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‘I am a hunter’: Girl, 12 defends pictures of dead giraffe

Aryanna Gourdin is the 12-year-old hunter sparking outrage by posting her big game kills on the internet.

Like many young girls Aryanna Gourdin is keen to show off her hobbies but, unlike most her age, she is sparking outrage because her favourite pastime is killing animals in Africa.

Smiling while standing over the dead carcasses of fallen giraffe, zebra and impala which she hunted while on a recent trip of South Africa the schoolgirl from Utah, in the US, has drawn the wrath of the internet’s animal lovers.

After Aryanna posted some pictures of her “trophies” to her Facebook page, Braids and Bows, she has been labelled an “animal hater” and “a murderer”.


But Aryanna isn’t backing down.

In a recent interview she has told ABC News’ Good Morning America that she is proud of her animal kills with her trusty bow with pink arrows.

“It’s something that I cherish and I enjoy and I want other people to see what I’ve been able to experience,” Aryanna said.

But her critics are also steadfast in their condemnation, even critising her father, Eli Gourdin, for introducing his daughter to the controversial practice.

“A normal dad would take his daughter to africa for a safari and not for hunting animal, for fun!!!!!!” one commenter wrote.

“Thats (sic) so poor. i hope that one day while she is hunting animals, just for fun, she will be killed by one of them!!!!” wrote another.


In the midst of the controversy last week Aryanna posted an apology to Facebook saying: “My last profile picture was very offensive to others and I have learned my lesson.”

But the online scolding isn’t enough to turn Aryanna away from the “sport”.

“I want other women and youth to get into the hunting experiences,” she told GMA. “It’s just awesome.”

“We [hunters] love animals too. It’s just, we also love hunting.”

And not everyone has been critical. Some in the hunting community have come out to back the youngster.

She also said nothing would ever make her stop.

“I would never back down from hunting because I’m a hunter and no matter the people say to me I’m never going to stop,” she said.

The young girl said that her hunts were legal and all the money her family paid to hunt went toward animal conservation.

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5 beauty products you can find in your pantry

Beautiful, radiant skin doesn’t always come in a shiny tube with a $90 price tag.
Miranda kerr

With hundreds of brands and thousands of products to choose from, beauty has become one of the world biggest industries.

But if like us, you’ve found yourself spending the best part of an hour choosing between three equally unpronounceable and expensive eye creams, then this article might just be for you.

We sat down with Woman’s Day’s skincare guru and Acting Beauty Editor, Kelsey Ferencak, to find out which basic pantry staples can be re-purposed as a natural remedy for healthy, clear and radiant skin.

So if you want smooth lips, silky hair and blemish-free skin for a fraction of the cost, then you better keep reading!

Most of us look to coffee as a way to become a friendly, functional human being before 9.00am, but caffeine happens to be a miracle worker that has many magical properties to make your skin sing!

1. Coffee

The antioxidants found in your morning saviour can help reduce the appearance of cellulite by dehydrating and drawing fluids away from fat cells, causing the area to tighten up and smooth out.

Kelsey recommends mixing up a daily shower scrub with equal parts coffee grounds and olive or almond oil.

“Massage in circular motions over any problem areas,” she says, adding “Over time a weekly scrub will help fade dimples and imperfections while stimulating blood flow and smoothing skin.”

2. Paprika

This fiery red ingredient is so much more than a spice.

“For a radiant complexion, mix one tablespoon of ground paprika with honey and smooth on to your face. Rinse the fragrant mask off after ten minutes.”

“The red spice works to detoxify skin, increase circulation and even out pigmentation, leaving you with a rosy glow,” Kelsey explains.

Miley Cyrus is a big fan of using natural ingredients, like avocado, as a nourishing face mask.

3. Coconut oil

This all-in-one miracle product can serve as a moisturiser, lip balm, makeup remover and even a hair treatment, but the list doesn’t end there!

“This multi-tasking product is pretty much found in every celeb’s bathroom cabinet, and for good reason! It’s all-natural, easy to use and cheap,” our beauty ed tells.

“Pop it all over your body after stepping out of the shower, sweep it over your cheeks as an instant highlighter or mix it with baking soda to help whiten your teeth.”

4. Greek yoghurt

By now you’re very aware of the food’s ability to maintain a healthy balance in the gut, but it may surprise you to discover that yoghurt can actually be used as an all-round skin perfecter.

“All that good bacteria in Greek yoghurt means you can say goodbye to blemishes and clogged pores,” reveals our expert.

“Pop it straight on your mug as a cleanser or exfoliating mask and watch the lactic acid loosen dead skin and dissolve dirt and makeup.”

Model muma Chrissy Teigen uses coconut oil as a natural moisturiser for baby Luna!

5. Apple cider vinegar

Another beauty all-rounder is apple cider vinegar, which can be used to shine those tresses, sooth sunburn and tighten skin.

“Pop it on as a toner to help fade pigmentation, use a spot treatment to kick pimples to the curb or add a capful to your bath to tone skin and clear cellulite,” Kelsey advises.

Is it just us, or did Woolworths just become the new Sephora?

Check out Chrissy Teigen’s guide to coconut oil in the video player below!

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30K Muslims just slammed terrorism and the media is silent

“The 30,000-plus people from over 90 countries gathering at the convention come in the spirit of fraternity – and to give thanks for the security and freedom they have found in Britain."

Like clockwork, when a Muslim commits an act of violence, right-wing politicians, pundits and millions of Westerners insist all Muslims must condemn the attacks. While this standard hardly ever applies to Christian, Jewish or Buddhist terrorists, there is another inconsistency in right-wing reasoning: they claim Muslims refuse to condemn terrorism.

But Muslims do oppose radical Islam. In fact, every time an Islamic extremist commits an unthinkable act of violence, protests and renunciations ring out around the world. Muslims issue these condemnations even though they believe anyone who commits violence in the name of Islam is not Islamic at all.

Most recently, 30,000 Muslims from around the world gathered in the United Kingdom to voice their opposition to the Islamic State and other radical groups.

“The only thing the terrorists are achieving is to completely violate the teachings of the Holy Koran and of the Holy Prophet Muhammad,” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the group’s caliphate, said before the three-day convention in Hampshire, as reported by the Daily Mail.

“Let it be clear that they are not practicing Islam, rather it seems as though they have invented their own hate-filled and poisonous religion.”

Attendees came from over 90 countries to make that statement, “reaffirming peace and rejecting extremism while forming a human chain with their arms,” the Daily Mail noted.

For fifty years, the Ahmadiyya Islamic movement has held annual events to renounce violence and extremism in the name of Islam.

The movement was launched in 1889 in Qadanian, a town in Punjab, India, by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who claimed the “Muslim religion and society had deteriorated to the point where divinely inspired reforms were needed.”

Ahmad challenged the notion that Mohammed was the final prophet sent to guide mankind and, conveniently, also claimed to be a messiah. But while his claims may provoke skepticism in non-Muslims and hatred from some orthodox adherents to Islam, the message of peace for all is also a cornerstone of the movement.

As Ahmad said: “We continue to witness grave injustices being committed against innocent people, be they Muslims, Christians, Jews or people any faith or of no faith. This is most reprehensible and there is no justification for such atrocities. All people who wish to promote peace must stand united against such bloodshed.”

The leader also appeared to reference ongoing injustices that often help radicalize vulnerable Muslims.

“Furthermore the world powers must use their influence to engender justice for all,” he said.

“Without justice there can never be peace and unless serious thought and selfless action is taken by governments then the world is slipping rapidly towards an increasing state of conflict. We must turn to God and make every effort to work for unity and to help all those who are suffering. That is the true path to peace.”

The movement has over 129 centers, including the Baitul Futuh Mosque in London, the largest mosque in the Western hemisphere. But they are not the only group — or the largest — to condemn radical Islam.

Nahdlatul Ulama, or NU, was founded in 1926 and boasts 50 million members.

As Huffington Post has explained, it is “part Sunni religious body, part political party and part charity.” NU says its goal is “to spread messages about a tolerant Islam in their respective countries to curb radicalism, extremism and terrorism,” which the organization argues “often spring from a misinterpretation of Islamic teachings.” To do so, the group launched a global anti-extremism campaign last year.

NU was originally founded as a counter-movement to radicalism from Saudi Arabia. In fact, the extremist ideology of Wahhabism has been linked to the growth of ISIS.

As for the United States’ record of disavowing dangerous behavior? Not good. Saudi Arabia, an American ally, has been implicated in the 9/11 terror attacks. The Saudi regime is a gross human rights violator but continues to enjoy the support of the United States government. One would think the United States government would condemn them and sever ties. One might expect millions of Americans who despise violence and tyranny to demand their government renounce Saudi Arabia.

Instead, the United States has backed the Saudis’ pummeling of hospitals, schools, and civilians in Yemen, highlighting the double standard the West harbors when it comes to extreme violence. Apparently, organized violence at the hands of some governments is permissible. Individual acts of violence by adherents to a scapegoated religion are intolerable.

Many Americans and other Westerners insist Muslims do not do enough to combat Islamic extremism, which likely leaves many wondering when Jews will condemn every attack on innocent Palestinians by Israeli soldiers. When will Americans condemn their government’s decades of preemptive war, which have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people?

While Westerners preach morality and peace to Muslims they claim hate the West, the Muslims who gathered in the U.K. this weekend took a different approach: They expressed gratitude for their refuge and pledged loyalty to Britain. The president of the UK Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Rafiq Hayat, said: “The 30,000-plus people from over 90 countries gathering at the convention come in the spirit of fraternity – and to give thanks for the security and freedom they have found in Britain.

Many have fled persecution in other countries and together, they will re-affirm their pledge to follow the true teachings of Islam – that are teachings of peace – and to counter all forms of extremism and intolerance.”

The group’s official motto is “Love for all, hatred for none.”

This article was originally published on True Activist and written by Carey Wedler

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65 years of marriage and as in love as ever

How sweet!

In a fast-moving world where divorce and drama can often feel like the relationships norm, it is refreshingly wonderful to see a couple who are still madly in love even though the honeymoon period and youthful looks have long disappeared.

One elderly couple celebrated 65 years of marriage in a photoshoot that has since been doing the rounds on the internet due to its lovely charm.

The photographs were taken by Breno Rocha Fotografia who uploaded them to his Facebook page.

Click through to see them all and have your faith in true love– and the institution of marriage– restored.

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Oh My GAWD! This is what Janice from Friends actually sounds like!

Oh. My. Gawd!
Maggie Wheeler

Who doesn’t remember Chandler Bing’s hilarious girlfriend Janice Litman.

Turns out the actress behind the iconic character, Maggie Wheeler, sounds NOTHING like her onscreen persona.

The 55-year-old actress, loved for her “Oh. My. Gawd!” catchphrase, visited UK talk show This Morning, and social media went abuzz after they noted the difference in voice.

Chatting about her role, Maggie revealed how Janice’s infamous high-pitched cackle came to be.

“I think it was a progression how Janice evolved and how the writers created the character for me. The laugh happened organically in the first rehearsal because I needed to find a way to laugh because Matthew Perry is so funny.”

“And working with him I knew right away, I thought, ‘This guy is going to make me laugh on set. I’ve gotta be prepared.’ So I created Janice’s laugh just as a safety measure for when Matthew made me laugh.”

Watch her interview in the video below! Article continues…

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Janice is one the show’s most beloved characters!

Maggie admitted that she never expected her role to create so much love.

“It was always a surprise that she continued to have a life on the show.”

“I was always so thrilled every time the writers decided to bring me back,” she said. “It started out as a one-shot deal – come in, do one episode – and out of that came 10 years of this extraordinary, joyful experience.”

Relive the magic of the Janice cackle in the video below!

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Maggie is in London getting ready to participate in Comedy Central’s FriendsFest and the question on everyone’s lips… Will there be a reunion?

“A lot of people ask and I’m sure a lot of people would love it and that part is out of my control,” she explained.

“I don’t know what the future holds but it would be fun. It would be great fun.”

Can you JUST imagine?

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Prince Alexander of Sweden’s christening date has been announced!

Stunning new royal portraits have been unveiled as Prince Alexander’s baptism date is revealed.
Prince Alexander Prince Carl Philip Princess Sofia

He’s stolen hearts around the world and now it’s been confirmed that the newest member of the Swedish royal family will be christened on Friday, September 9.

The sweet son of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia will be baptised before family and friends in the Royal Chapel at the Drottningholm Palace Church, where the christening of the tot’s two cousins, Princess Leonore and Prince Nicolas, also took place.

Throughout the special day, the couple’s first child will don the family’s traditional cotton and lace christening gown – a garment that has been in the family’s possession since Prince Gustaf Adolf’s baptism in 1906.

Previous generations of royal bubs have always worn the special robe, including Prince Alexander’s own father, Prince Carl, and his aunties, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine.

The special day will bring the whole family together!

According to the official program released by the Swedish palace, guests will arrive at 11am for the service which is set to begin at noon.

At the ceremony’s commencement, invitees will be treated to a celebratory lunch and reception, where we’re sure there will be plenty of gushing over the precious four-month-old.

Relive the magic of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia’s 2015 wedding in the video player below! Post continues…

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The news of the bub’s special day was announced as stunning, never-before-seen portraits of the family were released via the Swedish Royal Family’s official Facebook page and website.

In one snap, the genetically-blessed couple stand in the picturesque gardens, cradling their bundle of joy between them.

Another shows the pair’s first-born smiling up at his mum as his handsome father laughs along with him.

Those cheeks! In this stunning new portrait, a proud Prince Carl cradles his four-month-old son. (Image via/www.kungahuset.se)

The first-time parents welcomed their sweet cherub, Prince Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil, Duke of Södermanland, into the world on Tuesday April 19 at 6:25pm at the Danderyd hospital in Stockholm.

Since that memorable day, the pair have opened up about the incredible changes in their lives.

“It’s amazing,” the brunette beauty told Sweden’s Svenskdam during a visit to Stenhammar Palace last month.

“He is very sweet and well-behaved,” the 31-year-old added.

The first snap of baby Alexander was met with a resounding chorus of “awww…”

When asked who the newborn takes after, mum Sofia quipped, “He’s a little mixture of both of us! And it’s different every day.”

And papa Carl couldn’t agree more! “The first time has been a shift, of course, but it is still absolutely amazing and wonderful,” he beamed to which Sofia agreed.

“Having children changes your whole life.”

Do you have an adorable bub? You could win a family holiday to Fiji valued at $10,000, JUST by taking a photo of them! Click here to enter and find out more.

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie celebrate their two year wedding anniversary

Brangelina's sweetest moments, in pictures.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Angelina has cited "irreconcilable differences" as the cause of their split.

It’s a love story so epic, not even a Hollywood screen writer could capture it, fraught with controversy and under the intense pressure of the public eye, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have, despite all the odds, made us believe in love again.

August 23, 2014, marks the date Angelina and Brad Pitt finally tied the knot in an intimate ceremony at Château Miraval in the south of France surrounded by the people that they loved most after nine years, and six kids together.

Two years on from their nuptials we take a look back on their incredible journey to love.

It all began on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith where Angelina, now 41, was famously blamed for ruining the relationship between Brad Pitt, 52, and his former wife Jennifer Aniston. Both camps vehemently denied these claims.

In 2005, Brad and Jen announced their divorce but it wasn’t until 2006 when Ange confirmed she was pregnant with their first daughter Shiloh that the pair first publicly acknowledged their love.

As they celebrate their second year as husband and wife, Brangelina are as happy as ever!

“It did change things,” the Oscar winner admitted of finally marrying Brad to the US’s Today show.

She added: “It was in just a feeling of that security and comfort that we always had, but recommitting after 10 years together.”

The Lara Croft: Tomb Raider actress continued: “We were fortunate enough to be in that unusual situation where we got married with our children, and they were a part of the ceremony and they wrote some of the vows.”

“So it was all of us agreeing to be together and to commit to this life together — not because we had to, not because anything was missing in our lives,” she revealed, before adding: “but because we were absolutely sure. It was really lovely, it was a lovely day.”

Click through to see Brand Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s love story, in their own words

Brad revealed to CBS This Morning in 2012 that despite his wife’s philanthropy and motherhood, she still has a naughty side, “She’s still a bad girl, delightfully so. It’s not for public consumption.”

Pregnant with her first biological child Shiloh, Angie positively glowed.

Angelina told Good Morning America prior to their wedding that there was only one thing that mattered, “I think the important thing is that whatever we do it’s that the kids do have a great time, and we all – you know, take seriously the love, and the connection between all of us. But also just get silly and do something memorable.”

With her man by her side, the talented actress works the 2008 Cannes Red Carpet during her pregnancy with twins.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Angelina, pictured with Brad and their twins Knox and Vivienne in London last year, explained to Hello! after their wedding that Brad, “has expanded my life in ways I never imagined. We built a family. He is not just the love my life, he is my family. I hold that very dear.”

No one loves as hard as Brangie! “One of the best things I’ve done is ensure my kids have a good mother. Of course I want her approval. Angie is a force, she cares deeply. I want her to be proud of her man,” Brad beamed of his wife to Parade magazine in 2011.

The couple that dresses together…

Vintage Brangie! Back in 2005, the pair kept a safe distance as they promoted the film that brought them together – Mr. & Mrs. Smith. **WATCH: The pair’s chemistry spills over as they promote Mr. & Mrs Smith! Gallery continues after the video*

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Despite denying that the pair were together during the filming of Mr and Mrs Smith, Angelina let slip to the Today Show: “Not a lot of people get to see a movie where their parents fell in love. What’s going to be funny is when they think Mum and Dad are a little bit cool. Because right now, we’re not cool Mum and Dad.”

In their epic Hello! Magazine interview to mark their marriage, Angelina got candid about their commitment to each other, “maintaining a marriage and raising kids is hard work. You have to really make sure that your work doesn’t get in the way. That you don’t do something that is going to put too much strain on your family.”

“Our kids have to live behind a gate. Outside, there are people with cameras… But I’ll take the trade-off. I never knew I was capable of experiencing so much love,” Brad told USA Weekend of raising his family in the public eye.

“A family is a risky venture, because the greater the love, the greater the loss. That’s the trade-off. But I’ll take it all,” Brad mused to Parade.

The Fight Club star isn’t shy about expressing his love for his wife, telling USA Today, “There are no secrets at our house. We tell the kids, ‘Mum and Dad are going off to kiss.’ They go, ‘Eww, gross!’ But we demand it.”

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Happy second wedding anniversary! WATCH: Brad talks about Angelina’s decision to have her ovaries removed.

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Why you probably have this strange fear called trypophobia

But is it real?

There are phobias for everything. From buttons to going outside, us humans can be terrified of pretty much everything – and the latest phobia-craze dominating phobia-based forums (if you haven’t wasted an entire evening on these, you don’t know what you’re missing) involves people photoshopping pictures of holes onto human skin.

It’s known as Trypophobia and, if you have a cursory Google, you’ll find the sorts of images that will put you off your lunch. And most lunches for the rest of the week. Actually, meals. Food. It’ll put you off food. But enough about semantics – after a quick whip round in the Debrief office, we found that editor Rebecca has a stronger revulsion than most. And that she thinks she might have Trypophobia.

But is it real? And why are people like Rebecca so afraid of what is essentially a hole? Also, why is everyone posting stuff about it on the internet? I decided to take a closer look, because I’m not that arsed about them. I’m actually eating crisps and salsa while searching for Trypophobia-inducing images because of how fine with holes I am, and I’m really not sure why that sounds so rude.

What is Trypophobia?

The name stems from the greek ‘trypo’ which means ‘hole’ and ‘phobos’ which means ‘arse’. Obviously joking. ‘Phobos’ means ‘fear’, meaning that trypophobia is as simple as it sounds: a fear of holes. Clusters of small holes or bumps that often appear in awful, diseased wounds when maggots or worms have a go at them (yep) qualify as Trypophobia-provoking, but so do tube-like industrial photos. And holes in leaves or soil.

To further explain, feast your eyes on these pictures of holes.

A person with Trypophobia will have a typically strong reaction to pretty much all of these hole pictures. ‘[I feel] really shivery and a bit sick,’ says Rebecca. While shivering and looking like she might be a bit sick. ’Even thinking about it now is making me feel a bit grossed out – I can’t really explain or rationalise it, it’s a very physical, instinctive thing – if I glance at a picture with lots of holes in it, then I’ll react to it physically before I’ve even really processed what it actually is…’

For anyone wanting an update as to my own level of Trypophobia, I’ve stopped eating chips and dip and am now eating ice cream.

Trypophobia score: -5.

Legend score: 250,000.

Is Trypophobia an actual phobia?

The term was actually coined in an online forum in 2005, rather than by a physician, due to an influx if people coming into the surgery crying about holes. Which sort of gives you an idea as to how the medical world views it. ‘Never heard of this,’ said a spokesperson for the British Psychological Society, who typically have reams of doctors on their books specialising in a variety of phobias. ‘I can give you the names of people who know about phobias in general?’

Trypophobia also isn’t recognised in the DSM-V, the big ole manual of known psychiatric disorders. But this doesn’t mean Rebecca, and people who find these hole pictures totally repulsive, are lying.

Thing is, you can find something repulsive without it actually being a phobia. A phobia is an irrational fear of something, with the operative word here being ‘irrational’. Think of it as the difference between this guy I met at a party saying he’s scared of milk and my boyfriend who is scared of being eaten by a shark if he goes in the sea. When I was told the milk thing, I was like ‘What? Like, in a carton?’ and he got really defensive ‘ at my tone’ – but I couldn’t help being fascinated, because it’s totally irrational. When my boyfriend explained he is frightened of being eaten by a shark, it was fairly easy to see where he was coming from. He doesn’t have a phobia of sharks. He has evolved to avoid things that might kill him.

This is known as biological revulsion, and is crucial to what Trypophobia actually is.

If it’s not an actual phobia, why am I repulsed by holes?

As Rebecca, our resident hole-fearing woman says: ‘In a weird way I find the plant ones really gross because it reminds me of something rotting/going off. In terms of skin etc, anything that looks like it might be fungal or, again, rotting is the worst. And it doesn’t matter that I know it isn’t, or it’s been photoshopped.’

This is because Rebecca has a strong biological revulsion reflex. Back in 2013, Arnold Wilkins and George Cole from the University of Essex found that 16 percent of 286 people surveyed were upset by images the scientists had identified as inducing trypophobia.

They believed that the fear came from a programming within us to avoid things that could harm us. Just like how some people can’t deal with gore, the majority of the population prefer to avoid playing about in dog shit, we re evolutionarily programmed to not mess about with stuff like could give us a virus (dog shit) or hurt us (blood and gore makes us wince because it’s empathetic, and we want to avoid this happening to us at all costs). It induces a fight-or-flight reaction within us; but the interesting part comes as to why some people are more susceptible to it than others.

It’s interesting, because nobody knows exactly why. Similar to why some people faint at the sight of blood, and others don’t; experts agree that it’s down to an evolutionary response to protect us (If you are unconscious, you won’t bleed as quickly. Clever right?) but they’re not in agreement as to why some are more susceptible to others. It could be down to hormones, genetics, or environmental factors.

To summarise…

Trypophobia isn’t a recognised phobia, because it’s not irrational, it’s an evolutionary need to avoid things that could harm us (i.e. disease, maggots, you get the idea). Some people are more susceptible to it, but experts don’t know why. And if someone at a party says they’re scared of milk, don’t have an edge in your voice when you reply because they’ll get really pissed off with you.

This article was originally published on The DeBrief

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Chris Hemsworth is making everyone’s day in Brisbane

Actor Chris Hemsworth has made fans days as he stopped for an impromptu meet and greet in Brisbane's CBD.

Actor Chris Hemsworth has made fans days as he stopped for an impromptu meet and greet in Brisbane’s CBD.

The Thor star was filming the action release on the Gold Coast when he took a break to meet crowds of fans and take some selfies with them.

“Thank you Brisbane for letting us disrupt the traffic and shoot a piece for our little film #thorragnarok in your beautiful city!!! @taikawaititi @twhiddleston @australia,” an ever good-looking Chris wrote alongside a picture he uploaded to Instagram.

There’s no denying the 33-year-old is one of the sexiest men alive. In fact, in 2012 he was given that very title by People Magazine precisely for his good looks.

The husband to Spanish model Elsa Pataky, and dad to India, Sasha and Tristan has certainly come a long way from his Home and Away days.

Since first appearing on the scene in 2004 he has appeared in movies such as Star Trek, A Perfect Getaway, The Avengers, Snow White and the Huntsman and most notably, Thor.

Born and raised in the sunburnt country, splitting time between Sydney and Los Angeles, Chris encompass exactly what it means to be a down-to-earth Aussie bloke, husband and dad – and he’s not bad to look at either.

Click through to see 10 more of the ever-charming boy from Summer Bay’s hunkiest moments.

“Thank you Brisbane for letting us disrupt the traffic and shoot a piece for our little film #thorragnarok in your beautiful city!!! @taikawaititi @twhiddleston @australia,” Chris captioned the happy snap.

When he posed alongside his genetically-blessed brothers Liam and Luke at the Premiere Of the film ‘Vacation’.

When he took a close look at a wax figure of himself in character as Thor.

When he walked the red carpet of the film, ‘In The Heart of the Sea,’ with wife Elsa.

Every time he’s been on Jimmy Kimmel, or any late-night take show, ever.

When he made this dinosaur themed birthday cake for his daughter India’s birthday all by himself.

When he got up close and personal with a kangaroo and didn’t think twice.

When he looked like this for the entirety of Thor.

When he channeled some Kung fu panda while on holidays in Hamilton Island.

When he made his daughter a late-night snack after spending the evening at the premiere of The Huntsman.

When he dominated the waves near his home in Byron Bay.

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Sara Connor’s British boyfriend reportedly admits to hitting police officer

British man David Taylor has reportedly confessed to to hitting a police officer over the head with a pair of binoculars.
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British murder suspect David Taylor has reportedly confessed to attacking a Balinese policeman on Kuta beach while his Australian girlfriend, Sara Connor, has denied any involvement.

Mr Taylor has reportedly told police he struck the officer, Wayan Sudarsa, with his own binoculars, a beer bottle and old mobile phone during a fight on the Bali beach.

According to the ABC, after being interrogated for about 12 hours Mr Taylor’s court appointed lawyer, Haposan Sihombing, said his client told police he and Ms Connor were looking for her missing handbag on the beach when they saw a man in the area who turned out to be a police officer.

“There was a struggle between David and the victim on the beach. Also on the sand. When they were fighting David saw Sara behind the victim. Sara tried to break up the fight.”

“David saw binoculars on the victim’s neck. He then used the binoculars to hit the victim’s head twice,” Mr Sihombing said, reports Fairfax media.

The police officer suffered horrific injuries and is believed to have had 42 gashes on his body.

Sara Connor’s lawyer claims the mother-of-two played no part in the police officer’s murder.

“Our client regrets what he did on the incident of the 17th” the lawyer said.

Lawyers for Ms Connor, a 45-year-old mother of two from Byron Bay, emerged last night to address the media.

“According to the result of the investigation today, Sara said that she was not involved in this murder, she was not involved at all with this murder,” the Australian woman’s lawyer Erwin Siregar explained.

“Sara tried to separate David and the victim, but she could not do it and then because of that the victim bit the right hand of Sara and also the leg on the left side.”

Both are still being detained for allegedly murdering the local policeman.

Story via The Australian Women’s Weekly

Both Sara, pictured, and David are still being detained for allegedly murdering the local policeman.

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