and the pair spent time with Hill’s midwife. However, at two, Willow didn’t really understand.

When Hill went into labour Willow was more interested in the inflatable birthing pool than what was happening to her mum.

“At one point Willow came back into the room and stood next to me, she said, ‘what are you doing?’ – which was really sweet.

“Then she put her arm around me and mimicked me as I laboured. Then she wandered off to look at the birth pool again – it didn’t phase her at all”.

Hill’s labour progressed really quickly and baby Max was born a few moments later.

“When Willow first saw Max she was concerned that he was bleeding, but we were able to explain that he was fine.

“She wanted to strip off her clothes as Max and I were both nude. Then the three of us lay on the couch together, it was really beautiful,” Hill recalls

For Natasha Collins, the scenario was quite different. Her older daughter was a teenager, and was at the birth to provide support.

“Eva was 14 at the time, and very mature for her age. She was a huge support to me throughout my pregnancy, helping with the younger kids and coming to some appointments with me.

“When it came to the birth, it just made sense for her to be there too,” Collins explains.

Although the labour was quite long and intense, Eva stayed with her mum throughout.

“I couldn’t have done it without her really,” says Collins.

“I’m really proud of her.”

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The world’s biggest asshole

Coleman F. Sweeney is a sleazy scumbag who berates the disabled, abuses the elderly and is a total jerk to women. But in three minutes, you'll think he's a hero.


He aimed guns at dogs, threw change at strippers and stole from children. The sticker on the back of his truck warned he “can go from 0 to horny in 2.2 beers” and that is pretty much everything you needed to know about the life of Coleman F. Sweeney. A jerk.

But somehow, in the end, this bona-fide jerk – a jerk we might all know and recognise – did the miraculous and managed to become a good guy to so many people. He lived his whole life as an a**hole, and died a hero.

Watch how…

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The Cambridges return from their French family holiday

Wills and Kate have landed back in the UK, with cheeky George and little Charlotte in tow.
Prince William Duchess Catherine

After a picturesque summer holiday in beautiful France, the Duke and Duchess have returned to the UK.

The royal couple and their two sweet kids allegedly touched down last week – just in time for William to return to his pilot duties with the East Anglian Air Ambulance.

Royal spotters speculate that the beloved family spent just over a week city hopping throughout the neighbouring country.

The family of four were first spotted touching down in a $15 million private Cessna plane at Pau-Pyrenees airport on Tuesday July 26, and it appears that their vacation only became more lavish from there.

Georgie loved the planes! Perhaps he’ll take after his daddy and become a pilot…

Upon their arrival, the royals were greeted by a full security detail, including royal protection officers and a group of Scotland Yard personnel, reports French outlets.

A second report from newspaper Sud Ouest claimed Prince William, Duchess Catherine and their two children, Prince George, three, and Princess Charlotte, one, then spent a night at the Hotel du Palais in the seaside town of Biarritz.

A deluxe double room in the five-star hotel, which was famously used as the imperial residence of Emperor Napoleon III, costs around $1043 per night.

See more of the to-die-for hotel in the video player below! Post continues…

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The French countryside has always held a warm place in Kate and Wills’ hearts, as the couple took their first holiday as a family of four there earlier this year.

Back then, the 34-year-old parents had a ball with Charlotte and George, laughing and playing in the snow of the French Alps.

And while we’re sure the couple are feeling refreshed after some well-deserved time off, their feet won’t stay grounded for too long!

Last month, the well-travelled couple announced that they’ve accepted an invitation to visit Canada for their next royal tour.

The last time the family of four visited France, we got gorgeous snaps like this one.

This will be their second tour of the country, with the parents of two having visited previously in 2011.

Confirming the news, the palace tweeted: “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will visit Canada this autumn at the invitation of the Canadian Government. TRH hold very happy memories from their last visit to Canada in 2011 – their first overseas tour as a married couple.”

“The Duke and Duchess look forward to exploring more of Canada, from British Columbia to the territory of Yukon, when they return this autumn.”

The loving husband and wife share a fondness for the stunning country.

In a statement, Canadian Governor General David Johnston said, “Sharon and I will be delighted to welcome Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Canada.

“Their royal tour will take them to the beautiful province of British Columbia and the scenic territory of Yukon. Once again, our true Canadian pride and spirit will shine and be at the very heart of this visit so they can feel at home.”

Speculation has already mounted as to whether they’ll bring along their two children.

The brother and sister have been officially invited, but confirmation is yet to be received.

Will the couple be joined by Georgie and his sister Charlotte? Only time will tell!

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Princess Eugenie gives us an intimate look inside royal life

Imagine waking up royal. For Princess Eugenie that's just life...

Aside from the tiaras, diamonds and being an actual princess, this royal leads a very relatable life.

Princess Eugenie of York, younger daughter of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, and eighth-in-line-to-the-throne (and the third female, in line to succeed her grandmother), sat down with Harper’s Bazaar for one very telling interview.

Eugenie adores doing her charity work.

Surprisingly, Eugenie shared what goes on in a typical day in her life, from the moment she wakes up in the morning to when her head hits the pillow at night.

And it turns out, her life isn’t all that different from the average 26-year-old!

In fact, Prince Andrew’s youngest doesn’t let her royal status affect her very conventional routine.

With her beloved father and sister.

Truly one of us, Eugenie does things like waking up at the very noble time of 6:45am, checks emails and Instagram, calls her mums, works 9-5, she even shops at Topshop and Zara!

Talk about taking a leaf out of Duchess Catherine’s book!

While she does lead a very “normal” life, she is still the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II.

Her family are an integral part of her life.

“In the evenings, I often have engagements related to my family or a charity I support,” she said.

“[My sister Bea and I] try to support Granny and Grandpa in any way we can because that is what family is for.”

So, without further ado, here are 5 things we learnt from Princess Eugenie’s Harper’s interview!

1. Her mum is just like ALL mums!

“My mum always says, ‘What’s the point of rolling straight out of bed and looking at your e-mails? It can ruin the first few hours of your morning. If you just wait …'” Eugenie laughed. “But I really can’t!”

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2. Her boyfriend and her dog have the same name.

The two men in her life are both Jacks! Eugenie says it was a “total accident!” Along with her mum, they’re the first two people (or rather, living things) that she speaks to each morning.

3. She loves to indulge on good TV and fries!

“At the moment I’m watching How to Get Away With Murder—Viola Davis, she’s insanely good—and Outlander, my favorite. Indulgences? Chips—fries, as you say—Diet Coke, nuts! Cashew nuts with mustard are the best. Netflix.”

She loves to work and goes to the very luxe women-only gym, Grace Belgravia.

Her gym is near a Waitrose grocery story… and it appears it is a royal favourite!

4. Eugenie works just like us!

Last year, Eugenie relocated from New York City to London to work for the art gallery Hauser & Wirth. “I knew I definitely wouldn’t be a painter, but I knew this was the industry for me,” she admits. “I love being able to share my passion for art with people!”

5. She’s fought major adversity!

Eugenie has scoliosis. When she was just 12-years-old, she underwent major surgery to insert metal rods into her back to keep her spine straight. “Those rods live with me permanently.”

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For her full Harper’s Bazaar interview click here

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Dwayne Johnson lashes out as his Fast 8 co-stars

The Rock is furious with the franchise’s male cast members...
Dwayne Johnson

Not since his wrestling days have we seen The Rock so hot under the collar.

Dwayne Johnson has taken to Facebook with an emotional rant calling out his male co-stars for being “unprofessional” on the set of Fast 8.

While he mentioned no specific names, the 44-year-old, who plays agent Luke Hobbs in the franchise, held absolutely nothing back.

“This is my final week of shooting Fast & Furious 8. There’s no other franchise that gets my blood boiling more than this one,” he began.

The star held nothing back when he blasted his male co-stars for being unprofessional.

Before elaborating on his fury, the actor took a moment to praise his “amazing” female co-stars, which include Michelle Rodriguez, Charlize Theron, Elsa Pataky and Helen Mirren.

“My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken sh– to do anything about it anyway.”

The beloved star included a video with his message… and let’s just say there is A LOT of anger bubbling away. Decide for yourself and check it out in the video below. Post continues…

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The former-wrestler then went on to admit that despite his many years as a Hollywood actor, fans will no doubt be able to see the internal rage through his portrayal of the beloved character.

“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling – you’re right,” he said.

Watch the star flex his muscles for Ellen DeGeneres in the video player below! Post continues…

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Dwayne’s male co-stars, which include Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Scott Eastwood, Kurt Russell, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson and Ludacris, are all yet to respond to the father-of-two’s outlandish comments, which has only done more to fuel speculation among fans.

We suppose we’ll just have to wait until the film’s April release to read The Rock’s body language.

We can’t help but wonder who shares the bad blood on set?

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Amber Heard “cried and yelled” as she refused to testify against Johnny Depp

Amber Heard reportedly broke down ahead of her domestic violence deposition on Saturday.

Amber Heard reportedly “cried and yelled” as she refused to go under oath and face questioning in her domestic violence depositing against her ex, Johnny Depp.

According to TMZ, the 30-year-old actress was “screaming” in defiance and would not enter the room where she was due to give evidence.

TMZ reports:

“Amber showed up around 11:50 AM Saturday for a 10 AM deposition. She was there until around 9 PM but never even walked in the deposition room, where lawyers, a court reporter and videographer were waiting.

“According to new legal docs filed by Johnny’s lawyer, Laura Wasser, Amber repeatedly refused to submit to questioning. According to the docs, at 2 PM Wasser and company wanted Amber to leave the adjoining office where she had been waiting and enter the conference room so the depo could begin.”

Amber has shied away from the public eye since the accusations of domestic violence went public.

It is important to note that it is not uncommon for victims of domestic violence have fear-filled hesitations when it comes to facing up to their alleged attackers in court, but there have been contrary reports saying Amber was compliant. A source reportedly told the Daily Mail that Heard had co-operated in the deposition without protest.

“She was there and ready to proceed. She never refused to go in,” the unnamed source said.

The Rum Diaries actress’ legal team is also accused of not overturning documents that have been requested by Depp’s lawyers, TMZ says.

Depp’s lawyers are now seeking for the domestic violence case against the actor dropped or an order prohibiting Amber from testifying put in place when the case goes to trial next month.

Johnny and Amber together in happier times.

Amber has been granted a temporary restraining order against her estranged husband.

E! is reporting that documents filed to the court indicate that Heard’s close friend, Raquel Pennington and her boyfriend Joshua Drew “will testify to personal observations relating to incidents of domestic violence by [Johnny] including, but not limited to, the domestic violence incident which occurred on May 21, 2016.”

Another friend of Heard’s, iO Tillett Wright is also scheduled to testify and share her “personal observations” involving occurrences of domestic violence. In June, Tillett penned an essay for Refinery29 explaining why she called police on Johnny.

Johnny has also geared up for trial with almost two dozen witness’ lining up to give evidence on his behalf, reports E!

Heard – who has a temporary restraining order against Depp – filed for divorce in May after 15 months of marriage. The split came just days before she alleged he had thrown an iPhone at her face and physically attacked her.

If you or someone you know is at risk of domestic violence you can seek help by calling 1800-RESPECT or 1800 737 732.

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Flight attendant adopts stray dog after he waited outside her hotel for months

He always came back and followed me

A flight attendant from Germany made a new fury friend when she visited Buenos Aires, Argentina earlier this year.

After checking into her hotel after a long flight, Olivia Sievers went for a walk. When she saw an adorable street dog she stopped to give him some attention.

But the poor love starved animal was so overcome that he refused to leave her side.

As she made walked back to the hotel, her new fury friend followed her – and there was nothing she could do to shake him off.

“I tried to change my way because I didn’t want that he follow me back to the hotel,” she told Noticiero Trece.

“But it was not possible. He always came back and followed me. I tried one hour, but he always watched me and followed me. He was really happy that somebody gave him attention.”

The hopeful dog, who she named Rubio, stood at the hotel’s door all night, waiting for Olivia to return.

When the flight attendant returned home to Germany, she almost forgot about the stray dog.

But weeks later, when she found herself back in Buenos Aires for work, the patient pup was still waiting outside the hotel.

And he wasn’t going anywhere. Every time she flew back in to Buenos Aires, Rubio was waiting for her.

Sievers attempted to find a home for the dog, but Rubio ran away from his rescue family, straight back to the hotel.

In the end, there was only one option – Sievers flew Rubio back to Germany to live with her permanently. Showing that persistence always pays off.

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Megan Fox has given her third baby a name that’s not really a name

Megan Fox has another child with partner Brian Austin Green.

Megan Fox has added to her brood of boys, giving birth to another little man.

She welcomed the little bundle of joy, her latest child with estranged husband Brian Austin Green, on August 4.

And they’ve bestowed a rather unusual name on the little fella: Journey River Green. OK then.

The pair are already parents to Noah, three, and two-year-old Bodhi.

Video: Megan Fox says her unborn baby talks to her. Post continues!

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This is Megan’s third baby.

It was less than a year ago that she filed for divorce from her husband after their five-year marriage hit the rocks.

But then she surprised everyone with the unexpected pregnancy news.

It took a while before she revealed Brian was indeed the father.

According to reports, the pair put their split on hold when they found out they were expanding their family.

A source revealed they wouldn’t be moving ahead with the divorce “anytime soon”.

Then Megan’s own dad, Franklin Fox, revealed that the pair were trying to make things work.

The 65-year-old dad revealed: “All I can say is that they are together and they are happy.”

“I’ve met Brian a ton of times now and he is a great guy.”

Story via: Woman’s Day

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