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Demi Moore’s daughters consider restraining order

Demi Moore’s daughters consider restraining order

The three daughters of troubled star Demi Moore are considering taking a restraining order out against her.

Previous reports have suggested that the relationship between the 49-year-old and the daughters she had with Bruce Willis had reached “breaking point” with numerous fights.

“Rumer, Scout and Tallulah are seriously considering taking out a restraining order against Demi to stop her from contacting them,” an unnamed source told RadarOnline.

“They made it clear to her weeks ago that they do not want to talk to her right now but she is still trying to contact them.”

Demi, who is “beside herself” over the loss of contact has tried time and time again to make contact with her daughters, but they refuse to speak to her.

“Demi has been calling them incessantly and emailing them, leaving them tearful messages and begging them to call her and the girls are sick of it,” the unnamed source said.

“It is a really drastic measure and not something they are considering lightly but they just feel like they want some peace and quiet.”

Her daughters supported her through her break-up with Ashton Kutcher and rehab, but now they don’t want to “deal with the drama” surrounding their mother and feel that they need time out.

“Demi is just being very needy right now and the girls are tired of it. They want a mother not another little sister,” the source said.

“They are all concerned that she is going to relapse and head back to rehab and they can’t deal with the stress and worry of it.”

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