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Shake it off: How Chrissy lost 29kg

And how years of yo-yo dieting stopped, finally.

When Chrissy, 41, found herself unable to get up the stairs without taking a break, she knew she had to make a change. So when a friend raved about The Lady Shake, Chrissy tried it and couldn’t believe how easy it was to incorporate it into her life and the impressive results she saw.

Drink to her success

Chrissy found The Lady Shake incredibly easy to incorporate into her life. “Being as simple as replacing two meals, it was super easy to just have a shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch,” she explains. “I also made sure I had my two snacks (each approximately 150 calories and under 5 grams of sugar) and a healthy balanced evening meal.”

One of the things that impressed Chrissy was just how effortless it all was. “The Lady Shake is incredibly easy to use.” she says. “Just mix two scoops and water! Having a shake for breakfast and lunch saved me time in the morning because The Lady Shake takes the guesswork out of your day. It takes less than a minute to make breakfast and lunch.”

And for dinner? “My evening meal was anything from cauliflower fried rice and steamed dumplings, zucchini noodles and freshly made tomato sauce, lean grilled chicken or steak with salad, scrambled eggs and mushrooms on toast. I had my treat meal once a week, which was anything I felt like, from pasta, lasagne or burgers.”

It sounds so simple, but Chrissy saw remarkable results straightaway. “I lost 1.4kg in my first week,” she reveals. “I couldn’t believe the number staring back at me from the scales. This quickly became motivation for me to keep going. I had weeks with no losses or even a small gain, but weight loss isn’t linear. Consistency was key for my journey and, sure enough, my weight would drop the following week.”

Chrissy’s advice is to start now – “Start today, don’t wait for Monday or a new month or after a holiday or event, start now! This is a lifestyle change with new habits that will set you up for long-term success.”

Moving on up! 

To build on her success, Chrissy, who was already active, added extra workouts into her day.

“I started walking a lot,” she explains. “Just around our neighbourhood. I also used an online workout app to do light weights, spin, yoga and combat classes. I also do Physical Culture.” Now Chrissy does weights two to three times per week, as well as cardio classes such as Spin and Combat or she walks two to three times per week as well as Physical Culture twice a week. 

Chrissy’s advice is to not make exercise so complicated that it’s hard to fit into your lifestyle. “Start off with small goals; walking for 20 minutes and increasing five minutes each time you head out. You don’t need fancy equipment, you’d be surprised what you can achieve with some hand weights and a yoga mat!”

Pretty soon you’ll be looking forward to those workouts. “Exercise is vital to my mental health,” says Chrissy. “It also has helped with muscle building and toning. I am a strong advocate of women of all ages to do resistance training.”

Mastering Mindfulness 

Diet, exercise and mindfulness is the trio for success. So how did Chrissy keep her motivation and look after her wellbeing during this time? 

“I set small attainable goals and rewarded myself at each milestone so the overall goal wasn’t overwhelming,” says Chrissy. “I also enjoyed my treat meal each week, guilt free.”

“The sense of accomplishment is so rewarding and I feel it every single day. I jump out of bed now, instead of stumble. Knowing how much good I have done and continue to do for my health makes me look forward to the future. Now, working out is my ‘me time’. I zone out and concentrate on moving my body, clearing my thoughts and enjoying the moment.”

How is Chrissy maintaining her healthy and fabulous new figure? With The Lady Shake, of course. “I’m maintaining my loss with one shake per day, usually breakfast,” she says. “I have also kept my new healthy eating habits and not slipped back into my old ways.”

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