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Intruder Sarah leaves The Bachelor Australia

Sadly for Sarah, she couldn't intrude on Richie Strahan's heart, as she was eliminated on Thursday night's episode of The Bachelor Australia.
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With only eight bachelorettes left, things certainly got heated as the girls were taken on a very Scottish group date.

Filled with dancing, the highlands and a haggis eating contest, it seemed like intruder Sarah Harding was catching Richie’s attention for all the wrong reasons.

The 26-year-old motorbike saleswoman couldn’t help but flash her black underwear while competing in a sheaf toss challenge.

“I think I’m mooning a lot of people at the same time,” she admitted.

One person who had no issue getting their kit off was Alex during her delicious single date filled with chocolates, an edible bath and of course that red rose.

Sadly for Sarah, her heart was left in the highlands, with Richie saying goodbye to her.

We caught up with eliminated motorbike lover to chat about her brief time in the house.

What did you think of Richie when you first met him?

I thought he was lovely, really handsome and just a really genuine nice guy.

Did he give you any indication of what kind of girls he likes? Did he give you any particular compliments?

He said I looked nice in my motorbike stuff. I think we talked about things we had in common but I guess I didn’t ask what kind of girls he likes.

What are your feelings towards Richie at this point?

I still think he is an awesome guy. He is a nice, genuine, lovely man who is going to make some girl really happy.

The 26-year-old blonde from the Gold Coast rode into the show and created a storm!

Is there anything about you that you wished Richie had got to know or got to know differently?

Ye,s I wish he got to know me a little bit more in a closer setting. With the girls around I got a little nervous but if I had got to have a single date, he would have got to know my personality without me being nervous.

If you had your time over in the house, would you do anything differently?

I would probably be a bit more confident in myself. By being confident, I would have thought a bit more about the questions to ask Richie and gone a little deeper when answering a bit deeper.

What was your favourite moment in the Bachelor experience?

Going on the dirt bike date and riding bikes with Richie.

Watch Sarah’s highlight’s from tonight’s episode in the player below! Article continues…

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What would you say was your lowest moment on the show?

My second rose ceremony when the other girls went home and I got the rose instead of them, I felt really bad. I hate seeing other people upset and hurt, I would rather be upset myself.

Who was your best friend in the house and why?

Steph, she was always there to talk to me. I made friends with all of the girls, they are really beautiful girls and I can’t wait to talk to them after they are out of the house.

Is there anyone from the show you’re happy to say goodbye to and why?

Not really. I thought all of the girls were really lovely.

Sarah with her fellow intruders, now-eliminated Khalia, and still-vying for Richie, Steph.

While Sarah had eyes for the hunky WA boy, sadly the feeling wasn’t mutual.

What’s next for you out in the real world?

Getting back into work and the gym and hopefully finding another nice guy.

Do you still believe in love?

I still believe in love, hopefully with someone who is out there for me… and hopefully he likes motorbikes!

What advice would you give to the girls left in the show?

To not waste any time and use every moment to tell Richie your feeling, as you only have one chance and you don’t want them to go to waste.

Who do you think is going to win?

I’m hoping Faith but maybe Alex.

Check out Alex’s adverse reaction to the intruders in the video below!

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5 high-iron foods that aren’t meat

Check out our top five ways to meet you daily iron needs – no steak necessary!
Halle Berry

Iron is considered an essential mineral for your body’s everyday function.

While it helps to carry fresh oxygen through your blood, iron also aids in healthy immune function, cognitive performance and you guessed it, energy.

To reach the daily quota, the average woman should consume about 18 mg of iron, while men require less at 8 mg.

Vegans and vegetarians will know that trying to meet this daily requirement can indeed be a challenge, but with one third of the world’s population deemed iron-deficient it would seem that this struggle isn’t exclusive to non-meat eaters.

Many believe that the best way to hit the mark is to gobble up a juicy steak, but it may surprise you to discover that there are several delicious and even more nutritious meat-free ways and to get your daily serve.

Keep reading to discover our top 5 iron-packed foods!

Try this ginger soy bean soup from our friends over at Food To Love!

1. Spinach

Popeye wasn’t wrong about this super-food.

With a reputation for being incredibly healthy, spinach packs around 20 different vitamins and minerals, while being one of the highest natural sources of iron.

Just one cup of cooked spinach will provide your body with 6.4 milligrams of irony goodness in just 40 calories.

That’s more than a steak, and over one third of your daily requirements in one delicious side dish!

2. Soy beans

With almost double the iron of a steak; 100 grams of soybeans contain just over 5 milligrams of iron, making them one of the easiest ways to reach your daily quota.

These little gems are also a source of eight essential amino acids, making them the only complete non-animal protein, and what’s more, they’re abundant in fiber, calcium and B vitamins.

Try adding these gems to your soups or salads for a great tasting iron kick.

Substitute meat with lentils using this lentil sausage rolls with tomato sumac salad recipe.

3. Lentils

Plenty of vegetarians share a concern in reaching their daily protein and iron requirements; but thanks to lentils you can kill two birds with one delicious stone!

With 3.3 milligrams of iron and 26 grams of protein per 100 grams, lentils come in at a close second from soybeans. They’re also rich in potassium, fibre and vitamin B1.

From curry and soup, to burgers and pastas, there’s really no limit as to what you can whip up using these bad boys.

4. Potatoes

Somewhere along the line, potatoes got confused as a starchy ball full of calories, rather than the delicious super-food they really are.

One medium potato, cooked with the skin on, contains 3.2 milligrams of irony goodness. That’s almost one fifth of your daily needs!

And since these fluffy nuggets also contain generous amounts of vitamin C, you can be sure that every last bit will be absorbed by the body.

Duchess Catherine and Prince William

Duchess Catherine knows the amazing benefits of dark chocolate…

5. Dark chocolate

Because we just had to include something sweet!

We bet you’ll be thrilled to discover that a huge 8 milligrams of iron can be found in just 100 grams of delicious dark chocolate – that’s almost 45% of your daily needs.

Now we don’t suggest that you make this a daily habit – because we’re talking about a lot of calories here, but for a midnight snack or movie night binge? Why not.

Everything in moderation, right?

Watch Jamie Oliver and Taylor Swift’s Bake Off in the video player below!

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Top chef brands vegans as a ‘sect’ who should all be ‘killed’

The well-known chef has come under fire after making horrific comments about vegans on a television show.

Italian chef Gianfranco Vissani has been branded a “hateful human” after he revealed his disturbing opinion of vegans.

Appearing on Italian cooking show In Onda, the TV chef and restaurateur labelled vegans a “sect” and declared “I would kill them all”.

The high-profile cook said, “Vegans? They’re like the members of a sect. They’re like Jehovah’s Witnesses. I’d kill them all.”

Top chef Gianfranco Vissani made some very controversial comments about vegans while on television

Another chef appearing on the show told Gianfranco to “stop saying stupid things” following the fiery comments.

Social media erupted with backlash against the chef.

“Gianfranco Vissani is disgusting in his attitudes. How about live and let live, buddy? Vegans aren’t hurting you!” one person wrote on Twitter.

Another user added, “Chef Gianfranco Vissani shows he’s a very hateful man. Ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool.”

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Facebook knows these 98 personal things about you

You might not know it, but the social media giant is watching your every move online.
Mark Zuckerberg

Have you ever wondered how Facebook knows to show you an ad for that new sofa or the cute shoes you’ve been lusting after?

It’s because Mark Zuckerberg and his team of geniuses collect your personal data from third party websites and apps as well as on the platform itself.

They know everything from your relationship status to what brand of credit cards you use – data which they say serves the purpose of showing you more personalised and relevant ads.

According to The Washington Post, Facebook knows or will find out these 98 things about you and your life through all the data collected from your time online.

  1. Your location

  2. Age

  3. Generation

  4. Gender

  5. Language

  6. Education level

  7. Field of study

  8. School

  9. Ethnic background

  10. Income and net worth

  11. Home ownership and type of home

  12. Value of home

  13. Size of your property

  14. Square footage of home

  15. The year your home was built

  16. Who lives in your house

  17. Whether you have an anniversary approaching in the next month

  18. If you’re living away from family or hometown

  19. Whether you’re friends with someone who has an anniversary, is newly married or engaged, recently moved, or has an upcoming birthday

  20. If you’re in a long-distance relationship

  21. f you’re in a new relationship

  22. If you have a new job

  23. If you’re recently engaged

  24. If you’ve just got married

  25. If you’ve moved house recently

  26. When your birthday is coming up

  27. Parents

  28. Expectant parents

  29. Mothers, divided by ‘type’ (which includes ‘soccer mums’ or other maternal tribes)

  30. If you are likely to engage in politics

  31. Whether you are conservative or liberal

  32. Relationship status

  33. Employer

  34. Industry

  35. Job title

  36. Office type

  37. Interests

  38. Whether you own a motorcycle

  39. If you’re planning to buy a car

  40. If you have purchased auto parts or accessories recently

  41. If you are likely to buy auto parts or services

  42. The style and brand of your car

  43. The year your car was bought

  44. Age of car

  45. How much money you’re likely to spend on next car

  46. Where you are likely to buy next car from

  47. How many employees your company has

  48. If you own small businesses

  49. If you work in management or are executives

  50. If you have donated to charity (divided by type)

  51. Operating system

  52. If you play browser games

  53. If you own a gaming console

  54. If you have created a Facebook event

  55. If you have used Facebook Payments

  56. If you have spent more than average on Facebook Payments

  57. If you administer a Facebook page

  58. If you have recently uploaded photos to Facebook

  59. Internet browser

  60. Email service

  61. Early/late adopters of technology

  62. If you are an expat and what country you left

  63. If you belong to a credit union, national bank or regional bank

  64. If you are an investor

  65. Number of credit lines

  66. If you are an active credit card user

  67. Credit card type

  68. If you own a debit card

  69. If you carry a balance on your credit card

  70. If you listen to the radio

  71. What TV shows you like

  72. If you use a mobile device and what brand it is

  73. Internet connection type

  74. If you have recently bought a smartphone or tablet

  75. Whether you access the internet through a smartphone or tablet

  76. If you use coupons

  77. The type of clothing your household buys

  78. Which time of year you do the most shopping

  79. Whether you are a ‘heavy’ buyer of beer, wine or spirits

  80. What groceries you buy

  81. Whether you buy beauty products

  82. Whether you buy medications

  83. Whether you buy/spend money on household products

  84. Whether you buy/spend money on products for kids or pets, and what kinds of pets

  85. If your household makes more purchases than is average

  86. If you tend to shop online or offline

  87. The types of restaurants user you eat at

  88. The kinds of stores you shop at

  89. If you’re interest in adverts offering auto insurance, mortgages or satellite telly

  90. Length of time user you have lived your house

  91. If you are likely to move soon

  92. If you are interested in sport

  93. If you travel frequently

  94. Whether you commute to work

  95. The type of holiday you enjoy

  96. If you have recently returned from a holiday

  97. If you have used a travel app

  98. Whether you are involved in a timeshare

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James Corden speaks candidly about Hollywood’s perception of bigger people

The popular talk show host talks about his beef with Hollywood in Rolling Stone magazine.
James Corden

James Corden has anchored himself as one of Hollywood’s greatest talk show hosts, but the 38-year-old has a bone to pick with the entertainment industry.

Appearing on the cover of Rolling Stone – in bed and in the buff, no less – the Late Late Show host says he could never understand why larger people are always portrayed differently in movies.

“I could never understand when I watch romantic comedies the notion that for some reason unattractive or heavy people don’t fall in love,” James told the magazine.

“If they do, it’s in some odd, kooky, roundabout way — and it’s not. It’s exactly the same.”

The popular talk show host says “heavy people” fall in love just like everyone else, despite what romcoms portray

The British star went on to explain how he met his wife of almost four years, Julia Carey.

“I met my wife, she barely owned a television and worked for Save the Children. We sat down one night and we fell in love and that was it,” he explained.

James was well known in his native England, but only became a household name globally after signing on with the US talk show last year.

The 38-year-old went on to explain how he met his wife Julia

The former Broadway theatre star also opened up about how he dealt with growing up as a bigger kid.

“If you’re big at school, you’ve really got two choices,” he shared.

“You’re going to be a target. If you go to school and you’re me, you go, ‘Right, I’m just going to make myself a bigger target. My confidence, it will terrify them.’ That’s how I felt in school.”

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The internet is suspicious about Carrie Bickmore’s new hair colour

Carrie Bickmore debuted a dramatic new hair colour this week, and people of the internet have plenty of questions.
Carrie Bickmore

Carrie Bickmore ditched her blonde locks and stepped over to the dark side this week and we are totally digging the new do.

Earlier in the week The Project host said she was ready for a new look after basically being a blonde forever.

“Do you know, I have the same colour hair for 35-years and I was bored and I thought, ‘Why not!'” Carrie explained. “I’m giving it a whirl.”

Naturally, the Garnier Nutrisse ambassador’s brunette locks also provided the perfect chance to spruik the brand’s hair dye range.

After unveiling the dramatic change a new ad claims Carrie’s colour is the result of using packet dye, Garnier Nutrisse Number 6 Acorn to be precise.


But social media users have been quick to question whether the TV host’s hair transformation was in fact created using dye straight from the packet.


Well ladies and gentlemen, apparently it was from a packet.

As told to Mamamia:

Garnier spokeswoman Debbie Watson confirmed to Mamamia Garnier products were used and that Carrie had a team of colour experts to take her from blonde to brunette on Saturday morning — the same day the TV ad campaign was shot.

“Due to the nature of the campaign and the desire to have an exciting, big reveal (like on The Project Monday night) … they had to do it quickly,” Watson said.

The brand’s spokeswoman admitted that colour correction was involved as blonde hair can tint a little green if dark dye is put right on top.

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Renee Zellweger is fed up with being questioned about ageing

The 47-year-old actress says ageing isn't a "negative" thing and would like for it to stop being a topic of interviews.
Renee Zellweger

As Renee Zellweger comes back from her six-year hiatus from Hollywood to promote her new film Bridget Jones’s Baby, the 47-year-old actress is baffled as to why everyone is only interested in talking about her looks.

In an interview for The Hollywood Reporter, the Texas-born star got fired up after she was questioned about ageing in the showbiz industry.

“I’ve never seen the maturation of a woman as a negative thing,” Renee said in the cover story.

“I’ve never seen a woman stepping into her more powerful self as a negative. But this conversation perpetuates the problem.”

She went on to add, “Why are we talking about how women look? Why do we value beauty over contribution?”

“We don’t seem to value beauty over contribution for men. It’s simply not a conversation.”

The 47-year-old actress says men’s looks aren’t under anywhere near as much scrutiny as women’s

The fascination with Renee’s face has been ongoing since she stepped out at ELLE’s Women in Hollywood Awards in 2014, sparking speculation she’s had plastic surgery.

She put the rumours to bed after explaining that her different looks were a result of being “healthy” and simply getting “older”.

Or so she thought.

The issue re-surfaced when a film critic for Variety questioned the actress’ looks in a piece titled Renee Zellweger: If She No Longer Looks Like Herself, Has She Become a Different Actress? in June.

Renee responded in an essay penned for Huffington Post, in which she wrote, “Not that it’s anyone’s business, but I did not make a decision to alter my face and have surgery on my eyes.”

In the piece titled We Can Do Better, the actress also pointed out that the media’s focus on trivial things like appearance “increasingly takes air time away from the countless significant unprecedented current events affecting our world.”

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Blake Lively’s STUNNING maternity style

As Blake Lively awaits the arrival of her second baby with hubby Ryan Reynolds, we take a look at all the blonde beauty’s best maternity looks.
Blake Lively

Hot muma Blake Lively has been out and about promoting her new film The Shallows and we couldn’t help but notice that she manages to show off multiple stylish outfits in the one day!

Her husband, Ryan Reynolds may be the Green Lantern but it looks like the expectant mother-of-one has picked up a superpower of her own – lightning-fast wardrobe changes!

On June 20, the Gossip Girl star changed her look not one, not two, but THREE times, and in true Serena style, she pulled it all off without a hair out of place!

As she awaits the arrival of her second bub, we take a look at all the blonde beauty’s best maternity looks.

Click through the gallery to see more!

What a way to make an entrance! The expectant-mama recently stepped out in New York donning what is perhaps the prettiest summer dress we’ve ever laid eyes on.

We absolutely adored this pom pom frock worn by the Gossip Girl beauty as she continued her press tour for The Shallows.

The pregnant beauty was positively glowing when she attended the Target Cat And Jack in New York this week. The 28-year-opted for a flattering floral ensemble, flowing locks and chic silver heels.

Showing off her maternal side, Blake cuddled up to the gorgeous children at the event.

After the bash, the mother-of-one slipped into more comfortable shoes donning a pair of Converse. “Milkshake: check. Comfortable shoes: check. Having a slit in your dress to make you feel better about the aforementioned: check,” Blake joked. Watch Blake talk about her pregnancy in the next slide. Gallery continues after the video!

The hot mama is back at it again! Blake is on the promotional tour for her next flick, Woody Allen’s film Cafe Society. The 28-year-old donned a very pretty lace neon pink dress designed by Jonathan Simkhai. And the only thing sweeter than her growing bump was her stunning lock, pinned to one-side.

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Blake Lively on her pregnancy

On June 22, the pretty blonde was spotted leaving her New York hotel in this stunning, detailed midi dress complete with strappy shoes.

And it’s clear her pregnancy cravings haven’t taken a toll on her enviable physique! “I do have a sweet tooth, but a good sweet tooth—not overly sweet, not saccharin [artificial sweets]. Like dark chocolate,” Blake admitted.

The stunning blonde stepped out in this edgy tutu for the premiere of her new film The Shallows in New York City.

Making a statement in royal blue, the soon-to-be mother-of-two sat down with Jimmy Fallon to talk about her sweet family. Watch Blake talk describe seeing Ryan Reynolds’ sex scenes as “a cruel and unusual form of torture” in the next slide!

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In the same day, Blake stepped out a canary yellow dream in this flowing, embellished maxi-dress paired perfectly with a denim jacket.

Looking like a prima ballerina, the Age of Adeline star strutted her stuff around Manhattan in this feathered mini with an unexpected hoodie.

In the same day, the A-lister also opted for a tight, burgundy dress that showed off the curves of her burgeoning bump.

Proudly showing off her long legs, the hot mama stepped out in this bedazzled rose gold frock.

Back in May, the Queen of Cannes showed off her burgeoning baby bump in this jaw-dropping, sky-blue beaded gown.

The lady in red! Blake sure knows how to dress up for any occasion.

Underneath this drop dead gorgeous, rose gold dress, the teeny tiny baby bump of her second child can be made out.

Blake went both bold and beautiful with this striped evening outfit.

The striking beauty, pictured here at the 2016 Met Gala, stole the show in this baby pink gown.

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This baby’s dress ups is next level

How cute is this?!

How’s this for cute?

New mum Laura Izumikawa Choi didn’t want her baby photos to be anything near conventional, so she made the most of her daughter’s every nap time.

Laura snaps her four-month-old Joey sleeping in various costumes and dressed up as different pop culture icons. Luckily for us, she shares all the snaps on Instagram.

“I would end up just staring at her face all day and night because I was just so in love,” Laura told The Huffington Post.

“Because Joey slept so deeply, I thought it’d be fun adding little props on her just to send some hilarious pictures to our parents. It was a way to memorialize her growth and little milestones.”

Take a click through the adorable gallery and tell us which look is your favourite.

You can follow Laura on Instagram here.

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Is this dress appropriate for a wedding? The internet can’t decide


If you’ve ever been invited to a wedding, the invite normally gives you some vague dress code cue, such as ‘black tie’, ‘smart casual’ or ‘cocktail’, but the truth is there’s way more to wedding guest dressing than simply finding a ‘nice dress’.

In fact, the list of what’s deemed ‘inappropriate’ often feels so dang long that just give up and resort to buying a brand new dress just for the occasion. As far as colours go, you can’t wear black, white, red, cream, blush or anything considered too ‘short’, ‘casual’ or ‘sexy’.

I mean, we don’t want to get this reaction when we rock up to our friend’s nuptials do we?

Basically, it’s a total minefield and nobody really knows what they’re doing so they all end up opting for some version of a pink shift.

But what about items of clothing that feature the ~FoRbIdDeN~ colours as part of a pretty pattern? Well one Reddit user, honeycomehome, has asked just this, sharing a picture of a white and red floral dress with the question ‘is this dress too white to wear to a wedding?’.

And, the internet being the internet, everyone had an opinion.

Some said the dress wasn’t really ‘white’, per se, but more ‘floral’, and so it was totally fine to wear.

Meanwhile, others said that if you’re not sure about it, it’s probably a no-go (y’know, ’cause it’s better safe than sorry).

Honestly, who even knows anymore?

Our advice? If you’re in this predicament, save yourself some cash and just borrow a dress from a mate, as you do not want to be ‘that person’ who triggers the bridezilla on her big day. Just sayin’.

Story via: Cosmopolitan

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